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Thai Muslims Protest At Danish Embassy

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Colpyat, what stamina!

Just let it go mate, they are either too radicalised or just trolls, either case, not worth your time.

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from wikipedia:

A fanatic is a person filled with excessive, uncritical zeal, particularly for an extreme religious or political cause, or with an obsessive enthusiasm for a pastime or hobby.

That describes you perfectly, you devilise Islamic fundamentalism, and you are blind to the very same extreme religious orientations of your own leadership. You pick and choose at will from different social theories, distort them, such as the "clash of civilisations", without properly understanding them, as long as it might suit your ideology.

You are just another zealot.

No need to devilise what is so obviously evil to all but the brainwashed, last time I looked christian fundamentalists followed a guy who preached peace, tollerence and love, who never married and who never robbed, killed or abused young girls. Islamic fundamentalists on the other hand..................... by their fruits shall ye know them seems to strike a chord.

Colpyat, what stamina!

Just let it go mate, they are either too radicalised or just trolls, either case, not worth your time.

I agree with thedude.


I admire your stance & the effort you have put in to attempting to "educate" the fat old sex tourists with their antiquated argumants & their nazi-esque ethos but why bother?

The following idiots:





are nothing more than bitter, twisted, freaks who are probably in Thailand because

a. they are unwelcome anywhere else

b. they are fat, ugly & repulsive & the only way they are gonna get sex is if they pay for it!

c. they are there to continue their criminal acts, maybe even paedaphilia.

usatrader, i find you particularly vile and quite frankly, I did try to read some the entire legnth of your submission but


no wonder you submit here - no one else takes you seriously!!!!

It's clear your ego is bigger than your brain.


Colpyat, what stamina!

Just let it go mate, they are either too radicalised or just trolls, either case, not worth your time.

I agree with thedude.


I admire your stance & the effort you have put in to attempting to "educate" the fat old sex tourists with their antiquated argumants & their nazi-esque ethos but why bother?

The following idiots:





Any fool can just post abuse as an 'argument' One idiot you forgot to list- the Prophet Muhamad (piss be upon him) One of his nastier threats from the religion of peace:

The Prophet Muhammad said: "When We wish to destroy a city, we first give warning to those of its people who live in comfort to accept our commands. But if they reject us, judgment is irrevocably passed, and we wage utter annihilation." (The Qur'an - Sura 17:16)

I admire your stance & the effort you have put in to attempting to "educate" the fat old sex tourists with their antiquated argumants & their nazi-esque ethos but why bother?

The following idiots:





A few more 'idiots' on the relgion of hate:

John Wesley had this to say of Islam.

Ever since the religion of Islam appeared in the world, the espousers of it...have been as wolves and tigers to all other nations, rending and tearing all that fell into their merciless paws, and grinding them with their iron teeth; that numberless cities are raised from the foundation, and only their name remaining; that many countries, which were once as the garden of God, are now a desolate wilderness; and that so many once numerous and powerful nations are vanished from the earth! Such was, and is at this day, the rage, the fury, the revenge, of these destroyers of human kind

or Alexis de Tocqueville

"I studied the Kuran a great deal ... I came away from that study with the conviction that by and large there have been few religions in the world as deadly to men as that of Muhammed. As far as I can see, it is the principal cause of the decadence so visible today in the Muslim world, and, though less absurd than the polytheism of old, its social and political tendencies are in my opinion infinitely more to be feared, and I therefore regard it as a form of decadence rather than a form of progress in relation to paganism itself."

or G.K. Chesterton writing more than a century ago:

There is in Islam a paradox which is perhaps a permanent menace. The great creed born in the desert creates a kind of ecstasy of the very emptiness of its own land, and even, one may say, out of the emptiness of its own theology. . . . A void is made in the heart of Islam which has to be filled up again and again by a mere repetition of the revolution that founded it. There are no sacraments; the only thing that can happen is a sort of apocalypse, as unique as the end of the world; so the apocalypse can only be repeated and the world end again and again. There are no priests; and yet this equality can only breed a multitude if lawless prophets almost as numerous as priests. The very dogma that there is only one Mahomet produces an endless procession of Mahomets.

The sad fact is that our present day politicians in the West seems to have been lulled into complacency where Islam is concerned. The warnings are there on the wall for all to see, from the time Islam broke out of privative Arabia and spread by the sword, annihilating and destroying small and great civilizations. Our leaders in recent years made the unpardonable mistake imaginable, by allowing Muslims to settle in great numbers in the in the west, an act of unprecedented stupidity in the literal sense, and one that may yet prove lethal to Western and Christian civilizations; if we do not reverse this policy immediately.Good example of this error can now been seen in little Denmark , France, Sweden, UK and so on, and that's just the beginning.

