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I am no fan of government anywhere, which is why i get a big laugh out of all you guys who hate the United States. Read your history. Norway and New Zealand aren't invading oil rich nations because they aren't powerful enough.

If you US dollar decreased 50% in a year the ENTIRE world would enter a HUGE recession. Everyone knows the dollar is going to decrease, over time. Time, as in 30 years.

Havent you ever heard that saying that if we learned how to run cars on Pepsi tomorrow it would devast teh world's economy?

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:o On the "China Theory" China and the city of Dallas, Texas (US) has just about finalized a major (B$B$B$B$B$) trade agreement. Dallas is a Port of Entry into the US. It will mean billions of USD for Dallas.

For those on the forum who may not be aware:

:D If Texas was still a country (Like before it joined the US) it would currently rank as #8 in the world for economy and $$$$.

:D The State of Texas just announced that they have $3,000,000,000 ($3B) left over from 2005 that you can add to the projected $5,000,000,000 they have yet to obligate in 2006.

:D Property tax is going down throughout the state in 2006.

:D Texas does not have a State Income Tax.

:o On the "China Theory" China and the city of Dallas, Texas (US) has just about finalized a major (B$B$B$B$B$) trade agreement. Dallas is a Port of Entry into the US. It will mean billions of USD for Dallas.

For those on the forum who may not be aware:

:D If Texas was still a country (Like before it joined the US) it would currently rank as #8 in the world for economy and $$$$.

:D The State of Texas just announced that they have $3,000,000,000 ($3B) left over from 2005 that you can add to the projected $5,000,000,000 they have yet to obligate in 2006.

:D Property tax is going down throughout the state in 2006.

:D Texas does not have a State Income Tax.

Tell me Chief...what other major natural sources does Texas have, apart from OIL? (and of course apart from the 'leader' of the USA)

Would your points be the same without the dark stuff? :D:D the same dark stuff the USA is 'ADDICTED TO'??? :D


:o On the "China Theory" China and the city of Dallas, Texas (US) has just about finalized a major (B$B$B$B$B$) trade agreement. Dallas is a Port of Entry into the US. It will mean billions of USD for Dallas.

For those on the forum who may not be aware:

:D If Texas was still a country (Like before it joined the US) it would currently rank as #8 in the world for economy and $$$$.

:D The State of Texas just announced that they have $3,000,000,000 ($3B) left over from 2005 that you can add to the projected $5,000,000,000 they have yet to obligate in 2006.

:D Property tax is going down throughout the state in 2006.

:D Texas does not have a State Income Tax.

Yeah, but neither do South Dakota or Wyoming.

We're also home of some of the wealthier school districts in the country but also something like the last 10 or so of the poorest school districts as well.

Texas fight, Texas fight.... for it's Texas that we love best....



:o On the "China Theory" China and the city of Dallas, Texas (US) has just about finalized a major (B$B$B$B$B$) trade agreement. Dallas is a Port of Entry into the US. It will mean billions of USD for Dallas.

For those on the forum who may not be aware:

:D If Texas was still a country (Like before it joined the US) it would currently rank as #8 in the world for economy and $$$$.

:D The State of Texas just announced that they have $3,000,000,000 ($3B) left over from 2005 that you can add to the projected $5,000,000,000 they have yet to obligate in 2006.

:D Property tax is going down throughout the state in 2006.

:burp: Texas does not have a State Income Tax.

Yeah, but neither do South Dakota or Wyoming.

We're also home of some of the wealthier school districts (Oil-related kids :D )in the country but also something like the last 10 or so of the poorest school districts (yeah...blacks :D ) as well.

Texas fight, Texas fight.... for it's Texas that we love best....


Including GWB? :D:D



Its not particularly fair to rank GDP status in $ terms when the $ is the home currency, almost all economic charts use PPP nowadays, Apply this to Texas and it probably sits in the first world ranks according to its population.

Its pretty obvious that GDP isn't everything, seeing as China is somehow driving the worlds economy and by GDP terms it barely ranks higher than the UK.


