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Mother Brings Son's Dead Body To Police Headquarters To Demand Justice: Bangkok


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Mother brings son's dead body to police headquarters to demand justice

By Coconuts Bangkok


The Metropolitan Police Bureau on Sri Ayuthaya Road in Bangkok. Photo: Google Streetview

BANGKOK: -- A grieving mother delivered a strong message to Bangkok police officials by bringing the dead body of her 22-year-old son to the Metropolitan Police Bureau to demand justice.

43-year-old Somjai Phothong along with her relatives demanded the incarceration of her son’s killers and called on National police chief Adul Seangsingkaew to intervene on the investigation.

She said it has been a week since she has filed the case with Phra Khanong police, but until now, no arrests have been made.

Duangden Phothong, 22, was reportedly beaten to death [read more...]

Full story: http://www.coconutsb...demand-justice/

-- COCONUTS Bangkok 2012-10-29


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Bouncer surrenders to police over bar murder

By Coconuts Bangkok


Duangden Phothon, 22, was killed outside Kae Dum Pub & Restaurant on Srinakarin Road.

BANGKOK: -- The bouncer accused of killing a young man outside a Bangkok bar surrendered to police after the victim’s mother brought her son’s body in a coffin to the Metropolitan Police Bureau to demand justice.

Danai Thongdee, 25, a security guard at Kae Dum karaoke bar in Srinakarin area was taken to the police HQ today for a press conference, the Bangkok Post reported.

He is accused of beating up Duangden Phothon, 22, with two other bouncers, and then slitting his throat with a knife to kill him.

Metropolitan Police chief Kamronwit Thoopkrachang said that a drunk Duangden has dropped a glass to provoke the incident. [read more...]

Full story: http://www.coconutsb...ver-bar-murder/

-- COCONUTS Bangkok 2012-10-29


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This is a really sad, why should any mother have to go to such extremes to get justice, I hope justice is served and if any money changed hands to pervert the course of justice, then I hope those involved are identified and dealt with to the full severity of the law.

wishfull thinking i guess but fingers crossed anyway, RIP fella
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never met anyone that is not proud of their country in some shape or form , it does make me wonder however , if i was thai could i be proud of the fact knowing if this sort of thing happens and you have so little chance of any justice , is your country a worthy enuf place to lay your life down for it , .........there was a black poet on the BBC yesterday saying how high society punishes you from school to manhood for any sort of violence, but it's the very same ppl sending our youth to fight in foriegn wars 1000s of miles from home , ...........not for justice obviously !!

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Beating him up was not enough? They ha d to slit his throat too? What sort of 'bouncers' are these animals?

Probably under the influence of something? It takes someone a little bit unstable to commit an act like this?

And how many Thai 'doormen' would it take to get the answer to 'how many are under the influence of something'?


These sorts of bouncers are the same as a student who would chase somebody, intending to kill them, and killing the wrong person.

Was that student under the influence of something??

I think it is high time for farang to lay low when it comes to badgering Thais for something that we consider as off-putting!

I like my throat with an active vocal cord.....


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Thai people can be extremely dangerous when provoked but, in general, you have to go quite far to provoke them enough to kill you. Unless, of course, you are higher class than the person offending you.

Pure speculation on my part, but perhaps the bouncer has agreed to take the rap in return for a lump sum to his family, while some hi-so kid with a big ego and a rich father gets to party on.

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This is a really sad, why should any mother have to go to such extremes to get justice, I hope justice is served and if any money changed hands to pervert the course of justice, then I hope those involved are identified and dealt with to the full severity of the law.

Hope springs eternal. I appreciate your sentiment, but don't hold your breath for justice... not here.

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Cut the guy's throat? That is sickening.

It could also be a development of times.

In Liverpool, when I was young, there became an obsession called 'tram-lines'. That was 2 blades of a Stanley knife set apart by tape.

It was used to slice a cheek, and make a mark. It was impossible to stitch by hospitals, as even a butterfly stitch would pull away the opposite line of stitching.

So references to a third world country using knives and machetes, and so forth, is only a sign of the under-development of current youth.

In Liverpool, there was never an intent of death - purely a reminder of don't mess with our gang.

In Thailand, in cases such as this, there is fear - war-mongered by examples set by the red-shirts.

Who does the youth look up to, again??


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So sad for the mother and others in his family, that a boy died because he ran foul of idiots in power - the doorman deserves the death sentence - unfortunately I am sure nothing more than a few years in prison, or maybe not even that.

My condolences go to the victims mother and family.

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Thorough police investigation, follow up, indictments, and enforcement is so important to maintain a cultural shift in attitudes about law and order. The only way that law and order will be improved in Thailand is for the press to keep relentlessly calling out these cases where "convenient" or "corrupt" police sidestepping and/or delay is evident.

When newspapers "drop" any sort of follow up coverage or stop staying on top of abuse by police or privileged high rank society individuals such as the "night club owner" for example, it can only serve to encourage those "free from the need to be lawful" to continue to behave with impunity. It is a travesty. Just take a look at the newspaper's and the police's lack of follow up on the warrants for the arrest of the DUI influenced Ferrari driver from the privileged Red Bull empire charged with Hit and Run, driving under the influence, reckless endangerment, manslaughter or second degree murder of a cop, obstruction of justice, collusion, bribery, and more. We are yet to see any follow up on the police promise to issue an arrest warrant for the perpetrator's failure to show up in court and to face indictments and serious charges in this case.

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Maybe one day a year the Thai Parliament could discuss the real issues of the country instead of continually bickering over decisions beneficial the Country and not their own Bank Accounts. The problem with all Governments world wide is that they are full of Lawyers - be it the USA, Australia or Thailand. Lawyers, Car and Insurance Salespeople should be banned from holding any form of office. If there is morality amongst the leaders, eventually the younger generation will learn and follow.

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The police here make me sick!! In 3 years I've only ever had one problem when I jumped upon and had the crap kicked out of me (I was neither drunk nor up to no good)... they just dismissed me and told me to let them know if they guy came back.... on that day, not a single s*** was given

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Again posters damning the police to all hell with no evidence or even the beginning of a reason in this case.

Once again any Thai reading this thread would get an immediate sense of disdain for their nation based on supposition.

They arrested the two other guys already and got confessions but the main guy obviously holed up.

Back home they always get a fugitive in a week?

Whinge whinge boring boring if you do something about the failings of the police or even make constructive comments (yes we actuully got one about the press reporting thankyou, I live in hope it was followed by a letter to the newspapers) let me know.......if you can raise yourselves from your armchairs.

Edited by cheeryble
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"In Thailand, in cases such as this, there is fear - war-mongered by examples set by the red-shirts."

You couldn't resist, could you?!

didn't you know there was no violence in thailand prior to the red shirts?

I must have forgotten...

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