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Australian, 93, Faces Sexual Assault Charges In Thailand


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a number of young girls tell of their abuse

At least they're not claiming they saw him flying on a broomstick while his spirit transformed and killed people, like other children's testimonies.


Unfortunately there's Thais, money, and an easy target involved. sad.png

Don't automatically believe everything you read N. wink.png

And don't got to extreme to disbelieve the obvious and make yourself appear very desperate to defend a person who is almost certainly a pedophile even just based on the limited information released.

Children scared to leave house - parents question them - abuse comes out

Police state they confiscate more than a hundred child porn photos from his house some include him in the pictures

His maid states he saw child porn on his computer and that she saw him email the child porn to somebody overseas

All from the Royal Thai Police and the Thai media.

It counts for nothing. sad.png

"The guy flees from authorities and illegally enters Burma (another place poor kids found) and stays in a rented house"

A 90 year old man flees from the people extorting him! Shockingly condemning. rolleyes.gif

"There has been numerous junctions in these court proceedings where evidence has been presented to judges that has allowed the charges to move forward because at the very minimum it has been determined he likely molested these children ... if that wasn't the case then the charges would not proceed."

How long did Andrew Clements spend in prison? (where he was extorted for everything he had btw)

There was NO evidence against him, except for an absolutely ludicrous claim by a disgruntled mother!

You don't appear to be very clued in to how Thailand operates. sad.png

Another case you mention without proper facts this disprove your claims and which even if didn't is one case which would be idiotic to judge an entire people or court system about. The man you mention was held 12-days after a child said he molested him and and before proceeding with formal hearing against him, he went to court to be told the charges were being dismissed for lack of evidence (all they had was the kid's claims). You talking about witch trials 400-years ago outside Thailand had more relevance as this case shows the opposite of what you claim and rather a justice system that works.

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Even the Australian news provided info on the photos -- as for BBC and CNN, you can look up their past news stories online but I don't believe either covered the story ... interesting too is you can look up all sorts of news reports online so all your recalling incorrect info and speculation really has no purpose --- unless you are trying to spread false or at best unsourced information such as your claim it being reported that the guy was "senile or suffered from Alzheimer"

Nope. As has been said so many times before. The Australian press simply quoted word for word the press releases from the Bangkok Post. Those press releases go out to international agencies and those that subscribe quote what they wish from those sources. What this poster is saying is that BBC and CNN were there in the area and made no report of the photo's. Clear? Isn't it about time that YOU allowed other people an opinion without trying to drag them down everytime. You have lectured many on here about allowing others opinions, why not practice what you preach.

Thanks for that GentlemanJim. Indeed poster Nisa is the ultimate Thai apologist on this board. Poster Nisa is dead wrong. CNN and BBC both covered the case. CNN even had a special 15-20 minute segment on this case that they filmed right here in C.M.

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Even the Australian news provided info on the photos -- as for BBC and CNN, you can look up their past news stories online but I don't believe either covered the story ... interesting too is you can look up all sorts of news reports online so all your recalling incorrect info and speculation really has no purpose --- unless you are trying to spread false or at best unsourced information such as your claim it being reported that the guy was "senile or suffered from Alzheimer"

Nope. As has been said so many times before. The Australian press simply quoted word for word the press releases from the Bangkok Post. Those press releases go out to international agencies and those that subscribe quote what they wish from those sources. What this poster is saying is that BBC and CNN were there in the area and made no report of the photo's. Clear? Isn't it about time that YOU allowed other people an opinion without trying to drag them down everytime. You have lectured many on here about allowing others opinions, why not practice what you preach.

Thanks for that GentlemanJim. Indeed poster Nisa is the ultimate Thai apologist on this board. Poster Nisa is dead wrong. CNN and BBC both covered the case. CNN even had a special 15-20 minute segment on this case that they filmed right here in C.M.

There's no record of it on the BBC database. Just supply the links and we can put this part of the debate / argument to rest.

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But whilst the BBC and CNN did not cover the story of your defecation they DID cover the story of the Australian.


You just had a poster living in the area who said they were there. Find your own links.

You stated as FACT that the BBC and CNN covered this story but you refuse to back up this claim. Worse, you want us all to question (outright disbelieve) the media and police about facts reported, such as the pics the guy was busted with but you take as fast a comment an anonymous poster makes who clearly was stating other false things. Do you think you may be a bit biased for some reason with this story and it isn't about innocent and proven guilty (which doesn't apply in expressing opinions outside court). you keep saying it is about?

Edit: to be clear, not looking for an argument but rather just asking you to consider this.


