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Cranberry Juice

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Is not cranberry juice , it cocktail of cranberry juice !

Big difference in the healthy side ...

It's like most of the juices they say 100% then when you read fine print it's like 60 to 80% then other added juices or water to make 100%.

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I'm definitely looking for the one with the most cranberry content and absolutely no high fructose corn syrup.... This may be tricky....

If I am not mistaken the brand is called Ocean Spray

The one I get is Called ABSOLUTE Cranberry Flavour. Sorry.sad.png
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There is no 100% cranberry juice. Reducing caffeine, alcohol, fags, fried foods and chili can reduce an irritated bladder/prostate.

Just what has caffeine, alcohol, fags, fried foods and chili can reduce an irritated bladder/prostate. got to do with what the OP asked ? I can't remember him mentioning he wanted the juice to relieve any medical condition ? blink.png

Also I always go by the scientific method that if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck and swims like a duck it is a duck. The same goes for the cranberry juice.

If it tastes like cranberry juice, looks like cranberry juice and smells like cranberry juice that is good enough for me ! thumbsup.gif

Or do you drink only fully certified organic cranberries and hand pressed by young virgins only whistling.gif

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There is no 100% cranberry juice. Reducing caffeine, alcohol, fags, fried foods and chili can reduce an irritated bladder/prostate.

Just what has caffeine, alcohol, fags, fried foods and chili can reduce an irritated bladder/prostate. got to do with what the OP asked ? I can't remember him mentioning he wanted the juice to relieve any medical condition ? blink.png

Also I always go by the scientific method that if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck and swims like a duck it is a duck. The same goes for the cranberry juice.

If it tastes like cranberry juice, looks like cranberry juice and smells like cranberry juice that is good enough for me ! thumbsup.gif

Or do you drink only fully certified organic cranberries and hand pressed by young virgins only whistling.gif

Just maybe, cranberry juice can reduce irritation.rolleyes.gif

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There is no 100% cranberry juice. Reducing caffeine, alcohol, fags, fried foods and chili can reduce an irritated bladder/prostate.

Just what has caffeine, alcohol, fags, fried foods and chili can reduce an irritated bladder/prostate. got to do with what the OP asked ? I can't remember him mentioning he wanted the juice to relieve any medical condition ? blink.png

Also I always go by the scientific method that if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck and swims like a duck it is a duck. The same goes for the cranberry juice.

If it tastes like cranberry juice, looks like cranberry juice and smells like cranberry juice that is good enough for me ! thumbsup.gif

Or do you drink only fully certified organic cranberries and hand pressed by young virgins only whistling.gif

Just maybe, cranberry juice can reduce irritation.rolleyes.gif

Chang Draught does. smile.png (for me)
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There is no 100% cranberry juice. Reducing caffeine, alcohol, fags, fried foods and chili can reduce an irritated bladder/prostate.

Just what has caffeine, alcohol, fags, fried foods and chili can reduce an irritated bladder/prostate. got to do with what the OP asked ? I can't remember him mentioning he wanted the juice to relieve any medical condition ? blink.png

Also I always go by the scientific method that if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck and swims like a duck it is a duck. The same goes for the cranberry juice.

If it tastes like cranberry juice, looks like cranberry juice and smells like cranberry juice that is good enough for me ! thumbsup.gif

Or do you drink only fully certified organic cranberries and hand pressed by young virgins only whistling.gif

I'm sure he just likes the taste.

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