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Thai Muslims Protest At Danish Embassy

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Where did I mention that I was defending Islamists? Please don't put words into my mouth. Sadly some of the examples of terrorist acts that you gave prove my point that these people have nothing to do with Islam, otherwise how can they set bombs against their own fellow Muslims, and even inside Mosques?

I agree innocents die in wars, that is why it should avoided in the first place. But I don't believe that deliberately lunching rocket missiles on civilian villages and houses, knowing that children and women live there, is an unavoidable "collateral damage". Please try to explain this concept directly to the people who lost their families from the latest strike on the Pakistani village of Damadola for example.

Sunnis vs Shites biggest examples of religious people, killing their own faith. They're Muslims, they're religious and believe in same things. Intercine conflicts in Islam is the norm, not the abboration. You mentioned Jordan and the PLO in an earlier post. Jordan had to kill 20,000 PLO supporters to evict them from their country. They had been invited into Jordan in the first place but they proved to be the same problematic people in Jordan as they are in Palestine today.

So your stance is to be one of total submission, that no war is just, to appease those threating you in the first place. Is your last name Chamberlain? You use an example given great credence by the political correct libearal press of a rocketed villiage that a high ranking wierd beard was planning to be at. This villiage held innocents, but many of this village were Al Queada fighters. All people that are killed in this these conflict are always called innocents by the Arab press then called the same by the PCL western press so as not to offend. Then a hue and cry from the moral cowards gives more credence than should be given.

Its obvious you've not been in combat, but no soldier wants ever to kill a non combative, ever ever. It tears a person up to see people paricularily children whom have been hurt, maimed, or killed through your action, but war isn't pretty, it isn't nice, it isn't carrying signs and writing letters of protest to the press, it isn't turning your back on your allies or opposing political party because someone could get hurt. No war is simply about killing to obtain a political solution through action, somehow not obtainable through dialogue. Sometimes you have to draw a line in the sands, to punch the bully in the nose

Jaffy, that's not the kind of language we use at this forum, please try to act civillized. :o

Right. "We" only hate Muslims (even though we can't properly spell yet), and "We" hope to wipe them all out.

I guess it won't take long that someone will come up with irrefutable proof that they slaughter Christian children so they can use them in their Satanic rituals.

Seems that all is in order with the thread, innit? :D

Wasn't that far back three christian children were beheaded on their way to school in Indonesia, by Islamists. No satanic ritual;s reported, but the act in itself was satanic enough.

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maybe this is not related to the protest at the danish embassy, but with all this growing unrest the muslims have bombeb a muslim holy shrine in iraq, this is how holy these people are,

now given that this could possibly lead to a civil war, may i suggest all muslims with extreme views plaese go and fight for your cause in iraq, or will you stay in your comfortable adopted land crying the west is persecuting us??? :o

thier are some exteme views on this topic but we are dealing with an extreme organisation, i say organisation as it certainly is not any kind of religion.


things will get a lot worse before it gets better.

in the uk thier are now random attacks on mosques, and these are by young children not adults, so given these youngsters are going to grow up in an intollerable society, i hope they learn faster than my generation and banish every discontented muslim from our land, this is one view that i like if you do not like a country and you advocate violence against your adopted land then you should be banished

then and only then will you work toward a truly intergrated society with people that want to stay and make an effort.

thier are some exteme views on this topic but we are dealing with an extreme organisation, i say organisation as it certainly is not any kind of religion.
There certainly are some extreme views on this topic, and saying Islam 'certainly is not any kind of religion' is one of them. :D
in the uk thier are now random attacks on mosques, and these are by young children not adults, so given these youngsters are going to grow up in an intollerable society, i hope they learn faster than my generation and banish every discontented muslim from our land, this is one view that i like if you do not like a country and you advocate violence against your adopted land then you should be banished

then and only then will you work toward a truly intergrated society with people that want to stay and make an effort.

Ahh, young Brit children launching random attacks on Mosques. Let's banish the Muslims to stop this violence, so we can have a truly integrated society. :o

The idiotic arguments some dream up don't cease to amaze me. :D

Ahh, young Brit children launching random attacks on Mosques. Let's banish the Muslims to stop this violence, so we can have a truly integrated society. :o

typical manipulation of words for to cause argument

The idiotic arguments some dream up don't cease to amaze me. :D


why do you choose to misread or misinterprate what i say to your own ends,

thier are muslims in britain that want to live peacfully of this i have no problem,

now would you advocate a muslim troublemaker and some one who advocates, stirs up anti country feelings living in your land or do you condone these actions???????

