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Poll: Obama Leading Romney 49% To 46% Ahead Of Second Debate


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left v.s right thinking is useless and often misleading IMHO. much better is it to compare small vs. big government ideologies and to ask who stand for what.

So the Bush republicans which do look a lot like the Romney republicans who was for super big military, a war against the wrong target (Iraq), and not including the spending for that massive war in the actual budget, big government or small government? coffee1.gif

I have looked everywhere I can think of and I STILL cannot find a candidate named Bush on any ballot.

Am I missing something?

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Of course I am to the left of Obama on some issues. For example, I strongly feel the U.S. needs a REAL single payer health care system. The Obama version of Romneycare is an improvement, but not nearly good enough, especially on the issue of controlling costs. Now I do know Obama also favored single payer in his first election and I truly believe in his heart he is still for that but he did what he could and even that clearly wasn't easy. So to be fair I have to give him credit for that.

No I am not going to detail every issue. Romney/Ryan don't "have time" to detail their tax/budget plan. That's the team that deserves to be confronted about copping out. Is there a SPECIFIC issue you would like to discuss?

No, I don't need any issues detailed because issues are over-rated. As I have stated, the President can't do much without cooperating with Congress. That's why politicians always seem to break their promises. - because they promise to do things that they alone don't have the power to do. Even passing Obamacare was a war and the Dems had a super-majority. They needed to pass it in the middle of the night by bribing some states with cash and exemptions.

One thing you can be sure Romney will be able to accomplish IF he gets the chance, is pick right wing supreme court justices. The kind that vote for obscenities like Citizens United and against civil rights for minorities, for banning abortion, and for more corporate power and against worker's rights.

This one is important to be sure. The nominee still needs to be approved by Congress. History also shows (despite fear mongering by the Left) that justices appointed by Republicans are more often side with the liberals. There would be no Obamacare if not for the George W. Bush appointed Chief Justice Roberts. Republican President Ford appointed recently retired Justice Stevens and he sided with the liberals. George HW Bush appointed recently retired Justice Souter who was a liberal. So it's a myth that Republican presidents will appoint crazed right wing judges. There was a point from Nixon to G HW Bush where 10 justices in a row were appointed by Republicans and yet Roe vs Wade is still with us. How is that possible?

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left v.s right thinking is useless and often misleading IMHO. much better is it to compare small vs. big government ideologies and to ask who stand for what.

So the Bush republicans which do look a lot like the Romney republicans who was for super big military, a war against the wrong target (Iraq), and not including the spending for that massive war in the actual budget, big government or small government? coffee1.gif

I have looked everywhere I can think of and I STILL cannot find a candidate named Bush on any ballot.

Am I missing something?

You'd be screwed if there was. Having said that, I did point out that Ryan had Condoleeza Rice stood alongside him at an event yesterday - I thought the Republicans were doing their level best to disassociate Romney from the complete mess of a Republican administration that preceded him.

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Thanks for that. Whoever wrote the jokes, they were funny indeed and very effective.

I thought Romney came out with some crackers! biggrin.png

I thought both of their scriptwriters came out with some good-natured wit.

But I thought that was the whole point of the dinner?

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But think that Obama is correct to reduce the Military budget. As military is pulling out of both Iraq and Adganistan, the military should have its budget cut as the cost of a military deployed to 2 battle fronts must cost more than a piece time military not deployed in 2 war zones... Simple/

I agree. Obama is pulling the US out of two wars which started in the Bush years. Wars are expensive. The money not spent on those two wars should not be plowed back in to the military, as R&R want (and the military says it doesn't want). Military should be trimmed down so it's lean and mean and smart. Reagan wanted Star Wars. All the experts knew (or should have known) at the time that it was pie in the sky hyper expensive nonsense. It faded from interest over time, but not before defense contractors (bosom buddies of Reagan, Bushes, Cheney and probably Romney also) got a string of fat federal checks in the mail. That's the sort of wastefulness that R&R will perpetuate.

Well, I was asked for my reasons for supporting Romney and - unlike Obama or Romney in that last debate - I gave a straight forward and honest answer. Now, I'd be interested in one of the staunch Obama supporters to give their list for supporting him. Any takers?

