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Unsafe / Safe Districts In Chiang Mai


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The area around the main bus station, Arket, on the east of the city is associated with drug users.

However, common sense and sensible precautionary measures like not walking down dark back alleys at 2 am will serve you a lot better than knowing which areas are 'safe' or 'unsafe'.

Thailand is not like the US with its dangerous ghettoes and safe suburbs. Here everything is rather jumbled up.

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The fact is, there are people in every city who commit crimes. That's why all cities have Police. Any city, in any country of the world, 'can' be dangerous. But most of the time there is no danger. There are times of the day when an area is more safe than other times, or more dangerous. Common sense will keep you rather safe every where. A single woman walking alone down an empty street at 3am is not safe, though the chances of her being victimize is quite small. But she is not acting with common sense so she is in danger. Flashing a large wad of cash around the bar is not acting with common sense, but again, the chances of his being victimized is small. But that chance does exist and it's foolish to ignore it. So the best thing to do is NOT flash that big wad of cash. Common sense. In Chiang Mai or in Paris or in Miami. Common sense combined with the fact that very few people are ever victimized makes this a pretty safe world for most of us. Not all of us. Just most of us.

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Personally I find Central Airport Plaza to be very unsafe, every time I go there with my wife I get mugged for several hundred baht, on occaision the Robinson bandit has nailed me for several thousand, best to avoid if you ask me.

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I am Thai and I do not go there and neither does anyone I know and most Thai people do not like the kind of people there. If you want to find trouble go there if you want to know the truth about this street ask any Thai person this is the red light district. The people that defend it has the business there or the friend with the business. The place is dirty and the food is unsafe you can see the rats run in the street and the roaches. If you do not see the government safe food sign do not eat.

One of my favourite restauarants for Thai food,Garden Restaurant is in the middle of Loi Kroh.Also Raming Lodge is a very nice hotel next door to my favourite English Bar in Chiang Mai,The Olde Bell.

Great place for a Sunday Roast Dinner and some great imported beers too,plus you have the Night Market and some fantastic shops,bars and restauarants at the end of Loi Kroh!

Ok so there's a few gilrlie bars at the moat end but it's not exactly The Favelas of Rio De Janeiro,is it?Chiang Mai is an incredibly safe place,I lived there for 2 years and never had any problem anywhere!biggrin.png

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I am Thai and I do not go there and neither does anyone I know and most Thai people do not like the kind of people there. If you want to find trouble go there if you want to know the truth about this street ask any Thai person this is the red light district. The people that defend it has the business there or the friend with the business. The place is dirty and the food is unsafe you can see the rats run in the street and the roaches. If you do not see the government safe food sign do not eat.

One of my favourite restauarants for Thai food,Garden Restaurant is in the middle of Loi Kroh.Also Raming Lodge is a very nice hotel next door to my favourite English Bar in Chiang Mai,The Olde Bell.

Great place for a Sunday Roast Dinner and some great imported beers too,plus you have the Night Market and some fantastic shops,bars and restauarants at the end of Loi Kroh!

Ok so there's a few gilrlie bars at the moat end but it's not exactly The Favelas of Rio De Janeiro,is it?Chiang Mai is an incredibly safe place,I lived there for 2 years and never had any problem anywhere!biggrin.png

Last time I had lunch at the Garden restaurant every day. I love the pad Thai there. I should really branch out and try more places, so that will be the plan this time. But it's a nice location brain close to the kick boxing Soi.

Speaking of which I watched 3 boxing nights there and on 1 it seemed real but the other 2 were fake, very slow so you could tell. Where can I see a real fight? Some have said kalare but not sure if that's another loi kroh set up. Never tried thae pae.

Generally on safety I've never felt threatened there even walking around the bars everyone is fine. I get a bit annoyed with all the tuk tuks asking me if I want to go somewhere but between them and the kiddy flower sellers that's just Thailand.

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........ I get a bit annoyed with all the tuk tuks asking me if I want to go somewhere but between them and the kiddy flower sellers that's just Thailand.

Just to point out it's not Thailand, just the shitty farang tourist areas of Thailand.

Normal Thailand no tuk-tuks, no flower sellers.

Edited by TommoPhysicist
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I am Thai and I do not go there and neither does anyone I know and most Thai people do not like the kind of people there. If you want to find trouble go there if you want to know the truth about this street ask any Thai person this is the red light district. The people that defend it has the business there or the friend with the business. The place is dirty and the food is unsafe you can see the rats run in the street and the roaches. If you do not see the government safe food sign do not eat.

You're having a laugh, look at any section of the moat and it's infested with rats. And that's just the obvious places.

As for the food not being safe, well if you have a weak stomach I'd stick to McDonalds mate, the food in Loi Kroh is no different to anywhere else in Chiang Mai.

