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Dog rape attempt goes astray

SAMUT PRAKAN: -- A Thai man was mauled when he drunkenly tried to rape a dog which fiercely resisted his advances, news reports said yesterday.

Police in Samut Prakan province, on Bangkok's southeastern fringes, told the Thai Rath newspaper that Toryip Rawang, 33, had been drinking heavily with friends before Monday's incident.

Toryip was questioned by police after residents of the area notified local authorities when they saw the bloodied man walking along a road.

He told police he noticed a brown female stray dog wagging its tail and "acting sexy" and pulled it into some tall grass by the roadside.

But the dog resisted, biting him on his face, chest and arms before he gave up his attempt and tried to stagger home.

Under further questioning Toryip admitted to previously raping three dogs while he was under the influence of alcohol.

He told police he always became aroused when he drank heavily but did not have enough money to pay a prostitute.

Police said Toryip had been given a rabies shot and was not charged with a crime, but he had fled his home in an apparent effort to avoid public ridicule.

--AAP 2004-02-03

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OMG that dude must have been really hard up...wait a minute wasn't there a guy with some soi dog problem, did he finally go psycho?

Under further questioning Toryip admitted to previously raping three dogs while he was under the influence of alcohol.
i remember back in the US there was a cheap wine called MAD DOG 20 20, are they importing that over here now?
He told police he always became aroused when he drank heavily but did not have enough money to pay a prostitute.

and they wonder where this chicken virus came from...

But the dog resisted, biting him on his face, chest and arms before he gave up his attempt and tried to stagger home.

Those dogs can be such bitches sometimes!



Maybe that's the solution to the soi dog problem, just get this guy to go around the sois at night and abuse the dogs. Might get rid of them?


There should be an award, similar to the darwin awards for those who "Subject themselves to lifelong ridicule in order that many anonymous individuals can laugh their asses off".

This guy's got my vote for the first award.

At about 4 this morning my wife woke up and told me that if I didn't stop laughing about that ###### dog that I should go sleep outside :D

I didn't notice this in any of the english language dailies.... although they never miss a forgiener jumping or smuggling.... :o

"....he noticed a brown female stray dog wagging its tail and "acting sexy"

That is truely one of the most bizzare things I've ever read..



Ha Ha!!!

I've a friend on another board who goes by the username of "Soidog"!!

Great fuel for giving him grief!!!

In response to the Mad Dog wine reference above--------WHEW!!!!!!!!!! BAD STUFF!!!!!

I tried it once when I was 19 years old and that was enough!

On a humorous note, I once stopped into a convenience store in Florida to buy some beer.

I had to politely wait for this 85 year old woman to get whatever she was getting out of the cooler, so I waited.

Upon approaching the checkout counter, it became evident that she had a great big honker-bottle of MD20/20.

The kind kid behind the counter, as well as myself and everybody else in the place were all saying "NO!"

She said "I was just looking for some nice wine" in her little-old-lady voice.

We all emphatically encouraged her to reconsider, and the clerk walked her back to the cooler to help her with another choice.

Flippin' HILARIOUS!!!


I seem to remember there was a news report on a similar incident not so many months ago. Is it the same guy (he did say he was a serial mutt rapist) doing the same deed, or is it a common incident round the country? As if blow torching soi dogs alive before eating them, wasn't bad enough, now these bitches have to contend with another threat on the streets! :o


This is out of an old Phuket Gazette (with appreciation )

Saturday, September 8, 2001

Phuket’s dog problem could be worse

LONDON: A drunk who claimed he had been raped by a dog was yesterday [4 Sept 01] jailed for 12 months.

Martin Hoyle, 45, was arrested by police after a passing motorist and his girlfriend found a Staffordshire bull terrier, called Badger, shagging him at the side of a road in Highgate, North London.

Prosecutor Ben Crosland said the couple had stopped to help because they thought Hoyle was being attacked by the animal. But when they got closer they saw that he had his trousers round his ankles, and was down on all fours with the dog straddling him from behind.

"The defendant mumbled something about the dog having taken a liking to him," said Mr Crosland. "The couple were extremely offended and sickened by what they saw."

Another passing motorist contacted the police and Hoyle was arrested as he walked down the road with the dog.

Hoyle, of Finchley Road, Highgate, told police: "I can't help it if the dog took a liking to me. He tried to rape me!"

He repeated the rape allegation at the police station and added, "The dog pulled my trousers down."

Hoyle, who has had a long-standing alcohol problem, was jailed for 12 months after he admitted committing an act which outraged public decency. His barrister said Hoyle had no memory of the incident because of his drunken state, but was now very remorseful and “incredibly embarrassed”.

Jailing him, Judge Alistair McCallum told Hoyle: "Never before in my time at the bar or on the bench have I ever had to deal with somebody who voluntarily allowed himself to be buggered by a dog on a public highway. Frankly it is beyond our comprehension and an absolutely disgusting thing for members of the public to have had to witness."

