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U.s. Drone Kills 9 Al-Qaeda Militants In Southern Yemen


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U.S. drone kills 9 al-Qaeda militants in southern Yemen < br />

2012-10-19 15:43:30 GMT+7 (ICT)

SANA'A, YEMEN (BNO NEWS) -- A U.S. drone fired at a farm in southern Yemen on Thursday, killing at least nine suspected al-Qaeda militants who were planning to attack security forces, Yemeni officials said on Friday. Among those killed was a man identified as a local leader of al-Qaeda.

Yemeni security officials, speaking on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the incident, said the attack happened when an unmanned U.S. drone fired several missiles at a farm and vehicles near the town of Jaar in southern Yemen's Abyan province.

The country's defense ministry confirmed nine al-Qaeda militants were killed in the area but claimed they were killed by service members of the 119th Infantry Brigade. The Yemeni government is known to frequently credit its security forces for militant casualties, even when they were caused by a U.S. drone.

Among the nine militants killed Thursday morning was a local al-Qaeda leader identified as Nadir Haider Nasser al-Shaddadi. The farm was located only several miles (kilometers) from a military post, and the officials who spoke on the condition of anonymity said one of the militants was about to attack security forces in a suicide bombing.

Yemen is currently undergoing a transition process after a popular uprising erupted in the country last year, similar to protests seen in other countries across the Middle East and North Africa. Yemen held presidential elections in February, resulting in a victory for the country's new leader Abd Rabbuh Mansur Al-Hadi.

The United States regularly carries out drone strikes in Yemen, and documents released by the whistle-blowing website WikiLeaks in November 2010 revealed that the Yemeni government has covered up such strikes in the past. "We'll continue saying the bombs are ours, not yours," then Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh told a U.S. official, according to a classified U.S. document.

In early September, the deputy commander of al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), Saudi national Said al-Shihri, was killed in the remote eastern province of Hadhramaut. The Yemeni government claimed al-Shihri was killed by Yemeni troops during a military operation, but some reports have suggested he was actually killed by a U.S. drone.


-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2012-10-19

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Among those killed was a man identified as a local leader of al-Qaeda.

Doesn't sound very 'suspected' to me. Still don't let the truth interfere with your candle lit vigils. violin.gif

Few tears will be shed over the deaths of these insurgents. Interesting piece on UAVs attached below. As it underlines, UAVs dramatically reduce the chance of unintended deaths and the "loiter" ability of these craft at high altitude is an amazing tactical advantage.


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Sales of tickets to Paradise have increased markedly since the US military was appointed as Allah's official travel agent. The recent introduction of mobile unmanned ticketing machines is taking sales to even more remote locations, without the risk of sales staff being injured in the rush of buyers trying to get to their final destination, and is a major part of this increase - expect to see even more of them. Well, you don't actually see them, but have faith that they are there.

and normal people... women, children... can also avail of this great service, even if they don't want it.

but the risk to them isn't important eh.

War is a nasty business, but the very nature of the UAV's capabilities (it's loiter time/capability, the surveillance equipment and human finger on the trigger) minimises the chance of mistakes, while at the same time providing commanders on the ground with a quantum leap in tactical advantage.

Have a read of the article I posted above from the Torygraph.

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Also a good read


This report is the result of nine months of research by the International Human Rights

and Conflict Resolution Clinic of Stanford Law School (Stanford Clinic) and the Global

Justice Clinic at New York University School of Law (NYU Clinic).


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Sales of tickets to Paradise have increased markedly since the US military was appointed as Allah's official travel agent. The recent introduction of mobile unmanned ticketing machines is taking sales to even more remote locations, without the risk of sales staff being injured in the rush of buyers trying to get to their final destination, and is a major part of this increase - expect to see even more of them. Well, you don't actually see them, but have faith that they are there.

and normal people... women, children... can also avail of this great service, even if they don't want it.

but the risk to them isn't important eh.