:o On the "China Theory" China and the city of Dallas, Texas (US) has just about finalized a major (B$B$B$B$B$) trade agreement. Dallas is a Port of Entry into the US. It will mean billions of USD for Dallas.

For those on the forum who may not be aware:

If Texas was still a country (Like before it joined the US) it would currently rank as #8 in the world for economy and $$$$.

:D The State of Texas just announced that they have $3,000,000,000 ($3B) left over from 2005 that you can add to the projected $5,000,000,000 they have yet to obligate in 2006.

:D Property tax is going down throughout the state in 2006.

Texas does not have a State Income Tax.

Yeah, but neither do South Dakota or Wyoming.

We're also home of some of the wealthier school districts (Oil-related kids :D )in the country but also something like the last 10 or so of the poorest school districts (yeah...blacks :D ) as well.

Texas fight, Texas fight.... for it's Texas that we love best....


Including GWB? :D:D


That's a popular misconception. You have to be BORN a Texan. GWB was born in New Haven, CT. He's regarded by actual Texans as the equivalent of a Thai visa runner.


That's a popular misconception. You have to be BORN a Texan. GWB was born in New Haven, CT. He's regarded by actual Texans as the equivalent of a Thai visa runner.




:o On the "China Theory" China and the city of Dallas, Texas (US) has just about finalized a major (B$B$B$B$B$) trade agreement. Dallas is a Port of Entry into the US. It will mean billions of USD for Dallas.

For those on the forum who may not be aware:

:o If Texas was still a country (Like before it joined the US) it would currently rank as #8 in the world for economy and $$$$.

:D The State of Texas just announced that they have $3,000,000,000 ($3B) left over from 2005 that you can add to the projected $5,000,000,000 they have yet to obligate in 2006.

:D Property tax is going down throughout the state in 2006.

:D Texas does not have a State Income Tax.

Tell me Chief...what other major natural sources does Texas have, apart from OIL? (and of course apart from the 'leader' of the USA)

Would your points be the same without the dark stuff? :D:P the same dark stuff the USA is 'ADDICTED TO'??? :D


California has "Silicon Valey" and Dallas, Texas has the "Telecommunications Coridor."

More telecommunications companies have their headquarters and major operations in Texas than any where else in the US.

Texas does have a little oil.

Houston, Texas has a large number of oil processing facilities that turn the black oin into things like gas/petro.

A long list of major corporations have their headquarters in Texas because it costs less to operate, their employees do not have to pay a state income tax and the cost of living is low.

Michael Dell is a Texans and Dell Computer Inc is in Texas.

Texas has numerous military bases/posts. Fort Hood is the largest.

Most DoD contractors have either their headquarters and/or major manufacturing facilities in Texas.

Texas has major manufacturing facilities for GM and Ford.

Texas is the Hq with most of their operations for Credit corporations like MNBA and Capital One.

Texas Instruments is in Dallas.

EDS is another one.

I could continue to list corporation in Texas but I do not have the time there are just too many.

We also have a Federal Reserve complex which prints a good portion of the USDs.

For example, in the Dallas area, you can buy a new 2000 sq ft (185 sq m) home for less than $150,000 and be within a 35 minute drive to downtown Dallas. You can also pick from hundreds of restaurants to go for lunch specials under $5.


:D On the "China Theory" China and the city of Dallas, Texas (US) has just about finalized a major (B$B$B$B$B$) trade agreement. Dallas is a Port of Entry into the US. It will mean billions of USD for Dallas.

For those on the forum who may not be aware:

:o If Texas was still a country (Like before it joined the US) it would currently rank as #8 in the world for economy and $$$$.

:D The State of Texas just announced that they have $3,000,000,000 ($3B) left over from 2005 that you can add to the projected $5,000,000,000 they have yet to obligate in 2006.

:burp: Property tax is going down throughout the state in 2006.

:D Texas does not have a State Income Tax.