I'm an environmentalist, and as such, will vote for Obama. I also favor womens' choice. R&R are trying to talk the talk on womens' issues, but the reality is they want to control (and federal control) over what women do with their bodies, including birth control. I favor alternative energy solutions, conservation and am against nuclear. R&R favor fossil fuels, nuclear, and don't seem to care about real conservation of energy. R&R don't think there's global warming and certainly don't think it's exacerbated by human activities. I do.

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There was a point from Nixon to G HW Bush where 10 justices in a row were appointed by Republicans and yet Roe vs Wade is still with us. How is that possible?

Because we no longer live in the 19th century?

The republicans have gotten a lot more right wing over time. The threat is real if Romney/Ryan are elected. They have made it clear they want Roe vs. Wade overturned. If anyone is suggesting this is scare tactics from the pro choice faction, well believe whatever you want, but believe me the threat is perceived as very real by a large percentage of Americans. Edited by Jingthing
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There was a point from Nixon to G HW Bush where 10 justices in a row were appointed by Republicans and yet Roe vs Wade is still with us. How is that possible?

Because we no longer live in the 19th century?

The republicans have gotten a lot more right wing over time. The threat is real if Romney/Ryan are elected. They have made it clear they want Roe vs. Wade overturned.

They've made it clear to people who can hear dog whistles.

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They've made it clear to people who can hear dog whistles.

I guess the many millions of pro choice Americans all hear those whistles then. coffee1.gifI do find this funny actually. While abortion rights are always going to be controversial, it amazes me that people would trying to be selling the line that Romney Ryan are for protecting them. Their side is crystal clear.

I do realize why Romney Ryan supporters would WANT low information pro choice voters to not fully comprehend the reality of their position on abortion rights. That is because the more women who understand it, the more women's votes they will lose, and the women's vote will be a large factor in the entire election.

It's a similar game they are playing with preexisting conditions. Trying to say sweet things to lure low information voters to think that they intend to preserve the most popular aspect of Obamacare, guaranteed coverage for people with preexisting conditions (WITHOUT CONDITIONS of continuous coverage), when their actual position is totally different. Talk about dirty tricks. Imagine the people whose very lives depend on Obamacare voting for Romney with the false belief that Romney intends to save the preexisting features of it. Shameless doesn't even begin to describe how low that is.

It is no secret that Mitt Romney and his running-mate, Representative Paul Ryan, are opponents of abortion rights. When Mr. Ryan was asked at last week’s debate whether voters who support abortion rights should be worried if the Romney-Ryan ticket were elected, he essentially said yes.


Mr. Romney has called for overturning Roe v. Wade, the 1973 Supreme Court ruling that recognized a woman’s constitutional right to make her own childbearing decisions and to legalized abortion nationwide. He has said that the issue should be thrown back to state legislatures. The actual impact of that radical rights rollback is worth considering.


It would not take much to overturn the Roe decision. With four of the nine members of the Supreme Court over 70 years old, the next occupant of the White House could have the opportunity to appoint one or more new justices. If say, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the oldest member, retired and Mr. Romney named a replacement hostile to abortion rights, the basic right to abortion might well not survive.

http://www.nytimes.c...-goes.html?_r=0 Edited by Jingthing
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There was a point from Nixon to G HW Bush where 10 justices in a row were appointed by Republicans and yet Roe vs Wade is still with us. How is that possible?

Because we no longer live in the 19th century?

The republicans have gotten a lot more right wing over time. The threat is real if Romney/Ryan are elected. They have made it clear they want Roe vs. Wade overturned. If anyone is suggesting this is scare tactics from the pro choice faction, well believe whatever you want, but believe me the threat is perceived as very real by a large percentage of Americans.

That's just projection. Obama and his cabal of advisers are steeped in far left ideology as demonstrated by their past acquaintances. I suggest anyone read 'The post American presidency' for details. .

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Not sure what you mean by projection. People are making the choice between two sides. Of course they are projecting the potential positives and negatives of either choice. Isn't that normal?

Projection is the phenomenon when someone accuses the victim of precisely the same behaviour as the accuser indulges in. In this case I put it to you that the Republican 'right shift' is not actually taking place however the Obama administration is moving further to the left. P.S 5 day rolling Gallup polls are interesting.