All concerned citizens should bring this to the notice of our elected representatives before its too late, like what happened to Coptic Egypt, Zoroastrian Persia, Hindu India, Buddhist/Hindu Malaysia & Indonesia and so forth.Are we stupid or what?

Lets not forget W S Churchill who had this to say on the religion of hate:

How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live. A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement; the next of its dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property - either as a child, a wife, or a concubine - must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men.

Individual Moslems may show splendid qualities. Thousands become the brave and loyal soldiers of the Queen: all know how to die. But the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step; and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science - the science against which it had vainly struggled - the civilization of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilization of ancient Rome.


I admire your stance & the effort you have put in to attempting to "educate" the fat old sex tourists with their antiquated argumants & their nazi-esque ethos but why bother?

The following idiots:





are nothing more than bitter, twisted, freaks who are probably in Thailand because

a. they are unwelcome anywhere else

b. they are fat, ugly & repulsive & the only way they are gonna get sex is if they pay for it!

c. they are there to continue their criminal acts, maybe even paedaphilia.

usatrader, i find you particularly vile and quite frankly, I did try to read some the entire legnth of your submission but


no wonder you submit here - no one else takes you seriously!!!!

It's clear your ego is bigger than your brain.

Hmmm seems a long holiday is coming your way- Jaffy! :o



I admire your stance & the effort you have put in to attempting to "educate" the fat old sex tourists with their antiquated argumants & their nazi-esque ethos but why bother?

The following idiots:





are nothing more than bitter, twisted, freaks who are probably in Thailand because

a. they are unwelcome anywhere else

b. they are fat, ugly & repulsive & the only way they are gonna get sex is if they pay for it!

c. they are there to continue their criminal acts, maybe even paedaphilia.

usatrader, i find you particularly vile and quite frankly, I did try to read some the entire legnth of your submission but


no wonder you submit here - no one else takes you seriously!!!!

It's clear your ego is bigger than your brain.

Hmmm seems a long holiday is coming your way- Jaffy! :D

And it's about high time :o

No need to devilise what is so obviously evil to all but the brainwashed, last time I looked christian fundamentalists followed a guy who preached peace, tollerence and love, who never married and who never robbed, killed or abused young girls. Islamic fundamentalists on the other hand..................... by their fruits shall ye know them seems to strike a chord.


Then i would suggest to educate yourself about the Anabaptists, the events of Munster, Matthys and Jan van Leyden, of which US born again Christians are direct descendents in faith. Things were rather juicy in those days - lotsa killing, pillaging, torturing, raping and young girl abusing.

Colpyat, what stamina!

Just let it go mate, they are either too radicalised or just trolls, either case, not worth your time.

I am rather compulsive obsessive.

But those blokes really try my patience... :o:D


The previous post shows numerous sources of discourse as to the core elements principled in the concepts of dar al Islam and dar al Harb. Which are but the tools for achieving an end results and aims of the eventual appearance of the Mahdi, as in the return of a fabled apostolic Iman who disappeared, called the 12th Iman, which will, according Islamic beliefs, bringing on the end of time.

You so conveniently seem to forget that Bush and most of his key staff are born again Christians, who believe in the second coming and Armageddon. True descendents of Matthys, Jan van Leyden and the plague of extreme fringe Anabaptists.

Not difference to Islamic fundamentalists - they are equally dangerous.

Clean your own house of the religious nutters.

I, for one, share your concerns regarding the fundamentalist Christians as much as I fear the fundamentalist Muslims. And methinks that the two sides feed off of each other. The Christian extremist’s eager anticipation of the apocalyptic battle at Har Meggido should give pause to one and all.

It is a strange coalition indeed that forms the demented "neo-conservative" movement, a movement that includes, among others, a coalition between conservative Jews in Israel and fundamentalist Christians in America. Of course we once had a coalition involving Stalin, Churchill, and Roosevelt during WWII so strange bedfellows in politics should come as no surprise. That same WWII coalition was plotting against each, continuing the century of mutual subterfuge playing the “Great Game” in Central Asia, while fighting a common enemy. Today, numerous factions that comprise the neo-com movement are also plotting against each other as the conservative Christians anticipate the destruction of Israel as the precursor to their judgment day. Thus inciting Arab hatred toward Israel falls neatly into their apocalyptic millennialism.

