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Are Western Getting All The Thai Ladies...the Good Ones?


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Where there is a big age difference it is probably safe to assume in most cases that the foreigner is marrying a Thai from a lower socio economic group than himself.

Nothing wrong with that. As long as both parties are happy with the arrangment.

Of course it is only natural to also assume that the better educated more monied Thai women will not be so readily available for foreigners. They have more options and they probably dont come into contact anyway with the vast majority of foreigners who visit thailand.

The only place where this doesnt apply is here on thai visa where everyman is married to a girl with a degree or pots of money.


or both heheheh

love it mate,my kind of guy hehehehehe

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Read the post I responded to – my comments were providing balance to his experiences, in which he states he does not have friends married to educated Thai woman above a BA. I also did not say people would be jealous of me because of my GF, I said some would be jealous of my friend’s wife’s salary.

I think you will find that many of us are wealthy enough to not worry about any amounts of money a lady can earn. My requirements (in order of importance) are, fertility, housing, looks, personality. If she doesn't have her own home and the ability to produce babies, forget it. A Thai degree that anyone with enough money can buy, is neither here nor there.

Edited by TommoPhysicist
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However, since you brought it up, an education is a critical quality in a long-term relationship for me. I would expect it in a Western GF or a Thai GF, same with holding a good job, being attractive, a sunny disposition, having no kids and never selling herself for money. I would call these the basic requirements.

Do you question prospective partners about their educational qualifications? What a narrow little world you must live in.
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I think you will find that many of us are wealthy enough to not worry about any amounts of money a lady can earn. My requirements (in order of importance) are, fertility, housing, looks, personality. If she doesn't have her own home and the ability to produce babies. A Thai degree that anyone with enough money can buy, is neither here nor there.

A Western degree that anybody with an IQ over 70 could obtain is neither here nor there either. The amount of thick Westerners I have encountered over here that claimed to have a degree in "Media Studies and Culchur" or some such <deleted> is astounding.

Do you mean Geoff Chaucer (literary personage) ??

And would that be the study of his works like 'The Canterbury Tales' translated version, or in the original Middle English language?

Whilom, as olde stories tellen us,

Ther was a duc that highte Theseus;

Of Atthenes he was lord and governour,

And in his tyme swich a conquerour,

That gretter was ther noon under the sonne.

Ful many a riche contree hadde he wonne,

What with his wysdom and his chivalrie;

He conquered al the regne of Femenye,

That whilom was ycleped Scithia,

I would be quite impressed by someone who could read that.

Edited by TommoPhysicist
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I would be quite impressed by someone who could read that.

At my prep school everyone had to memorize the Canterbury Tales in order to pass up to final year, each student gets about a 20-minute segment and recite it in turns at the end of junior year ceremony. Never thought that would be a pleasant memory, but it is. Senior year had to do Cicero or Caesar in the Latin, and that's still not so pleasant 8-)

Do they have a Master's program for Housewifism ? That'd actually be useful. Basic courses in hoovering, cooking, feeding the litter, specialization in one branch or the other. Thesis, of course, getting a farang hubby.

Actually that pretty much sums up the program I run if you add in the advanced training in the amatory arts and of course the long-term hard slog of getting their English language skills up to snuff, since they're starting from pretty close to zero 90% of the time.

Most do need to be trained in how a western professional expects his shirts to be ironed, how to use a washing machine, why hot water's important, taste in clothes, often to start with - how to use a sit-down toilet.

Edited by BigJohnnyBKK
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why would I need a wife who is University educated.....my school was the 'school of life'

I have been out with some educated women in my time but some of them tended to be a bit 'know it all' and after a while some what boring...

apart from maths I'd say my wife is more clever than me....she can speak/read and just about write English where as most of my Thai is pillow talk....works just fine here thumbsup.gif

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why would I need a wife who is University educated.....my school was the 'school of life'

I have been out with some educated women in my time but some of them tended to be a bit 'know it all' and after a while some what boring...

apart from maths I'd say my wife is more clever than me....she can speak/read and just about write English where as most of my Thai is pillow talk....works just fine here thumbsup.gif

I'd say it's more to do with the in-dwelling spirit in any case. Mind you, I'd soon get bored of someone who doesn't like learning about things, degree or no degree. If she is of the type who is interested in stuff anyway then having the degree (generally speaking) would be a bonus.

Edited by Trembly
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If we get to vote, I'm of the opinion that the OP is trolling. When I'm away from tourist areas, I see average looking Thai guys with really hot Thai girls. There are exceptions but on the whole, the Thai guys put us (farangs) to shame.

At the end of the day, women want to express their feelings and most of us farangs don't really have the language skills to fluently converse in Thai.

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Do they have a Master's program for Housewifism ? That'd actually be useful. Basic courses in hoovering, cooking, feeding the litter, specialization in one branch or the other. Thesis, of course, getting a farang hubby.

Actually that pretty much sums up the program I run if you add in the advanced training in the amatory arts and of course the long-term hard slog of getting their English language skills up to snuff, since they're starting from pretty close to zero 90% of the time.

