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Bananas - What Is The Fake Smell They Are Using On Some Bananas? !


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Does anyone know exactly what the chemical is or what it is that some farms (or distributors) put on bananas to create this fake banana smell?

it gives me a headache!! I noticed the brand OTENTO uses it.

its a kind of floral banana smell. its obvious to the banana-eater that something has been sprayed or added to create this fake smell.

What is it exactly?

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Is this in Thailand?

I've never noticed this but then again I only ever eat locally produced bananas.

Isoamyl acetate

Yes, this is in Thailand.

i eat a LOT of bananas. (7+ bananas a day... sometimes as much as 16). - i'm vegan and eat a LOT of fruit.

when you eat a LOT of the same fruit (in ONE sitting), you notice subtle variations in taste differences.

i came to notice that there is a really FAKE smell in some bananas. its obvious to me that it is NOT natural.

i notice it usually in the OTENTO brand... - this doesnt surprise me as it is a japanese company (based in Thailand) and the Japs are known for their need of perfection (in food) and they will go to any limit to ensure it.

but I have also noticed this smell sometimes in most of the other brands too... (but nlot half as often as in Otento brand.

thank you "Smokin Joe" for letting me know it is called: Isoamyl acetate :)

so I guess that some times they dip or spray bananas to give them even more smell to make it appealing to the consumer.

it really gives me a headache when bananas reek of this chemical.

While I am here, do you happen to also know if they do similar things to Watermelons and dragon fruits?

I often wonder how some watermelons or red dragon fruit taste like water, and others taste so sweet or tasty. - is this from adding of another kind of chemical?

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easybullet maybe a silly question but why dont you just buy them off the market stalls and not the more expensive branded ones ?


Or rent a small plot of land and grow some. Really easy to grow and you'd get more than you can possibly eat.

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