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Australian, 93, Faces Sexual Assault Charges In Thailand

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Probably not many.

But what makes an impecunious 90 year-old Australian more ripe for a framing than, say, a sixty year-old American? Or fifty year-old Brit?

And why bother framing someone who's got no money? Where's the motivation?

I thought it was obvious. Those 90 year old Aussies are dangerous. Forget about the Yanks or the Brits. Keep an eye on those 90 year old Aussies first.

OK, when you're ready to continue an intelligent, human conversation, just let me know.

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Probably not many.

But what makes an impecunious 90 year-old Australian more ripe for a framing than, say, a sixty year-old American? Or fifty year-old Brit?

And why bother framing someone who's got no money? Where's the motivation?

I thought it was obvious. Those 90 year old Aussies are dangerous. Forget about the Yanks or the Brits. Keep an eye on those 90 year old Aussies first.

OK, when you're ready to continue an intelligent, human conversation, just let me know.

Don't worry it will be obvious.



You're just guessing now saai.gif

Just like cbrer......he dug up one article that was written totally from the accused's perspective and fell for it, and he's spent the rest of the thread trying to justify it. Seriously, give it up, both of you saai.gif

Your gonna look so stupid when this trial concludes.

No, I won't look stupid. I have done nothing other than try to convince you to stop your hateful judgmental attacks before a trial has been concluded. I am not the one looking stupid here Blether. If he is guilty, good, jail him, if he is innocent, good let him go free, but you are the armchair expert with your mind made up and worse still voicing it.

What am I guessing at? Are you saying he has done prison time for rape in Thailand?

I note your clever edit........

No he didn't do time for rape.......guess what? ( and your good at guessing ), he bought his way out of it. How about that then?......he gave the victim a few quid and walked away without doing jail time. By his own admission eh?........of course being the type that he is he had to say " It was a stitch up Guv ".

Now I ask you......if you had been stitched up on a false rape allegation and extorted.......what would you have done?

By the way....it wasn't Thai journalism......your doing that anti-Thai thing again. I do wonder how you guys can sleep at night in a country that you obviously distrust so much.

Ok Blether, you have gone a little to far with the self righteous attitude and as usual are unable to discuss anything without getting personal. There is no 'clever edit', i choose to add, rectify correct my posts as required, nothing clever about it.

Where is the information regarding his 'previous for rape' as you put it. Where is the reference that is stating he paid money to someone and the details of the case.

Do not state to me that I am 'doing the anti Thai thing again'. When have you ever seen me write anti Thai stuff? Are you seriously trying to tell me that you believe the quality of Thai journalism is sound and trustworthy? Read the articles on here every day and tell me whether the articles are satisfactory from a point of view of presenting accurate, grammatically correct information that is never open to misinterpretation. People here complain every day about the accuracy of the media reports and just between two newspapers, the conflicting information can be mind boggling.

I do sleep soundly Blether because this is a country I love and live in. I am here 24/7 and have a deep understanding of Thailand it's strengths and it's weaknesses and those of it's people. I display a level of commitment both to the local community and to the country that DOES afford me a better understanding of the inadequacies of the everyday Thai justice system than that that claimed to be known by people that sit many thousands of miles away and come here 4 times a year to get their rocks off claiming to know about the real country and how it works. Not once have I passed judgement on this guy to his guilt or innocence, I have simply asked that you refrain from the pack tendency of the disgraceful lynch mob mentality until he has had his day in court, but you relentlessly hound people down. It is sickening and uncivil.

Source, New York Daily News,


Reference, Bangkok Post

According to the Bangkok Post, Kraus-who has lived in Thailand more than a decade-once argued he was a victim of police extortion when he was charged with rape in a previous case.

As for the rest of your previous post, you clearly edited what you had written as it couldn't stand up......people should know you seriously back tracked your position. Your also the same guy who had a snide go at Thai journalism......your a wee bit of a hypocrite eh? Claiming the moral high ground then resorting to snide Thai bashing.



You forgot the part in the process that states " Suspect jumps bail and flees the country "

Jumping bail and fleeing the country would be evidence to be presented before a court of law. Everyone deserves a fair trial untainted by hysteria.