Nuff said

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Even the Australian news provided info on the photos -- as for BBC and CNN, you can look up their past news stories online but I don't believe either covered the story ... interesting too is you can look up all sorts of news reports online so all your recalling incorrect info and speculation really has no purpose --- unless you are trying to spread false or at best unsourced information such as your claim it being reported that the guy was "senile or suffered from Alzheimer"

Nope. As has been said so many times before. The Australian press simply quoted word for word the press releases from the Bangkok Post. Those press releases go out to international agencies and those that subscribe quote what they wish from those sources. What this poster is saying is that BBC and CNN were there in the area and made no report of the photo's. Clear? Isn't it about time that YOU allowed other people an opinion without trying to drag them down everytime. You have lectured many on here about allowing others opinions, why not practice what you preach.

Thanks for that GentlemanJim. Indeed poster Nisa is the ultimate Thai apologist on this board. Poster Nisa is dead wrong. CNN and BBC both covered the case. CNN even had a special 15-20 minute segment on this case that they filmed right here in C.M.

There's no record of it on the BBC database. Just supply the links and we can put this part of the debate / argument to rest.

Not every story is on a database. CNN certainly does not have every story reported live on the Internet. There is a world outside the Internet. Also, older stories may get purged from some news services to make room for the new.

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I understand that, however these days any TV reports tend to be supported by the website too, it hasn't been that long since the arrest in 2010, and certainly only a question of weeks since the July / August arrest and extradition. It says nothing on both sites about that. That surprises me.

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You just had a poster living in the area who said they were there. Find your own links.

You stated as FACT that the BBC and CNN covered this story but you refuse to back up this claim. Worse, you want us all to question (outright disbelieve) the media and police about facts reported, such as the pics the guy was busted with but you take as fast a comment an anonymous poster makes who clearly was stating other false things. Do you think you may be a bit biased for some reason with this story and it isn't about innocent and proven guilty (which doesn't apply in expressing opinions outside court). you keep saying it is about?

Edit: to be clear, not looking for an argument but rather just asking you to consider this.


Nuff said

This article demonstrates it's a cultural problem. Thai culture places monetary greed ahead of children's welfare. Big surprise with what is happening in the South African murder case and child custody issue.

Thai people profit from exploiting their and other's children. Cops, society and people who elect to see no evil all turn the other way. They are almost as disgusting as those abusing the children. Seeing only the good means turning your back on or walking by and ignoring those who suffer and tolerating the bad. Unfortunately, the bad in Thailand can be really bad and flat out reprehensible. Human tracking, sex slaves, child exploitation, child labor, money laundering for terrorism and accepting police corruption as a way of life. Time to stop ignoring the bad and make a change. Have some decency and integrity in other words.

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I found this on CNN......I haven't watched it yet.


Good job. A couple take aways from the link for those who suggested differently earlier ... It certainly is not piece copied from Thai media and the comment "Last year, 2,888 people were charged with having sex with children under 15 in Thailand." should certainly come as a surpise to those who think the only cases in the legal system are those of farangs re-reported on ThaiVisa.

Again, good job in tracking this down.

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I found this on CNN......I haven't watched it yet.


Good job. A couple take aways from the link for those who suggested differently earlier ... It certainly is not piece copied from Thai media and the comment "Last year, 2,888 people were charged with having sex with children under 15 in Thailand." should certainly come as a surpise to those who think the only cases in the legal system are those of farangs re-reported on ThaiVisa.

Again, good job in tracking this down.

And then it states this. Sounds like very little being done for a widespread and chronic problem.

"There is no specific law about having child pornography in possession," he said. "Thailand should issue the new law about child pornography specifically."

Ronnasit Proeksayajiva is with a small NGO called the Counter Human Trafficking Unit. He works closely with Col. Apichart, often accompanying officers on raids. His assessment is frank -- and bleak.

"Honestly right now I don't think it is getting better, I think it is getting worse, because I don't know, maybe they believe that Thailand is the best place for them to come to have sex with the children."

Karl Kraus is alleged to have lured girls into his modest rundown bungalow in Doi Saket near Chiang Mai. Just a few houses away, I met the mother of the four girls Karl Kraus is accused of abusing. She denied his claim that she is trying to extort money from him. Instead she breaks down and weeps as she goes into harrowing detail about the ordeal her daughters endured. The youngest girl Kraus is accused of abusing is just seven years old.

