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Clemency Sought For Mozambican Detained In Thailand


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Mozambique: Clemency Sought for Mozambican Detained in Thailand

MAPUTO: -- The Mozambican government is seeking clemency in the case of a young Mozambican woman, arrested in Thailand in the possession of illicit drugs.

In Thailand, as in much of south-east Asia, drug trafficking can be punished with the death penalty, and Justice Minister Benvinda Levy told reporters on Thursday that the government is working hard to save the woman, Monica Novela, from this fate.

The 30 year old Novela, who is the mother of three children, was arrested on 14 October at Phuket International Airport in Thailand, in the possession of six kilos of methamphetamine (better known as “crystal meth”).

Thai customs say they found the drug in false compartment of her luggage.

She told customs officers that she had been hired for 50,000 baht (about 1,630 US dollars) to deliver the drug to customers on Thailand’s Patong beach.

The street value of the drug is put at 21 million baht (684,000 US dollars), making this seizure the largest drug haul ever at Phuket airport.

Levy said the Mozambican authorities became aware of the case through the press, and had then immediately sought to confirm Novela’s identity. “We were in contact with her family yesterday (Wednesday) and we were able to obtain additional details”, she said.

Full story: http://allafrica.com...1210260379.html

-- allAfrica 2012-10-26


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IIRC Thailand hasn't executed a foreign national in a long, long time. In almost every case, the death sentence gets commuted to life imprisonment (usually on the King's birthday I think ?).

Pretty desperate to risk death (or life imprisonment in Thailand, which may be worse than death for some) for the equivalent of $1,630 USD.

Seems odd. Apparently she left Mozambique 2 days earlier, and had never been on a plane before ? I think the original story had it that she flew from Qatar to KL, then to Phuket. In the linked story, she didn't even know what airport she had been arrested in !

Edited by Kerryd
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Sounds like an innocent young girl trying to make a few bucks to help her kids, sadly got into something a lot deeper than she thought she would.

Groomed by traffickers & probably told it will be easy money.

6kg is no joke though, hope she likes black rice ??

No sympathy for her sorry.

If you can't do the time don't do the crime !!

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The Hang Her High brigade has joint.

1 post deleted.

cheesy.gif Thanks Mario, needed a laugh! Love the way you used the word joint instead of joined in a drug related thread!

Hope you meant it like that..................sad.png

Honestly, nothing to do with the spelling police...........tongue.png

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"She told customs officers that she had been hired for 50,000 baht

(about 1,630 US dollars) to deliver the drug to customers on Thailand’s

Patong beach."

Clemency...my ass. If she knew what she was carrying she's guilty.

Forget bag swaps and the rest...I reckon she knew and did it for

the money. Tough luck Mozambique...you loose.

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If this is an example of an uneducated girl being used as a mule, it simply shows the depravity amongst dealers. If the girl was unaware of even the airport she was supposed to go to it would be fair to assume she is not street smart, if at all educated. Carrying 6 kgs of drugs is no small order, and it would stand to reason she had no idea of the value. She is also a mother of 3 so blind Freddy could at least figure out she was not a woman of substance (no pun intended). USD1600 plus change is a huge amount for a Mozambique national, so whilst I abhor drugs and any asshol_e who uses them, frankly I think the hang-em-high brigade should really back away from this as the full story may not be known. Will she get a chance to air the reality ? Doubt it.

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Mozambique asks for clemency after Thai drug arrest

Mozambique will ask Thailand to consider clemency for a woman who faces the death sentence after she was caught with six kilograms (13 pounds) of methamphetamine at Phuket International Airport, an official said Friday.

Monica Ferreira Novela, 30, has yet to stand trial after she was detained earlier this month. Mozambique fears she is she is likely to get the death penalty if convicted.

"We are doing everything possible to avoid this sentence being effected," Justino Tonnela of the Mozambican Justice Ministry's Legal Advice Department told AFP. Transport Minister Paulo Zucula is due in Bangkok on official business this week and will raise the issue with Thailand's government.

"We are doing everything possible through diplomatic channels," said Tonnela, adding that Mozambique's ambassador to Indonesia (who is also responsible for Thailand) was on his way to the Thai capital to join the bid for clemency.

Mozambique has no bilateral accords with Thailand that could help an extradition bid. The South Asian country metes out severe punishments for drug trafficking including the death sentence "We know it is a delicate case but we hope the Mozambican government's call will be considered," said Tonnela.


