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The ''I can't find Marmite'' Brigade...................................whistling.gif

The Worst.cheesy.gif

The "I don't remember sitting on the marmite" Brigade.




The ''I can't find Marmite'' Brigade...................................whistling.gif

The Worst.cheesy.gif

The "I don't remember sitting on the marmite" Brigade.



Lets leave your sexual habits out of this. w00t.gif ......................smile.png


The Trukie Mob. One is Trapped Here without a 4x4 and Snorkel Brigade. Then theres the Mo Cy Lot,who reckon unless your attired like a T.T Racer you shouldn't ride yer Moped.

The Outrageous, Noisy Mo Cy Lot,who couldn't give a stuff about anyones hearing! Brigade.

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The Trukie Mob. One is Trapped Here without a 4x4 and Snorkel Brigade. Then theres the Mo Cy Lot,who reckon unless your attired like a T.T Racer you shouldn't ride yer Moped.

The " Accidental Double Post" Brigade.

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Thanks Art, just thought of one more. The English 3Pin Plug and Earthing Brigade...Every Sunday Lunch we fall asleep to the story. Its like a Clff Richard Concert.thumbsup.gif

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The ''I can't find Marmite'' Brigade...................................whistling.gif

The "forced to make do with Vegemite" wink.png Brigade.

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"Im not an Agist or Abusive,but why do these Fat,Sweaty,Bald,Drunk,Old Gits keep stuffing our young women" Brigade.


The "let's create the longest thread in history" - brigade.

It's got a long way to go to match the "Repeat every corny joke ever written" brigade in the jokes thread in Pub.

A couple of members of that brigade have nearly 8000 posts each in one thread!


The Schadenfreude Brigade..

Don't know Pinochet from Pinnochio or a Shiite from a trip to the outhouse

I've been found out. sad.png


"Im not an Agist or Abusive,but why do these Fat,Sweaty,Bald,Drunk,Old Gits keep stuffing our young women" Brigade.

The "Thai man perspective" Brigade

closely followed by

The " disappears to the toilet when the dinner bill comes" Brigade


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The Diving Brigade. A rare breed who enjoy being mangled by Powerboat Props,and ogling small Fishcoffee1.gif.pagespeed.ce.Ymlsr09gMJ.gif width=32 alt=coffee1.gif> .

The " Pattaya high flyers diving"Brigadewhistling.gif


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The "compromising your principals" brigade


or Teachers in Trouble brigade

People who loose their ties when out drinking


The "compromising your principals" brigade


or Teachers in Trouble brigade

People who loose their ties when out drinking

Ties or Thais?

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