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Poll: Obama Leading Romney 49% To 46% Ahead Of Second Debate


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Yet another indication of how desperate Republicans are becoming, in lieu of impending defeat. Reminds me of kamikazee attacks during the closing days of WWII.

Illegal spam messages dissing Obama were sent out to many phones in the Wash D.C. region last night. They were traced to employees of a Republican consulting firm, ccAdvertising of Centreville, Va. Of course, the head of the company denied any involvement by him or his employees. Godaddy.com which hosted the offending websites, has closed down ccAdvertising's domains.

article at NPR.org

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There are pot-related voter initiatives currently on 6 state ballots. Three are medical marijuana, and the other three (CO, WA and OR) deal with allowing pot smoking on a recreational level. Interesting that neither major candidate has said peep about this, though Romney recently stated he doesn't know anything about 'industrial hemp.' Granted, hemp and pot, though the same plant family, are different. One has practical applications, the other gets you stoned. Yet, wherever pot or hemp get legalized, there will be some levels of industrialized hemp growing. Is Romney not aware of ballot initiatives in six US states or is he being coy when he says he knows nothing about the issue? In fairness, the Obama administration is dragging its feet on the issue, in regard to both pot and hemp. The only candidates who are 'with the times' about pot and hemp, are the Green and Libertarian candidates.

Incidentally, polls show that the recreational use initiatives for pot will pass easily in Colorado and Washington, but probably not in Oregon. Also, medical pot use for Massachussets (Gov. Romney's state) looks like a shoe in.

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The first poll results are in about Obama's handling of the storm from Washington Post-ABC News (radical far left Obama media), and they show that nearly 8 of 10 likely voters said Mr. Obama’s response had been “excellent” or “good." Christie, who would know best, characterized Obama's performance as "outstanding," and I think some Romney supporters on this forum characterized Obama's performance in less glowing terms such as "adequate" or "competent."

Any way you parse the language from this disasters spells a win for Obama. I admit this was a fluke. His being out of the campaign for 3 days also sends the right message, whereas Romney has been caught flat-footed. Not his fault, nothing Romney could really do differently. Will this make any difference in the election? I think so, yes.

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Actually, racists are in the majority. Just saying:

Your little snippet from the very partisan Slate website says that "the majority of Americans are racist" with "anti-black feelings" and that includes Democrats as well as Republicans. Sort of makes one wonder how Obama got elected in the first place if that were true. whistling.gif

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Did any of you ever stop and think perhaps canned goods were all many of the attendees at the rally could afford. The had a few extra cans of tuna fish, baked beans, etc, but after four years of Obama lowering their take home pay, they had little cash. Americans are traditionally the most generous people in the world. They gave what they could. Quit trying to bash the donors and the Romney campaign for trying to help out.


I will bash if the bashing is deserved. And for a man who supported trashing the federal nature of FEMA, send it's functions to the states, even privatize its functions (that is outrageous), who picked a VP whose bright Ayn Randian idea is fixed amount block grants to the states for FEMA functions representing massive cuts in potential aid, yes my opinion is that severe criticism is deserved.

As far as the staged donation show, now it is coming out (of course) it was all about the photo op (the same as Ryan's disaster at the soup kitchen) and the Romney campaign was worried there wouldn't be enough "stuff" to show a truck being loaded. So what these devious BS artists did was go to Walmart and buy a bunch of stuff, then they gifted people in the crowded, who then play acted giving the stuff for the truck loading. Obama is president. Romney is staging a low budget movie.

The bloom is off the Romnesian rose, right on time to pretty much insure the defeat of this PHONY man who still doesn't show his true self (whatever it is, who knows?) to the voters.

Source about the donations? Not Media Matters is it?

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Yet another indication of how desperate Republicans are becoming

The Democrats are not desperate?

How about the fake letters sent to Republicans across the key swing state of Florida, apparently aiming to dissuade them from voting. The letters, which appear official at first glance, pretend to be from the office of the Florida supervisor of elections. They state that the recipient’s citizenship is in question, and must be cleared up in person before Election Day.

Also, lets not forget the undercover video of Patrick Moran, the son of Representative Jim Moran (Democrat-Va.), giving advice on how to use forged documents in order to pose as other voters. This incident makes in clear that voter IDs are the sensible solution. No wonder the democrats want to forbid them.

Both sides are lying and cheating in this election and both sides are desperate to win, but only one side has to run from their dismal record and that is not Mitt Romney.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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There was some talk here earlier about Bobby Kennedy. The one thing he said that I will always remember was

With great wealth comes great responsibility.