Most do need to be trained in how a western professional expects his shirts to be ironed, how to use a washing machine, why hot water's important, taste in clothes, often to start with - how to use a sit-down toilet.

Oh <deleted>, here we go again with BJB's "program".

Your program??!! Your program ??!! Listen to yourself !!

Who the hell do you think you are??!!

Isn't this the "program" in which you masquerade as an all-round good egg when in reality you're little more than a lascivious, sex-lizard prepared to go the extra devious mile so you can engage in coitus with naive, inexperienced peasant girls? Where you pretend to be some sort of teacher so you can get your end away for free?

You're effectively grooming girls to be prostitutes by providing their first P4P experience and then saying "There you go, sweetheart. That wasn't so bad, was it dear? Same time next week then?"

You're an utter disgrace.

To whom?

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Do they have a Master's program for Housewifism ? That'd actually be useful. Basic courses in hoovering, cooking, feeding the litter, specialization in one branch or the other. Thesis, of course, getting a farang hubby.

Actually that pretty much sums up the program I run if you add in the advanced training in the amatory arts and of course the long-term hard slog of getting their English language skills up to snuff, since they're starting from pretty close to zero 90% of the time.

Most do need to be trained in how a western professional expects his shirts to be ironed, how to use a washing machine, why hot water's important, taste in clothes, often to start with - how to use a sit-down toilet.

Oh <deleted>, here we go again with BJB's "program".

Your program??!! Your program ??!! Listen to yourself !!

Who the hell do you think you are??!!

Isn't this the "program" in which you masquerade as an all-round good egg when in reality you're little more than a lascivious, sex-lizard prepared to go the extra devious mile so you can engage in coitus with naive, inexperienced peasant girls? Where you pretend to be some sort of teacher so you can get your end away for free?

You're effectively grooming girls to be prostitutes by providing their first P4P experience and then saying "There you go, sweetheart. That wasn't so bad, was it dear? Same time next week then?"

You're an utter disgrace.

cheesy.gif , must agree. cheesy.gif
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Do they have a Master's program for Housewifism ? That'd actually be useful. Basic courses in hoovering, cooking, feeding the litter, specialization in one branch or the other. Thesis, of course, getting a farang hubby.

Actually that pretty much sums up the program I run if you add in the advanced training in the amatory arts and of course the long-term hard slog of getting their English language skills up to snuff, since they're starting from pretty close to zero 90% of the time.

Most do need to be trained in how a western professional expects his shirts to be ironed, how to use a washing machine, why hot water's important, taste in clothes, often to start with - how to use a sit-down toilet.

Oh <deleted>, here we go again with BJB's "program".

Your program??!! Your program ??!! Listen to yourself !!

Who the hell do you think you are??!!

Isn't this the "program" in which you masquerade as an all-round good egg when in reality you're little more than a lascivious, sex-lizard prepared to go the extra devious mile so you can engage in coitus with naive, inexperienced peasant girls? Where you pretend to be some sort of teacher so you can get your end away for free?

You're effectively grooming girls to be prostitutes by providing their first P4P experience and then saying "There you go, sweetheart. That wasn't so bad, was it dear? Same time next week then?"

You're an utter disgrace.

Please don't quote him. It makes my ignore list pointless.

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Do they have a Master's program for Housewifism ? That'd actually be useful. Basic courses in hoovering, cooking, feeding the litter, specialization in one branch or the other. Thesis, of course, getting a farang hubby.

Actually that pretty much sums up the program I run if you add in the advanced training in the amatory arts and of course the long-term hard slog of getting their English language skills up to snuff, since they're starting from pretty close to zero 90% of the time.

Most do need to be trained in how a western professional expects his shirts to be ironed, how to use a washing machine, why hot water's important, taste in clothes, often to start with - how to use a sit-down toilet.

Oh <deleted>, here we go again with BJB's "program".

Your program??!! Your program ??!! Listen to yourself !!

Who the hell do you think you are??!!

Isn't this the "program" in which you masquerade as an all-round good egg when in reality you're little more than a lascivious, sex-lizard prepared to go the extra devious mile so you can engage in coitus with naive, inexperienced peasant girls? Where you pretend to be some sort of teacher so you can get your end away for free?

You're effectively grooming girls to be prostitutes by providing their first P4P experience and then saying "There you go, sweetheart. That wasn't so bad, was it dear? Same time next week then?"

You're an utter disgrace.

To whom?

Take your pick. Common decency, mankind etc., etc.

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You're an utter disgrace.

Thanks for sharing your views once again HS.

Unlike many others here I don't deceive anyone to get my admittedly low-cost play sessions, but that's from a POV of only looking at the cash side of things, if you count my time spent even at a very low rate per hour (say B300) then it actually works out to much more than patronizing the more usual sources.

And they and their families fully know what they're agreeing to before they sign on, they end up getting a very good chance at a better life without having to enter the explicit sex trade - and 90% of them would have ended up there believe me, that's part of how I screen them.

