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Us Immigration Concern

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I've been living in Bangkok a few years now and am currently on a student visa, studying Thai and waiting for a new job opportunity in Indonesia which will start next year.

My passport has two remaining blank pages and the rest are full of Thai, Laos and a couple of Cambodian visas - I think the only other is a Japan stamp.

I am a British citizen with a British passport.

My girlfriend recently left Bangkok for 10 weeks but last night invited me to the States (her country of nationality) to spend a week with her.

Apparently I get 3 months visa on arrival but my main concern is that my passport full of Thai/Laos stamps will cause me a whole load of hassle from paranoid immigration officials.

Please advise me on how best to avoid this and what I can expect. How much of an issue will it be and could it hinder my trip in any way?

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As a UK Passport holder you are entitled to use the Visa Waiver programme to enter the US, however you must apply for travel authorisation online, and pay a fee for doing so, before you travel https://esta.cbp.dhs.gov/esta/

How long you will be allowed to enter the US will depend on the Border Official who is processing you on arrival.

I have many stamps in my passport from Thailand, Vietnam and Cambodia and this has never been questioned on arrival, but that doesn't mean that I wouldn't be questioned on future visits.

I'm afraid that you are very much in the hands of the Border Official on arrival and there is little, if anything, you can do about it.

I have heard horror stories about people being questioned at length about their past travels, I have also heard about people have laptops, cameras and memory sticks checked, though I have to say I have never witnessed it.

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Have you checked out the requirements for the U.S. Visa Waiver Program?




Other than that, I think NO problem with all those Lao stamps. I visit Laos several times a year and have no problem when I head back to the U.S. BTW, I'm an AmCit.

However, with only two pages left in your passport, seems to me it'd be a good idea for you to get a new one. The U.S. Immigration stamp is pretty small, just a corner of one page, unless the guy/gal is lazy and stamps it in the middle....


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I don't have time to get a new one, it takes a month and needs to be sent to HK - UK - BKK. My trip is in a month.

Even my girlfriend gets hassle and she's just made a few trips here. Hopefully it'll just be questions and nosing about in my baggage.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was told by an acquaintance yesterday that I need at least six blank pages in my passport to be allowed entry into the US.

Say it isn't so, I will have 1.5 free pages after I get my re-entry permit.

I'm British and have never had a criminal record - it shouldn't be an issue, but if I have to get an emergency travel document then I need to know now.

Will be grateful for any clarification.

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Six (6) pages?? Wonder what for??

My Thai wife goes to the U.S., one full page is her 10-year B1/B2 visa, but the entry stamp is about the size of the stamp you get when going to Laos. Could fit 6-8 of those on one page, if the immigration guy is careful with placement.

BS, me thinks.


Thanks Mac. My Embassy agrees. I'll just be polite and stuff.

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Id say the biggest issue is the amount of pages in your pp.

If you go for it, apply for the waiver.

Immigration can be unpleasant but overall they have been very ok with my Thai gf cum wife 3x

So...I would have your ticket out in hand. Your new contract would be brilliant as well.

Just tell the guy your situation. You were called over to go travel with your gf (I would not say go dtay with her and meet the parents!). Youre really sorry about the page thing but shit happens. You were called over by gf, totally unplanned.

Our stamp is small and just one. Im US 66% of time they dont even stamp.me.

Next isdue you have is now you have at best one page for Indonesia. That will cover the visa and maybe they can sqeeze an entrance stamp somewhere but you are really setting yourself up.for a fail.somewhere between bkk and jkt.

Just when are you going to.get a new pp?

Edited by bangkokburning
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