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Bangkok To Pataya By Road


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Hi guys am planning to Visit bangkok next month and pataya is also in the list it's a 5 days trip. Which city should I spend more time ? Also planning to take a vehicle from bangkok. Heard that bikes are not allowed in highways. Do we have any alternate route or should I take a public transportation?

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1. You should spend 3 days in Bangkok and 2 days in Pattaya.

2. Motorbikes are not permitted on the overhead Bang NaTrat Expressway or the Bangkok-Chonburi Motorway.

3. Alternative route is to drive underneath the overhead Bang NaTrat Expressway. Very simple.

4. If you do 3, public transportation is not necessary.

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3. Alternative route is to drive underneath the overhead Bang NaTrat Expressway. Very simple.

4. If you do 3, public transportation is not necessary.

Can you please give more detail about the route ? Coz this is my first visit to Thailand. So I'm not familiar with route naming. And we are four of us and planning to take two bike ( probably big bikes)

Sent from my HTC Explorer A310e using Thaivisa Connect App

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It depends where you are staying in Bangkok. But it will most likely be this:

Sukhumvit Road out of central Bangkok underneath the BTS sukhumvit line. About 500m past Udom Suk BTS station (E12) is the Bang - Na tradt road. You will see the elevated road above and the road below at 90 degrees to you.

There is a filter lane (to the left) which you take before you get to the traffic lights. Then be very careful as there is buses, coaches and minbuses all pulling in and out there followed by many lanes and roads converging.

You basically need to keep following the road above you in the sky. There is a side road or use the main central road.

Now you can just stay on this road all the way to Pattaya where once there you turn right to head towards the sea and town.

It's a bit confusing as the Sukhumvit carries on straight where you turned off down to Samut Prakan and then swings back up. The Bang Na - Tradt is a short cut , cutting out the trip to Samut Prakan. Erm what I'm trying to say is you turn off the Sukhumvit road onto the Bang Na tradt , but after 50km the road is the Sukhumvit again. Confused ?

Anyway as said once you've turned off onto the Bang Na tradt after Udom Suk BTS Station just keep going staight for about 120-130 km.

After about 60km (before that it's just factories really) after you turn off you will go through Chonburi City, then Bang Saen, Nong mon market, Bang Pra, Sri Racha, Laem Chabang then Pattaya. I can't think what other towns are between Sri Racha and Pattaya as I hardly ever drive it.

Both Chonburi and Nong Mon have by-passes but the Chonburi one is horrible and wouldn't advice it.

Nong Mon is very crowded so it maybe worth it but you might like to see the market and just staying on Sukhumvit all the way maybe best.

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3. Alternative route is to drive underneath the overhead Bang NaTrat Expressway. Very simple.

4. If you do 3, public transportation is not necessary.

Can you please give more detail about the route ? Coz this is my first visit to Thailand. So I'm not familiar with route naming. And we are four of us and planning to take two bike ( probably big bikes)

Sent from my HTC Explorer A310e using Thaivisa Connect App

for your first visit to thailand you might want to just go to ekamai bus station in bangkok which is on the skytrain route and about as simple as it gets...nice a/c bus every thirty minutes or so to Pattaya...two hours and about 115 baht ...you could rent bikes in pattaya if you want...much less aggravation than trying to figure out in and out of bangkok on bikes for your first trip.then if you are flying out after you leave pattaya it is easy to catch a bus or taxi from pattaya right back to airport without having to return to bkk to return bikes.. ..less than two hours....up to you

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Sukhumvit is route 3. I'm not sure though if the bang na - trat is as well.

The Bangkok pattaya motorway is route 7 and the other option, it's horrible to say the least. I wouldn't advise it.

Also keep in mind the driving standard here is very poor with many drunks. Ride very defensively.

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Wow that's great description. So if I follow the description as u said.. I can take a two wheeler to pataya without any trouble and no one says "you are not allowed to ride a bike in this route "

Right ?

Yep just stay below and follow the road above. If you follow the SUkhumvit road and BTS line above out of Bangkok you just have that one turning.

Big bikes maybe allowed on the elevated expressway. I'm not sure though. Definitely below though.

Below it's a 2 lane side road and 3 lane main road most of the way. Each side of course.

It goes over little canals many times and the road going over them risies sharply so be careful going over them.

The elevated expressway finishes just north of Chonburi City about half way to Pattaya. The province that Pattaya and Chonburi City are in is called Chonburi as well. Just incase there's any confusion.

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3. Alternative route is to drive underneath the overhead Bang NaTrat Expressway. Very simple.

