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Clemency Sought For Mozambican Detained In Thailand


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She knew the deal and should be made an example of to other Africans.

Hear, hear! TVF's high authority on moral questions and final adjudicator on all criminal cases before the court of TVF has spoken.

Edited by Morakot
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She knew the deal and should be made an example of to other Africans.

Sure, she knew that she was carrying an illegal cargo. Why else would the payment be so high ?

It is probable that most first-time smugglers are unaware of the penalties.

Whatever her sentence ( and I dont believe the death penalty is appropriate ), it is unlikely to deter other poor Africans or whoever, because they wont be aware of it.

The Drug enforcement agency could spend money effectively in the relevant countries, by broadcasting the outcomes for drug smuggling.

It is hard to see any objections to this by those Country's governments.

Headline News in Thailand means nothing.

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I vote for clemency. The girl is naive and probably not worldly. Her naivety made her an easy catch. So call it quits and let her go home. The police got the gear and may therefore still get their promotion. Well done Thai Customs and immigration police for keeping these drugs off Thai streets.

NB: Lets not forget that a BIB major is seeking clemency yet he'd been trafficking drugs in to BKK for years.

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Zero tolerance - whether just a pawn, first time mule or complicit gang member - set an example - if the law says death sentence then use it to it's full effect !!

Imprisonment is no deterrent for some of these Africans , probably better off in some cases than where they come from !!

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"She told customs officers that she had been hired for 50,000 baht

(about 1,630 US dollars) to deliver the drug to customers on Thailand’s

Patong beach."

Clemency...my ass. If she knew what she was carrying she's guilty.

Forget bag swaps and the rest...I reckon she knew and did it for

the money. Tough luck Mozambique...you loose.

Another real sophisticate. Ever questioned the fact that drugs are illegal? Ever thought there is something really pernicious abot criminailsing the drug trade?

No on both questions. Could care less too. Yes...I know the laws

regarding drugs in all countries are draconian however until countries decriminalise (cause there isn't a country that is gonna give a blanket legalisation to all drugs) it's simply being stupid to carry a bag for

someone you don't know and or somebody you do know & trust.

Nations have their own drug laws for their own reasons and when

visiting a country outside your home country you must obey their

laws. Not your home country's laws. I'm not anti recreational use

...just remember this...if you get caught your embassy can't <deleted>

help you very much save for assisting in finding a lawyer of send

you box lunches in prison which you may never receive.

What do you expect the cops to do? Give her a slap on the hands

and deport her back to Mozambique?

Not direct, but parallel to this thread. About 6 Years ago an Australian was caught trafficking through Singapore. Went through the process and of course was sentenced to Death. Lawyers and Australian Govt appealed for clemency, and of course being Singapore, was denied. The point that the Singapore PM made was, " if we do that in this case, what about the cases that have already had the sentence carried out?" the sentence was carried out.

I don't hear much hue and cry about the Thai woman sitting on death row in Vietnam either. Same scenario.

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@Fozfromoz & anybody else who is interested...

Back in the early 80's there was a French woman busted in Penang for trafficking;

smack I think, somebody asked her to carry a "package"...she was hung. Then a few

years later an Aussie mother & son were caught trafficking smack in Penang, they

bought it and were trying to take the shit back to Oz....they were hung. A few years

later, also in Penang a German guy was busted in his hotel room with a kilo of

pot however the pot may have been "planted" he got off and was deported. And

around this time another French woman was also busted for heroin but the

investigation failed to prove she was actually in possession...she got off and was

deported. Kevin Barlow & Brian Chambers were caught, sentenced to death

and hung back in 1986 for trying to smuggle 141 grams of smack....

In Thailand during this time there were many foreigners who were busted for

mostly for heroin, pot & speed...in quantity...and most of them, I never kept

track of their sentences in detail...at least went to prison after pleading guilty

leaving themselves at the mercy of HRH. Two rather infamous cases which

come to mind this morning are David McMillan who escaped Klong Prem

Central Prison (BKK Hilton) with an umbrella! And Sandra Gregory who got

the death penalty, reduced to life then further reduced to 25 years and then

somewhere along the line she was able to serve out the remainder of her

sentence in a UK prison....all for 89 grams of heroin.

Come to LOS, sanuk, but if you do drugs try not to get caught and never

try to take some outta the country with you when you leave. If ya get caught,

and you most likely will...you're just plain fookin stupid. And nobody's gonna

be able to help you not even your embassy nor mom & dad.

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I am sorry for the children of the girl.

She chose to do something illegal and took a considerable risk. It does not matter if we agree with the law, it is as it is and should not be changed based on a single person / incident. If the majority of Thais think the law is not contemporary, then they need to press for changes in the law.

Best she can do now, is plead guilty and hope for pardons in time to come.

Sent from my GT-P7500 using Thaivisa Connect App

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"Mozambican authorities became aware of the case through the press"

Arrested 2 weeks ago and her government found out about by reading the newspaper? Just when was Thailand going to her inform the Mozambic government, after they executed her? Oh sorry we forgot to mention that we arrested and executed one of yours a little while back, however she was afforded all her rights.

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