We'll need to agree to disagree on this one........the guy has a right to a fair and open trial,

Disagree about what? I said that all defendants have a right to a fair trial and your words above appear to agree with me. If you're implying that I'm defending Kraus rather than the justice system then I defy you to quote the words that I said which do so.

I didn't say you were defending Kraus.

This guy abrogated his side of the bargain when he jumped bail........so all this talk of a fair trial is predicated on a guy who did a runner already, that's not part of the justice system now, is it?


This guy could well be the target of an extortion attempt AND be guilty of the charges. It doesn't have to be one or the other.

If the 100 pornographic images and the videos do in fact exist, then that should be enough evidence to provide a conviction.

Defending the guy and saying he should be left alone because of his age seems rather sad. Consider for a moment his alleged victims, who would have a life time of issues in front of them.

If there is going to be a defence of his name and charges by the TV crew it should be because there is evidence pointing towards his innocence not because he is old or there is accusations of extortion.

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Meanwhile there remains a bail jumper accused of peadophile offences awaiting his day in court.

Can't come soon enough as far as I'm concerned!

No massive amount of support from home for this old man who may or may not be guilty or being extorted or fitted up even.

Extraordinary that is given their support in other cases....or am I missing a crucial point here?



Meanwhile there remains a bail jumper accused of peadophile offences awaiting his day in court.

Can't come soon enough as far as I'm concerned!

No massive amount of support from home for this old man who may or may not be guilty or being extorted or fitted up even.

Extraordinary that is given their support in other cases....or am I missing a crucial point here?


I doubt you are missing anything. the nature of the crime is loathsome and will garner little if any support, it certainly shouldn't. I wish, like you for a speedy trial also and to let the hand of Justice be played and the appropriate decisions made.


Meanwhile there remains a bail jumper accused of peadophile offences awaiting his day in court.

Can't come soon enough as far as I'm concerned!

No massive amount of support from home for this old man who may or may not be guilty or being extorted or fitted up even.

Extraordinary that is given their support in other cases....or am I missing a crucial point here?


I doubt you are missing anything. the nature of the crime is loathsome and will garner little if any support, it certainly shouldn't. I wish, like you for a speedy trial also and to let the hand of Justice be played and the appropriate decisions made.

What you need to recognise, Jim, is that this is a discussion forum. People will form opinions of their own based upon the evidence before their eyes.

Some will choose to wait for a court's decision before passing comment while others will be more forthright.

Arguing a point like this serves no grand purpose other than to raise posters' blood pressure.

Also consider the emotive nature for many of us who have children and it is a tinderbox, particularly in the UK right now where we have a missing five year old girl all over the news and a suspect charged with suspected murder.

Some consideration before attacking posters positions is in order in my humble opinion.


Now why don't you pop along to the footie thread where you can have a decent conversation with someone.

As a regular poster on the Football Forum I would like you to give an honest explanation as to the meaning of this comment Jim.

Be aware that I have a good idea as to its intent, however I am prepared to listen to you before passing judgement.


Now why don't you pop along to the footie thread where you can have a decent conversation with someone.

As a regular poster on the Football Forum I would like you to give an honest explanation as to the meaning of this comment Jim.

Be aware that I have a good idea as to its intent, however I am prepared to listen to you before passing judgement.

I wasn't talking to you and I am a very regular reader on said forum! and further discussion would be off topic.


Now why don't you pop along to the footie thread where you can have a decent conversation with someone.

As a regular poster on the Football Forum I would like you to give an honest explanation as to the meaning of this comment Jim.

Be aware that I have a good idea as to its intent, however I am prepared to listen to you before passing judgement.

I wasn't talking to you and I am a very regular reader on said forum! and further discussion would be off topic.

Feel free to send a PM with your explanation.



Meanwhile there remains a bail jumper accused of peadophile offences awaiting his day in court.

Can't come soon enough as far as I'm concerned!

No massive amount of support from home for this old man who may or may not be guilty or being extorted or fitted up even.

Extraordinary that is given their support in other cases....or am I missing a crucial point here?


I doubt you are missing anything. the nature of the crime is loathsome and will garner little if any support, it certainly shouldn't. I wish, like you for a speedy trial also and to let the hand of Justice be played and the appropriate decisions made.

