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Tops "spot Rewards" Card - Who Has It ?


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does anybody have that Discount-card-thing ?

I grabbed an apply-form today but was a little shocked when I saw what kind of information they wanted to have to apply for that card.... I dont think its their business to ask how many kids u have, how much u earn, what is ur education level and all such things. CENTRAL didnt ask anything like that when I applied for their EXPAT CARD, what I remember. those who already have that TOPS card, did u fill in all those questions ? or did u leave it empty and received your card anyway ? I am always a little suspicious when it comes to such things.... big brother is watching u..... and maybe in a couple of weeks, ur mailbox (both snail mail and email) will be full with unwanted spam and commercials....

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You are a very funny man, and your post is a hoot. Your post reminded me of an earlier one where this guy was seriously upset when a Thai man would say "hello" to him. According to him, any guy who would talk to him was trying to cheat him out of his money, and/or was making sexual advances to him. Your paranoia is showing, and it's annoying. When you complete the card, no one is going to check if you're telling the truth, no one is going to send your email, and no one is going to call you. You can enter anything you want, including a fake name, and no one will care.

As with many retailers, they're trying to find out who their customers are, and define the demographics of thier clients. Did you check the box marked "I'm scared of my own shadow"?

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You are a very funny man, and your post is a hoot. Your post reminded me of an earlier one where this guy was seriously upset when a Thai man would say "hello" to him. According to him, any guy who would talk to him was trying to cheat him out of his money, and/or was making sexual advances to him. Your paranoia is showing, and it's annoying. When you complete the card, no one is going to check if you're telling the truth, no one is going to send your email, and no one is going to call you. You can enter anything you want, including a fake name, and no one will care.

As with many retailers, they're trying to find out who their customers are, and define the demographics of thier clients. Did you check the box marked "I'm scared of my own shadow"?

Is that so ?

Well perhaps you should do your homework first, because they ask at the

bottom of the form whether you want their offers sent to you in Thai or English !


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does anybody have that Discount-card-thing ?

I grabbed an apply-form today but was a little shocked when I saw what kind of information they wanted to have to apply for that card.... I dont think its their business to ask how many kids u have, how much u earn, what is ur education level and all such things. CENTRAL didnt ask anything like that when I applied for their EXPAT CARD, what I remember. those who already have that TOPS card, did u fill in all those questions ? or did u leave it empty and received your card anyway ? I am always a little suspicious when it comes to such things.... big brother is watching u..... and maybe in a couple of weeks, ur mailbox (both snail mail and email) will be full with unwanted spam and commercials....

Thing to remember about Thailand is that it hasn't quite got the motivation to be a nanny state where big brother knows anything.

Modus operandi: tick the boxes --> make store clerk happy --> store clerk issues card to said paranoid applicant --> paranoid applicant receives said TOPs discount card --> store clerk throws appplication into a big box never to be seen again.

In official situations, replace 'store clerk' with 'government official' and 'Tops discount card' with 'Official government document'.

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So, what's the problem? I've had their card for a couple of years, I guess. Don't remember when I applied or what I told them.

Anyway, in all the time I've had the card, all I've ever received is their ads. Oh, and just recently, I got a nice umbrella!

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Retailers all over the world does this. backflip is correct, they want to know who their customers are, maried or single, youing or elder, male or female, Thai, or foreigner, etc,etc,etc. This gives them the info of what customers purchase what. the supermarkets in America have been doing this for years. the card also acts as an electronic coupon.


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The tupperware was nice, but it confused me. I called them back and said that cute little delivery boy must have left an extra sack of goods (I was trying to flirt with him). They said it was free. I also got a carton of green tea, salad bowl, and no luck with the flirtations.

The discount card is useful for the specials that apply only to cardholders. They 'know who I am' because I look different than most farang, act silly-sanuk, and flirt with the employees.

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I've got one. I wasn't too sure about putting all the info on so made a lot up. they assume (I imagine) that I don't buy anywhere near enough food for my 8 children or enough floor cleaner for my 9 roomed house. I didn't even put my own phone number on it. :o From what I can work out, which isn't much, you get a few baht off odds and sods, but it must all mount up. :D

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Why do you feel the need to fill in accurate information on the form?

Just fill in what you like.

Single, 3 wives, 100 children etc.

It is only for statistics, and we all know how good they are. :o

Edited by astral
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Not want to open a new thread,

Is there anybody out there who transfers his unused/needed 7eleven discount tickets to me? :o

Are you talking about those little silver shiny stickers they sometimes give me when I buy stuff? What kind of discount do I get with them?

As of yet I've just been sticking them on my lightswitch covers...

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I thought the Spot Rewards card was totally useless, but then when recently shopping at Tops Supermarket and actually looking closely at price signs...there are two prices on lots of things "normal price " and a discounted "Spot Rewards price".....so it does pay to bring your card...

if you forget to bring it, you can just tell the check-out person your real or fake phone number (whatever you put in your application form) and they will punch it up and your account will be accessed electronically (and you get all applicable discounts)...I found this out by accident when someone in front of me in line did it......the check-out people wont volunteer this info...you just have to know.....

also if you put your card in those machines at the door,,,,a print-out will come out listing special discounts and offers on things you might be interested in (based on your past shopping patterns when presenting the card)....

they dont care what information you put in the application.....(but they would like to know accurate info for demographics and tailoring of products, etc.)....... my friend put "Willy Wonka" for name and "Chocolate Factory" as the address..... and he got a card :o

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got one as soon as they were introduced. Seems like a fair deal to me.

I give them such duff info and I get a discount on some goods. Apart from my name and address I cant remember what I told them I did or how many were in the family.

Havent reccd any free gifts through the mail though. Every once in a while I get a free gift at the customer service counter, no idea why some items are linked though ie bought some toothpaste and got a mug!

Some people are just a little too paranoid for their own good. I wonder if he tells the taxi driver where he lives - just in case :o

Edited by bluebear
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Not want to open a new thread,

Is there anybody out there who transfers his unused/needed 7eleven discount tickets to me? :D

Are you talking about those little silver shiny stickers they sometimes give me when I buy stuff? What kind of discount do I get with them?

As of yet I've just been sticking them on my lightswitch covers...

40 stickers = coffee-pot ( I got one :D )

40 stickers = breakfastbox in "Pooh"- bear design :o

90 stickers = basket in "Pooh"- bear design :D

190 stickers = fouldable outdoorchair (looks interesting but out of reach :D )

only until 20.02.2549, after that they start something new :D . I think you have to buy something over 30฿ for get one. Alcoholbuyers/Telephonecardbuyers, sorry can not have :D:D

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If I don't have my Spot card with me I just give any cute cashier my phone number instead.

Of course, along with the strict instructions that they never, ever phone to me after they finish work. And to make sure that they don't forget to never, ever phone to me, I give them my number on a peice of paper too.

And you know what? It works. They never, ever phone to me. :o

Seriously, I'd like to see an added benifit for Spot card holders of having the total bill reduced and rounded off down to the nearest baht. Those little satangy buggers are bloody annoying. :D


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i asked for one ayt my local tops and it quickly became apparent that nobody could speak english.

they gave me the form so i just put name: mickey mouse address: 22 acacia avenue, nashville tennessee and a lot of other rubbish, smiled when i handed it back and got my card no problemo :o

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