Meanwhile the majority of my fellow Ahmericans are being anesthetized with materialism and easy sexual gratification via the Internet whilst the corporations pillage and plunder the world and then cry out in confused an anguish as to why the poor of the world, many of them Muslim, hate us.

By the way, I just watched the documentary Control Room which focuses on Al Jazeera TV and I give it two thumbs up for those trying to understand the Arab world and the love-hate-love relationship that many Arabs have with the US.


what do southern thai-muslims have in common with arab and other mid-east muslims? we can beat around the bush all we want, but it would be hard to believe that their is not a concerted international islamic effort to destabilize this buddhist kingdom which many of us have come to admire and respect. bless buddhist thought.


forgive me for posting so closely to myself, but a question arose suddenly, and is as follows, can anyone quote any passage in the koran that forbids the depiction of mohammed. if i remember correctly, this was decreed at a later point in time, and as a response ushered in the great era of islamic calligraphy. while i agree "art" can be controversial, it does give rise to ways around established norms, because thinking is the highest level.

what do southern thai-muslims have in common with arab and other mid-east muslims? we can beat around the bush all we want, but it would be hard to believe that their is not a concerted international islamic effort to destabilize this buddhist kingdom which many of us have come to admire and respect. bless buddhist thought.

What a pile of uninformed <deleted>.

The southern Thai problem is basically a nationalist problem that has existed since Thailand and British Malaya have annexed the state of Pattani about 100 years ago. There is no "islamic effort to destabilize this buddhist kingdom", otherwise we would see similar bomb attacks in Bangkok as we see daily in the south.

The agenda of the international Jihad is to create a new "caliphate", and by doing so it often makes use of long drawn out national struggles, but it doesn't support them. So far the agenda of the rebels down south is to recreate a state of Pattani, ruled in Islamic conservative fashion, which is very different from the aims of the Jihadis.

Many level headed high ranked generals in the Thai military are very open to negotiations, unfortunately though Thaksin Shinawatra is refusing to even hear them. Those generals are very aware of the fact that such a war cannot be won by violence.

If you want to see a successfully solved similar situation to the problems in south Thailand, i would suggest to look into Aceh, where Finnish crisis management experts have facilitated talks between the GAM and the Indonesian government, and implemented it was by a concerted effort of the EU and ASEAN.

No yank style bravado, just subtle and understated work.

forgive me for posting so closely to myself, but a question arose suddenly, and is as follows, can anyone quote any passage in the koran that forbids the depiction of mohammed. if i remember correctly, this was decreed at a later point in time, and as a response ushered in the great era of islamic calligraphy. while i agree "art" can be controversial, it does give rise to ways around established norms, because thinking is the highest level.

Pass, I don't believe there is such an instruction but rather the forbiding of idolatory. There are hundreds of islamic paintings and drawings from the middle ages onwards depicting the prophet. Sometimes these have the face blanked out or the whole body, but many others do not. Then of course there are the many western depictions from german woodcuts to illustrated 19th century biographies of the prophet which never caused any uproar. It might be said that these depictions were not disrespectful whereas the cartoons were. But that does not explain no outrage at depictions in tin tin, south park and various other contexts which could be seen as disrespectful. I think dantes inferno slags the old sod off as well, any one for a stonning?


thailand has just as much right to call itself a "buddhist country" as it's southern neighbor malaysia does to call itself a "islamic state". i do not see the chinese or indian descendents in malaysia on a religious or race based killing spree. wonder why?

The agenda of the international Jihad is to create a new "caliphate", and by doing so it often makes use of long drawn out national struggles, but it doesn't support them. So far the agenda of the rebels down south is to recreate a state of Pattani, ruled in Islamic conservative fashion, which is very different from the aims of the Jihadis.

Seems rather odd to suggest that international Jihadists, or Islamic terrorists as they are better known do not support national struggles such as the palestinian one, Afghanistan etc. So far the aims of the rebels in the south is to create a conservative Islamic state and that's very different from the aims of the Jihadis ?? What do think then the Jihadis favour then, democracy, rights for women and legalising gay sex and cannabis?


thailand has just as much right to call itself a "buddhist country" as it's southern neighbor malaysia does to call itself a "islamic state". i do not see the chinese or indian descendents in malaysia on a religious or race based killing spree. wonder why?

thailand has just as much right to call itself a "buddhist country" as it's southern neighbor malaysia does to call itself a "islamic state". i do not see the chinese or indian descendents in malaysia on a religious or race based killing spree. wonder why?

What are you blabbering about?'