What you need to recognise, Jim, is that this is a discussion forum. People will form opinions of their own based upon the evidence before their eyes.

Some will choose to wait for a court's decision before passing comment while others will be more forthright.

Arguing a point like this serves no grand purpose other than to raise posters' blood pressure.

Also consider the emotive nature for many of us who have children and it is a tinderbox, particularly in the UK right now where we have a missing five year old girl all over the news and a suspect charged with suspected murder.

Some consideration before attacking posters positions is in order in my humble opinion.

Yes it is a discussion forum, therefore from your statement it would follow that arguing any point serves no grand purpose. You may think arguing that waiting until the court case is futile, but as far as I am concerned so is arguing that someone should be left in the stocks in a public place until dead, have their gonads chopped off or referring to them as a scum pedo perv. I have children and would protect them to the end, but in this case I can control the urge to behave like an animal. Perhaps some posters who are most vitriolic should also consider the position of somebody who simply said "wait until he is found guilty in a court of law before you lynch him". Is that such an extreme opinion? I think a lot less extreme than the screaming blue murder brigade.

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When I was at college one of the modules I had to do was to go and sit in Liverpool Crown Court and follow a case from beginning to end. I was then expected to write a report on what happened. Part of that report was to compare what happened in the courtroom with the way it was reported in the local newspaper - the Liverpool Echo.

The case was a minor assault case and 'boring' would be the best description of the day to day workings of the court. No wonder Judges fall asleep at work laugh.png

What was really amazing was the fact that the report in the Echo ( a well-regarded paper) bore almost no relationship to what happened in the courtroom. From that day to this I've regarded most things I see in newspapers as a combination of semi-fact and wishful thinking.

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There are old threads on this.

Fears for man, 91, in Thai child sex case

Jessica Wright April 24, 2011

THE family of a 91-year-old Australian arrested in Thailand on underage sex charges are concerned for his well-being. They say he has been denied access to medicine and proper care while in custody.

Karl Kraus, a former South Australian railway worker, says he was the victim of an extortion attempt by Thai authorities, who levelled bogus charges last June when he was arrested for the alleged rape of four young sisters, the youngest of whom was five.

At the time of the arrest, Thai police said they seized pornographic print and electronic images from Mr Kraus's house in Thailand. They said the arrest was part of a wider inquiry into paedophiles in the area.


In a letter to The Sun-Herald, Mr Kraus, who has lived in the northern city of Chiang Mai for more than a decade, said he was pressured for 200,000 baht ($6200) by a Thai businessman in the weeks before the raid and claims he was extorted during his time in custody when it was made clear the charges would be dropped if he paid 450,000 baht ($14,175) to several parties including Thai officials.

He says he was kept in custody in a medical jail facility for five days but denied access to his medication, which caused him health complications.

Mr Kraus also says that when police searched his home, bed linen, computers and photographs were confiscated, along with his bank passbooks, which were used to drain his accounts.

Central to Mr Kraus's claims of innocence is that he is accused of sexual offences on December 22, 2009, when he says he was in Australia receiving medical treatment for prostate and bladder cancer.

Mr Kraus's granddaughter, Jenny, who lives in Port Pirie, South Australia, said her family had been through a harrowing time. Her father Charles - Mr Kraus's son - had planned to fly to Thailand to help, but cancelled the trip when her brother, Charles jnr, died suddenly in February.

Mr Kraus had applied through consular channels to fly to Australia for the funeral of his grandson and to receive further medical treatment, but his requests were denied by Thai authorities, despite a document of ''no objection'' provided by Australian consul staff.

Ms Kraus said she had not had regular contact with her grandfather but understood he had become withdrawn since his arrest and was confined to a wheelchair.

''He doesn't go out much,'' she said. ''He needs to be able to get his proper medication.''

Mr Kraus's next hearing is scheduled for June 14.

A Department of Foreign Affairs spokeswoman confirmed he was receiving assistance from the Australian embassy in Bangkok.



This guy abrogated his side of the bargain when he jumped bail........so all this talk of a fair trial is predicated on a guy who did a runner already, that's not part of the justice system now, is it?

