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Pattaya Police Bust Big Gang Of Foreign Burglars


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this is my first time to make a post and that is to ratcatcher I don't where you get your info but columbian is in south america and British Columbia is in North America not even close

Is that true?

Yes it is true! To makes things simple and if you lived in the United States, British Colimbia is where you get your lumber from and Colombia is where you get your Cocaine from? Although I must admit great coffee from Colombia as well to.

Colombia is a very beautiful Country. Mineral resources are vast and varied. Oil, coal, natural gas, platinum,gold, most of the Worlds emeralds. Snow capped mountains to rain forest to deserts. You can choose to live in the climate that suits you. Warmer go down from the mountains, cooler go up and every varible inbetween. Abundant food and yet many people live in poverty and squalor. The country produces some of the finest people you'll every want to know, and some of the worst people to walk the face of the Earth. Thievers are as abundant as leaves on a tree, from the street urchin to the police to the politicians to the pistoleros.

I love Colombia, but there is a darkness within some of the people that is legendary throughout South and Central America. A Colombian necktie is something you don't want to own.

Yes, murder capitals of the world.. but people full of passion... and beautiful places. But I don't like going places where I have to wonder if my cab driver is going to try to rob and murder me, as unlikely as it is.

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These are the same ass wipes that have ruined America, sending all the stolen life savings to their corrupt crappy countries.

If i ever see one of them here at Home i will give a cannon salute, between the eyes!

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"Members of the gang of thieves were identified as: Mr. Torres Rodigrace Carlos Enrike, age 35, nationality Columbian; Mr. Franco Jose Ardan, age 40, nationality Columbian; Mr. Andres Felipe Restorpo, age 26, nationality Columbian; Mr. Sanches Garati Mac Jaimi, age 35, nationality Peruvian; Mr. Lopez Salazar George, age 39, nationality Mexican; Mr. Degado Pinsion Oscar Ivan, age 31, nationality Columbian; Mr. Lucus Zunica Juan Carlos, age 32, nationality Mexican; Mr. Evan Kerrero Risc, age 35, nationality Mexican"

I trust their visas and work permits were in order.

BTW Columbian isn't a nationality it's what they call people from British Columbia.

These chaps were Colombians I guess.

I hope the Pattaya police have a few more big busts in their town too.

Being from America ,i can assure you the two are different as night and day. Basically anyone North of America is very good, Now south of USA is a different ballgame!
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Colombians are nortorious for planned robberies of gem dealers in the US. They follow them and wait for the right moment.

I had a friend -- a goldsmith -- who has his vehicle stolen by Colombians while he was traveling to a gem show.

In a Laguna Beach jewelry store, a whole Colombian family took part of an emerald heist, with the 82 year old Gramma crawling under the cameras view and breaking in the display case, 3 mil baht take in 20 minutes! They got caught , but they are back by now!
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Excellent job. May have been quite a deal of detective work involved to put two and two together on this one.

Honestly though, how many people does it take to make an announcement!

More likely than detective work and investigation is that a girlfriend on the inside saw a chance to feather her nest by rolling over on the perps, who at the end of the day are foreign guys just as susceptible to the fluttering eyelashes and fantasy stories as a pensioner from Manchester.

These are cocaine Drug king boys, more than likely any Thai girl would have her family threatened and compromised and she a pawn in their greedy control!

Cold,calculated and no mercy, these are the good attributes of this kind of human bottom feeder!

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BTW Columbian isn't a nationality it's what they call people from British Columbia.

No it is NOT. People from British Columbia are called Canadians.

I seem to have stirred up quite a bit of dust here with my statement about B.C. etc.

Having spent most of my life in Vancouver, I realize now I should have said quite clearly that people from B.C. are called British Columbians as opposed to Columbians.

Colombians being from the South American nation.

The same terminology is used for Albertans, Manitobans etc.

And Americans are sometimes referred to as Texans if they come from that state.

Thanks for the correction. BTW please take it easy on the bold capitals and red ink, it is not necessary to get irked over such a small mistake. Cheers.

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this is my first time to make a post and that is to ratcatcher I don't where you get your info but columbian is in south america and British Columbia is in North America not even close

It was a joke.and he is probably correct. Colombia the Country with an O not U as in Columbia Canada. Also if this is the first time to make a post how come it says 3 posts already.

if we must get pedantic, hailing from those parts, i can say no British Columbian has ever been referred to as simply 'Columbian' no matter what the spelling.

Edited by tinfoilhat
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Excellent job. May have been quite a deal of detective work involved to put two and two together on this one.

Honestly though, how many people does it take to make an announcement!

More likely than detective work and investigation is that a girlfriend on the inside saw a chance to feather her nest by rolling over on the perps, who at the end of the day are foreign guys just as susceptible to the fluttering eyelashes and fantasy stories as a pensioner from Manchester.

These are cocaine Drug king boys, more than likely any Thai girl would have her family threatened and compromised and she a pawn in their greedy control!

Cold,calculated and no mercy, these are the good attributes of this kind of human bottom feeder!

one would suspect if they were indeed "cocaine Drug king boys" they most certainly would not need to commit burglaries

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this is my first time to make a post and that is to ratcatcher I don't where you get your info but columbian is in south america and British Columbia is in North America not even close

Is that true?

Yes it is true! To makes things simple and if you lived in the United States, British Colimbia is where you get your lumber from and Colombia is where you get your Cocaine from? Although I must admit great coffee from Colombia as well to.

British Columbia is also where a hell of a lot of high quality skunk bud is grown



Not sure about the hell's angels as alluded to in both articles, but I know of about 10 people who are growers and their lifestyle is most definitely not 'Breaking Bad'

Edited by tinfoilhat
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this is my first time to make a post and that is to ratcatcher I don't where you get your info but columbian is in south america and British Columbia is in North America not even close

It was a joke.and he is probably correct. Colombia the Country with an O not U as in Columbia Canada. Also if this is the first time to make a post how come it says 3 posts already.

Well; I beg to differ, hey ?! I had the good fortune of living in BC (British Columbia) for some 8 years. Never ever did I hear anyone refer to a person from BC as a 'Columbian' and obviously much less as a 'Colombian'.

BTW @Theslime: British Columbia is most certainly NOT ever referred to as "Columbia", within Canada or the USA, but simply "BC".

Well I beg to differ, maybe it was a in house joke which I,m sure BTW knows about, sounds obvious to me.
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this is my first time to make a post and that is to ratcatcher I don't where you get your info but columbian is in south america and British Columbia is in North America not even close

It was a joke.and he is probably correct. Colombia the Country with an O not U as in Columbia Canada. Also if this is the first time to make a post how come it says 3 posts already.

Well; I beg to differ, hey ?! I had the good fortune of living in BC (British Columbia) for some 8 years. Never ever did I hear anyone refer to a person from BC as a 'Columbian' and obviously much less as a 'Colombian'.

BTW @Theslime: British Columbia is most certainly NOT ever referred to as "Columbia", within Canada or the USA, but simply "BC".

Well I beg to differ, maybe it was a in house joke which I,m sure BTW knows about, sounds obvious to me.

who is BTW, and how are you sure he knows?

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