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Few Job Postings Lately.

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Is it just me or are there less teaching jobs out there? It seems to me following the most common websites for teaching jobs, ajarn.com etc. that there are very view teaching jobs available lately. I have seen days go by without a posting on ajarn.com. I have been following this site on a regular base since 2007 and these past couple of months are the lowest amount of job postings I remember seeing.

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Where have you been.? it s crisis time.

Yes bar are empty, gogo ladies are by hundred for 2 or 3 guys only. You got choice. :-)

I m in the USA, and it sucks here. I see guys over 40 or 50years old, working at the cash register like if they were teenagers saving money for school.

It s everywhere the same. Many of my friends Finished with no job, and pile of debts and problems. Guys jump from terrasse more often than 5 years ago.

And it s not going to be bettet. Job creation is a farce, it s a LIE .. Low paid job. People don't pay tax with their low income. How its going to pay the 16 trillion dollars of debt they USA has? Tell me?

I can tell you if Obama get elected it s going to be a pain for another round for all of us.. USA, Europe, or Thailand.... We are all screwed. Ticking bomb.... Bankruptcy of usa coming soon....

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Where have you been.? it s crisis time.

Yes bar are empty, gogo ladies are by hundred for 2 or 3 guys only. You got choice. :-)

I m in the USA, and it sucks here. I see guys over 40 or 50years old, working at the cash register like if they were teenagers saving money for school.

It s everywhere the same. Many of my friends Finished with no job, and pile of debts and problems. Guys jump from terrasse more often than 5 years ago.

And it s not going to be bettet. Job creation is a farce, it s a LIE .. Low paid job. People don't pay tax with their low income. How its going to pay the 16 trillion dollars of debt they USA has? Tell me?

I can tell you if Obama get elected it s going to be a pain for another round for all of us.. USA, Europe, or Thailand.... We are all screwed. Ticking bomb.... Bankruptcy of usa coming soon....

It was about 6 years ago, I was working in a small town ( Cheonan ) in South Korea. At that time it was pretty easy to find teaching jobs.

Then America had its economic crisis and there was a flood of American students in the town. Needless to say my days of getting easy work was over.

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Is it me or does there seem to be a big increase in agencies? I believe the agencies are taking over the teaching jobs. Maybe the schools are tired of the responsibility of maintaining the teachers. This year is my first year with an agency and I am seriously unimpressed. It feels more like a temp agency with a constant washout of teachers. Also, beware of termination clauses that state they only give you two weeks for a notice of termination. That is a sure bet you are a temp. I have always had thirty days termination notices in my contracts.

Edited by Scott
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A lot of schools are going to agencies. I worked at a school two years ago, they let me go, and since I have left in 1 year and 1 semester, 5 teachers have replaced me and they are looking for the sixth, mostly from agencies, but they can't get good ones.

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A lot of schools are going to agencies. I worked at a school two years ago, they let me go, and since I have left in 1 year and 1 semester, 5 teachers have replaced me and they are looking for the sixth, mostly from agencies, but they can't get good ones.

Most schools seem to use agencies now, and that might explain the lower number of adverts. it really is a false economy for schools to use agencies - a school may pay the agency 50K a month, then they pay the teacher 35K. Yes some agencies are creaming that much off the top, and to be honest they really don't provide a lot for the money. These teachers rarely see out a contract, in my school at least. Yet they could spend the 50K, put an ad on ajarn and get a more experienced teacher. Still don't understand the logic - I guess if parent/kids aren't complaining about little Somchai having 6 english teachers in a semester, then it's everything is ok. It's only when parents vote with their feet, then schools will act.

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A couple of years ago,I worked for a school, via an agency.

Once a month, the head of the English dept would get us to sign papers that enabled the agency to get it's money.

One of the papers gave the monthly amount paid to the agency for each teacher, it was 60,000 bht. Our salary was 35,000 bht.

I still work for the agency, and am happy to do so, but I'd be happier If I could get a 12 month contract direct with a school.

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Part of the scam that is going on with agencies is they will hire a new teacher and begin an extention of their program then cut the teacher after a semester and maintain the program by having the remaining tachers take up the slack while the agency is drawing the money. Also, a big problem with agencies is they could care less if your credentials are valid or not. The school doesn't care because it's not their neck in the noose. I believe agencies will be the undoing of English being taught by foreigners in Thailand. If you have a job/contract directly with a school, then keep it. It may or may not be less money but the odds are they will keep you a full year. Agencies cut without warning or conscience even if they are "farang operated". Actually, I think the farang operated agencies are far worse.

Edited by Markaew
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Schools generally like agencies for a number of reasons:

1. No one in most school Admin departments can speak enough English to place an ad for a new teacher or to answer the emails or phone calls from English speaking job applicants.

2. If the teacher doesn't work out, they don't have to deal with him or her themselves, they just tell the agency to send a new teacher.

3. Most agencies will give kickbacks to the department head or director of the school.

4. The school won't have to deal with the visa or work permit paperwork, something that generally baffles most Thai school administrators.

So, it's not surprising that so many schools go through agencies. After all, the only ones who lose out are the teachers and the students! blink.png

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The school won't have to deal with the visa or work permit paperwork, something that generally baffles most Thai school administrators.

Exactly the same situation with the greater majority of agencies too.

Edited by siampolee
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Even if the schools are going to agencies, the agencies still need teachers, where do they get them, or is there just a small demand now? I have never seen so few postings in ajarn.com or other sites. I'm glad that I have decided to stay retired, I sure would not want to be looking for a job in this climate.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So if you are thinking about jumping in - where does this lead, looking to the future? Sounds like another reason not to hassle it.

And the comment sbout firing a teacher and getting the balance to pick up the work, grstis no doubt is simply evil. I had a school (ECC) in Korea do that to me/us as well.

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