I would disagree with this in a country with legal and justice systems as (have to stay within the forum rules)... as, shall we say, utterly corrupt to the very core? as Thailand's is.

Anyone unfortunate enough to be extorted as he says he has should get the hell out of the country as fast as possible.

If you were framed, as he says he has, by the Thai police would you hang around to fight the charges knowing the court of law here and that evidence has been planted?

I look forward to your answer.

the nature of the crime is loathsome

I agree.

The alleged extortion and framing by authorities is absolutely abhorrent!


No, I won't look stupid. I have done nothing other than try to convince you to stop your hateful judgmental attacks before a trial has been concluded. I am not the one looking stupid here Blether. If he is guilty, good, jail him, if he is innocent, good let him go free, but you are the armchair expert with your mind made up and worse still voicing it.

What am I guessing at? Are you saying he has done prison time for rape in Thailand?

I note your clever edit........

No he didn't do time for rape.......guess what? ( and your good at guessing ), he bought his way out of it. How about that then?......he gave the victim a few quid and walked away without doing jail time. By his own admission eh?........of course being the type that he is he had to say " It was a stitch up Guv ".

Now I ask you......if you had been stitched up on a false rape allegation and extorted.......what would you have done?

By the way....it wasn't Thai journalism......your doing that anti-Thai thing again. I do wonder how you guys can sleep at night in a country that you obviously distrust so much.

Ok Blether, you have gone a little to far with the self righteous attitude and as usual are unable to discuss anything without getting personal. There is no 'clever edit', i choose to add, rectify correct my posts as required, nothing clever about it.

Where is the information regarding his 'previous for rape' as you put it. Where is the reference that is stating he paid money to someone and the details of the case.

Do not state to me that I am 'doing the anti Thai thing again'. When have you ever seen me write anti Thai stuff? Are you seriously trying to tell me that you believe the quality of Thai journalism is sound and trustworthy? Read the articles on here every day and tell me whether the articles are satisfactory from a point of view of presenting accurate, grammatically correct information that is never open to misinterpretation. People here complain every day about the accuracy of the media reports and just between two newspapers, the conflicting information can be mind boggling.

I do sleep soundly Blether because this is a country I love and live in. I am here 24/7 and have a deep understanding of Thailand it's strengths and it's weaknesses and those of it's people. I display a level of commitment both to the local community and to the country that DOES afford me a better understanding of the inadequacies of the everyday Thai justice system than that that claimed to be known by people that sit many thousands of miles away and come here 4 times a year to get their rocks off claiming to know about the real country and how it works. Not once have I passed judgement on this guy to his guilt or innocence, I have simply asked that you refrain from the pack tendency of the disgraceful lynch mob mentality until he has had his day in court, but you relentlessly hound people down. It is sickening and uncivil.

Source, New York Daily News,


Reference, Bangkok Post

According to the Bangkok Post, Kraus-who has lived in Thailand more than a decade-once argued he was a victim of police extortion when he was charged with rape in a previous case.

As for the rest of your previous post, you clearly edited what you had written as it couldn't stand up......people should know you seriously back tracked your position. Your also the same guy who had a snide go at Thai journalism......your a wee bit of a hypocrite eh? Claiming the moral high ground then resorting to snide Thai bashing.

The previous case, I assume you are trying to show propensity evidence, was apparently same case, same acuser, same alleged events or occurrences. Looks like they extorted money out of him then and let him go. Apparently they did not believe he was too dangerous or I guess pedophiles walking around Thailand not deemed a huge deal to authorities.

None of us here know full story and what if any photos or evidence actually exist. The problem is the the Thai justice system is so corrupt from top to bottom that it raises questions and doubts in matters such as these. They have themselves to blame for that and the uneven application of justice.


This guy abrogated his side of the bargain when he jumped bail........so all this talk of a fair trial is predicated on a guy who did a runner already, that's not part of the justice system now, is it?

I would disagree with this in a country with legal and justice systems as (have to stay within the forum rules)... as, shall we say, utterly corrupt to the very core? as Thailand's is.

Anyone unfortunate enough to be extorted as he says he has should get the hell out of the country as fast as possible.