Tell me Chief...what other major natural sources does Texas have, apart from OIL? (and of course apart from the 'leader' of the USA)

Would your points be the same without the dark stuff? :D:D the same dark stuff the USA is 'ADDICTED TO'??? :D


California has "Silicon Valey" and Dallas, Texas has the "Telecommunications Coridor."

More telecommunications companies have their headquarters and major operations in Texas than any where else in the US.

Texas does have a little oil.

Houston, Texas has a large number of oil processing facilities that turn the black oin into things like gas/petro.

A long list of major corporations have their headquarters in Texas because it costs less to operate, their employees do not have to pay a state income tax and the cost of living is low.

Michael Dell is a Texans and Dell Computer Inc is in Texas.

Texas has numerous military bases/posts. Fort Hood is the largest.

Most DoD contractors have either their headquarters and/or major manufacturing facilities in Texas.

Texas has major manufacturing facilities for GM and Ford.

Texas is the Hq with most of their operations for Credit corporations like MNBA and Capital One.

Texas Instruments is in Dallas.

EDS is another one.

I could continue to list corporation in Texas but I do not have the time there are just too many.

We also have a Federal Reserve complex which prints a good portion of the USDs.

For example, in the Dallas area, you can buy a new 2000 sq ft (185 sq m) home for less than $150,000 and be within a 35 minute drive to downtown Dallas. You can also pick from hundreds of restaurants to go for lunch specials under $5.


After thinking about it ...... maybe we (Texas) should be a country again. B)


In Austin (Silicon Hills), that same $150,000 won't even get you a 500 sq. foot condo just off campus. Housewise, $500,000-$800,000 is the ballpark average nowadays unless you want to buy way out of town.


After thinking about it ...... maybe we (Texas) should be a country again. :D

Is there an Independence Movement in Texas :o ? :D



After thinking about it ...... maybe we (Texas) should be a country again. :D

Is there an Independence Movement in Texas :D ? :D


Every now and then a few Independent and/or Democrat politicians get upset with Washington DC and let everyone know that The Republic of Texas Constitution is still valid and it has a clause that legally allows the State of Texas to revert back to The Republic of Texas.

No other State in the Union was a country before they became one of the United States.

They were all Territories owned by the United States.



Confucious said: "Never accept opinion as fact or truth because it is neither."

I can only say:

Wo jiu buzhidao!

zai jian :o


"During the next 20 years, oil consumption will rise by 33% in the USA.

Natural gas consumption will rise by 50%.

The United States is only dependent on imports for oil and gas."


There will be an increase of oil prices [very] soon.

America is the greatest [useless] consumer of energie.

Just look at the huge car's they drive in and the overwelming marketing-streetlights.

I guess they should become more modest in the very near future,

otherwise they, by their own, will consume the worlds "[our]" natural resources.

I'd say : "Ze zullen benzine wel moéten pikken.

Anders hebben ze het daar straks héél koud ..."

I am glad to see the Dutchman with wings displaying his wide knowledge of economics!

USA as a 2nd world Country???

Becoming communist is it as that is the definition in economics?

1st, 2nd and 3rd world were not a ranking system but a way to describe economic characteristics of an economic system although many do mistake it as such and apply simple rankings as demonstrated above.

Amerika is already a 2nd world contry to me.

Lets say a 1st world country takes care of it's citizens (healthcare, infrastructure etc ...).

Let's assume a 3rd world country doesn't.

And a 2nd world country is in between.

There are about 35.000.000 poor people in America.

American propaganda (<-Click)

"The typical American defined as "poor" by the government has a car, air conditioning, a refrigerator, a stove, a clothes washer and dryer, and a microwave. He has two color televisions, cable or satellite TV reception, a VCR or DVD player, and a stereo. He is able to obtain medical care. His home is in good repair and is not overcrowded. By his own report, his family is not hungry and he had sufficient funds in the past year to meet his family's essential needs. While this individual's life is not opulent, it is equally far from the popular images of dire poverty conveyed by the press, liberal activists, and politicians."