4. If you do 3, public transportation is not necessary.

Can you please give more detail about the route ? Coz this is my first visit to Thailand. So I'm not familiar with route naming. And we are four of us and planning to take two bike ( probably big bikes)

Sent from my HTC Explorer A310e using Thaivisa Connect App

for your first visit to thailand you might want to just go to ekamai bus station in bangkok which is on the skytrain route and about as simple as it gets...nice a/c bus every thirty minutes or so to Pattaya...two hours and about 115 baht ...you could rent bikes in pattaya if you want...much less aggravation than trying to figure out in and out of bangkok on bikes for your first trip.then if you are flying out after you leave pattaya it is easy to catch a bus or taxi from pattaya right back to airport without having to return to bkk to return bikes.. ..less than two hours....up to you

It seems you suggest not to take vehicle :( in fact many of my friend who visited said so.. but I thought of giving it a try. Certain fact u said seems second consideration for not to rent vehicle from bkk.

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Wow that's great description. So if I follow the description as u said.. I can take a two wheeler to pataya without any trouble and no one says "you are not allowed to ride a bike in this route "

Right ?

Yep just stay below and follow the road above. If you follow the SUkhumvit road and BTS line above out of Bangkok you just have that one turning.


So can I take the same route to return bkk?

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On your first trip to Thailand (Bangkok/Pattaya) please do us all a favor and DO NOT ride a bike! Your not familiar with the driving style here nor do you know the roads. None of us here want to hear of you getting hurt.....

I agree with what you said..that's true even if I had decades of experience in biking am a newbie in Thailand roads.

It seems most of you guys over here suggest not to ride.

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Wow that's great description. So if I follow the description as u said.. I can take a two wheeler to pataya without any trouble and no one says "you are not allowed to ride a bike in this route "

Right ?

Yep just stay below and follow the road above. If you follow the SUkhumvit road and BTS line above out of Bangkok you just have that one turning.


So can I take the same route to return bkk?


Either turn right at the traffic lights on Sukhumvit - Bang Na trat junction or preferably take the flyover just before it.

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On your first trip to Thailand (Bangkok/Pattaya) please do us all a favor and DO NOT ride a bike! Your not familiar with the driving style here nor do you know the roads. None of us here want to hear of you getting hurt.....

I agree with what you said..that's true even if I had decades of experience in biking am a newbie in Thailand roads.

It seems most of you guys over here suggest not to ride.

It probably is the best thing. I believe more foreigners die on the roads here than anywhere else in the world.

The driving really is bad here.

If you do take a coach and get a bike in Pattaya remember there's drunk tourists/ex-pats/locals walking about all over the place there.

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As mentioned, please reconsider driving. The manner of driving and the unwritten social behavior when driving is very, very different from most other countries.

I fear if you decide to drive that we will be reading about you and your friends on this forum.

Have a nice time, take public transportation and be safe.

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ok at this point m deciding not to rent vehicle. But seriously am gonna learn how ppl use roads and driving styles. Hope this land gonna make me visit again and again. I thought Thailand like someother western country to ride vehicles but highly disappointed that i couldn't make it this time. May be next trip i may plan for renting bikes.

SO..if i take public transport which one should i prefer?? is there any particular route which covers scenic highways?? Do we have any interesting place to visit in between bkk-pataya? ( i mean enroute..so that we can disembark middle and proceed)

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All good info.........Do not drive from BKK to Pattaya if this is your first trip. Enjoy the trip by either taxi or bus as said already in the post. If you insist on riding a bike, do it after you arrive in Pattaya( I think you will change your mind). I own both a car and a bike. Since I live in Chonburi, half-way between the 2 cities I travel often to both. I never drive the bike to BKK and rarely to Pattaya. This IS a different world driving here and I grew up driving the streets of NYC, USA. (you either run with the taxis or get run over). Enjoy your vacation....... don't drive........ You will be so much more relaxed and happy you did.

p.s. contact me direct for other info, but think your time is so short, leave the in-betweens for next time............

p.s.s. first choice route 7, second choice takes longer and more crowded route 3 (rasied highway or flyover Sukhumvit - Bang Na trat)

Edited by BigSkip
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I do this trip fairly frequently. I'm sure if you had your own transport there'd be a few things to see on the say. In particular Koh Si Chang, near Sri Racha. Which is not really that special. The scenery is not very interesting.

IMHO, you are better off getting a bus to Pattaya. Driving that stretch of road is a bit crazy. Accidents happen every day and drivers can be crazy.

If you want, when you are in Pattaya, you could rent a bike and drive around. If you head south you could drive to Bang Saray. Sukhumvit is still a crazy road, so be careful.

Make sure you have insurance in case of an accident. Soooo many stories of foreigners who end up in the hospital with huge bills due to bike accidents.

If you want more info on driving around Pattaya, I'd suggest you open a new topic in the Pattaya sub forum.