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Not sure what you mean by projection. People are making the choice between two sides. Of course they are projecting the potential positives and negatives of either choice. Isn't that normal?

Projection is the phenomenon when someone accuses the victim of precisely the same behaviour as the accuser indulges in. In this case I put it to you that the Republican 'right shift' is not actually taking place however the Obama administration is moving further to the left. P.S 5 day rolling Gallup polls are interesting.

OK. I'm aware of that definition but I thought you were using it another way, saying that pro choice people were projecting some kind of paranoid fantasy about the republican party's intention to bring about the end of Roe vs. Wade if they can. We'll agree to disagree on where the political parties have gone. Would Bush 1 have suggested trashing Medicare and making it a voucher program? I don't think so. Would Bob Dole call pro big pharma, pro health insurance lobby, pro personal responsibility for those who can afford it Obamacare socialized medicine? I'm sure not. Bob Dole was FOR health reform very similar to Obamacare? Edited by Jingthing
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That's just projection. Obama and his cabal of advisers are steeped in far left ideology as demonstrated by their past acquaintances. I suggest anyone read 'The post American presidency' for details. .

A cabal of far lefties? Did you mean there there is an Judaeo-Bolshevik conspiracy?

I think i could call Obama a socialist too, but he isn't that kind of socialist.

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Thanks for that. Whoever wrote the jokes, they were funny indeed and very effective.

I thought Romney came out with some crackers! biggrin.png

Was he in Alabama or Mississippi?! Thought they didn't allow that sort of stuff in those parts....

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Not sure what you mean by projection. People are making the choice between two sides. Of course they are projecting the potential positives and negatives of either choice. Isn't that normal?

I put it to you that the Republican 'right shift' is not actually taking place....

Seems like this Romnesia affliction is really contagious....

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I'm sorry but anyone who tells us Europeans that any US politician is 'steeped in far left ideology' just makes me giggle.

It also underlines just how far out to the opposite extreme some elements of the Republican party have strayed.

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I'm sorry but anyone who tells us Europeans that any US politician is 'steeped in far left ideology' just makes me giggle.

There are a very few that kind of cut it, so I wouldn't quite use the word any.

Such as Bernie Sanders, Senator from Vermont. Democratic Socialist Party.

Also if you're talking more historically, there is definitely a leftist tradition in America. Google: red diaper babies

Edited by Jingthing
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I'm sorry but anyone who tells us Europeans that any US politician is 'steeped in far left ideology' just makes me giggle.

There are a very few that kind of cut it, so I wouldn't quite use the word any.

Such as Bernie Sanders, Senator from Vermont. Democratic Socialist Party.

Also if you're talking more historically, there is definitely a leftist tradition in America. Google: red diaper babies

I'll raise you Karl Marx, Vladimir Lenin and Enver Hoxha.

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I'm sorry but anyone who tells us Europeans that any US politician is 'steeped in far left ideology' just makes me giggle.

There are a very few that kind of cut it, so I wouldn't quite use the word any.

Such as Bernie Sanders, Senator from Vermont. Democratic Socialist Party.

Also if you're talking more historically, there is definitely a leftist tradition in America. Google: red diaper babies

I'll raise you Karl Marx, Vladimir Lenin and Enver Hoxha.

I know when I've been Chekhov-mated.
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I'm sorry but anyone who tells us Europeans that any US politician is 'steeped in far left ideology' just makes me giggle.

There are a very few that kind of cut it, so I wouldn't quite use the word any.

Such as Bernie Sanders, Senator from Vermont. Democratic Socialist Party.

Also if you're talking more historically, there is definitely a leftist tradition in America. Google: red diaper babies

I'll raise you Karl Marx, Vladimir Lenin and Enver Hoxha.

I know when I've been Chekhov-mated.

Bill Ayers and Al Sharpton will do for starters, then there's this.


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Those new polls are shocking reading for Obama, if they reflect the true sentiment of the American people then he is in serious, serious trouble. In fact if those polls settle into the electorate's psyche over the next couple of days then it will be panic stations in the Obama camp......how the hell did the polls flip so quickly?

Game on.

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In the first debate, voters saw that Romney was competent, full of ideas and not the evil plutocrat he had been painted as with 200 million in negative ads from the Obama campaign and a complicit mainstream media.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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