Action speaks louder than words. All your nonsense defense of islam doesn't make any change to opinions formed after numerous muslim terror attacks.
If you think I am defending Islam, my comments would indeed make little sense. :o

why do you choose to misread or misinterprate what i say to your own ends,

thier are muslims in britain that want to live peacfully of this i have no problem,

now would you advocate a muslim troublemaker and some one who advocates, stirs up anti country feelings living in your land or do you condone these actions???????

Ok, I did distort your comment. But it does seem a bit strange to state that there are random attacks on Mosques and then hoping the 'discontented' Muslims will be banished, don't you think?

Do you condone these attacks on Mosques?

As for me, no, I don't condone acts of violence nor the incitement to do so.

But in this thread, several people have lost the sense of the difference between your average Muslims going about their business and a radical minority. Let's not forget that Muslims make up appro 20% of the world population, or 1.2 billion people.

Though you say you welcome those who want to live peacefully, you claim Islam isn't a religion.

And there have been several hate-inciting, untrue assertions here, from ranting about theocratic murderers when Sadam was mentioned, to the simplistic binary thinking that either we eradicate Islam (Muslims) or we will be ruled by Sharia law.

Seems to me a lot of people can't keep their heads screwed on when it comes to discussing emotionally charged topics.

Wasn't that far back three christian children were beheaded on their way to school in Indonesia, by Islamists. No satanic ritual;s reported, but the act in itself was satanic enough.

Throwing cluster bombs in which Muslim children are maimed and killed, only calling labeling them "collateral damage" is any different?

Fatal casualties in Afghanistan: around 80 000

Fatal casualties in Irak: 100 000 plus

American soldiers killed: more than 2000

American soldiers handicapped: more than 16 000

Both wars are still going on, no end in sight, people on both sides are dying every day.

Can you tell me for what, please?


Wasn't that far back three christian children were beheaded on their way to school in Indonesia, by Islamists. No satanic ritual;s reported, but the act in itself was satanic enough.

Throwing cluster bombs in which Muslim children are maimed and killed, only calling labeling them "collateral damage" is any different?

Fatal casualties in Afghanistan: around 80 000

Fatal casualties in Irak: 100 000 plus

American soldiers killed: more than 2000

American soldiers handicapped: more than 16 000

Both wars are still going on, no end in sight, people on both sides are dying every day.

Can you tell me for what, please?

The only way to describe the actions of the U.S. Military in its role of "occupier" is a compassionate and careful army that avoids collateral damage despite its dangerous mandate to hunt for terrorists and non-uniformed combatants hidden within the civilian population. It is nothing short of miraculous that USA Armed Forces have been able to eliminate as many terrorists and enemy combatants as they have with so little actual collateral damage.

since the fall of Baghdad the U.S. has been directly responsible for only 3.8% of fatalities reported, as many deaths over almost two years as Saddam averaged in 10 days.

The for what is that we are in a war against islamic fundamentalism (real islam), and not one of our choice. The USA did not respond early enough to the threat and repeated attacks, but in the end 7/11 forced it. Clinton could have ordered Bin Ladens elimination but the gutless wonder did not have the balls. Since 9/11 islamic terrorists have been responsible for over 4294 attacks from suicide bombings to cutting the heads off schoolgirls. Allah the most mercifull!

The for what is that we are in a war against islamic fundamentalism (real islam), and not one of our choice.

That's funny.

I originally come from a place with a very high Islamic immigrant population. Everybody went to school with Muslims, and worked with with Muslims. Religion was never an issue other than taking the piss out of each other. They were just like us - smoking spliffs, having a laugh, having fights, bragging about the sex we in reality didn't have.

I have worked with countless Muslims, and i remember only one fundamentalist bloke. Everybody, and especially fellow Muslims, took the piss out of him. He was 60 years old, and a bit funny in his head.

I don't really feel that I am at war with anyone, especially not the blokes i went to school with, and worked together with.