Phuket, Thailand

01:05 local time (GMT +7)


Reuters,AP,APF Newswires

Ache, Tomblon Province, Indonesia

Indonesian Times

An Ache man is in critical condition and is not expected to survive

after suffering an attack from a rabid dog. Monsoor Than-Luc Bonsorani

admitted to doctors that he had allowed his stray dog to lick his

testicles as he masturbated however the dog exacted his revenge on the

man this past Saturday night. Officials at the Ache Memorial Hospital

have stated that Mr Bonsorani had told them he engaged the dog into

"the act" this past Saturday and after Mr Bonsorani ejaculated the dog

became highly enraged and bit him all over his body including viscious

bites to his penis and testicles.

"We are afraid that the rabies

infection was left unattended for too great of a time period and its

now in the hands of God" stated a hospital spokeswoman. Friends and

colleagues of the man have been holding candle-light vigils outside

the hospital and have asked the Health Ministry here to provide public

service announcements about the dangers relating to Mr Bonsoranis

incident. A friend who asked not to be identified said "It is never a

good idea to have a stray dog inside your house much less having one

lick your private parts." No decision has been made as to when and if

Mr Bonsorani will be taken off of the life support system.


Being a resident of Bang-Na, I was chatting to my wife about that subject. She told me all the locals are still having a good laugh at it.

If you look at Thairath (Such quality journalism...) there is an article about a month or two ago about the guy who raped a chicken......

Maybe the guy who went with the dog got scared of chickens.....

Guest IT Manager
what happen to the scum card?

must be only available only for the THAI RUK MA

Sorry it took so long...


Here is. Please do not leurm to give 10 baht to a street kid after downloading, printing, plasticising (if you are a tosser), and using the scumcard..

An admin has a long and arduous day. :o:D:D

The first time I have read anything like this - very funny indeed - to have one case, should be enough, but three seperate incidents 

thailand's first serial dog rapist ?


Gees......whatis the world coming to ????? Sars, chicken flu and dog rapists ?? Gave me a welcome afternoon laugh at the office. Hey Bronco, lucky they dont dpeort crims from the UK to Australia anymore. We dont need any dog rooters downthere. There are enough bad arse people already haha.

Many years ago, there was a report of a guy in outback NSW (Aust.) who was busted for shagging a cow. His neighbour complained to him toleave the cow alone but this guy told the neighbour to piss off and that he should keep cl;ose eye on the chooks too !! gees I had to laugh at that. Th eguy probably had 6 fingers on each hand.

hey dont mention the dog rooting story to the Kiwis. they'll be over here in a shot looking for somehting different from sheep. :o


cdnvic's mention of the Darwin Awards reminded me of another Thai guy whose sexual antics got him Urban Legend status in 1997:

"The government must crack down on this disgusting craze of 'Pumping'," a spokesman for the Nakhon Ratchasima hospital told reporters. "If this perversion catches on, it will destroy the cream of Thailand's manhood." He was speaking after the remains of 13 year-old Charnchai Puanmuangpak had been rushed into the hospital's emergency room.

"Most 'Pumpers' use a standard bicycle pump," he explained, "inserting the nozzle far up their rectum, giving themselves a rush of air, creating a momentary high. This act is a sin against God." Charnchai took it further still. He started using a two-cylinder foot pump, but even that wasn't exciting enough for him, and he boasted to friends that he was going to try the compressed air hose at a nearby gasoline station. They dared him to do it so, under cover of darkness, he sneaked in.

Not realizing how powerful the machine was, he inserted the tube deep into his rectum, and placed a coin in the slot. As a result, he died virtually instantly, but passersby are still in shock. One woman thought she was watching a twilight

fireworks display, and started clapping. "We still haven't located all of him.", say the police authorities. "When that quantity of air interacted with the gas in his system, he nearly exploded. It was like an atom bomb went off or something."

"Pumping is the devil's pastime, and we must all say no to Satan," Ratchasima concluded. "Inflate your tires by all means, but then hide your bicycle pump where it cannot tempt you."

(Urban Legend Status conferred 31 Dec 97 Declared an urban legend by DarwinAwards.com on the following grounds: story reported on the internet with multiple dates of occurrence. Furthermore, it is impossible for methane in a person's rectum to explode when exposed to air. In the words of Thaddaeus A. Vick, "Ruptured colon I would believe." A reader of another Darwin Awards page recalls reading the story in the Funny Old World column of England's satirical Private Eye Magazine. Finally, a reader with a theological bent points out that a hospital spokesman in Thailand is unlikely to make references to God and Satan, which are not relevant to the largely non-theistic Buddhist population.)

Though the site doubted the truth of the story (possibly because of embellishment, but with a story like this, who could resist the odd overstatement or two) those of us living here know better ... TIT


"He told police he noticed a brown female stray dog wagging its tail and "acting sexy" and pulled it into some tall grass by the roadside. "

It can be amusing when we get drunk and lose all sense of propriety, but there is a very serious side to this story too. It could so easily have been a human that he raped. If he had stumbled across a 'flower girl' for example and raped her he may never have been discovered. And if he had been found I bet he'd have used exactly the same excuse. When I read this story I couldn't help thinking about the multitude of rape cases that have received little or no sentence because the man convinced the police that the girl he raped was a 'willing victim' who was "acting sexy"and "wagging her tail" so to speak. Hmm :o

  • 9 months later...

A sick man that should be locked up :o

he noticed a brown female stray dog wagging its tail and "acting sexy" and pulled it into some tall grass by the roadside.


the quote of the day i do believe.

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