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Storms Set To Dump Heavy Rains On Thailand This Weekend


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Nothing can really hold back Mother Nature - we are just kidding ourselves. Strange to hear North East is still in drought.

How to put it in a few sentences…? Lets try. We have climatic change due to higher carbon dioxide content in our atmosphere. Mother Nature does not have eyes and a brain, it’s more like a complex organism. She does not know that e.g. fuel burn is one main reason. Hence, in Mother Nature logic, increased CO2 levels must be a result of an increasing population. To bring CO2 levels down it is necessary to reduce population. The most effective way to reduce population is to reduce some landmass where comfortable life is possible. Harder climate equals less population. Make hot places hotter, wet places wetter, cold places colder. On top of it mom tries to increase sea levels to swallow coastal areas. Climate circuit in action. As long as we do not stop to put mom in constant survival mode, we’ll have some pretty awesome weather extremes ahead of us.

Do you use a prayer mat when praying to Mother Gaia?

Decaying plants emit vastly more CO2 than humans do.

What about volcano eruptions. Surely 'mother' can stop herself from spewing all that CO2 out.

C'mon, give Mom a break.. She likes to have a little fun also. tongue.png

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