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I have three long-haired toy poodle-type dogs, which need a periodic haircut for their comfort, and to keep them clean and pest-free. I just had one groomed today, which cost B.400 (including an Ivermec injection). Beautifully done, and he now looks like a proper dog instead of a rag mop.

In Buriram, where I live, there is only one shop which does this, so the owner has a monopoly. Her daughter is a trained vet, and works on the same premises, so any minor veterinary work can be dealt with at the same time. Incidentally, regular readers of this sub-forum may remember a thread about my four dogs being treated for blood parasites. Well, she was the vet concerned, and all has turned out as well as possible; all four dogs are apparently in the best of health (though of course we keep watching).

My question; how much does this cost in other parts of Thailand, and also in your home countries. Just the basic trim, nothing fancy. They're not hi-so dogs!


isanbirder ... asked the Thai gf what she pays ...


Before ...


After ...

"This is Pom Pam after cut her hair for look like a little lion...about cost for cut is 380B if not let them shower cost is 350B"

Seems you are about the money


there is always a difference between a cut down and a real groom (for beauty not just function); for just a cut down, u can do yourself if u have the knack and the dogs are quiet..a regualr person type hair shaver, for the back sides and stomach.... feet and face and around the balls (if they have) takes practice to be perfect but frankly, that can be learned too... less injuries apart from razor burn by using a shaver, not scissors where u run the risk of cutting skin, stabbing or chopping off balls (im an ex groomer, and when i first learned as a girl, chester almost lost his...)

i bought a touch up battery operated clipper in the states a few months ago, good for face and feet on quiet dogs...

havent done in a while, so dogs came out a bit chopped the first few times, but the knack is back so can now do them in style (lhasa apsos, so i like to keep puppy type cut, not skin head style, in winter. skin head style in summer, twice at least due to fleas sn ticks)...

u can also buy profession grooming suppllies through the web and learn from youtube etcc step by step, not show cuts, but basic grooming for health and ease...



I have 6 dogs, wash and blow dry every week, use the electric clippers on the paws and trim there private parts every 2 weeks.. I do cut some of there hair with scissors if some get to long or looks a mess, mostly between there eyes and in there ears...

2 x a year take them to the Groomer to have a wash and light trim all over.. Long hair Shih Tzu and yes with ribbons or bow on there head.

cost at Groomer just wash and blow dry = 150 baht each, with a trim , wash and blow dry = 250 baht each....... next door is the Vet, she checks them all and gives them there yearly jabs 1.600 baht for all 6, with worm pills and all the stickers in there passports

Edit: Tip ? was told years ago for these type of dogs to use hair conditioner, so yes use conditioner makes the knots come out easy......... Use normal Conditioner found the best on my dogs is 'Herbal Essences'


When we lived in Pattaya I had a local shop do one dog for ~300 Baht.

Now we are rural I do the dog's myself inc the Golden Retriver who is due this afternoon's session.


Yes, the shops here in Pattaya charge around 300 Baht for my Shih tszus, - a little more if we need them trimming, sheering, nails clipping etc. Our golden costs around 500 Baht.

We often wash them ourselves - especially the golden , who is much easier to brush and dry than the long haired little ones who need a hair dryer. and loads of careful brushing.

The shops do a pretty good job although you have to be sure they are not being too rough with them.


word of warning for shittzus and lhasas (who have 'wooly' fur, not 'hairy' fur); brush and get rid of mats and snarls before the bath cause the wash and shampoo and dry just set the mats and they become felt. if u arent showing, cut the mats out slowly or break them up with your hands....

afte ther first year of loving lhasas long fur, i gave up, they get cut down in summer, and puppy cut (layer of fur) in our mostly easy winters... when u cut around the balls, cup your hand over them so as not to snip between the thin skin where the sack is attatched to the dog (that is where most people manage to do the damage when using scissors. using a clipper is safer), same same for around a bitch's teats, and vulva. clip short under tail and along tail base. frankly, i dont do toes/feet/pads anymore i found that that caused more problems with our thorns, burrs, rocks, adn other desert type stuff.. i just scissor a bit shorter on the bottom and on the top of the foot. i yank hairs out of the ears (there is a painless method, works on poodles shitztu lhasa type fur)

actually the lhasa handbooks always say not to use conditioners, but de tanglers (girls know the difference)... but if not showing, then doesnt matter.

i also use a clipper (the cordless 'touch up' clipper) for around the eyes, since last eyar when foofoo, in his nervousness, kept licking his lips and nose, and i snipped his tongue while trimming his side of beard, (bad timing between us), so now its the clipper. plus the sound of the clipper is constant adn he prefers that to the snick snick sound of scissors. he is also missing an eye, so i clip a bit with the scissors aroudn and over hsi eye socket which fills with fur, just o even out his face...


i dont do toes/feet/pads anymore

I find if i don't do them they slide or slip on the wood stairs, 3 girl always follow me up and come to bed with me every night.

i yank hairs out of the ears (there is a painless method, works on poodles shitztu lhasa type fur)

Yep do same in there ears, 1st and after use Pure Green ear lotion, but find need to cut hair just outside as often gets long and will easy mat


Interesting to compare notes with others.

I don't consider the dogs need washing too frequently, every couple of months - but brush/comb every other day. They smell fine and enjoy an active rural lifestyle including the river and mudy fields. I let them dry then comb out, but my wife will shampoo them when returning home with a muddy dog. (But I know they don't like the shampoo smell.)


Interesting to compare notes with others.

I don't consider the dogs need washing too frequently, every couple of months - but brush/comb every other day. They smell fine and enjoy an active rural lifestyle including the river and mudy fields. I let them dry then comb out, but my wife will shampoo them when returning home with a muddy dog. (But I know they don't like the shampoo smell.)

That would depend where they sleep, Mum, daughter and her daughter always come up to bed, Mum sleep on my feet, but here daughter always sleeps on my head with here daughter on my neck........ Oddly re smell, no they don't smell except the old man as he gets older the body smell get worse, now 4 days you can smell him coming, even in the garden..


mine like to go to the back of the kibbutz dining room and lurk around the food dump (where all the food gets thrown in to sort of a machine dumpster that mashes everything... but it seeps out the bottom into kind of a stinky smelly sludge) and then they come home and they stink...so feet and face whiskers have to get shampood or they smell like dumpster garbage smell; other then that, there is no longer any cow shed or chicken sheds to roll in... but a lot of dust and dirt and pollen so they get rinsed off quite often now... as they sleep on the sofas, and our house is quite small by western standards so the smell of dog is felt.. also, hot, and windows are open but air doesnt flow well thru here, w/o bringing dust and sand..

i sue some great stuff in ears but cant find it on the web, bought it in the states adn if i ever run out will have to get someone to buy me and mail it to me...


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