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Condom Broke

steve o

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well, I was super paranoid about contracting things in thailand. So much that I pour listerine over everything including the condom, before I remove it in the shower. Had a scare a while back, but I found out guys can catch yeast infections from bed sheets.

Maybe one can use 2 condoms at once?

I figured you as a troll from the beginning....you just can`t help yourself can you?

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well, I was super paranoid about contracting things in thailand. So much that I pour listerine over everything including the condom, before I remove it in the shower. Had a scare a while back, but I found out guys can catch yeast infections from bed sheets.

Maybe one can use 2 condoms at once?

I figured you as a troll from the beginning....you just can`t help yourself can you?

After 30 replies, including some carefully thought out and caring advice, you come out with a load of cods wallap that's not even comprehensible. What's with the listerine crap? A Troll indeed. :D:o

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well, I was super paranoid about contracting things in thailand. So much that I pour listerine over everything including the condom, before I remove it in the shower. Had a scare a while back, but I found out guys can catch yeast infections from bed sheets.

Maybe one can use 2 condoms at once?

I figured you as a troll from the beginning....you just can`t help yourself can you?

Agreed, it's time for you to get back off home ! :D

Super paranoid indeed ... just not paranoid enough to stop you from

taking BG's back to your pad :o


Edited by naka
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I had him weighed up from the outset.............my guess would be a bored TV regular after a night out.

Wonder who his alter ego is?

Edit.........just noticed something the Listerine guy and the OP are purporting to be two different people, ones a steve o and ones a stevo..........now theres a coincidence for you. :o

Edited by thaiflyer1
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Edit.........just noticed something the Listerine guy and the OP are purporting to be two different people, ones a steve o and ones a stevo..........now theres a coincidence for you. :D

Well spotted - they are different trolls. Different member numbers, different joining dates. Whats's the odds of having 2 steveo's (or steve_o's) both worried about condoms and getting paranoid and listerining 2 condoms and getting yeast bugs from bed sheets along with HIV from dry vaginas? I'll remember not to call my dog Steve. :D:o:D

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  • 3 years later...

A few comments.

The prostitutes previously mentioned who are supposed to have regular checkups, generally pay clinics 500 baht to sign their books without any examination at all. In most cases where an examination IS given it is not a genuine test, the result is given right there on the spot, and it means nothing. I have several HIV+ patients who have been issued with little books full of stamps giving them a clean bill of health.

It is also common practice to borrow these books from other girls to show johns. I have several here confiscated from girls who now attend my clinic. The names on the books are just a meaningless nickname and there are no photographs - the nicknames on the books are not the ones used by the girls. The rubber stamps in the books do not even state what STD's were checked for.

Even if a test were carried out properly, it would not be known for several months if a particular girl is HIV+, as many people have mentioned. At best, a certificate could say that the holder was believed to have been free of HIV perhaps 4 months ago.

The whole practice of issuing any kind of health certificate is quite meaningless. It is just a way for bar owners and brothels to drum up more business.

Edited by stolidfeline
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Very, very, very slim chance...

But if your worreid...go see a Doc.

All the best :)

Extremely small chance. More chance of a plane crash on the way over here.

But...the chances of a condom breaking when no lubrication is used is very high. Buy some lube next time around.

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^ Why wake up an almost 4 year old thread? :)

I was just thinking the same thing myself Phil

Well it shot to the top of the 'must read and post comment' brigade. Just proves that the recent dearth of hum drum posts such as finding Pattaya's heartiest breakfast or best burger pales into insignificance when it comes to a real 'red meat' subject that's still close to most of our hearts.

Keep digging them up by all means!

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you should be okay in the long run..the chances of catching something will hopefully be VERY SLIM..it happened to me once when single..and scared the shiite out of me..so I understand how you feel..I had 2 tests, and was not in the clear for 6 months in my case..once I got married I never have fooled around, as I couldn't live with myself and that's why I waited to marry until age 50.. and sowed all the wild oats first..but each to their own.. I want to make it VERY CLEAR I am not judging you or moralizing..just relating my experience..ALL the best, and perhaps once bitten, twice shy?? We all live and learn..

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steve o,

I hope you give the wife back in the uk a few choices of her own, lets face it, you made the decision to sleep with the young lass and just kept a millimetres insurance policy to protect yourself from various diseases.

i hope you give your wife the chance to chose what protection policy she wants & not just keep her in the dark of this epidsode....afterall, in the worse scenario you could be passing a life sentence to your wife.

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^ Why wake up an almost 4 year old thread? :)

I was just thinking the same thing myself Phil

Well it shot to the top of the 'must read and post comment' brigade. Just proves that the recent dearth of hum drum posts such as finding Pattaya's heartiest breakfast or best burger pales into insignificance when it comes to a real 'red meat' subject that's still close to most of our hearts.

Keep digging them up by all means!

Hum drum?,pattaya finest breakfest or best burger topics got more replies then this,so what are u on about exactly?

Edited by Dpolenz
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i dont see what time i posted as inportant i am not a troll or what ever just veray worred over mistake that could cost me a lot.

Fair enough............just seems a strange thing to do at 2am, i know if i was really worried i would of joined and posted during the day...........its as though it wasnt the most pressing concern of the day.

Not much you can do about your little accident now though...............may i suggest you keep it in your pants for the remainder of your stay in Pattaya and maybe consider a holiday with the missus in Skeggie next year. :)

Maybe he just finished his ST at 01:30????

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Stevo - I do not feel sorry for you, I only feel sorry for your poor Wife back at home who does not know anything.

If you are so concerned for your Wife back home, then why did you do it in the first place.

How would you feel if the tables turned around, and she did it on you ?

If you want to do things like that, then you should not be married, cheating and wasting your wife's time.

With all due respect of course !!!

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Stevo - If you are still with us !!! I do not feel sorry for you, I only feel sorry for your poor Wife back at home who does not know anything.

If you are so concerned for your Wife back home, then why did you do it in the first place.

How would you feel if the tables turned around, and she did it on you ?

If you want to do things like that, then you should not be married, cheating and wasting your wife's time.

With all due respect of course !!!


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Stevo - If you are still with us !!! I do not feel sorry for you, I only feel sorry for your poor Wife back at home who does not know anything.

It's hard to believe that there's a wife sitting back at home in England thinking that nothing is going on while her husband is in Thailand.

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