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Poll: Obama Leading Romney 49% To 46% Ahead Of Second Debate


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I guess we just have to wait awhile longer and then the Republicans will bring Bush Jr. back in from the cold...well, maybe just a tad longer as maybe Jr.'s sins were a little more serious than Clinton's transgression of getting under desk service and lying about it.

No need when you have the boss out and about. Cheney has been out actively campaigning for Romney.

And the storm is a blessing for Romney, because another GOP candidate has come out with an offensive position on abortion;

A Republican congressman has said that abortions should not be allowed even when the mother's life is at risk because of advances in "modern technology and science".Joe Walsh of Illinois told reporters on Thursday that "you can't find one instance" where it has been necessary to perform an abortion due to the risk to the mother's life, citing medical advances.

The comments have prompted criticism, with some comparing Walsh's remarks to fellow Republican Todd Akin's infamous assertion that "legitimate rape" rarely results in pregnancy. Walsh was speaking to reporters after defining himself as "pro-life without exception"Walsh was asked if he was saying it was never necessary to terminate a pregnancy to save a mother's life."Absolutely," he responded, according to WGN radio. As reported by The Guardian

With the storm news, this has been crowded off the front page.

Representative Walsh made his comments 11 days ago. It was crowded off the front page many days ago by the Benghazi cover up.

The storm had nothing to do with it.


By Sarah Parnass

Oct 19, 2012 6:44pm

Rep. Joe Walsh Walks Back Abortion-Without-Exception Comment


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I was actually going to ask if there is some kind of provision for delaying an election in case of natural disaster or something. But I would think it's going to be OK by election day, as the voluptuous Fox weather girl is reassuring everyone that it's a-heading north and them darned Canadians is going to get it in the neck!

I could imagine all sorts of lawsuits flying around if people felt they were denied their right to vote.

Really, as if the whole process isn't a big enough circus as it is.

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Ah oh. giggle.gif Here's the next great white (no pun intended) hope of the Republican party to be shown the door. Just Unforgivable - Chris Christie praises Obama.

One of Mitt Romney's biggest supporters, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, had nothing but praise for President Barack Obama today, as his state prepares to rebuild from the damage caused by Hurricane Sandy.

"I have to say, the administration, the president, himself and FEMA Administrator Craig Fugate have been outstanding with us so far," Christie said on Good Morning America. "We have a great partnership with them."


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Ah oh. giggle.gif Here's the next great white (no pun intended) hope of the Republican party to be shown the door. Just Unforgivable - Chris Christie praises Obama.

One of Mitt Romney's biggest supporters, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, had nothing but praise for President Barack Obama today, as his state prepares to rebuild from the damage caused by Hurricane Sandy.

"I have to say, the administration, the president, himself and FEMA Administrator Craig Fugate have been outstanding with us so far," Christie said on Good Morning America. "We have a great partnership with them."


By showing how non-partisan he can be, Christie is adding more weight to his opinion when he does go after Obama for his failures. Pun intended.

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Even the media in other countries is pro Obama.

That's more do do with Romney being seen, right so, as a clown. Also, what's to write about? Romney announces either nothing or something so vague that to write anything about it would be pure guesswork. There is also time difference, by the time people in the UK for example wake up, Romney's mind would have changed so what is the point? If the media done that then they may as well just yesterdays weather report while they are at it. I spent just under 3 months in the UK before returning about a month ago. If I had to sum up what people think of Romney in one word, it would be buffoon.

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I was actually going to ask if there is some kind of provision for delaying an election in case of natural disaster or something. But I would think it's going to be OK by election day, as the voluptuous Fox weather girl is reassuring everyone that it's a-heading north and them darned Canadians is going to get it in the neck!

I could imagine all sorts of lawsuits flying around if people felt they were denied their right to vote.

The US Constitution gave the setting of election day to Congress. Congress, in 1845, then set Presidential election day as being the Tuesday following the first Monday in November.

It would take Congressional action to delay or change the election day. A very unlikely occurrence.

Perhaps if you spent a little less time ogling TV weather girls you could do this sort of research yourself. Probably not as much fun though.wink.png

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It could take 7-10 days to get power back on for hundreds of thousands of people in NYC. That could lead to lower voter turnout in a highly Democrat part of the state. It would be way too bizarre if Romney won New York because turnout was so low in New York City due to the storm aftermath. As much as I would love that, I still wouldn't blame the Obama campaign from complaining like crazy about it.

Can they appeal an act of God?

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If I had to sum up what people think of Romney in one word, it would be buffoon.

As a Brit, I can assure you that we have lived under our fair share of real buffoon's!

Michael Foot springs to mind.

Never made PM

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If I had to sum up what people think of Romney in one word, it would be buffoon.

As a Brit, I can assure you that we have lived under our fair share of real buffoon's!

Michael Foot springs to mind.

Never made PM

Yep, my mistake.......but there are plenty of other buffoons.

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So, can I assume that posts from Koheetsi and UG are admissions that so far in this crisis Obama has shown great Presidential leadership, since a Republican hero, Christie, has said so? wink.png

*oops, sorry, not sure if UG retracted his post. apologies if so.