-- (c) Copyright AFP 2012-10-26

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As others have pointed out, it's unlikely that she will get the death sentence in Thailand. She's just lucky that she was arrested here and not in Singapore, China, Malaysia or Vietnam. All of those countries don't hesitate to execute foreign nationals!

Edited by otherstuff1957
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I doubt very much if this young woman had any idea of the consequences if caught, I can't agree with what she was attempting to do, but really who are the real victims? Her children and to a certain degree her, a potential waste of life and all she got out of it was a flight!

But she is not the first and will not be the last!

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IIRC Thailand hasn't executed a foreign national in a long, long time. In almost every case, the death sentence gets commuted to life imprisonment (usually on the King's birthday I think ?).

There seems to be a myth that Thailand doesn't or won't execute foreigners. The last executions that I could find on record were of five Nigerian drug traffickers in late 2001. http://allafrica.com/stories/200201170049.html

They were executed by firing squad at Bang Kwang taking the total to 6 Nigerians executed that year alone.

Now that Thailand has started executing prisoners again, I wouldn't bet on them not executing a foreigner, especially an African, and especially an African drug trafficker.

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JUST say no to drugs, and NO to Clemency....coffee1.gif

IF you can't to the Time, Don't do the CRIME...coffee1.gif

Whether she was going to meet someone or not, She knew she was violating the law...

AND thats the way the ball bounces baby! Tough Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeet!

Well done, a sophisticated and humane take on crime and punishment.

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As others have pointed out, it's unlikely that she will get the death sentence in Thailand. She's just lucky that she was arrested here and not in Singapore, China, Malaysia or Vietnam. All of those countries don't hesitate to execute foreign nationals!

And do you think that's good?

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"She told customs officers that she had been hired for 50,000 baht

(about 1,630 US dollars) to deliver the drug to customers on Thailand’s

Patong beach."

Clemency...my ass. If she knew what she was carrying she's guilty.

Forget bag swaps and the rest...I reckon she knew and did it for

the money. Tough luck Mozambique...you loose.

Another real sophisticate. Ever questioned the fact that drugs are illegal? Ever thought there is something really pernicious abot criminailsing the drug trade?

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If this is an example of an uneducated girl being used as a mule, it simply shows the depravity amongst dealers. If the girl was unaware of even the airport she was supposed to go to it would be fair to assume she is not street smart, if at all educated. Carrying 6 kgs of drugs is no small order, and it would stand to reason she had no idea of the value. She is also a mother of 3 so blind Freddy could at least figure out she was not a woman of substance (no pun intended). USD1600 plus change is a huge amount for a Mozambique national, so whilst I abhor drugs and any asshol_e who uses them, frankly I think the hang-em-high brigade should really back away from this as the full story may not be known. Will she get a chance to air the reality ? Doubt it.

sounds to me like she may be a few grams short of a kilo, she is either mentally challenged in some way or she knew exactly what she was doing and I hardly think 50k baht was the payment she was to receive for such a large haul

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When the police learned, that the lady was supposed to meet her recipients at Patong Beach, why did they don't let her go to this appointment and catch the instigators or drug dealers right in the act?

It surely looks to me that the recipients had to be saved for some reason, ie. a politician or the police involved. Who knows.

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"She told customs officers that she had been hired for 50,000 baht

(about 1,630 US dollars) to deliver the drug to customers on Thailand’s

Patong beach."

Clemency...my ass. If she knew what she was carrying she's guilty.

Forget bag swaps and the rest...I reckon she knew and did it for

the money. Tough luck Mozambique...you loose.

Another real sophisticate. Ever questioned the fact that drugs are illegal? Ever thought there is something really pernicious abot criminailsing the drug trade?

No on both questions. Could care less too. Yes...I know the laws

regarding drugs in all countries are draconian however until countries decriminalise (cause there isn't a country that is gonna give a blanket legalisation to all drugs) it's simply being stupid to carry a bag for

someone you don't know and or somebody you do know & trust.

Nations have their own drug laws for their own reasons and when

visiting a country outside your home country you must obey their

laws. Not your home country's laws. I'm not anti recreational use

...just remember this...if you get caught your embassy can't <deleted>

help you very much save for assisting in finding a lawyer of send

you box lunches in prison which you may never receive.

What do you expect the cops to do? Give her a slap on the hands

and deport her back to Mozambique?

Edited by sunshine51
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