And if they choose to be fundamentalist in places like Pakisthan, or Afghanisthan, well, up to them. I have no desire to go around preaching others how they should live.

And as to 9/11: well, the nutters who did that would still be nutters on the fringe of their own societies if the US would not have trained, financed and armed them while they were still their loyal troops against the Soviets. It's all their own making.

And if they look for Bin Laden, why on earth are they looking for him in Iraq? Isn't that a bit off the map? The last i heard he was hiding out in the Paksithani - Afghani border area.

Which is also rather funny - Pakisthan, the great long time friend and partner of the US in the South Asian region, being the country with maybe the largest fundamentalist population on earth. As well as Saudi, predominantly Wahabit, which is the most fundamentalist Islamic sect, also being great friend and partner of the US.

Now, tell me, please: How do you fight fundamentalist Islam while being friends with the two most fundamentalist countries on earth? The two countries which, apart from the US itself, are mostly responsible for the rise of present day Islamic terrorism?

Doesn't that sound a bit off even to you?

I guess we could save ourselves those absurd wars if we start cleaning our own houses first and stop telling others how they should live. Which counts for the warmongering maniacs from both sides.


ColPyat.......You ask why the U.S. is still in Iraq and I would guess the same reason Bush wants to go to Iran now........to protect Israel....OH.....are we allowed to say that.

ColPyat.......You ask why the U.S. is still in Iraq and I would guess the same reason Bush wants to go to Iran now........to protect Israel....OH.....are we allowed to say that.

If that would be the case, then Bush should take up georgraphy lessons - neither Iraq nor Iran share a common border with Israel.

And if i remember correctly several government officials from Israel have recently stated that the situation is far more dangerous now for Israel, as with Saddham they at least had someone basically secular whose actions they could predict to some extend, while now fundamentalist maniacs have almost a free reign.

Don't forget - Saddham may have been many things - fundamentalist though he clearly was not.

I guess we could save ourselves those absurd wars if we start cleaning our own houses first and stop telling others how they should live. Which counts for the warmongering maniacs from both sides.

Well said, ColPyat! :o


The for what is that we are in a war against islamic fundamentalism (real islam), and not one of our choice.

That's funny.

I originally come from a place with a very high Islamic immigrant population. Everybody went to school with Muslims, and worked with with Muslims. Religion was never an issue other than taking the piss out of each other. They were just like us - smoking spliffs, having a laugh, having fights, bragging about the sex we in reality didn't have.

I have worked with countless Muslims, and i remember only one fundamentalist bloke. Everybody, and especially fellow Muslims, took the piss out of him. He was 60 years old, and a bit funny in his head.

I don't really feel that I am at war with anyone, especially not the blokes i went to school with, and worked together with.

And if they choose to be fundamentalist in places like Pakisthan, or Afghanisthan, well, up to them. I have no desire to go around preaching others how they should live.

And as to 9/11: well, the nutters who did that would still be nutters on the fringe of their own societies if the US would not have trained, financed and armed them while they were still their loyal troops against the Soviets. It's all their own making.

And if they look for Bin Laden, why on earth are they looking for him in Iraq? Isn't that a bit off the map? The last i heard he was hiding out in the Paksithani - Afghani border area.

Which is also rather funny - Pakisthan, the great long time friend and partner of the US in the South Asian region, being the country with maybe the largest fundamentalist population on earth. As well as Saudi, predominantly Wahabit, which is the most fundamentalist Islamic sect, also being great friend and partner of the US.

Now, tell me, please: How do you fight fundamentalist Islam while being friends with the two most fundamentalist countries on earth? The two countries which, apart from the US itself, are mostly responsible for the rise of present day Islamic terrorism?

Doesn't that sound a bit off even to you?

I guess we could save ourselves those absurd wars if we start cleaning our own houses first and stop telling others how they should live. Which counts for the warmongering maniacs from both sides.

Yeah, pretty good post. Good to get a few posts which aren't of the "kill all muslims, they're all evil scum" type rubbish for once.


ColPyat.......You ask why the U.S. is still in Iraq and I would guess the same reason Bush wants to go to Iran now........to protect Israel....OH.....are we allowed to say that.

If that would be the case, then Bush should take up georgraphy lessons - neither Iraq nor Iran share a common border with Israel.