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During the mid-90's I was living in Moscow. Newsweek magazine was one of my few English-language print media sources. It seemed they were always running articles about "bad" Republicans, and "good" Democrats. Then one of my roommates returned from America with a Newsweek that he had bought in the airport back home. I had bought the same issue in Moscow. In the American edition, there was a long article critical of Hillary Clinton (yeah, hard to believe), that article was missing from the international edition. No wonder non-Americans love Democrats so much.

Pardon me, but Newsweek is a US news magazine and is not widely read by non-Americans. The rest of the industrialized western world (Europe) prefers the US Democratic party because they associate the Republicans with the likes of Reagan and Bush the Younger who they rightfully saw as as blustering threats to global stability.

Bill Clinton is a fine fellow and did a lot of good for America in his two terms as president. He's magninamous. Something few Republicans can relate to,

Republicans can relate to the Clintons because Bill was more Republican than Democrat. Clinton shares an equal amount of the blame for the economic implosion as does Bush. It was Clinton who was paid off by Wall Street, Rubin in particular, to remove Glass-Steagall. Clinton shipped more US jobs "offshore" than even Romney when running Bain. I may favor Obama over Romney given that particular lackluster choice, but I dread the scarlet woman of Wall Street Ms. Hillary running in 2016. Rumor has it she will resign as Secretary of State, to be replaced by Kerry, if Obama is reelected to prepare for a 2016 run. Remember that Hillary was a two bit lawyer working in a problematic law firm from the middle of nowhere Arkansas who became the senator from NY. She is the ultimate bitch of Wall Street.

Edited by Johpa
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The rest of the industrialized western world (Europe) prefers the US Democratic party because they associate the Republicans with the likes of Reagan and Bush the Younger who they rightfully saw as as blustering threats to global stability.

Among other reasons

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So, can I assume that posts from Koheetsi and UG are admissions that so far in this crisis Obama has shown great Presidential leadership, since a Republican hero, Christie, has said so? wink.png

Obama has been impressive to say the least. He was dealt a bad hand with Sandy coming ashore, arguably the worst storm since the days of FDR, but his daring, bold leadership has saved millions of people who otherwise might have died or lost there homes if not for everything that Obama did!

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I very much want Obama to win November 6.

BUT, I also very much approve this message (except the regret part; he is the best choice by far between the two choices at hand):

Obama never espoused a cause bigger than his own political survival. This is the gravamen of the indictment from the left, particularly certain African Americans. They are right. Young black men fill the jails and the morgues, yet Obama says nothing. Bobby Kennedy showed his anger, his impatience, his stunned incredulity at the state of black America. Obama shows nothing.


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The rest of the industrialized western world (Europe) prefers the US Democratic party because they associate the Republicans with the likes of Reagan and Bush the Younger who they rightfully saw as as blustering threats to global stability.

Among other reasons

Without Reagan there would be no EU today. Maybe an EUSSR, but some would say it already is.

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During the mid-90's I was living in Moscow. Newsweek magazine was one of my few English-language print media sources. It seemed they were always running articles about "bad" Republicans, and "good" Democrats. Then one of my roommates returned from America with a Newsweek that he had bought in the airport back home. I had bought the same issue in Moscow. In the American edition, there was a long article critical of Hillary Clinton (yeah, hard to believe), that article was missing from the international edition. No wonder non-Americans love Democrats so much.

Pardon me, but Newsweek is a US news magazine and is not widely read by non-Americans.

Not anymore it isn't.

(Reuters) -
, one of the most internationally recognized magazine brands in the world, will cease publishing a print edition after nearly 80 years.

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So, can I assume that posts from Koheetsi and UG are admissions that so far in this crisis Obama has shown great Presidential leadership, since a Republican hero, Christie, has said so? wink.png

Obama has been impressive to say the least. He was dealt a bad hand with Sandy coming ashore, arguably the worst storm since the days of FDR, but his daring, bold leadership has saved millions of people who otherwise might have died or lost there homes if not for everything that Obama did!

Expect Romney and his running mate Faux news to make some spin about an adverse effect on coffin makers in the next day or so.

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The rest of the industrialized western world (Europe) prefers the US Democratic party because they associate the Republicans with the likes of Reagan and Bush the Younger who they rightfully saw as as blustering threats to global stability.

Among other reasons

Without Reagan there would be no EU today. Maybe an EUSSR, but some would say it already is.

Could you be a bit more specific on that please.

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The rest of the industrialized western world (Europe) prefers the US Democratic party because they associate the Republicans with the likes of Reagan and Bush the Younger who they rightfully saw as as blustering threats to global stability.

Among other reasons

Without Reagan there would be no EU today. Maybe an EUSSR, but some would say it already is.

Could you be a bit more specific on that please.

I'm not going to rehash the final years of the Cold War history here. All that typing just to have the post deleted as off-topic isn't worth the time.