It applies to any thing that a person has great wealth in. I wish we had poltins of that caliber today.

Sorry to bust your bubble about Bobbie Kennedy but it was Voltaire that originally said it in the early 1800's.

Kennedy simply paraphrased him later.


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The first poll results are in about Obama's handling of the storm from Washington Post-ABC News (radical far left Obama media), and they show that nearly 8 of 10 likely voters said Mr. Obama’s response had been “excellent” or “good." Christie, who would know best, characterized Obama's performance as "outstanding," and I think some Romney supporters on this forum characterized Obama's performance in less glowing terms such as "adequate" or "competent."

Any way you parse the language from this disasters spells a win for Obama. I admit this was a fluke. His being out of the campaign for 3 days also sends the right message, whereas Romney has been caught flat-footed. Not his fault, nothing Romney could really do differently. Will this make any difference in the election? I think so, yes.

Of course he has handled it well. It is right up his alley with being the consummate campaigner. Going around shaking hands, consoling people that have lost everything and looking compassionate. Ask the father of Tyrone Woods how compassionate Obama really is.

We don't need another four years of a campaigner. We need eight years of leadership to really turn things around.

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Fox News international as shown in Thailand is not the same as Fox News USA version. There is lots of repeat fluff in the non-U.S. version. Mark the date. I'm defending Fox News.

Ditto with the BBC. BBC World is a disgrace. The Beeb ought to be ashamed to have their name on it.

Care to expand on this extraordinarily strong criticism because without an argued case it is with respect rather meaningless.

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The first poll results are in about Obama's handling of the storm from Washington Post-ABC News (radical far left Obama media), and they show that nearly 8 of 10 likely voters said Mr. Obama’s response had been “excellent” or “good." Christie, who would know best, characterized Obama's performance as "outstanding," and I think some Romney supporters on this forum characterized Obama's performance in less glowing terms such as "adequate" or "competent."

Any way you parse the language from this disasters spells a win for Obama. I admit this was a fluke. His being out of the campaign for 3 days also sends the right message, whereas Romney has been caught flat-footed. Not his fault, nothing Romney could really do differently. Will this make any difference in the election? I think so, yes.

Of course he has handled it well. It is right up his alley with being the consummate campaigner.

This campaigner ain't too bad. At least he knows how to tell every audience what it wants to hear:

When Romney shared the debate stage with Ted Kennedy in 1994, he mutated into a candidate with positions almost identical to those of the legendary liberal lion. When he shared the stage with a group of right-wing Republicans during the innumerable primary debates, he took on the views, characteristics and policies of the people surrounding him. Viewers could be forgiven for mistaking Romney for Michele Bachmann, Rick Perry, Newt Gingrich or Herman Cain.

But at the general election debates this month, the person with whom he shared the stage was a moderate Democrat, and Romney took on the trappings and positions of a moderate candidate; indeed, he almost became Barack Obama. Now he was a believer in government regulation — “You can’t have a free market work if you don’t have regulation. … You have to have regulations so that you can have an economy work.” Suddenly, Social Security, Medicare and people with pre-existing conditions had no greater friend than Mitt Romney.

Read more: http://www.politico....l#ixzz2AvrIg5aR

Edited by keemapoot
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Iowa has joined the Republic of Texas in warning the UN voting group to keep their distance.


Iowa warns international observers of arrest

By BOBBY CERVANTES | 10/31/12 2:00 PM EDT Updated: 10/31/12 2:46 PM EDT

Iowa has joined Texas in warning international election observers of possible criminal prosecution if they violate state laws and get near polling places on Election Day.

Iowa Secretary of State Matt Schultz — like Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott last week — on Tuesday threatened Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe election observers with arrest if they came within 300 feet of a polling place’s entrance, in violation of state law. (In Texas, it’s 100 feet.)

“My office met with two delegation representatives last week to discuss Iowa’s election process, and it was explained to them that they are not permitted at the polls,” Schultz said in a statement. “Iowa law is very specific about who is permitted at polling places, and there is no exception for members of this group.”


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Again, I like to follow the money - cause it's usually smarter and less biased. Intrade shows Obama has ticked up yet again against Romney in just one day. It's now 68:31.

Betting markets around the world show similar results today.

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The first poll results are in about Obama's handling of the storm from Washington Post-ABC News (radical far left Obama media), and they show that nearly 8 of 10 likely voters said Mr. Obama’s response had been “excellent” or “good." Christie, who would know best, characterized Obama's performance as "outstanding," and I think some Romney supporters on this forum characterized Obama's performance in less glowing terms such as "adequate" or "competent."

