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I'm really sorry to hear that, dengue can get very serious and I really hope that she recovers well. I went to hospital when I had mine and the doctor admitted that there was not much he could do for me besides monitoring me and keeping me on an IV for fluids. I'm not sure how bad she has it but I'd be taking my kid to hospital just in case. Make sure she keeps drinking water and eating and absolutely no aspirin or ibuprofen or anything that thins the blood.


It depends entierely on whether it is "simple" dengue or dengue hemorraghic fever/dengue shock syndrome. the first is not serious, the second is and requires hospitalization. If thus far it is simple dengiue she can be managed at home but with periodic blood tests (platlet count) to see if she is starting to develop the complicated form.

If she has the complicated form then she must be in hospital. the good news is that Thai hospitals have extensive experience treating this. With prompt hospitalization proper management mortality is low.


Unfortunately, Dengue fever, unlike malaria is even more serious if you get it again. With Malaria, the body does build up some resistance. With Dengue Fever it is the complete opposite.

It depends entierely on whether it is "simple" dengue or dengue hemorraghic fever/dengue shock syndrome. the first is not serious, the second is and requires hospitalization. If thus far it is simple dengiue she can be managed at home but with periodic blood tests (platlet count) to see if she is starting to develop the complicated form.

If she has the complicated form then she must be in hospital. the good news is that Thai hospitals have extensive experience treating this. With prompt hospitalization proper management mortality is low.

Not sure what type she has, she has ha a fever for maybe 4days prior to visiting hospital the first time, she has now been to hospital the last 2 days, today her blood count was 291000 I think that is platlets as I did google it, she seems very active and happy at the moment, so hoping all will be okay.


Good news, friends little girl given the all clear, blood test result today shows 360,000 platlets, we have all had a beer to celebrate, as you do!!!


if it is dengue it might boomerang, most people i know (including myself) have felt better for a couple of days then gone down again for another 48 hours.

sounds like its not hemorrhagic so all good . the rest is keeping her hydrated and waiting.


I didn't have the boomerang effect but was just destroyed for 6 days (peak) and about 14 days after (able to get around and do things minimally). I had the hemorrhagic variety though.


I got mine few years back while it was floating on CM and a LOT of mossies came down with the river from mountains -

I felt like just having nasty flu, it was also that when diagnostics came out but Dengue as well.

In mornings was like any other day, after midday high fever rise up fast

I kept it about one week and was even working couple of days back home

until was sure its not normal flu

They rushed me to big hospital, testing 8 hours and by ambulance on that night to special hospital in guarantet room

for stay in for one week.

Testing/sucking my blood 3 times a day, with iv running and me running to toilet 'coz of it

finally could not walk or touch anything without pain

blood in my fingers and toes start to bleed inside

they told me straight cannot do anything just monitoring me

but I was lucky - it stops itself and reliesed to home for one week sickleave note in hand

but, that was not the end of it

as they mention to me in hospital

it could effect my mood next few months, as it did

I felt pointless, powerless and mindless almost 3 months

about getting it again

I was told should not travel affected area in next 6 monhs or it could be fatale

if getting it again

that's my story

happy to be alive wai2.gif

  • 2 weeks later...

dengue is prevalent in tropical countries because the mosquito breed that carries it thrives in such an environment. it is fatal infection that can turn ugly if not treated right away.

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