The southern three provinces have been once the Islamic country of Pattani until about 100 years ago British ruled Malaya and Thailand have annexed the country of Pattani. This is a nationalist/secessionist problem of the three southern provinces which have never been Buddhist, whose original inhabitants are not Buddhist Thais but Islamic Malays.

Chinese Malaysians and Indian Malaysians have been brought to Malaysia by the British colonial masters. And yes, there were race riots in the past.

And if you want to know why there aren't any now, then maybe you should look at the Malaysian government that has been able to create a proper middle class, that has managed to contain Islamic fundamentalism, that has managed to keep the Chinese business elite from taking over the country. Most people in Malaysia are enjoying a generally nice life, with relative social justice, and improving freedoms.

There is no undereducated and impoverished rural poor as in Thailand, where the children of Buddhist migrants into the cities go on killing sprees in the badlands of Bangkok's industrial suburbs.

Inform yourself before posting rubbish.

Seems rather odd to suggest that international Jihadists, or Islamic terrorists as they are better known do not support national struggles such as the palestinian one, Afghanistan etc. So far the aims of the rebels in the south is to create a conservative Islamic state and that's very different from the aims of the Jihadis ?? What do think then the Jihadis favour then, democracy, rights for women and legalising gay sex and cannabis?

Conservative Islam and the aims of the Jihadis are very different. Conservative Islam is thinking in normal terms of nations, while Jihadis fantasise of a demented form of Caliphate with the strictest form of Sharia.

Aceh, for example, is introducing a conservative Islamic systhem. Their legislation will be normal laws mixed with a very soft form of Sharia.

Jihadis abuse nationalist/secessionist struggles in order to create chaos. They don't support secessionist struggles. Prime example would be Kashmir. The original JKLF has years ago ceased to be of any meaning. Many original JKLF fighters have either laid down their arms, or even switched sides, now fighting for the Indian army as militias against the Jihadis.

And that is exactly why the Iraq war is playing into the hands of the Jihadis, giving them the best recruiting and training ground, better even then Afghanistha. Jihadis strive from chaos, and that is exactly what Bush has created there.

But zealots like you will have huge difficulties to see the not so fine differences. You just prefer to keep on hating and being in a state of clinical paranoia.


anyone else certain "southern thailand" has always been influenced by islam? history goes a long way back. rubbish may be rubbish, but ignorance is solved by debate and thought.


anyone else certain "southern thailand" has always been influenced by islam? history goes a long way back. rubbish may be rubbish, but ignorance is solved by debate and thought.

You are literate enough to use an internet forum. What is the difficulty in using google.com?


before i get too serious, do you agree that pre-islamic history is fair game?

Hmmm seems a long holiday is coming your way- Jaffy! :o

Jaffy's on holiday for a week so he can cool his heels.

Further flaming by other members will be rewarded similarly.

Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit


Seems rather odd to suggest that international Jihadists, or Islamic terrorists as they are better known do not support national struggles such as the palestinian one, Afghanistan etc. So far the aims of the rebels in the south is to create a conservative Islamic state and that's very different from the aims of the Jihadis ?? What do think then the Jihadis favour then, democracy, rights for women and legalising gay sex and cannabis?

Conservative Islam and the aims of the Jihadis are very different. Conservative Islam is thinking in normal terms of nations, while Jihadis fantasise of a demented form of Caliphate with the strictest form of Sharia.

Aceh, for example, is introducing a conservative Islamic systhem. Their legislation will be normal laws mixed with a very soft form of Sharia.

Jihadis abuse nationalist/secessionist struggles in order to create chaos. They don't support secessionist struggles. Prime example would be Kashmir. The original JKLF has years ago ceased to be of any meaning. Many original JKLF fighters have either laid down their arms, or even switched sides, now fighting for the Indian army as militias against the Jihadis.

And that is exactly why the Iraq war is playing into the hands of the Jihadis, giving them the best recruiting and training ground, better even then Afghanistha. Jihadis strive from chaos, and that is exactly what Bush has created there.

But zealots like you will have huge difficulties to see the not so fine differences. You just prefer to keep on hating and being in a state of clinical paranoia.


For someone accusing others of hating and prejudice it is astonishing the bile you spew. Constant name calling, rudeness and contempt for anyone who has the nerve to disagree with you.

As such a supreme expert on matters Islamic no doubt you are much better informed than the former Muslim Ali Sina who runs


Or is it you who needs to broaden his sources of information?



You are a slick willey Bill Clinton type I see. Weave and dodge and pretend you know nothing and or something. Hey!

I have suggested we agree to disagree but somehow that message is not being retained?