If you were framed, as he says he has, by the Thai police would you hang around to fight the charges knowing the court of law here and that evidence has been planted?

I look forward to your answer.

the nature of the crime is loathsome

I agree.

The alleged extortion and framing by authorities is absolutely abhorrent!


Pay attention man, Karl Joseph Kraus claimed that he had previously been extorted by the Thai police.......in a previous rape case.

Now I ask you.......would you have left the country after that previous extortion episode and never came back? Of course you would, anyone in their right mind would have. But not this guy, this guy came back, and back, and back again.

Anyway your post is a prime example of out and out Thai bashing.........what can I say?


This guy abrogated his side of the bargain when he jumped bail........so all this talk of a fair trial is predicated on a guy who did a runner already, that's not part of the justice system now, is it?

I would disagree with this in a country with legal and justice systems as (have to stay within the forum rules)... as, shall we say, utterly corrupt to the very core? as Thailand's is.

Anyone unfortunate enough to be extorted as he says he has should get the hell out of the country as fast as possible.

If you were framed, as he says he has, by the Thai police would you hang around to fight the charges knowing the court of law here and that evidence has been planted?

I look forward to your answer.

the nature of the crime is loathsome

I agree.

The alleged extortion and framing by authorities is absolutely abhorrent!


Pay attention man, Karl Joseph Kraus claimed that he had previously been extorted by the Thai police.......in a previous rape case.

Now I ask you.......would you have left the country after that previous extortion episode and never came back? Of course you would, anyone in their right mind would have. But not this guy, this guy came back, and back, and back again.

Anyway your post is a prime example of out and out Thai bashing.........what can I say?

You keep saying previous rape case. Looks like same rape case, same victim, same episodes or occurrences.

Karl Kraus, a former South Australian railway worker, says he was the victim of an extortion attempt by Thai authorities, who levelled bogus charges last June when he was arrested for the alleged rape of four young sisters, the youngest of whom was five.

At the time of the arrest, Thai police said they seized pornographic print and electronic images from Mr Kraus's house in Thailand. They said the arrest was part of a wider inquiry into paedophiles in the area.


In a letter to The Sun-Herald, Mr Kraus, who has lived in the northern city of Chiang Mai for more than a decade, said he was pressured for 200,000 baht ($6200) by a Thai businessman in the weeks before the raid and claims he was extorted during his time in custody when it was made clear the charges would be dropped if he paid 450,000 baht ($14,175) to several parties including Thai officials.

He says he was kept in custody in a medical jail facility for five days but denied access to his medication, which caused him health complications.

Mr Kraus also says that when police searched his home, bed linen, computers and photographs were confiscated, along with his bank passbooks, which were used to drain his accounts.

Central to Mr Kraus's claims of innocence is that he is accused of sexual offences on December 22, 2009, when he says he was in Australia receiving medical treatment for prostate and bladder cancer.



Just for the sake of discussion, could the original "local businessman" who tried to bribe old guy have taken some messed up pictures to sell as child pornography. Dudes sells photos on web and then gies back to old guy to get more money. I just cannot see old guy taking such photos himself if in fact they even exist.


Just for the sake of discussion, could the original "local businessman" who tried to bribe old guy have taken some messed up pictures to sell as child pornography. Dudes sells photos on web and then gies back to old guy to get more money. I just cannot see old guy taking such photos himself if in fact they even exist.

Highly possible... it is Thailand. sad.png

Where there's money and foreigners involved....


Posts that were off topic, insulting, attacks on other posters have been removed and will continue to be removed. Stick to the topic instead please.


Just for the sake of discussion, could the original "local businessman" who tried to bribe old guy have taken some messed up pictures to sell as child pornography. Dudes sells photos on web and then gies back to old guy to get more money. I just cannot see old guy taking such photos himself if in fact they even exist.

I don't know, but I just hope that in order for justice to be served all round, there are some good quality lawyers involved. I wonder if Kraus has one. If he is guilty as charged it would appear with all the conflicting reports that it will not be a straight forward case and there may well be others involved, Of course, none of that will be discovered/revealed unless some lawyers are conducting some sound research and due diligence.