And if i remember correctly several government officials from Israel have recently stated that the situation is far more dangerous now for Israel, as with Saddham they at least had someone basically secular whose actions they could predict to some extend, while now fundamentalist maniacs have almost a free reign.

Don't forget - Saddham may have been many things - fundamentalist though he clearly was not.


Yes, Yes, Yes...ColPyat...I agree with you ( I was being sarcastic) Most of the people I know can not believe what Bush has done to the "world". I am totally against his policies!

U.S. bumper sticker...(with a reference to Clinton)


Yes, Yes, Yes...ColPyat...I agree with you ( I was being sarcastic) Most of the people I know can not believe what Bush has done to the "world". I am totally against his policies!

U.S. bumper sticker...(with a reference to Clinton)


First it wasn't an impeachment for screwing around with an intern. It was for lying to a federal court in a sexual harassment case, brought against him under a law he signed with great potification

Second it'd be my guess that'd you'd prefer a mini Hitler to continue to murder tens of thousands of his own people to install the fear to not oust a member of a minority sect that weilded absolute control over their lives. The violence in Iraqi at this time is sectarian in nature. You have heard of Sunnis and Shites? But then again considering your usage of the clinton bumper sticker as a way to prop up your arguement, probably not.

Second it'd be my guess that'd you'd prefer a mini Hitler to continue to murder tens of thousands of his own people to install the fear to not oust a member of a minority sect that weilded absolute control over their lives. The violence in Iraqi at this time is sectarian in nature. You have heard of Sunnis and Shites? But then again considering your usage of the clinton bumper sticker as a way to prop up your arguement, probably not.

I thought we went there for the WMD?!?! :D I'm really confused now :D:D

What the <deleted> all of this has to do with us????? :o:D


Second it'd be my guess that'd you'd prefer a mini Hitler to continue to murder tens of thousands of his own people to install the fear to not oust a member of a minority sect that weilded absolute control over their lives. The violence in Iraqi at this time is sectarian in nature. You have heard of Sunnis and Shites? But then again considering your usage of the clinton bumper sticker as a way to prop up your arguement, probably not.

I thought we went there for the WMD?!?! :D I'm really confused now :D:D

What the <deleted> all of this has to do with us????? :o:D

we went there because someone declared war on us. and the countries we entered supported these guys. simple as that.

for sure, if nothing was done, it would have escalated even more.




maybe a pro-denmark rally should be held in the south. non-violent of course. make a big sanuk event,lot's of calsberg and chang.

Great idea, but don't forget the roast pork. :o


i wonder whether the thai muslims know why they were "permitted" to protest in bkk. free speech was the culprit. may they learn something or just take advantage of the situation is a call only their religious leaders can decide, and i for one, have no doubt's as to a wrong outcome. based on the indonesia model, where i can only imagine what is happening to animist, hindu, and any other belief system, other than islam, time to decide who you are. of course i have a advantage, i'm allowed to change.


we went there because someone declared war on us.

Err... and who was that exactly? I don't remember this happening. :o

then, I suggest you do some reading...




several muslim terrorist have actually declared war on the west for the cartoons. many in the west don't take it seriously. but fact of the matter, the muslim terrorist does. they show this with the suicide bombings, and the outrageous behavior they are showing with the cartoon controversy.

yes, the cartoon controversy... did you notice how muslims ALL OVER THE WORLD grouped together in unison to protest the cartoons? did you notice how in many countries, the savage behavior they displayed?

I have this feeling that many muslims here foster the same hostilities, but knowing that they are a minority here decided to do their battles in stealth via the internet - fostering confusion and unrest.

what do you think?

am I possibly paranoid? maybe.. but then, I think it is a possibility that everyone should consider.

nuff said.

I have this feeling that many muslims here foster the same hostilities, but knowing that they are a minority here decided to do their battles in stealth via the internet - fostering confusion and unrest.

what do you think?

am I possibly paranoid? maybe.. but then, I think it is a possibility that everyone should consider.

nuff said.

I don't bloody believe it!

Can someone please stop this man making a complete arse out of himself. Please!

am I possibly paranoid? maybe.. but then, I think it is a possibility that everyone should consider.

nuff said.

Yes, you are. Seriously try to get some medical/mental help ASAP.

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