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Italian Restaurant Owner Charged With Having Sex With Minors.


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Italian Restaurant Owner Arrested after Accusations of Under-age Sex and Possession of Child Pornography.

Officers from the Transnational Crime Suppression Unit at Pattaya Police Station received a complaint from the National Women and Childrens Welfare Protection Agency, in Bangkok about an Italian Man here in Pattaya who was alleged to have abused young boys. Police Major Panya began the investigation into the foreigner and based on evidence an arrest warrant was issued and Police made their way to the Simpatia Italian Restaurant, in Pattaya Second Road in South Pattaya and arrested Mr. Enrico Dellea aged 46 from Italy. He was taken back to his apartment at the View Talay Condominium where Police inspected the room and his computer which contained a number of Illicit images of young boys. He confessed to touring Pattaya late at night looking for street kids and he would offer them 500 baht and take them back to his condo where he would allegedly conduct lewd acts with them. Police have charged the man with sex with minors and possession of illegal child pornography. He is now in the hands of the court who will either deport him or send him to prison here in Thailand assuming he is found guilty of the crimes committed.

Pattaya City News.

Friday 3rd February 2006.

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Assuming he is guilty he should be strung up by his balls then castrated like all sex offenders should be.

Why do they keep images on their computers though? It defies logic. Just ask Gary Glitter.

Edited by Chopper
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Day-Night, View Talay, sooo many bad stories about these places :o


Daynight is in a horrible area and has alot of nonces etc in the area. View Talay is in a nice place, Its a very big set up so its just a coincedence that people like this stay there. :D

(i've seen the guy a lot since i've lived here, i'm sure he used to come in my bar alot :D )

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The good thing is that to-day more people are prepared to report these perverts and more are getting caught, whereas a few years ago they would get away with it, especially if they lived in a good area like View Talay.

Lets hope that the message is getting home,.... i.e. there is no place for perverts who molest children in Pattaya!

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Well, I've always loved italian food, italian style, italian culture, italian fashion and even italian language...the people are a pain in the a*s, never trust an italian, I haven't see a worthy one until now.

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The good thing is that to-day more people are prepared to report these perverts and more are getting caught, whereas a few years ago they would get away with it, especially if they lived in a good area like View Talay.

Lets hope that the message is getting home,.... i.e. there is no place for perverts who molest children in Pattaya!

There should be no place on this Earth for these creatures!!! :o

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...the people are a pain in the a*s

I think you'll find he probably was ! :o:D

Do you suppose he was playing "hide & seek" with the kids or "hide the salami" with them?

Send him back to Italy - minus his "meatballs!"

Now that's a good ideea, hopefully the authorities will not let him through with this, maybe the moral decency sttill has a barrier

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