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Britain, Scotland Sign Deal For Independence Referendum


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What about the people who live there; they care!

That is why they want public enquiry into the whole affair; including the role played by the Scottish Government; First Minister one Alex Salmond.

The only good thing I can see about independence is that the SNP will disband, once the struggle is over


Judging by Alex Salmonds recent gaffs,they may not survive that long. A Party Leader,who consorts with Trump and Murdoch,is certainly not a people man,and not to be trusted either!

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Just to put the rather tedious badgering to bed once and for all....

Some 700 posts ago on this merry thread I replied to a rather cheeky comment from Smokie and stated that:

"Having worked with Scots most of my life and as I qualify as a voter in this referendum I can assure you that I have a very clear understanding of the ability of Scotland's finest...."

The situation remains the same today and I have no intention of giving anyone chapter and verse on my exact address or any other personal details.

If you are really that fascinated (and heaven knows why) check out my avatar/photo, which if that doesn't help, you obviously don't know Scotland that well and a very fine corner of it too....

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Just to put the rather tedious badgering to bed once and for all....

Some 700 posts ago on this merry thread I replied to a rather cheeky comment from Smokie and stated that:

"Having worked with Scots most of my life and as I qualify as a voter in this referendum I can assure you that I have a very clear understanding of the ability of Scotland's finest...."

The situation remains the same today and I have no intention of giving anyone chapter and verse on my exact address or any other personal details.

If you are really that fascinated (and heaven knows why) check out my avatar/photo, which if that doesn't help, you obviously don't know Scotland that well and a very fine corner of it too....

Nope.....I don't recognise it. Sorry.

Where is it?

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What about the people who live there; they care!

That is why they want public enquiry into the whole affair; including the role played by the Scottish Government; First Minister one Alex Salmond.

The only good thing I can see about independence is that the SNP will disband, once the struggle is over


Judging by Alex Salmonds recent gaffs,they may not survive that long. A Party Leader,who consorts with Trump and Murdoch,is certainly not a people man,and not to be trusted either!

I've been amused at the amount of misinformation on this thread. If anyone seriously believe's that Alex Salmond was closer to the Murdoch empire than the Tories and Labour then they are wired to the moon. How about the infamous " LOL " text sent by Rebekkah Brooks to David Cameron for starters??

Never mind Tony Blair flying to Australia to be anointed on Murdoch's yacht.

Anyway..........how about this wee link.


Seems to me that Alex Salmond has demanded an explanation from the police for potential " partiality " against opponents of the Trump plans.

The Instant Googles won't like that though laugh.png

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@ Theblether

The way the Tories and the Labour Party have cosied up to Murdoch in the past has been well documented,and it has won them elections with Murdoch Newspaper backing. That doesn't excuse Salmond from doing the same thing though!

As I remember the email between Cameron and Brooks was a non starter,the Media did their very best to turn it into a scandal,which turned out a damp squib,and easily brushed off by Cameron.

And Salmond hasn't addressed his constituency concerns about Trumps International Golf Course Plans,which should have been his first concerns.

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The relationship between the Tories and Labour and Murdoch was far more pernicious than anything AS did, in fact he was exonerated by Leveson. End of.

Reading this Telegraph report,Alex Salmond is not averse to cosying up to the Media,with the object of much needed propaganda backing for his declining Party.Truthful I wouldn't put my money on that. No wonder the Scottish people don't trust him.


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Just to put the rather tedious badgering to bed once and for all....

Some 700 posts ago on this merry thread I replied to a rather cheeky comment from Smokie and stated that:

"Having worked with Scots most of my life and as I qualify as a voter in this referendum I can assure you that I have a very clear understanding of the ability of Scotland's finest...."

The situation remains the same today and I have no intention of giving anyone chapter and verse on my exact address or any other personal details.

If you are really that fascinated (and heaven knows why) check out my avatar/photo, which if that doesn't help, you obviously don't know Scotland that well and a very fine corner of it too....

Nope.....I don't recognise it. Sorry.

Where is it?

Tut, tut. After all that fuss you flunk Scottish geography 1.01, shame on you! Obviously all talk and nae trews as they say.....

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they gave him the first majority government in Scottish history and they don't trust him?

Now correct me if your Parliamentary rules are different than Englands,but the following figures are somewhat hard to understand,now how do you have a "first majority government in Scottish history" when the members of Parliament are as follows:

List of MPs for Constituencies in Scotland:

Scottish Labour Party = 41

Liberal Democrats = 11

SNP = 6

Conservative Party = 1

A mere 6 SNP MPs does not seem to indicate blind faith in the SNP from the Electorate or indeed it's leader,Alex Salmond. Surely the First Minister should have come from the ranks of the Scottish Labour Party?