Nothing the matter ... I'd guess ...

"But the living conditions of the average poor person should not be taken to mean that all poor Americans live without hardship. There is a wide range of living conditions among the poor. Roughly a third of poor households do face material hardships such as overcrowding, intermittent food shortages, or difficulty obtaining medical care. However, even these households would be judged to have high living standards in comparison to most other people in the world."

One third of the poor in America means about 12.000.000 individuals, which are 'better off then in East Timor or Somalia', the article says. So they should not complain ?!

I am no communist, but a socialist businessman; I feel that the few x-tremely rich can do much more to improve [local] living standards and some luckely do, by starting school, infrastructure and housing projects all over the world.


I am sorry to say, but in the Netherlands we feel that the average American is [very] ignorant of the global situation. Petrol prices will rise [very] soon and there will be loads of poor in the [very] near future due to lack of jobs. The average American works two jobs to keep up it's living standard, when òne drops off, they will be in grieve trouble, 'cause their house will be sold by the bank and they will [also] become 'white-trailor-trash' ... :D

I am sorry to say, but in the Netherlands we feel that the average American is [very] ignorant of the global situation. Petrol prices will rise [very] soon and there will be loads of poor in the [very] near future due to lack of jobs. The average American works two jobs to keep up it's living standard, when òne drops off, they will be in grieve trouble, 'cause their house will be sold by the bank and they will [also]become white-trailor-trash'... :o

Geez...If they have reached this conclusion in the Netherlands, then I fear there's no hope. Perhaps we should hop into our SUV's and drive into the sea.

Every now and then a few Independent and/or Democrat politicians get upset with Washington DC and let everyone know that The Republic of Texas Constitution is still valid and it has a clause that legally allows the State of Texas to revert back to The Republic of Texas.

No other State in the Union was a country before they became one of the United States.

They were all Territories owned by the United States.


I thought that Texas could divide itself into as many as five states, but not that it could revert back to a republic. It was only a republic for nine years, 1836-1845.

Hawaii was a Kingdom that the Dole pineapple family stole from the Queen of Hawaii. Virginia and Pennsylvania still call themselves "Commonwealths" whatever that means.

I consider myself to be a Texan, but not a native. The chairman of the Victoria, Texas chamber of commerce told me I'd be a Texan after I'd lived half my life there. Now that I'm living so many years in Thailand, maybe I'll lose my 'citizenship.' Five of my children and nine of my grandchildren live in Texas; all but two are natives.

However, we are :D

China will not sell its dollar reserves, but if it stops buying more, it will cause US interest rates to rise (and won't that lower the yield on the bonds China already holds, unless they hold the bonds to maturity?). I suspect the real estate bubble will burp but not burst in this decade, but will simply not see the steady gains it saw previously. Housing should be housing, not a speculative investment.

Has nobody mentioned that Texas has more than 217 cattle? :D

Every now and then a few Independent and/or Democrat politicians get upset with Washington DC and let everyone know that The Republic of Texas Constitution is still valid and it has a clause that legally allows the State of Texas to revert back to The Republic of Texas.

No other State in the Union was a country before they became one of the United States.

They were all Territories owned by the United States.


I thought that Texas could divide itself into as many as five states, but not that it could revert back to a republic. It was only a republic for nine years, 1836-1845.

Hawaii was a Kingdom that the Dole pineapple family stole from the Queen of Hawaii. Virginia and Pennsylvania still call themselves "Commonwealths" whatever that means.

I consider myself to be a Texan, but not a native. The chairman of the Victoria, Texas chamber of commerce told me I'd be a Texan after I'd lived half my life there. Now that I'm living so many years in Thailand, maybe I'll lose my 'citizenship.' Five of my children and nine of my grandchildren live in Texas; all but two are natives.

However, we are :D

China will not sell its dollar reserves, but if it stops buying more, it will cause US interest rates to rise (and won't that lower the yield on the bonds China already holds, unless they hold the bonds to maturity?). I suspect the real estate bubble will burp but not burst in this decade, but will simply not see the steady gains it saw previously. Housing should be housing, not a speculative investment.