And I don't know when you were last there, but about a month ago when I was showing someone around you could count the farangs in the "bars" from Lucky Bar down to the Duantawang and get change out of 20.

Loi Kroh is nothing special, nor particularly dangerous. The worst you get is a raspy "hurro" from the odd ladyboy skulking in a doorway late at night, and if anyone else tells you otherwise, they're full of it.

It's what makes Chiang Mai a bit better than most tourist destinations - there isn't much of an overt "red light district" like Walking Street, Cowboy or Bangla Road, just a few girlie bars that struggle to make money.

And you say Thais don't like it, well you wouldn't know it from the average crowd in Star Six.

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The area around the main bus station, Arket, on the east of the city is associated with drug users.

However, common sense and sensible precautionary measures like not walking down dark back alleys at 2 am will serve you a lot better than knowing which areas are 'safe' or 'unsafe'.

Thailand is not like the US with its dangerous ghettoes and safe suburbs. Here everything is rather jumbled up.

I make a point of walking down the back alleys at 2am, otherwise you risk getting dragged into yet another bar on your way home.


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And I don't know when you were last there, but about a month ago when I was showing someone around you could count the farangs in the "bars" from Lucky Bar down to the Duantawang and get change out of 20.

And the rest (apart from the bar ladies) was.......?

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  • 2 months later...

I am Thai and I do not go there and neither does anyone I know and most Thai people do not like the kind of people there. If you want to find trouble go there if you want to know the truth about this street ask any Thai person this is the red light district. The people that defend it has the business there or the friend with the business. The place is dirty and the food is unsafe you can see the rats run in the street and the roaches. If you do not see the government safe food sign do not eat.

Generally the girls working on LKR are single mums that have been left holding the baby (literally) and are bar girling or massaging with extras to make ends meet. They learn a sort of rat like cunning and learn to smell money and a receptive farang a mile off - that said I hold them no ill and applaud their strength and determination. It is a male dominated Thai culture and looking down on the poor that has led to many of them doing this. Have never felt threatened on LKR just weak and vulnerable. Have a look if you feel like it and tip well.

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I am Thai and I do not go there and neither does anyone I know and most Thai people do not like the kind of people there. If you want to find trouble go there if you want to know the truth about this street ask any Thai person this is the red light district. The people that defend it has the business there or the friend with the business. The place is dirty and the food is unsafe you can see the rats run in the street and the roaches. If you do not see the government safe food sign do not eat.

Generally the girls working on LKR are single mums that have been left holding the baby (literally) and are bar girling or massaging with extras to make ends meet. They learn a sort of rat like cunning and learn to smell money and a receptive farang a mile off - that said I hold them no ill and applaud their strength and determination. It is a male dominated Thai culture and looking down on the poor that has led to many of them doing this. Have never felt threatened on LKR just weak and vulnerable. Have a look if you feel like it and tip well.

I would say it was a "male dominated Thai culture" 10 years ago. Thailand has changed so much. A Thai friend was saying to me the other night how many women hold powerful positions now; both in government and private sector. Go into any Chinese family business in Thailand. 9 out of 10 chance that it is a woman in charge of the money. How many of your doctors/lawyers/accountants/bankers are women?

Tip well? For what?

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No whores on Nimman?cheesy.gif

The whores there and in nearby Santithum are politically correct, hence no problem or forum rules infringed. Any red light area atracts the low life and scammers, not necessarily dangerous from the physical workers but it doesn't hurt to keep your wits about you, which is invariably less so after a few drinks.

Does the OP really want to trawl girlie or gay bays with his daughter? Stick to the main tourist areas and you will have no dramas, especially if your hotel is nearby.

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I'm surprised someone dug up this topic that is a couple months old. I think the mother and daughter have long since left. I'm a youngish, not unattractive woman and I have never felt unsafe in Thailand, even in the late evening in the supposedly red light districts. Loi Kroh road is hardly a red light district and it's perfectly safe for any woman to walk alone and not be accosted. If anything, I'm treated better than in the supposedly upper class parts of Canadian nightlife.

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Personally i think Nimmenheimen/kad suan kaew way is a good place to be, both for staying in, and general living. Has nice accomodations, nice people, and nice places to have coffee/eat/drink etc. Can get your barings and explore a bit more after that.

Hope the squabbling hasnt dissuaded you from staying a member here!

One end of Nimmenheimen has the biggest soapy massage complex in CM (soapy + VIP pool + Karaoke + short-time hotel). The other end has the infamous 'Chiang Mai housewives club' (it's a brothel for those that don't know)

Edited by TommoPhysicist
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Personally i think Nimmenheimen/kad suan kaew way is a good place to be, both for staying in, and general living. Has nice accomodations, nice people, and nice places to have coffee/eat/drink etc. Can get your barings and explore a bit more after that.