It certainly doesn't matter to the animals that hide amongst them as believers will go to paradise, and non-believers deserve to die anyway - in their opinion.

When the tally of dead from drones approaches that of muslim militants, I'll begin to be concerned. Till then ICGARA.

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Sales of tickets to Paradise have increased markedly since the US military was appointed as Allah's official travel agent. The recent introduction of mobile unmanned ticketing machines is taking sales to even more remote locations, without the risk of sales staff being injured in the rush of buyers trying to get to their final destination, and is a major part of this increase - expect to see even more of them. Well, you don't actually see them, but have faith that they are there.

and normal people... women, children... can also avail of this great service, even if they don't want it.

but the risk to them isn't important eh.

It certainly doesn't matter to the animals that hide amongst them as believers will go to paradise, and non-believers deserve to die anyway - in their opinion.

When the tally of dead from drones approaches that of muslim militants, I'll begin to be concerned. Till then ICGARA.

You're professing the same level of bigotry and hatred as those you despise.

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But my peaceful bigotry doesn't include murdering those I disagree with. When something they do offends me, I don't rush out and kill somebody/anybody, who cares. Cartoons don't drive me to burning mosques, and I don't believe that they are worth less than shit on my shoe because they believe some stupid, unprovable myth.

BTW have you ever wondered when the great voice in the sky was handing down rules on eating habits, the evils of charging interest, putting a bag over your wife's head and all the other &lt;deleted&gt;, why he didn't mention that sex with children was a big no-no? It seems it was culturally OK at the time, and god didn't see it as a problem either? Or maybe somebody just made it all up to suit themselves?

There is no such thing as peaceful bigotry.

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But my peaceful bigotry doesn't include murdering those I disagree with. When something they do offends me, I don't rush out and kill somebody/anybody, who cares. Cartoons don't drive me to burning mosques, and I don't believe that they are worth less than shit on my shoe because they believe some stupid, unprovable myth.

BTW have you ever wondered when the great voice in the sky was handing down rules on eating habits, the evils of charging interest, putting a bag over your wife's head and all the other &lt;deleted&gt;, why he didn't mention that sex with children was a big no-no? It seems it was culturally OK at the time, and god didn't see it as a problem either? Or maybe somebody just made it all up to suit themselves?

There is no such thing as peaceful bigotry.

Really? There's ample examples of murderous bigotry though, isn't there, and most of it is related to religion.

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But my peaceful bigotry doesn't include murdering those I disagree with. When something they do offends me, I don't rush out and kill somebody/anybody, who cares. Cartoons don't drive me to burning mosques, and I don't believe that they are worth less than shit on my shoe because they believe some stupid, unprovable myth.

BTW have you ever wondered when the great voice in the sky was handing down rules on eating habits, the evils of charging interest, putting a bag over your wife's head and all the other &lt;deleted&gt;, why he didn't mention that sex with children was a big no-no? It seems it was culturally OK at the time, and god didn't see it as a problem either? Or maybe somebody just made it all up to suit themselves?

There is no such thing as peaceful bigotry.

Really? There's ample examples of murderous bigotry though, isn't there, and most of it is related to religion.

Yes, but you described yourself as a "peaceful bigot" The words of bigots lead to fear, hatred & violence. If you do not agree, let's agree to disagree.

Edited by simple1
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I don't think drones would work real well in heavily forested areas.

As a matter of fact they work fine in heavily forested and Jungle areas as they are fitted with Infared and Heat sensors to detect the target. They are fitted for the terrain and in this case would be penetration device explosive rockets.
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Thanks for that. I didn't know they were capable of working in dense jungle. Sure saves on the devastation of the Napalm era.

Sorry for the off-topic, but informative, foray into this area.

Actually Scott, it was not the Napalm that did most of the damage. In the Vietnam era, at first it was the B52 bombers that rained down the destruction and in the end it was the Agent Orange, Blue, Red etc that caused most of the damage and to this day is still causing more damage than the bombing.
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