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Visa Overstay By 2 Days!

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Hello all!

My husband & I will be landing in Bangkok and later that day, travelling by land to Cambodia for 4 days. Ideally, we would like to travel by land back in to Thailand as the flights are over $200 each one way, however that will only gain us a 14 day Visa (as from what I recall, our visa from the day we land by air for 30 days will be null & void when we cross in to Cambodia).

The problem is that we need a 16 day Visa to enjoy the rest of our trip in Thailand!

Is overstaying our visa by 2 days a big deal, assuming we don't get caught on the street before making it to the airport? I am aware of the 500B per day overstay fee. My husband is flying straight home to Canada but I will actually be flying to Manilla for a week then back to Bangkok for a few more days before ultimately heading home.

Thank you very much for any suggestions & advice!


Edited by goodtoglow
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The best solution is for you to get a multiple entry visa before you arrive. Failing that a 2 day overstay isn't a big deal but not really advised. You would be fined 1000 Baht each and a stamp put in your passport. Can you not have a couple of extra days in Thailand before going to Cambodia so when you re enter Thailand you have enough left with the 14 days given ?

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Before obtaining my retirement visa I overstayed about 5 or 6 times due to assorted reasons - once for 12 days; Bangkok Immigration threatened to jail and deport on that occasion but let me go if I promised to pay the fine at the airport. I have paid at Bangkok Airport, Myanmar border crossing, Phuket and Chiangmai Airports. It is touted as a serious offence for over 14 days but not such a big deal for one or two days as long as you keep a low profile. Great revenue raiser for the Govt. Just check out how many waiting to pay the fine at the airport. At the end of the day it had no effect on me gaining my retirement visa. 'Note" this is my own personal experience and others could have had different outcomes.

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A two day overstay is no big deal but it would cost you 1000 baht each.

You should consider getting 2 entry tourist visa's which would cost $40 (CAD) for each entry which would give you a stay of 60 days for each entry.

Contact one of the consulates listed here: http://www.thaiembassy.ca/en/visiting-thailand/visas/obtaining-visa-canada

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