Kraus' case has received media attention because of his age, but there are many thousands of other cases in Thailand, which largely go unreported. Like Swiss banker Cornel Wietlisbach, who pleaded guilty to abusing young boys in Chiang Mai -- he was facing a four year sentence, but this was halved because he cooperated with the police. In the end, he was granted parole immediately and was deported back to Switzerland after he'd paid a 4,000 baht fine (about $125).

Such cases do little to discourage pedophiles from coming to Thailand. Col. Apichart says online forums are abuzz with talk about Thailand being a child molesters' paradise.

"There is a group of the pedophiles online, it is a community, they talk with each other and they like to come to a third world country where the criminal justice system is not strong enough to deal with them."

From same CNN article quoted by above poster.

Dunno, parole, $ 125 fine and deportation seems kind a light for a child molester.

Edited by F430murci
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Even the Australian news provided info on the photos -- as for BBC and CNN, you can look up their past news stories online but I don't believe either covered the story ... interesting too is you can look up all sorts of news reports online so all your recalling incorrect info and speculation really has no purpose --- unless you are trying to spread false or at best unsourced information such as your claim it being reported that the guy was "senile or suffered from Alzheimer"

Nope. As has been said so many times before. The Australian press simply quoted word for word the press releases from the Bangkok Post. Those press releases go out to international agencies and those that subscribe quote what they wish from those sources. What this poster is saying is that BBC and CNN were there in the area and made no report of the photo's. Clear? Isn't it about time that YOU allowed other people an opinion without trying to drag them down everytime. You have lectured many on here about allowing others opinions, why not practice what you preach.

Thanks for that GentlemanJim. Indeed poster Nisa is the ultimate Thai apologist on this board. Poster Nisa is dead wrong. CNN and BBC both covered the case. CNN even had a special 15-20 minute segment on this case that they filmed right here in C.M.

Actually one link to a CNN story about Sex Tourism in Thailand that uses this guy as an example is not CNN Covering the story about this man and if they did a 20-minute segment on CNN, it would still be available online. I never said they and BBS didn't cover the story as was claimed but rather I didn't believe they did and asked for a link but the and the reason I asked for the link is because it is claimed the BBC and CNN only copied what was in the Thai press (even the story link of Farany Pedophiles talks about him in ways not quoted from the Thai Press) and more importantly is the claim it was reported he was senile or suffered from Alzheimer .... as if this makes one become a pedophile.

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. . . a online paedophile community is plain sick. i never knew something like that actually exist. can't the authorities track down these users down? im pretty sure at the very least they could bring the domain down!

Edited by barefoot1988
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Even the Australian news provided info on the photos -- as for BBC and CNN, you can look up their past news stories online but I don't believe either covered the story ... interesting too is you can look up all sorts of news reports online so all your recalling incorrect info and speculation really has no purpose --- unless you are trying to spread false or at best unsourced information such as your claim it being reported that the guy was "senile or suffered from Alzheimer"

Nope. As has been said so many times before. The Australian press simply quoted word for word the press releases from the Bangkok Post. Those press releases go out to international agencies and those that subscribe quote what they wish from those sources. What this poster is saying is that BBC and CNN were there in the area and made no report of the photo's. Clear? Isn't it about time that YOU allowed other people an opinion without trying to drag them down everytime. You have lectured many on here about allowing others opinions, why not practice what you preach.

Thanks for that GentlemanJim. Indeed poster Nisa is the ultimate Thai apologist on this board. Poster Nisa is dead wrong. CNN and BBC both covered the case. CNN even had a special 15-20 minute segment on this case that they filmed right here in C.M.

Actually one link to a CNN story about Sex Tourism in Thailand that uses this guy as an example is not CNN Covering the story about this man and if they did a 20-minute segment on CNN, it would still be available online. I never said they and BBS didn't cover the story as was claimed but rather I didn't believe they did and asked for a link but the and the reason I asked for the link is because it is claimed the BBC and CNN only copied what was in the Thai press (even the story link of Farany Pedophiles talks about him in ways not quoted from the Thai Press) and more importantly is the claim it was reported he was senile or suffered from Alzheimer .... as if this makes one become a pedophile.


You were told that the reports by CNN and the BBC were independent reports that were made from having journalists on the ground in Chang Mai. THAT is what you were told and what you have already responded to. You were told that the allegations that YOU and Blether were making were based on newspaper reports garnered from one single source of Thai journalism, and that was the source used by the Australian press that YOU kept quoting. STOP twisting words and changing tack to suit your ever changing arguement. It was no effort for theblether to 'track down' the article which we informed you CNN had done, all that was required by you was a simple search on google and hey presto. You are constantly baiting the posters on this forum.

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