Has nobody mentioned that Texas has more than 217 cattle? :D

I do not teach history or economics at the University.

Actually, I teach 2 senior level coourses:

TEC401 - Human Factors in Technology


MGT449 - Quality Management and Productivity


However, let me give this a shot.

The Rebublic of Texas was not a country with a thousand year history.

However, it was an independent country and the citizens of Texas voted to join the United States.

On the history of Hawaii:

Pineapples have always been one of Hawaii's main crops.

Sugar Cane is also farmed.

The largest cattle ranch in the world is the Parker Ranch in Hawaii.

The ranch has existed for over 150 years.

Now the test on Hawaii:

Who was Mr Dole and what nationality was he?

Who was Mr Parker and where did he come from?

Which Hawaiin King signed the partnerships for large amounts of cash $$ and a percentage of the sales with Mr Dole and Mr Parker and in turn relinquished the Royal Family's authority to rule the Hawaiian Islands?

On China, I know too much.

and we are being monitored.


Wo jiu buzhidao!

I consider myself to be a Texan, but not a native. The chairman of the Victoria, Texas chamber of commerce told me I'd be a Texan after I'd lived half my life there. Now that I'm living so many years in Thailand, maybe I'll lose my 'citizenship.' Five of my children and nine of my grandchildren live in Texas; all but two are natives.

No, Texans are still Texans wherever they go (kind of like a quaint little 170 year old version of China and the Chinese). Your citizenship problem is still the paperwork: although I'm sure the city of Victoria and great state do appreciate your tax contributions (as it does GWB's), in the end it reminds me of Arkansans trying to become more "Texan" by cheering for the Cowboys and buying truckloads of souvenirs from the Texas Stadium gift shop.



When Alaska became a state back in the '60s, it became the largest state and this was a severe blow to the inflated ego of the Texans....they started insulting Alaska and basically carrying on like children. The people of Alaska got tired of this abuse and finally threatened that if the Texans didn't stop this abuse then Alaska would split itself in half and form two states....thus making Texas the third largest state instead of second.


Seward's Folly became a state in early '59 a few months before Hawaii.$7 million for Alaska was a bargain for the billions of dollars in oil pumped every year and the gold and minerals and fishing and timber and natural resources that haven't been discovered and tapped yet.

When Alaska became a state back in the '60s, it became the largest state and this was a severe blow to the inflated ego of the Texans....they started insulting Alaska and basically carrying on like children. The people of Alaska got tired of this abuse and finally threatened that if the Texans didn't stop this abuse then Alaska would split itself in half and form two states....thus making Texas the third largest state instead of second.

Now if we could just get all these Californians to move to Alaska, so they can live in the biggest state and go tap some timber.



I consider myself to be a Texan, but not a native. The chairman of the Victoria, Texas chamber of commerce told me I'd be a Texan after I'd lived half my life there. Now that I'm living so many years in Thailand, maybe I'll lose my 'citizenship.' Five of my children and nine of my grandchildren live in Texas; all but two are natives.

No, Texans are still Texans wherever they go (kind of like a quaint little 170 year old version of China and the Chinese). Your citizenship problem is still the paperwork: although I'm sure the city of Victoria and great state do appreciate your tax contributions (as it does GWB's), in the end it reminds me of Arkansans trying to become more "Texan" by cheering for the Cowboys and buying truckloads of souvenirs from the Texas Stadium gift shop.


There is the saying "I was not born in Texas ... But I got here as soon as I could."

If you own a home or land on January 1, you can apply for a Homestead Exception on your State property tax. Therefore, you are a Texan.

If you served in the US Military for at least 90 days and have lived in Texas for at least 12 months you are elgible for benefits provided by the Texas Land Board. Which includes mortgages at a lower rate. Therefore, after 1 year you are a Texan.