To the English South of the Border,it's quite confusing,and as stated in my previous post,the SNP seem more like a Party in Decline! rather than one holding power?

Or perhaps there is another reason for this apparent anomaly?


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Incidentally I see they are going to have to revisit the 1706 Act of Union in connection with the impending birth of the new heir to the throne.

I wonder where that will lead? It just goes to show that original document still has a tight grip on the Union. Queen Ann was easily the greatest monarch in English history as her foresight gave England the greatest gift of all.

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Incidentally I see they are going to have to revisit the 1706 Act of Union in connection with the impending birth of the new heir to the throne.

I wonder where that will lead? It just goes to show that original document still has a tight grip on the Union. Queen Ann was easily the greatest monarch in English history as her foresight gave England the greatest gift of all.

I'm sure she would prefer to be called Queen Anne, last of the Stuarts, and her most memorable comment was one describing her subjects north of the Tweed as "an unreasonable and strange people"....

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.........and yet she was desparate to create the Union.

Anyway I'll just let the English contingent continue in their ignorance of her brilliance.

I'm not happy at AS suggesting a regulator in Scotland for the press. We don't need a regulator, neither does England. We both need a clear and rapid complaints system, that's all. That system should be able to "strongly suggest" suitable compensation payments to wronged people prior to legal action. If the newspaper reckons that they have a case worth fighting then let them go to court under the current rules and fight it.

There are enough laws in place already, we don't need another interfering quango. On another note watching Gerry McCann play the part of the victim sickens me. Any ( and small at that ) sympathy I had for him disappeared when his wife admitted that Madeleine begged her not to leave her alone.

They should have been prosecuted for child neglect, the press should have the bottle to go back in against them and demand answers as to why they weren't prosecuted. The victim here was that wee lassie, that guy pretending he was the victim is sickening. He loves being in front of cameras too much......he should retire to private life and allow others to head the "Find Madeleine" campaign.

He's a fellow Scot.......he deserved every bit of press intrusion. AS should be very careful here......he's got me wondering if he's game playing as he has the Scottish Lib Dems and Labour saying the opposite of the English.

Maybe that's his plan.......I'm an SNP voter and occassional donator, but I'm not a member and never will be. I've always believed that the primary purpose of the Independence movement was to promote the economic and social benefits of an Independent Scotland.

Nicola Sturgeon gave an excellent speech the other night in Glasgow on that regard, it's time for AS to rise above and concentrate on the only thing that matters.....the fight for Independence.

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they gave him the first majority government in Scottish history and they don't trust him?

Now correct me if your Parliamentary rules are different than Englands,but the following figures are somewhat hard to understand,now how do you have a "first majority government in Scottish history" when the members of Parliament are as follows:

List of MPs for Constituencies in Scotland:

Scottish Labour Party = 41

Liberal Democrats = 11

SNP = 6

Conservative Party = 1

A mere 6 SNP MPs does not seem to indicate blind faith in the SNP from the Electorate or indeed it's leader,Alex Salmond. Surely the First Minister should have come from the ranks of the Scottish Labour Party?

To the English South of the Border,it's quite confusing,and as stated in my previous post,the SNP seem more like a Party in Decline! rather than one holding power?

Or perhaps there is another reason for this apparent anomaly?


Majic try looking at the MSPs in the Scottish parliament, quickly if you do not wish

to make yourself look even sillier!!!! Or maybe you are not aware that there is a

Scottish parliament??

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As has been said before; when voting for the glorified county council that is Hoyrood the Scots will register protest votes against the government of the day; as the English and Welsh do, too, in their local elections.

When it comes to voting for the real Parliamnet; the one that actually governs the UK, it's a different story.

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As has been said before; when voting for the glorified county council that is Hoyrood the Scots will register protest votes against the government of the day; as the English and Welsh do, too, in their local elections.

When it comes to voting for the real Parliamnet; the one that actually governs the UK, it's a different story.

That's just out and out trolling, you're perfectly aware that the Holyrood Parliament was formed after a Referendum of the people and an Act of Parliament, it was clearly the will of the people.

At least we could be trusted to look after our own affairs, a situation that the English have singularly failed to achieve.

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Anyway..........how about this wee link.


Seems to me that Alex Salmond has demanded an explanation from the police for potential " partiality " against opponents of the Trump plans.

Interesting that you have put quote marks around partiallity.

From the You've Been Trumped website

Grampian Police issued this half baked apology in December 2011 following a whitewash cover-up enquiry into the unprecedented arrest of filmmakers Anthony Baxter and Richard Phinney (and the subsequent charges they faced) whilst making You’ve Been Trumped. According to Britain’s National Union of Journalists, it’s the first time two journalists have been arrested and charged in the United Kingdom for simply carrying out an interview.