Before you start Googling though, check out this humorous campaign video. Seems like Dems of all ages are prepared for violence should Obama lose...

A Message from The Greatest Generation (NSFW)

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I very much want Obama to win November 6.

BUT, I also very much approve this message (except the regret part; he is the best choice by far between the two choices at hand):

Obama never espoused a cause bigger than his own political survival. This is the gravamen of the indictment from the left, particularly certain African Americans. They are right. Young black men fill the jails and the morgues, yet Obama says nothing. Bobby Kennedy showed his anger, his impatience, his stunned incredulity at the state of black America. Obama shows nothing.


Well two things one Bobby Kennedy was not the president for a president to show favoritism towards the colored population would bring out a whole raft of closet bigots.

Fact number two that was a whole lot different America in those days. Why didn't you go all the way back to Lincoln

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I'm not going to rehash the final years of the Cold War history here. All that typing just to have the post deleted as off-topic isn't worth the time.

Granted though I have not the faintest idea what you mean. Much of my time from 87 or maybe 86 to early 90s was spent between Warsaw, Kiev and Munich (with a little London) and couldn't even guess.

check out this humorous campaign video. Seems like Dems of all ages are prepared for violence should Obama lose...

Good on 'em.

For many years in the UK, the term 'doing a Mugabe' was used to indicate that someone had used underhand means to get what they wanted, gain power etc. While you can still hear it, these days you hear 'doing an Ahmadinejad' more often though mostly from people in their 20s and 30s. If Romney wins then do doubt I will hear 'doing a Romney' from the next generation.

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You have to hand it to Romney, at least he sticks to his guns. Sometimes.

WASHINGTON — In the spring of 2004, Peabody, Mass., got drenched with rain, which flooded the downtown area. After the storm, then-Gov. Mitt Romney asked President George W. Bush to declare Essex, Middlesex and Suffolk Counties federal disaster areas, according to the Boston Globe.

That fall, the state legislature proposed spending $5.7 million on a flood prevention project to protect against future floods. Those funds would be matched by $22 million in federal money.

Romney vetoed it. This week, Romney has come under fire for suggesting that the federal government get out of the business of disaster relief. But his record in Massachusetts doesn’t lend much support to the suggestion that states can handle it alone.

Actually it pretty well goes on to say he didn't have a clue, but the full read is below.


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Well two things one Bobby Kennedy was not the president for a president to show favoritism towards the colored population would bring out a whole raft of closet bigots.

Fact number two that was a whole lot different America in those days. Why didn't you go all the way back to Lincoln

Actually as far as black peoples (also other minorities of course as well) over-representation in America's underclass, and most tragically it's prison population, America is really not all that different than it was in the days of RFK (who probably would have been president if not assassinated). Probably even worse on the prison front. I was responding to the entire article not just the snippet. We're only allowed to quote snippets rather than entire articles. Perhaps the more key point is "the look" that was described about RFK and what that intensity of FEELING in a leader has the potential to communicate to the public. You can't fake that or hopefully you can't. I wouldn't want Obama to fake it. I don't think he has it in him. It's not only about black people, it's about passion for a mission to address severe poverty and inequality. I never really felt that from Obama, though of course his ideology and policies are much more favorable for the underclass than the republicans. But the RESULTS are not very stellar and I wonder if a leader with real passion for those issues could do better.

Maybe the days of that kind of liberalism are over, for good, but when these horrible systematic injustices still exist, I don't think they SHOULD be over.

A great example of a potential leader obviously FAKING concern for the underclass, that would be Romney, not to mention Ryan in the soup kitchen.

As far as favoritism towards African Americans (who uses 'colored' anymore, egads!) that is a valid point that an African American president would probably be more vulnerable to charges of that than the usual white president. Well, he's followed through. He clearly has shown absolutely no favoritism in that regard.

Lincoln was not a liberal in the modern sense so find that comment pretty irrelevant.

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For many years in the UK, the term 'doing a Mugabe' was used to indicate that someone had used underhand means to get what they wanted, gain power etc. While you can still hear it, these days you hear 'doing an Ahmadinejad' more often though mostly from people in their 20s and 30s. If Romney wins then do doubt I will hear 'doing a Romney' from the next generation.

If you had been keeping up with the news you might notice some very Mugabe-like trickery coming from the Democrats. This list is just from the past week or two...

* Voting machines in North Carolina switch vote for Romney to vote for Obama.


* Democrat congressman's campaign manager (and son) caught on video telling an undercover reporter how to illegally vote for a list of registered voters who don't intend to vote themselves.


* The Obama campaign breaking federal law by accepting campaign contributions from foreign sources. The Romney campaign website has precautions built-in to avoid this. Obama's website has none. One reporter even recently made donations as "Osama bin Laden, dead terrorist, living in Abbottobad". Not only was his money accepted, he received several emails from the campaign asking for even more money.


* Van loads of Somali immigrants being taken to early voting centers in Ohio, being instructed who to vote for (illegal)


* Fraudulent letters being sent to Florida Republicans telling them they have been flagged as suspected non-citizen voters.


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