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Dengue Fever Breaks Out In 5 Thailand Provinces!


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just found this article on a german website!


i call today my girfriend,and she confirmed that have many moskitos,and closed all windows,no how the situation is realy?

some german website exaggerate all what happen in thailand!

mean in detail,when you got treatment quickly then you surveive,but when the doctot comes to late,then this will be your last thailand trip:(

what the goverment plan,to handle,this dangerous situatiion,are there any helicopeters avalible,spraying chemicals,like in taxas,against the west nile virus,or will nothing happens!?

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We live in Ampoe Lamplaimatt, one of the regions of Buriram province mentioned in the article. This is the first that I or my wife have heard of this, although I now understand why officials visited the village and gave instructions about leaving stagnant water undrained or untreated (vegetable oil will do it, generally). Old tyres are always full of water if left laying, and you find these all over the place.

Some mosquitoes around, but I have experienced much worse in Europe.

Dengue is very unpleasant, if treated you will be ok and gain immunity to that strain. However there are three strains and if you catch another dose you will be in trouble. There is a dengue vaccine being tested but it has had 'mixed results' (meaning crap).


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