Hope the squabbling hasnt dissuaded you from staying a member here!

One end of Nimmenheimen has the biggest soapy massage complex in CM (soapy + VIP pool + Karaoke + short-time hotel). The other end has the infamous 'Chiang Mai housewives club' (it's a brothel for those that don't know)

your talking out of the hole in your nether regions,soapy place is not in nimmen,the other place closed 4 years ago
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Just out of curiosity where is the safest place in Chiang Mai. Seems like people know where the wanna be red light districts are and the yuppie ones but those are not necessarily unsafe places.

On another note would one not have to take into consideration the Soi dogs.

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oo I wish I had let sleeping (soi) dogs lie.... a very merry Christmas to all CM TVF members - and fyi Ive never felt threatened in Thailand after spending cumatively probably over a year here in the last 10. The only time Im scared is when some mental taxi driver insists of 110kph tailgating on the expressway. London and many parts of it are excessively more dodgy. Most trouble seems to come to farangs in Thailand when they actively seek it out or dont fully understand the concept of losing face.

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oo I wish I had let sleeping (soi) dogs lie.... a very merry Christmas to all CM TVF members - and fyi Ive never felt threatened in Thailand after spending cumatively probably over a year here in the last 10. The only time Im scared is when some mental taxi driver insists of 110kph tailgating on the expressway. London and many parts of it are excessively more dodgy. Most trouble seems to come to farangs in Thailand when they actively seek it out or dont fully understand the concept of losing face.

You said a mouthful there. And oh so true.

And have a Merry Christmas yourself.

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Chiang mai is generally a very safe place, especially for tourist. but as you said, common sense. Walking down a Loy Kroh soi at 4am, completely drunk is not a good place to be (physically or metaphysically). Other than times of complete lack of common sense, you and your daughter should be fine.

At least there is no moat along Loi Kroh. Use to be that all the bars catering to ex-pats were along the eastern moat.

I don't know why people defend Loy Kroh, it's full of prostitutes, dangerous lady boys and degenerates in general and that's long before 4:00 am

LOL laugh.png I bet Pedr from the Old Bell is Happy to hear that LOL

For those reading this that dont know the poster above is a little off when the reality is there is a VERY SMALL splash of bars at the top of Loi Kroh that cater to the degenrates as he calls them however Loi Kroh also has some very decent business's which are well recommended to check out one is the Old Bell and another I can think of is the French restaurant Chez Marco

The poster is probably a real boring guy and probably only been down Loi Kroh one time and was shocked at what he saw with his blinkers on rolleyes.gif


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Don't believe the hype. After living here a while in my opinion Chiang Mai is safer than most European and U.S. cities, maybe even small towns. There is a lot less violent crime here. Just stay away from the Loy Kroh area as has been mentioned as it is not appropriate for a child (I don't think this area could be considered dangerous either, it's just rather seedy). It is true though if you avoid Loy Kroh you will miss some good restaurants but there are good places to eat elsewhere too.

P.S. and don't rent a motorbike as that is truly dangerous.

Edited by DavidMavec
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There is a lot less violent crime here.


I'm with you entirely on this one. You only have to see the Thai news (print, tv and web) and Chiang Mai is no different. An illusion is created by only looking at crime where either a farang is involved, or is reported in English language media. Then there is the unreported crime that police deal with in the burbs every evening (domestic violence/alcohol)

and as for Loi Khor.....any day of the week you are in more danger from the drunk/obnoxious farangs (as oposed to simply drunk) than you ever will be from the ladyboys unless or course you aggravate them and they retaiiate like a lot of people do (including those hetrosexual ones). To me it is safe as houses.

Of course there is the apparent danger of gang rape by ladyboys as per a previous post (Jesus wept where does this stuff come from) but apart from this post does not seem to be covered elsehwere? I am not to sure whether the account comes under "he doth protest too much" or "Honest, I did'nt know it was a ladyboy, I mean he only had it in for a little while"

A lot of Farang live more or less in a rarified vacuum in CM (myself included though I would hope to a lesser part). Where we live, the money we have, where we go, what time we go, what we do, all puts us at substantially less risk than the average Thai.

For "us" I think CM is very safe...that is in no way to say that it does not have a lot of violence, simply we are not specifically or numerically the subjects of this violence.

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Loi Kroh is harmless unless you are trolleyed and wander into the path of a speeding motorbike or tuk tuk. The ladyboys hide in the shadows and will leave you alone if you ignore their plaintive whimpers.

I should know, I've been stumbling up and down it pissed for more than a decade, and anyone who calls it dangerous is neurotic. You are probably at more risk stumbling around pissed in the Monkey Club, where you are likely to upset a gang of young Thais.

If you aren't pissed, you are probably safer in Chiang Mai than you are in Leicester Square.

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