And they don't end up in that business, the vast majority end up getting exactly what they set out to get, married to a decent farang, not necessarily rich but comfortable, stable and so far they've ended up much happier than what I see in "normal" marriages back home.

Word of mouth among the upcountry families sends them my way - if I was doing anything against their interest would that be the case? Would they continue to keep in touch for years, in some cases 10+ years, send me photos of their kids, I visit with their folks when I'm in the village etc etc.

Anyway my own conscience is clear, don't know why I bother.

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Take your pick. Common decency, mankind etc., etc.

I'd assumed he was just trolling for a reaction, pretty sad if he was trying to be serious.

If only that were the case. He's mentioned this "program" on several threads in the past. He really does try to catch them young before - according to him - they run off to Pattaya to work in the bars. He claims that by inducting them into his "finishing" school, he gives them a better chance of meeting and marrying well-to-do foreigners who'll be impressed with their English and their domestic abilities - in and out of the bedroom.

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Take your pick. Common decency, mankind etc., etc.

I'd assumed he was just trolling for a reaction, pretty sad if he was trying to be serious.

If only that were the case. He's mentioned this "program" on several threads in the past. He really does try to catch them young before - according to him - they run off to Pattaya to work in the bars. He claims that by inducting them into his "finishing" school, he gives them a better chance of meeting and marrying well-to-do foreigners who'll be impressed with their English and their domestic abilities - in and out of the bedroom.

Thought Sir Jimmy was dead. coffee1.gif
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I find it hard to believe that parents would seek out your facilities let alone condone their daughter's attendance at a "finishing" school where they know she'll be having sex with an elderly man as payment for learning how to iron, clean and do laundry to a Western standard.

Oh well, maybe one day, someone'll send the police round to your gaff to check ID cards and the like.

Actually they're motivated by the fact that they end up fluent in English and capable of marrying a farang husband and you know yourself the only other way that's going to happen.

My getting serviced or not is completely up to the girl, some of them work off their fees in other ways and for the particularly keen ones I'm happy to keep them on basically for free. They're free to say no anytime, and most do end up working outside the house, some at quite decent jobs once they've got a fair way along in their English and computer skills, some as guides, one runs a housecleaning agency another set up a fried chicken stall - I'm particularly proud of the ones that turn out to be entrepeneurial, and hope to end up having some that set their sights higher than just getting married.

And the police have been round, in fact I tutor the niece of a local cop. And no there's no corruption involved, the simple fact is I'm not doing anything wrong, much less illegal. Maybe it's just y'alls imagination going wild.

Edited by BigJohnnyBKK
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I find it hard to believe that parents would seek out your facilities let alone condone their daughter's attendance at a "finishing" school where they know she'll be having sex with an elderly man as payment for learning how to iron, clean and do laundry to a Western standard.

Oh well, maybe one day, someone'll send the police round to your gaff to check ID cards and the like.

Actually they're motivated by the fact that they end up fluent in English and capable of marrying a farang husband and you know yourself the only other way that's going to happen.

My getting serviced or not is completely up to the girl, some of them work off their fees in other ways and for the particularly keen ones I'm happy to keep them on basically for free. They're free to say no anytime, and most do end up working outside the house, some at quite decent jobs once they've got a fair way along in their English and computer skills, some as guides, one runs a housecleaning agency another set up a fried chicken stall - I'm particularly proud of the ones that turn out to be entrepeneurial, and hope to end up having some that set their sights higher than just getting married.

And the police have been round, in fact I tutor the niece of a local cop. And no there's no corruption involved, the simple fact is I'm not doing anything wrong, much less illegal. Maybe it's just y'alls imagination going wild.

Sir Jimmy is alive. bah.gif
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My wife and I have just celebrated our 14th wedding anniversary, she has a degree, we moved here 3 years ago from the UK. All of our friends are Thai/farang mix and none with a bar girl...(well one). They all are former air hostesses or currently still are and mainly all Bangkok families!

My point finally, is that if they know a little about the world, they will go for farang every time! It isn't about money, we are not rich, comfortable, but not rich, we both still have to work. It's about respect, Thai women do not feel respected by Thai men. Their are exceptions of course, one of my brothers in law for one, great man, good dad, good to his family, the other one who is married to a loverly women, is a <deleted> of the highest order!

If you think it's all just about money, your doing it wrong!

its funny how you mention only 1 with bargirl but the immediate statement you mention the rest are air hostesses. rolleyes.gif

I think it describes how many is ALL his friends.
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I always tought big John was a cool kat ,seems to know his stuff about Thailand ,always interesting to read your posts

If it isn't a topic about bargirls ,the word falang or westerners getting ripped off most posters stay at home ,your opinions usually strike a cord with me .

But after reading what you have just posted I have a horrible feeling in my gut ,really man that's the way you get laid? ,and you seem very proud........ quite sad ...I hope never to meet you

See you later loser

Edited by SteveLynch
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