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Obama Likely To Win Another Presidential Term: Gallup Poll


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Obama Likely to Win another Presidential Term - Survey

WASHINGTON, November 1 (RIA Novosti) - With the US presidential election just five days away, a survey from the American polling company Gallup shows that President Barack Obama is likely to win his second presidential term.

“A majority of Americans continue to believe that Democratic President Barack Obama will win re-election Tuesday over Republican challenger Mitt Romney, by 54% to 34%,” the survey said adding that eleven percent of the polled had no opinion on the issue.

The poll was conducted on October 27 and 28 before devastating hurricane Sandy swept the eastern part of the United States earlier in the week leaving at least 50 killed and causing damages worth some $20 billion.

Obama canceled his campaign events scheduled for Monday and Tuesday focusing instead on relief measures before the hurricane, whose path ran though several tightly contested election swing states, including North Carolina, Virginia, and Pennsylvania. According to political experts, the move is likely to win additional votes for Obama on November 6 elections.

The Gallup tracking survey on October 27-28 was based on telephone interviews with a random sample of 1,063 adults aged 18 and older in all 50 American states.

Source: http://en.rian.ru/wo.../177102527.html

-- RIA NOVOSTI 2012-11-01


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Yep, I'm going to go on record and also predict an Obama win, based on the 7 new polls in Ohio, the global betting markets, and the electoral college. After Obama's horrible first debate, it looked doubtful, and he's been clawing his way back. The storm helped his cause, as has some PR from prominent Republicans not afraid to compliment him, and of course, his greatest surrogate, the most popular still living former President Clinton.

Obama will win.

Edited by keemapoot
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Not particularly questioning the figures but it seems odd to be quoting a Russian state news agency regarding news on the US elections - are there no impartial US news agencies left??

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If Europeans could vote in the US election Obama would win by over 90%

Not only does a YouGov poll say that most Europeans would vote for Barack Obama if they voted in the US presidential elections, the odds of the incumbent president retaining his post have also shortened from 2/5 to 1/3 said William Hill this morning.


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Gallup finds majority believe Obama will win

By Jonathan Easley

WASHINGTON: -- A majority believe President Obama will defeat Mitt Romney and secure a second term in the White House, a Gallup poll found Wednesday.

According to the survey, 54 percent said they thought Obama will win, 34 percent believe Romney will win, and 11 percent had no opinion.

Those numbers have been fairly stable throughout the cycle, with Obama peaking in late August at 58 to 36 percent over Romney.

The numbers contrast with Gallup’s results of who likely voters will support in the election. In its most recent poll, 51 percent of likely voters said they would support Romney, compared to 46 percent who said they would support Obama.

When broken down by party, Democrats are more confident in their candidate than Republicans are in theirs. Eighty-six percent of Democrats said they believed Obama would win, compared to 71 percent of Republicans who said Romney. Among independents, 52 percent said Obama and 32 percent said Romney.

Full story: http://thehill.com/b...-obama-will-win

-- THE HILL 2012-11-01


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This poll has no basis other than who the people who were polled expect to win. Obama is the incumbent, so no big surprise, but the polls are so close that this does not mean much.

I can certainly well understand that Romney partisans would want to cling to some hope.


The opera ain't over till the fat New Jersey governor sings ... coffee1.gif

Edited by Jingthing
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Americans Still Give Obama Better Odds to Win Election

54% of Americans think Obama will win; 34% predict Romney

by Andrew Dugan and Frank Newport

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- A majority of Americans continue to believe that Democratic President Barack Obama will win re-election Tuesday over Republican challenger Mitt Romney, by 54% to 34%. These views are roughly similar to where they were in May and August, although slightly more Americans now do not have an opinion either way.


These results are based on interviews conducted from Oct. 27-28 as part of the Gallup Daily election tracking survey, conducted before Hurricane Sandy hit the East Coast. It is unknown what effect the storm will have on Americans' voting preferences or the impact of the storm on Americans' perceptions of who is most likely to win the election.

Full story: http://www.gallup.co...n-election.aspx

-- GALLUP 2012-11-01


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Majority of Americans believe Obama will win election

2012-11-01 10:44:02 GMT+7 (ICT)

WASHINGTON, D.C. (BNO NEWS) -- Although polls continue to indicate that the U.S. presidential election is virtually tied, a majority of American voters believe incumbent President Barack Obama will win Tuesday's election, according to a Gallup poll released on late Wednesday.