Any way you parse the language from this disasters spells a win for Obama. I admit this was a fluke. His being out of the campaign for 3 days also sends the right message, whereas Romney has been caught flat-footed. Not his fault, nothing Romney could really do differently. Will this make any difference in the election? I think so, yes.

Of course he has handled it well. It is right up his alley with being the consummate campaigner.

This campaigner ain't too bad. At least he knows how to tell every audience what it wants to hear:

When Romney shared the debate stage with Ted Kennedy in 1994, he mutated into a candidate with positions almost identical to those of the legendary liberal lion. When he shared the stage with a group of right-wing Republicans during the innumerable primary debates, he took on the views, characteristics and policies of the people surrounding him. Viewers could be forgiven for mistaking Romney for Michele Bachmann, Rick Perry, Newt Gingrich or Herman Cain.

But at the general election debates this month, the person with whom he shared the stage was a moderate Democrat, and Romney took on the trappings and positions of a moderate candidate; indeed, he almost became Barack Obama. Now he was a believer in government regulation — “You can’t have a free market work if you don’t have regulation. … You have to have regulations so that you can have an economy work.” Suddenly, Social Security, Medicare and people with pre-existing conditions had no greater friend than Mitt Romney.

Read more: http://www.politico....l#ixzz2AvrIg5aR

If you are going to quote the part of my link you like, please quote the part you might not like. Thank you.

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This campaigner ain't too bad. At least he knows how to tell every audience what it wants to hear:

There was 18 years before he changed his philosphy. How many times did Obama change his position on gay marriage in a very short period of time depending on the political benefits?

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Fox News international as shown in Thailand is not the same as Fox News USA version. There is lots of repeat fluff in the non-U.S. version. Mark the date. I'm defending Fox News.

Ditto with the BBC. BBC World is a disgrace. The Beeb ought to be ashamed to have their name on it.

Care to expand on this extraordinarily strong criticism because without an argued case it is with respect rather meaningless.

Watching now. The lady can't pronounce Quebec correctly and she has added three extra syllables to Nicaragua . smile.png

Edited by chiangmaikelly
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There was some talk here earlier about Bobby Kennedy. The one thing he said that I will always remember was

With great wealth comes great responsibility.

It applies to any thing that a person has great wealth in. I wish we had poltins of that caliber today.

Sorry to bust your bubble about Bobbie Kennedy but it was Voltaire that originally said it in the early 1800's.

Kennedy simply paraphrased him later.


But did he? I knew of the Voltaire quote. But I'd still like to know if and when RFK said "with great wealth..." (which is slightly but to my mind somewhat significantly different).

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Again, I like to follow the money - cause it's usually smarter and less biased. Intrade shows Obama has ticked up yet again against Romney in just one day. It's now 68:31.

Betting markets around the world show similar results today.

You sure do have a lot of faith in something that has done so poorly predicting politics.

“Anyone who claims to know who is going to win is blowing smoke.”

-Joe Klein TIME Magazine's political columnist

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Again, I like to follow the money - cause it's usually smarter and less biased. Intrade shows Obama has ticked up yet again against Romney in just one day. It's now 68:31.

Betting markets around the world show similar results today.

You sure do have a lot of faith in something that has done so poorly predicting politics.

“Anyone who claims to know who is going to win is blowing smoke.”

-Joe Klein TIME Magazine's political columnist

I didn't say the betting markets know who is going to win, I said they are smarter at objectively analyzing who is the favorite to win. That's the nature of bookmaking. The longshot pays more. You should put your money on Romney to win and make a bundle. thumbsup.gif

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Again, I like to follow the money - cause it's usually smarter and less biased. Intrade shows Obama has ticked up yet again against Romney in just one day. It's now 68:31.

Betting markets around the world show similar results today.

You sure do have a lot of faith in something that has done so poorly predicting politics.

“Anyone who claims to know who is going to win is blowing smoke.”

-Joe Klein TIME Magazine's political columnist

Indeed. But "blowing smoke" would be a kind description of what a few people on this thread (yourself among them) have spent a lot of time doing on this thread.

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I think Christie's praise shows the country what a principled man he is. As he said yesterday, he doesn't care one bit about presidential politics now, his state has been devastated. Christie's trust level with the American people must be shooting through the roof. His praise of Obama shows he can be trusted, including on the other things he has said about Obama as well.

I don't doubt one bit Christie's sincerity about his home state, but at the same time I think he's seen a BIG opening for his future and has gone for it. I think he will run in 2016, but as a republican or democrat, who knows???