Now Salmond demands and explanation!

Two years after the event!

One year after he declined to attend a public viewing of the film. A viewing the director offerred to arrange at a time and place of Salmond's convenience and at the director's expense.

Perhaps the fuss over this affair and the stink of Salmond's lack of conceren over his constituents problems has finally seeped through into what passes for his conscience.

Too little, too late!

Anyway, did you not say earlier in this toipic that you never believed anything you read in The Scotsman?

Edit to add link.

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As has been said before; when voting for the glorified county council that is Hoyrood the Scots will register protest votes against the government of the day; as the English and Welsh do, too, in their local elections.

When it comes to voting for the real Parliamnet; the one that actually governs the UK, it's a different story.

That's just out and out trolling, you're perfectly aware that the Holyrood Parliament was formed after a Referendum of the people and an Act of Parliament, it was clearly the will of the people.

At least we could be trusted to look after our own affairs, a situation that the English have singularly failed to achieve.

If you think I am trolling; you know where the report button is.

Yes, I am perfectly aware of when, why and how the Holyrood Parliament was formed. (At least, for once, you have not included your usuyal accusation that I am ignorant of history!)

It is still just a glorified county council, though.

Obviously this will change if the Scots vote yes in the forthcoming referendum.

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Anyway..........how about this wee link.


Seems to me that Alex Salmond has demanded an explanation from the police for potential " partiality " against opponents of the Trump plans.

Interesting that you have put quote marks around partiallity.

From the You've Been Trumped website

Grampian Police issued this half baked apology in December 2011 following a whitewash cover-up enquiry into the unprecedented arrest of filmmakers Anthony Baxter and Richard Phinney (and the subsequent charges they faced) whilst making You’ve Been Trumped. According to Britain’s National Union of Journalists, it’s the first time two journalists have been arrested and charged in the United Kingdom for simply carrying out an interview.

Now Salmond demands and explanation!

Two years after the event!

One year after he declined to attend a public viewing of the film. A viewing the director offerred to arrange at a time and place of Salmond's convenience and at the director's expense.

Perhaps the fuss over this affair and the stink of Salmond's lack of conceren over his constituents problems has finally seeped through into what passes for his conscience.

Too little, too late!

Anyway, did you not say earlier in this toipic that you never believed anything you read in The Scotsman?

Edit to add link.

Link to where is said I never believed anything I read in The Scotsman? A newspaper I buy and read on a regular basis.

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they gave him the first majority government in Scottish history and they don't trust him?

Now correct me if your Parliamentary rules are different than Englands,but the following figures are somewhat hard to understand,now how do you have a "first majority government in Scottish history" when the members of Parliament are as follows:

List of MPs for Constituencies in Scotland:

Scottish Labour Party = 41

Liberal Democrats = 11

SNP = 6

Conservative Party = 1

A mere 6 SNP MPs does not seem to indicate blind faith in the SNP from the Electorate or indeed it's leader,Alex Salmond. Surely the First Minister should have come from the ranks of the Scottish Labour Party?

To the English South of the Border,it's quite confusing,and as stated in my previous post,the SNP seem more like a Party in Decline! rather than one holding power?

Or perhaps there is another reason for this apparent anomaly?


Majic try looking at the MSPs in the Scottish parliament, quickly if you do not wish

to make yourself look even sillier!!!! Or maybe you are not aware that there is a

Scottish parliament??

Try reading my Post again,I was hoping for some sensible information, as to the difference between the English and Scottish Parliamentary systems,and not one of your usual stock in trade,put downs.

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they gave him the first majority government in Scottish history and they don't trust him?

Now correct me if your Parliamentary rules are different than Englands,but the following figures are somewhat hard to understand,now how do you have a "first majority government in Scottish history" when the members of Parliament are as follows:

List of MPs for Constituencies in Scotland:

Scottish Labour Party = 41

Liberal Democrats = 11

SNP = 6

Conservative Party = 1

A mere 6 SNP MPs does not seem to indicate blind faith in the SNP from the Electorate or indeed it's leader,Alex Salmond. Surely the First Minister should have come from the ranks of the Scottish Labour Party?

To the English South of the Border,it's quite confusing,and as stated in my previous post,the SNP seem more like a Party in Decline! rather than one holding power?

Or perhaps there is another reason for this apparent anomaly?


Majic try looking at the MSPs in the Scottish parliament, quickly if you do not wish

to make yourself look even sillier!!!! Or maybe you are not aware that there is a

Scottish parliament??

Try reading my Post again,I was hoping for some sensible information, as to the difference between the English and Scottish Parliamentary systems,and not one of your usual stock in trade,put downs.

BS you got it way wrong now you are trying to cover your embarrassment.

Dream on MAJIC.