The polling company said 54 percent of adults believe Obama will win a second term while 34 percent believes Republican challenger Mitt Romney will win the election. The results are based on a poll conducted between October 27 and October 28 in which 1,063 adults participated.

"The majority of Americans continue to project an Obama win on Nov. 6. This is the case even though the general perception is the race is highly competitive and the outcome still very much in doubt," Gallup said. The results are almost identical to a similar poll in May, when 56 percent predicted an Obama win and 36 percent indicated they thought Romney would win.

National polls continue to suggest the race is virtually tied among registered voters, though Gallup gives Romney a slight lead among likely voters. But state-level polls suggest Obama is doing slightly better in key battleground states that will decide the Electoral College winner, though the results could still end up being extremely close.

When compared to previous elections, the Gallup poll has been a good indicator as Americans have correctly predicted the winner of the popular vote in final surveys taken since 1996. But the polling company also notes that Americans generally believe the incumbent has a natural advantage when competing for a second term.


-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2012-11-01

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This survey has no basis other than who the people who were polled expect to win. Obama is the incumbent, so no big surprise, but the polls are so close that this does not mean much. Romney is still 5 points ahead on Gallups real poll.

Well, we finally agree. LOL

Edited by geriatrickid
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Even if Obama wins it will be the shortest presidency in history when everything behind the Benghazi attack is revealed

I hope you are right, but Fast 'n' furious, sundry Whitehouse leaks, plus extremist sympathizers and enablers of enemies of the U.S suggest mud will only stick when it is no longer possible to hide, and hide it they will.

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Yes, the storm crisis points out that BIG GOVERNMENT isn't so bad after all. This is a major ideological divide between the two parties.

George W. Bush gutted FEMA, unwisely placed it under Homeland Security, made a crony incompetent man it's head (the infamous "Brownie") and performed horribly poorly during Katrina.

Both Clinton and Obama reinforced FEMA and Obama is indeed performing masterfully during this current historically severe storm crisis and aftermath.

While it is true that Obama has supported a modest 3 percent cut in FEMA, Romney/Ryan budget has supported 40 percent severe cuts, sending the functions back to the states as block grants. That is totally irrational and dangerous. Only the FEDERAL government can efficiently be ready for major disasters happening any time, anywhere. There is no way that each state can do that, except maybe a few super big states, especially with a slashed federal budget, and or course they would have to raise states taxes anyway.

Americans now realize that man made global climate change is REAL and more and more are realizing the sad reality that these kinds of major climate related natural disasters ARE happening more frequently so are very likely to CONTINUE to occur more frequently. So big government like FEMA is more important than ever.

Historically with the Gallup poll, when such a commanding majority THINKS a particular side will win ... they win.

But you will agree that they never had been able to overcome the storm crisis had Romney not offered his campaign bus to deliver relief supplies. whistling.gifwhistling.gif

So maybe because of this voters will change their mind, not ?giggle.gif

Edited by jbrain
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Oh Willard, say it ain't so...

Mitt Romney Staged His Own "Relief Rally" By Buying $5,000 Worth of Donation Props


he'd make an excellent Thai politican then. All we need is the blankets and the recipients walking up to him in a grovelling acceptance and he could run for parliament in Thailand.

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Oh Willard, say it ain't so...

Mitt Romney Staged His Own "Relief Rally" By Buying $5,000 Worth of Donation Props


People would have understood if Romney just said, I will suspend my campaign for one day, not two days, but instead on the second day he staged this farce trying to fool the voters that he was still suspending his campaign. In other words: BUSTED. Romney bought the goods. Apt really, as Romney is now severely DAMAGED goods. This incident confirms what much of the public already suspects about the man: plutocratic liar and phony, will do and say anything to get elected. Don't cry for him though. He's very rich! Edited by Jingthing
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So Romney campaign donated $5000 worth of food to the Red Cross. Bastards.

That's another twist. The Red Cross explicitly states they do NOT want material goods now. You would think the man who thinks he's qualified to be "the leader of the free world" would know that.
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