Again the issue is your position that Born again Christians. like Bush is maybe, are some how as extreme and as violent and or dedicated to the violent end of other religions and peoples as are these Islam-o-fascist.

That statement basically shows your depth of theological research.

First, Matthys was not "Teutonic" - he was Dutch, a baker in Amsterdam.

It is, this anachronism of argument of yours but like a small roster who crows before the sun comes up hey!

Yes, a Dutchman, of Teutonic genomes indeed, was this self-professed Prophet of resistance against oppression. But the issue was not about what nationality Matthy was now was it? It was instead about his ideologies whose origins were bred from Teutonic Movement of Anabaptist and not even to the Teutonic arena where Matthy migrated now was it not?

To remind you as keep slipping away way to frequently, You compared the current born again Christians as equal in their beliefs and tenants toward violence as are the Taliban and Bin Laden ideologies of today.

Second, yes, i do know of more than a few groups of Anabaptist ideology. And no, they are not most likely found in Europe in numbers, but in the US. In the US you have more than 50 million people who are followers of Anabaptist philosophies, members of Churches which are direct descendents of 16th century European Anabaptism, or which have been founded in the European Anabaptist movement Most "born again" Christians are Anabaptist, as they are baptised again ('ana' from the old greek - again).

Anabaptists were almost instinct in Europe due to the progroms apart from a few groups in far off areas. The survivors emigrated to America.

Mennonites are Anabaptist, just look at their own website. There are Anabaptist groups who are against the war, such as the Mennonites, such as there were many Anabaptists who rejected Matthys, Leyden and the Musteraner radicals, but had to suffer terribly because of the actions of their more fanatic bethren. So is Bush.

A man with but a small obtusely unrelated fact you can really stretch it in true slick Wiley fashion hey!

Ha! There are several existing denominational bodies that some may see as being legitimately regarded as the successors of the Continental Anabaptists existing in the most part as Neo- Anabaptist in the US. NONE OF WHICH HAVE any core of belief in the tenants of Violence that the Islamic Fundamentalist do. There are arguable the following Amish, Baptists, Brethren, Hutterites, Mennonites, Bruderhof Communities and Quakers. The only true lineal descendants of the AnaBaptis movement of Europe are the Amish, Hutterites and Mennonites. The Quakers have evolved not linearly in Anabaptist doctrine but as a separate doctrine much removed from the Anabaptist origins

Most scholars argue that the Baptist are not true Anabaptist at all, though within their form of Christianity are some small secular groups, who maintain some of the tenants of the continental Anabaptist.

Even those linear Anabaptist most all agree without question these, Amish, a few small numbers of Baptists Church, Brethren, Hutterites, Mennonites, Bruderhof Communities and some few Quakers that could be tied to the orgins of Anabaptism, have evolved far from the violent rebellious tones of other of like mind as Matthy’s little minority sect that existed within the larger ancient European Anabaptist movement. A movement fundamentally that was nothing but a Revolt against the authoritarianism that was and is Catholicism which has similar common traits of authoritarianism as does Islam.

The most telling proof of your incredulity in comparing today’s Christianity to that of the Islam-o-fascist who have pillaged a great religion, is examining the parallel Protestant Reformation anti-Catholicism movement and its leader, Martin Luther’s view of these small and inconsequential Anabaptist sects. He called them Schwärmer (fanatics, enthusiasts). They do not exist in the form you so lamely attempt to compare and have not existed in that form for some 500 and even then, they were but a sect within a sect within a sect.

The Tenants of the Amish, Baptists, Brethren, Hutterites, Mennonites, Bruderhof Communities and Quakers.

· Freedom of religion

· Priesthood of all believers

· Bible as the sole rule of faith and practice

· Pacifism

· Ordinances, not sacraments

[Bush is a Methodist( NOT A ANABAPTIST) Most US presidents in Washington attend an Episcopal Church nearby the White House.

A constant smirk upon the face, and a whiffing activity of the body, are strong indications of futility. Lord Chesterfield

Nothing leads so straight to futility as literary ambitions without systematic knowledge.

H. G. Wells

Try again?

A fanatic is a person filled with excessive, uncritical zeal, particularly for an extreme religious or political cause, or with an obsessive enthusiasm for a pastime or hobby

That describes you perfectly, you devilise Islamic fundamentalism, and you are blind to the very same extreme religious orientations of your own leadership. You pick and choose at will


The original topic has not been discussed for some time now, and the latest posts have deteriorated into a religious discussion... way off-topic.


I think that this thread has run it's course.



Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit

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