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What Kind Of Visa Do I Need ?

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Hi i'm currently living in belgium. i'm 24 years old and i'd really love to taka a big risk in my life and move to bangkok permanently. if i were to do so, what kind of visa would allow me to stay and work in bangkok permanently.

you can reply in PM or in topic.

thanks in advance.

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at present the only thing you would qualify for is a tourist visa one, two , or thee entry. With this visa you could come to Thailand and look around and see if you like it, after being here for a few months you may decide you do not like. As a foreigner there are many jobs you cannot hold as they are set aside for Thais. Most young people who come here teach english and if they have the proper qualifications a job in a international school. with out knowing you quals. it is hard to say what you could do. a lot of the really good corporate jobs are filled out of country and the worker is sent here by headquarters.

I will not discourage you, if you have the energy and a skill to sale you could find a job here. But having said that you could be very disappointed as well. There are many like you infact met one this morning who wanted to come to Thailand to teach english, I told here o one of many.

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Yes, same here, without knowing any details, in general, I would say the same. As being young

you need to work and create a future for yourself. A future that hopefully include a pension sometime along the line.

Thailand is just not for young people, you will find if almost impossible amongst this jungle of VISAS and extensions of stays and on top of that 1 miljon rules that prohibit you as a falang from working here.

Find yourself a job within EU, and come to Thailand and spend your money on your holidays. that is probably the best you can do!! Thailand is for old people with a steady income. So waith som 30-35 years and you will be way better off down here...


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If you have a college degree, and hopefully have completed your masters level, then it can be easier getting a teaching job here. Without extensive experience in another field, and hopefully able to speak Thai fluently, you won't be considered for other jobs here, like restaurant/nightclub management, or a cook.

You can not get a work visa, and work permit before you come here unless you already have a job. You can get a tourist visa, and look for a job here, but remember there are roughly 20,000 other kids your age from all over the world wanting to do the same thing every month, very very very few of them succeed, without being rich.

If by some pure luck you do get a legal job here remember there are no real labor laws so you work long hours, no overtime pay, with limited days off during the month. Very very few jobs are 8 hours a day, 5 days a week. Thailand is not really a nice place to work, except for the top level, and mid-management jobs with major international corporations, and that takes getting those jobs before you get here.

The other option, and what lots of people do, other than teach English, is open their own business, but that takes lots of desposable cash, and an expertise in something that can make money, then all your waking hours spent at it, employees will rob you blind.

Get as many tourist visas as you can before you leave your home country (3 is the max), then get ALL your cash together, buy a plane ticket (most airlines allow changing the return date up to one year out for a small fee), and try to last one year living here. If you can stay here one year without ending up in jail, getting deported, or being destitute on the streets, then you have a small chance of making it here at your age. It is a small chance, but at least it is a chance.

Good luck, and remember your health insurance usually requires you paying cash here, then they reemburse you if you get hurt, and have to go to a hospital, or clinic. If you try to skip on the bill you'll be arrested when you try to leave the country, if not sooner. Initially, being a foreigner, everything is your fault if accidents happen.

Edited by koolbreez
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That really does sound dissapointing. right now I'm working as an industrial maintenance electrician, but other than that I really don't have any other skills to sell (since having an awesome personality is probably not on the list.)

and I ddidn't really expect it to be just me teaching english at a low pay. that doesn't sound good at all.

I guess I'll just win the lottery and see whereto move then.

thanks for the fast replies.

Edited by jaspernoss
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