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ok now i have completely given up the idea for riding bike in thailand. Gonna use public transport.

Thank you so much guys for clearing my doubts and saving myself(as well as natives wink.png ). i've got one more issue regarding my visit sorry if this isn't belongs here.. I need internet connection in my mobile whilst i stay there (atleast 2G connection). What shall i do for that? Does True provides mobile internet for tourists??

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3. Alternative route is to drive underneath the overhead Bang NaTrat Expressway. Very simple.

4. If you do 3, public transportation is not necessary.

Can you please give more detail about the route ? Coz this is my first visit to Thailand. So I'm not familiar with route naming. And we are four of us and planning to take two bike ( probably big bikes)

Sent from my HTC Explorer A310e using Thaivisa Connect App

for your first visit to thailand you might want to just go to ekamai bus station in bangkok which is on the skytrain route and about as simple as it gets...nice a/c bus every thirty minutes or so to Pattaya...two hours and about 115 baht ...you could rent bikes in pattaya if you want...much less aggravation than trying to figure out in and out of bangkok on bikes for your first trip.then if you are flying out after you leave pattaya it is easy to catch a bus or taxi from pattaya right back to airport without having to return to bkk to return bikes.. ..less than two hours....up to you

Couldn't have put it better myself. I do the bus trip every 2 weeks or so as I have a condo in Patts. The return journey is best done with the bus from Jomtien on Thappraya Road, near Villa market - 1.5h to Airport then the airport train to PayaThai then BTS. Any bike ride to Patts is dangerous as there are many trucks on the road and it is a VERY boring trip, hot and polluted from the exhausts. Avoid it at all costs.

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If this is a first trip to Thailand, you'll probably want to look about at the scenery a bit when traveling about. Riding a bike is not the way to do that…unless you pull off the road and stop. Riding takes 100% focus on what's going on as you ride. It IS different here but take your time and stay calm. It's tourists who ride bikes and do everything that should NOT be done on a bike that have the problems. 'Course lady luck may also come into play once in a while...

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On your first trip to Thailand (Bangkok/Pattaya) please do us all a favor and DO NOT ride a bike! Your not familiar with the driving style here nor do you know the roads. None of us here want to hear of you getting hurt....

Take a bus or a taxi and have a comfortable and much safer trip. And please don't come back with the response that you've rode a bike for years and know what you're doing. You can not prepare your self for the riding and road conditions here over night my friend.

Take care and have a great trip.

This is great advice, the OP should should take it.
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OP - If you are taking the bus from Ekamai to Pattaya (recommended) make sure you get the non-stop bus (actually does stop a couple of times if requested by passengers).

Friends of mine were persuaded to get on a "local bus" which stopped at numerous dull and uninteresting places along the way. It took well over 4 hours to get to Pattaya.

Alternatively, as there are 4 of you to split the cost, a taxi might be a better option - certainly a good option for your return journey if you're going straight to the airport.

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On your first trip to Thailand (Bangkok/Pattaya) please do us all a favor and DO NOT ride a bike! Your not familiar with the driving style here nor do you know the roads. None of us here want to hear of you getting hurt....

Take a bus or a taxi and have a comfortable and much safer trip. And please don't come back with the response that you've rode a bike for years and know what you're doing. You can not prepare your self for the riding and road conditions here over night my friend.

Take care and have a great trip.

Doctor friend in Pattaya sends home ~ 1 falang a week 'in bok' - from bike.

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Since there are four of you, just hire a taxi to get you down there, around 1200 baht, maybe less depending on your negotiations. The public buses are uncomfortable and can be very slow. The taxi will also drop you off at your hotel which is nice when you have suitcases.

From Pattaya back to BKK or the airport you can easily rent a car or taxi. There is not much interesting to stop and see on the trip.

What exactly are you looking for on your first trip to Thailand? I happen to like Bangkok, but many hit the beach and stay there. If you are looking for something a bit old fashioned, or some adventure travel, neither Bangkok or Pattaya will do. If you do go to Pattaya, watch out for the jetski operators and the "girls" at night ;)

You might want to head down to Pattaya from the airport and schedule a few nights at Koi Samet or Koi Chang. There are some good seafood restaurants outside of Pattaya. There is a large park with examples of Thai temples from different ages.

If you are looking a bit more for adventure plus some partying maybe fly down to Koi Samui. It's not the Gilligan's Island place it used to be, but you still have a better chance at making some Thai friends. Check on the weather first. Avoid Phuket.

Keep an eye on the flooding. Last year I went up to Chiang Mai instead of Pattaya because so many Bangkok people fled to Pattaya that the 7/11's starting running out of beer :), and of course, the hotels doubled their prices.

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