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Visa Run To Singapore

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I´m going to Singapore for my 3rd tourist visa... I got my first one in Portugal and my second one in Vientiane, wich following the advices from here, was a very easy process...

So I´d like to ask if there are any tips or advices that someone that has done the some thing could give me about the process there...

I thank you in advance for your replys,


Edited by Grego
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I would strongly advise against trying to get a 3rd consecutive tourist visa at the Thai consulate in SG. They are particularly un-accommodating there and often refuse visas for people who already have more than one in the last 12 month period.

Proceed at your own risk!

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You are gambling trying Singapore. They are not nice like Vientaine was, also you could have gotten 2 tourist visas at Vientaine, you can't in Singapore. If you are over 40, dress in a clean nice suit & tie, shoes polished, clean shaven, hair freshly cut, and not carrying a backpack, they might issue you one, but at that it is still a gamble.

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You'd have better luck in KL, Penang.

"The second best time to plant a tree is today" sent from TV android app (Galaxy Cooper).

I had to come to Singapore also for other reasons...

I leave Thailand the 15 th December, if the visa is denied now, will I have a hard time getting the 30 day stamp flying back? If no, can I do it again one month from now?

Thank you

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Ok thank you all for the replys, I´ll post the outcome later...

One more thing: You said, you're leaving on 15 of December.

Get a print of these confirmed flight/ticket with you to the Embassy.

May help, to get the visa!

Edited by noob7
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You'd have better luck in KL, Penang.

"The second best time to plant a tree is today" sent from TV android app (Galaxy Cooper).

I had to come to Singapore also for other reasons...

I leave Thailand the 15 th December, if the visa is denied now, will I have a hard time getting the 30 day stamp flying back? If no, can I do it again one month from now?

Thank you

I meant KL, Malaysia. I cannot verify Penang....hear Penang is a bit more difficult than KL. But who knows. Singapore may very well not be so bad.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So back for reporting...

I am back from Sing. now, very nice but very expensive place :))

I got there on a monday, and my flight back was on the next friday...

I got to know that they were closed on tuesday and friday due to 2 holidays in Thailand and Sing. respectively. So after some of the feed back here I wasn´t very otpimistic to get my visa in just one day...

I followed the advices here, dressed a bit more formal, and took with me the tickets back to Thailand and back to Portugal...

It went pretty well, the woman in the counter was pretty friendly, she told me she would get me the visa for the next day, but as it was my 3rd consecutive I could not get another one there, if I didn´t had a medical issue, and a letter from a doctor confirming that...

So back in Thailand with no visa issues...

Thank you all for the tips,


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  • 2 weeks later...

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