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Sos! Penang Deny Me Visa, I Got Already 3 Sos!

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hi penang embassy deny me visa since i have 3 already in my passport. they ask me to return home and show home country visa so they can provide me again visa. CAN I GO TO OTHER EMBASSY FOR A TOURIST VISA? (LAOS. KL).

i will apreciate a quick response

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Penang has been very strict since new staff came in ~ 2 years ago. Phnom Penh you'll get it but may help to go via an 'agent'. Most reports on thaivisa.com suggest Savvanakhet (Laos) is the place to go. AA

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whistling.gif Did they give you a ALL RED rejection stamp or notice in Penang?

If it is red you may have a problem getting another visa anywhere in Southeast Asia.

That is like a signal to other Thai consulates that you have been rejected.

If it is NOT red you may have another chance....but be aware that even a non-red rejection is probably your last warning....you're near the end of their tolerance on back-to-back tourist visas.

Even if another Thai condulate gives you another visa, the end is probably near.

Usually a rejection means they are begining to think you're not a really a tourist but actually working in Thailand.


Edited by IMA_FARANG
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Would a double entry be possible in Savvanakhet (Laos) straight after using a triple tourist visa from UK ?

My passport is new and prior to triple, I was not in Thailand for a couple of years so it is not littered with Thai visa stamps.

Just my experience: My passport is somewhat "littered". I have 2 triple-entries (from USA), a couple of singles, and a double. Just added another double at Vientiane. Used an agent there who said it would not be a big deal to get another one. He was correct, one more double delivered to me next-day.

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It's not cut and dry. I have survived years and years and years on TRs (51), an entire year by choice. Now I am non - o.

Never a red stamp. I pretty much had a good system.

I could specuate why some and not others but that is all it would be. I think total number visas first, nationality is second, other visas other than Cam/Lao, visas from home country for starts. Lack.of red stamps.

It will.only get tougher year on year for the runners. Home countries are also cracking down. Europe not easy, UK has changed and US is full of hassles.

Edited by bangkokburning
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