I assume that when he was let out on bail his passport was confiscated. This would leave him with relatively few options on where he could go. Also since his money had been taken out of his account the options for any long distance travel would have been eliminated. So choosing Burma may have been the logical course.

Would I jump bail if I was falsely accused in Thailand and with no money? Tough call but I would certainly consider it.

Not saying the guy is innocent, I have no idea but think it reasonable to have a trial before hanging him out to dry. If he is guilty I have no sympathy for him. But I take the information provided by the media and the boys in brown with a grain of salt.

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I take the information provided by the media and the boys in brown with a grain of salt.


You've been here longer than 5 minutes. biggrin.png


I assume that when he was let out on bail his passport was confiscated. This would leave him with relatively few options on where he could go. Also since his money had been taken out of his account the options for any long distance travel would have been eliminated. So choosing Burma may have been the logical course.

Would I jump bail if I was falsely accused in Thailand and with no money? Tough call but I would certainly consider it.

Not saying the guy is innocent, I have no idea but think it reasonable to have a trial before hanging him out to dry. If he is guilty I have no sympathy for him. But I take the information provided by the media and the boys in brown with a grain of salt.

To clarify, it would appear you take reports with a grain of salt where the info paint the accused child molester in a bad light but have no issue with believing reports of the accused pedophile claiming funds were taken illegally from his account without his permission and knowledge.


I assume that when he was let out on bail his passport was confiscated. This would leave him with relatively few options on where he could go. Also since his money had been taken out of his account the options for any long distance travel would have been eliminated. So choosing Burma may have been the logical course.

Would I jump bail if I was falsely accused in Thailand and with no money? Tough call but I would certainly consider it.

Not saying the guy is innocent, I have no idea but think it reasonable to have a trial before hanging him out to dry. If he is guilty I have no sympathy for him. But I take the information provided by the media and the boys in brown with a grain of salt.

To clarify, it would appear you take reports with a grain of salt where the info paint the accused child molester in a bad light but have no issue with believing reports of the accused pedophile claiming funds were taken illegally from his account without his permission and knowledge.

I guess most people believe that it's far more likely to be a Thai extortion attempt than a 88 year old (or however old he supposedly was) paedophilia case. While he was allegedly in Australia at the time.

Blame the Thai authorities for their complete and utter lack of credibility, believability and laughable (if the lives they ruined weren't true) reputation... not posters on here. rolleyes.gif

You frame and extort and bribe and wrongly accuse people, in order to extort them, or just because another Thai has said so, too many times who is going to believe you any more?

Remeber Peter Clements in Phuket a few years ago? Perhaps not, you may not have even been here then.

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I have one question, and I am asking it seriously.

At least here on the forum we often read about farang guys like this who get arrested, and tried, and suffer the consequences...as they should...if they are guilty.

But it seems like I almost never read about Thai men getting arrested and tried for it...particularly those who procure children for prostitution.

So what's the scoop on that?


I have one question, and I am asking it seriously.

At least here on the forum we often read about farang guys like this who get arrested, and tried, and suffer the consequences...as they should...if they are guilty.

But it seems like I almost never read about Thai men getting arrested and tried for it...particularly those who procure children for prostitution.

So what's the scoop on that?

The scoop is that ThaiVisa doesn't post news about Thai people.

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I assume that when he was let out on bail his passport was confiscated. This would leave him with relatively few options on where he could go. Also since his money had been taken out of his account the options for any long distance travel would have been eliminated. So choosing Burma may have been the logical course.

Would I jump bail if I was falsely accused in Thailand and with no money? Tough call but I would certainly consider it.

Not saying the guy is innocent, I have no idea but think it reasonable to have a trial before hanging him out to dry. If he is guilty I have no sympathy for him. But I take the information provided by the media and the boys in brown with a grain of salt.

To clarify, it would appear you take reports with a grain of salt where the info paint the accused child molester in a bad light but have no issue with believing reports of the accused pedophile claiming funds were taken illegally from his account without his permission and knowledge.

What I am saying is it is good to wait for the trial before you hang the guy. And if he is found guilty as I said I have no sympathy for him.

You want to have him stoned for being accused. Wouldn't it be nice to be sure first. But you are welcome to your opinion. I will stick with mine to wait and see.

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