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@ phuketjock

Once again you got it wrong,there is no embarrasment for me. How do you expect us Guys South of the border to understand the workings of a "Scottish Parliament" when the only Parliament that really counts when it comes to it is the UK Parliament...Westminster! to be exact. That's why there are Scottish MPs in Westminster.

Now back to you,for your usual specialised put down,

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@ phuketjock

Once again you got it wrong,there is no embarrasment for me. How do you expect us Guys South of the border to understand the workings of a "Scottish Parliament" when the only Parliament that really counts when it comes to it is the UK Parliament...Westminster! to be exact. That's why there are Scottish MPs in Westminster.

Now back to you,for your usual specialised put down,

So you know how many Scottish MPs sit in the UK parliament, can you tell me how many English MPs sit in the Scottish parliament??

Then you can tell me why and who has got it right??? Your government or mine.

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Some more good news for Scotland heading for independance.

China plan paying off


Strengthening Scotland’s relationship with China has generated an additional estimated £220 million for the economy.

Since the publication of the Scottish Government’s first China Plan in 2006, Scottish exports to the world’s second largest economy have risen sharply and are now worth an estimated total of £1.295 billion in 2007-2010, compared to £1.075 billion between 2003-2006.

It comes as a new five year strategy for Scotland’s engagement with China is launched by External Affairs Secretary Fiona Hyslop, on the first anniversary of the arrival of the Giant Pandas at Edinburgh Zoo.

Notable successes of Scotland’s engagement with China so far include:

A dramatic increase in exports of Scottish food and drink, up by 44 per cent from £64 million in 2010 to £92 million in 2011.

The award of an export health certificate allowing direct exports of Scottish salmon, worth £38m between January 2011 to August 2012.

Scotch whisky received Geographical Indication of Origin Status in China in 2010, which protects against counterfeit products in that market. Whisky exports to China rose 21 per cent to £66 million in 2011 compared to 2010.

The loan of two Giant Pandas to Edinburgh Zoo, which have attracted more than 500,000 visitors in their first year.

An increase in the number of Chinese students coming to Scotland - growing from 5,215 in 2009-10 to 6,665 in 2010-11.

Collaboration on science, renewable energy, education and culture including digital scanning of the Eastern Qing Tombs as part the Scottish Ten project, and tours by Scottish Opera, the RSNO and the Scottish Ensemble in 2012.

Ms Hyslop said:

“Scotland’s relationship with China - the world’s second largest economy – is tremendously important. Since the first China Plan was published we have been working hard to deepen existing ties and establish news areas of cooperation, an approach that is clearly paying dividends.

“Our new China Strategy will build on these successes and ensure that Scotland’s engagement with China continues to deliver tangible results – such as the boost to sales of food and drink and the loan of two Giant Pandas to Edinburgh Zoo, a symbol of the great and growing friendship between our two countries.

“This Strategy – published on the first anniversary of the arrival of the pandas – sets out our ambition to broaden and deepen Scotland’s links and common interests with China. Priorities include strengthening trade, education and cultural links as well as engaging with China on the issue of human rights.

“It is vital that the Scottish Government, our agencies and Scotland's business and education organisations do all they can to continue advancing Sino-Scottish relations, particularly as we pursue opportunities to generate economic growth and build a stronger Scotland.”

Related information:

China Strategy

Estimated total export value has been taken from the Global Connections Survey 2010

Food and drink figures, including whisky and salmon exports, have been sourced from HMRC Overseas Trade Statistics and HMRC Regional Trade Statistics

Edinburgh Zoo

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@ phuketjock

Once again you got it wrong,there is no embarrasment for me. How do you expect us Guys South of the border to understand the workings of a "Scottish Parliament" when the only Parliament that really counts when it comes to it is the UK Parliament...Westminster! to be exact. That's why there are Scottish MPs in Westminster.

Now back to you,for your usual specialised put down,

So you know how many Scottish MPs sit in the UK parliament, can you tell me how many English MPs sit in the Scottish parliament??

Then you can tell me why and who has got it right??? Your government or mine.

Its all of no consequence being a Toothless Tiger,just be patient until the Referendum!

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@ phuketjock

Once again you got it wrong,there is no embarrasment for me. How do you expect us Guys South of the border to understand the workings of a "Scottish Parliament" when the only Parliament that really counts when it comes to it is the UK Parliament...Westminster! to be exact. That's why there are Scottish MPs in Westminster.

Now back to you,for your usual specialised put down,

So you know how many Scottish MPs sit in the UK parliament, can you tell me how many English MPs sit in the Scottish parliament??

Then you can tell me why and who has got it right??? Your government or mine.

Its all of no consequence being a Toothless Tiger,just be patient until the Referendum!

Do I hear the faint whisper of surrender in the far distance???

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