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Indeed. But "blowing smoke" would be a kind description of what a few people on this thread (yourself among them) have spent a lot of time doing on this thread.

You better include yourself in that statement if you want to be taken at all seriously. laugh.png

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I think Christie's praise shows the country what a principled man he is. As he said yesterday, he doesn't care one bit about presidential politics now, his state has been devastated. Christie's trust level with the American people must be shooting through the roof. His praise of Obama shows he can be trusted, including on the other things he has said about Obama as well.

I don't doubt one bit Christie's sincerity about his home state, but at the same time I think he's seen a BIG opening for his future and has gone for it. I think he will run in 2016, but as a republican or democrat, who knows???

Your question is a valid one. If the Republican Party does not go through a "soul searching" phase, as JT put it after Romney's loss, they will reject Christie as a turncoat. If they reform to try to recapture the middle and realize once again that America truly is a center-right country, they should revise their platform, and Christie would be perfect, and likely win in 2016.

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Indeed. But "blowing smoke" would be a kind description of what a few people on this thread (yourself among them) have spent a lot of time doing on this thread.

You better include yourself in that statement if you want to be taken at all seriously. laugh.png

Don't care if I'm taken seriously. But I've not made one single post even suggesting who was going to win, let alone predicting it or confidently declaring it. How about you?

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Moreover, I'd be most interested to see any post you can show me that was anywhere NEAR the sort of extreme partisanship you have consistently displayed if you want to claim there are some. I haven't even ever come out strongly for Obama (or against Romney for that matter).

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Having said that -- that's what forums are about for me: a lot of talk of extremely little or no consequence (and varying degrees of sincerity -- sometimes I'm just having a laugh) for my own amusement and mild intellectual stimulation/exercise.

So I don't care if it's called "blowing smoke".

Edited by SteeleJoe
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This campaigner ain't too bad. At least he knows how to tell every audience what it wants to hear:

There was 18 years before he changed his philosphy. How many times did Obama change his position on gay marriage in a very short period of time depending on the political benefits?

How many times? Take the number of times Romney has changed his mind on a raft of issues to get the GOP nomination and divide that by 100 and you probably get the number of Obama backflips?

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I think Christie's praise shows the country what a principled man he is. As he said yesterday, he doesn't care one bit about presidential politics now, his state has been devastated. Christie's trust level with the American people must be shooting through the roof. His praise of Obama shows he can be trusted, including on the other things he has said about Obama as well.

I don't doubt one bit Christie's sincerity about his home state, but at the same time I think he's seen a BIG opening for his future and has gone for it. I think he will run in 2016, but as a republican or democrat, who knows???

Simple really:

- Support Obama (and be lauded as bi-partisan)- help him win and Obama has to retire in 2016. Christie can run then.

- Support Romney (and be chastised as bringing politics into it)- Romney potentially wins - Christie is stuck as governor till at least 2020?

In politics - always back self interest. Christie has.

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I think Christie's praise shows the country what a principled man he is. As he said yesterday, he doesn't care one bit about presidential politics now, his state has been devastated. Christie's trust level with the American people must be shooting through the roof. His praise of Obama shows he can be trusted, including on the other things he has said about Obama as well.

I don't doubt one bit Christie's sincerity about his home state, but at the same time I think he's seen a BIG opening for his future and has gone for it. I think he will run in 2016, but as a republican or democrat, who knows???

Simple really:

- Support Obama (and be lauded as bi-partisan)- help him win and Obama has to retire in 2016. Christie can run then.

- Support Romney (and be chastised as bringing politics into it)- Romney potentially wins - Christie is stuck as governor till at least 2020?

In politics - always back self interest. Christie has.

It is simple -- but rather elegant (if that's what he's consciously doing).

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I think Christie's praise shows the country what a principled man he is. As he said yesterday, he doesn't care one bit about presidential politics now, his state has been devastated. Christie's trust level with the American people must be shooting through the roof. His praise of Obama shows he can be trusted, including on the other things he has said about Obama as well.

I don't doubt one bit Christie's sincerity about his home state, but at the same time I think he's seen a BIG opening for his future and has gone for it. I think he will run in 2016, but as a republican or democrat, who knows???

Simple really:

- Support Obama (and be lauded as bi-partisan)- help him win and Obama has to retire in 2016. Christie can run then.

- Support Romney (and be chastised as bringing politics into it)- Romney potentially wins - Christie is stuck as governor till at least 2020?

In politics - always back self interest. Christie has.

The only problem with that analysis is by helping Obama win, it makes it unlikely that Christie can obtain his party's nomination in 2016.

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