While I agree with your sentiments I am alarmed that Musk has so much power, he is already the worlds richest man and consequently has huge seductive power upon government and industry and this power is now elevated with a government position and direct access to a president that doesn't seem to have any moral values. "Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely." Musk and Trump are basically untouchable and all powerful, what does that do to two already damage psyches? Government waste is a world wide problem but some seemingly redundant departments are 'pesky' counterweights against an all to powerful administration, it is now easy to remove them.
I am a Trump supporter because the Left, which is in the end a violent, rascist, antisemitic and anti human ideology has become too powerful, and whither goest the Left, also goest hate, violence and death.
The ideology must be eradicated.
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