I consider myself to be a Texan, but not a native. The chairman of the Victoria, Texas chamber of commerce told me I'd be a Texan after I'd lived half my life there. Now that I'm living so many years in Thailand, maybe I'll lose my 'citizenship.' Five of my children and nine of my grandchildren live in Texas; all but two are natives.

No, Texans are still Texans wherever they go (kind of like a quaint little 170 year old version of China and the Chinese). Your citizenship problem is still the paperwork: although I'm sure the city of Victoria and great state do appreciate your tax contributions (as it does GWB's), in the end it reminds me of Arkansans trying to become more "Texan" by cheering for the Cowboys and buying truckloads of souvenirs from the Texas Stadium gift shop.


There is the saying "I was not born in Texas ... But I got here as soon as I could."

If you own a home or land on January 1, you can apply for a Homestead Exception on your State property tax. Therefore, you are a Texan.

If you served in the US Military for at least 90 days and have lived in Texas for at least 12 months you are elgible for benefits provided by the Texas Land Board. Which includes mortgages at a lower rate. Therefore, after 1 year you are a Texan.


First, if I can correct you on your grammar.... the phrase is actually "I wuzzunt born in Texas, but I got here as soon az-igh could."

State exemptions aside, do you also own at least 12 firearms (at least half of which must be rifles)?


Seward's Folly became a state in early '59 a few months before Hawaii.$7 million for Alaska was a bargain for the billions of dollars in oil pumped every year and the gold and minerals and fishing and timber and natural resources that haven't been discovered and tapped yet.

and :o Back when the deal was made, the Russians thought that the US Government was dumb for paying all of that money for nothing but a block of ice.

:D It is believed that Alaska has more oil than the middle east.

However, most of the State is a wildlife preserve where drilling for oil is illegal as well as building a structure that would go through the area transporting oil or anything else.

The US Congress votes on the Alaskian Oil Issue almost every year and everytime it is brought up is never receives the votes to expand drilling and build the pipeline overland to the other States.

Therefore, in reality, the US does have a "Plan B" for acquiring oil.


I consider myself to be a Texan, but not a native. The chairman of the Victoria, Texas chamber of commerce told me I'd be a Texan after I'd lived half my life there. Now that I'm living so many years in Thailand, maybe I'll lose my 'citizenship.' Five of my children and nine of my grandchildren live in Texas; all but two are natives.

No, Texans are still Texans wherever they go (kind of like a quaint little 170 year old version of China and the Chinese). Your citizenship problem is still the paperwork: although I'm sure the city of Victoria and great state do appreciate your tax contributions (as it does GWB's), in the end it reminds me of Arkansans trying to become more "Texan" by cheering for the Cowboys and buying truckloads of souvenirs from the Texas Stadium gift shop.


There is the saying "I was not born in Texas ... But I got here as soon as I could."

If you own a home or land on January 1, you can apply for a Homestead Exception on your State property tax. Therefore, you are a Texan.

If you served in the US Military for at least 90 days and have lived in Texas for at least 12 months you are elgible for benefits provided by the Texas Land Board. Which includes mortgages at a lower rate. Therefore, after 1 year you are a Texan.


First, if I can correct you on your grammar.... the phrase is actually "I wuzzunt born in Texas, but I got here as soon az-igh could."

State exemptions aside, do you also own at least 12 firearms (at least half of which must be rifles)?



I apologize for not speaking proper Texan.

Being a University Professor, I find it a bit of a challenge to know when to use proper English or the Texan language. Additionally, I am completely lost without a good ADP Spell Checker.

I do not own 12 firearms.

However, I do have a license to carry a concelled weapon.

I prefer my Taurus Millennium PT 140 .40 cal over my Rossi .357 Mag.

Like a large number of Americans, I also have rifles and shotguns for hunting Deer, Rabbits, and vermits.



I think China and the Chinese are more than motivated enough to step up and become the world's largest consumer/destroyer of natural resources, no matter what the exchange rate. It's only a matter of time.


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