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U S Election Will Not Impact Thailand: Think Tank


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The USA is becoming less and less of a factor in the world every day. Their building debt load and the spend thrift ways they use are ruining the country. If Obama gets another term and keeps on the way he is going the USA is in a big problem.

The future well being of the economy of the usa effects us all hugely, particularly now that the eu is well and truly in the poop.

There is no consumer market like the usa. That's it period. It doesn't matter how productive you are if there us no one to buy your product.

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The USA is becoming less and less of a factor in the world every day. Their building debt load and the spend thrift ways they use are ruining the country. If Obama gets another term and keeps on the way he is going the USA is in a big problem.

The future well being of the economy of the usa effects us all hugely, particularly now that the eu is well and truly in the poop.

There is no consumer market like the usa. That's it period. It doesn't matter how productive you are if there us no one to buy your product.

Right on the money.. The US is the primary consumer market in the world. I know some people are going to say India or China, but right now, that's not true. So the economy in the US effects the rest of the world. Which ever one of these bozo's get elected, how they go about repairing the US economy is going to effect Thailand to some degree.

Every Government's primary job is, 1. support and defend the value of it's currency, 2. support the safety, welfare and health of it's citizens, 3. provide a strong economy for the welfare of it's citizens.

I'm not sure if either one of these two guys running for President has a plan to do any of these things. Obama certainly hasn't shown he can do it.

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Pretty much a done deal - no one gives a dam_n about the US facing its own demise other than the dumbed down US populace who will eventually wake up. Will that affect Thailand? Maybe - just maybe... But if the world shrugs off the shackles of payments in USD and the USD is no longer in demand - the slide into the toilet for the US will be so fast Thailand won't even have time to draw breath. The sooner the better and then this article will receive a conclusive response...

Please let the Think Tank know where they may contact you. They have found your insights (listed below) to be very profound and inspiring. And they seek your counsel.

1. 'no one' (7 billion people?) gives a dam_n about the US facing its own demise.

2. the dumbed downed US populace (300+ million people?) will eventually wake up to its demise

3. when the USD is no longer in demand, the US will slide into the toilet so fast Thailand won't have time to breath

4. the op article will be conclusive as soon as this all happens (the sooner the better)

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Pretty much a done deal - no one gives a dam_n about the US facing its own demise other than the dumbed down US populace who will eventually wake up. Will that affect Thailand? Maybe - just maybe... But if the world shrugs off the shackles of payments in USD and the USD is no longer in demand - the slide into the toilet for the US will be so fast Thailand won't even have time to draw breath. The sooner the better and then this article will receive a conclusive response...

Please let the Think Tank know where they may contact you. They have found your insights (listed below) to be very profound and inspiring. And they seek your counsel.

1. 'no one' (7 billion people?) gives a dam_n about the US facing its own demise.

2. the dumbed downed US populace (300+ million people?) will eventually wake up to its demise

3. when the USD is no longer in demand, the US will slide into the toilet so fast Thailand won't have time to breath

4. the op article will be conclusive as soon as this all happens (the sooner the better)


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I think the point is that nothing ever really changes regardless of who is elected. The economy is going to get better no matter who gets in office. It is ridiculous to think that anybody could have fixed things in the last 4 years, especially considering the jobs losses were still a year after the last election took place. It it the worst economic disaster since the great depression and what people don't remember is it took more than a decade and a world war for jobs to come back after the great depression. Right now the stock market is doing very well and business are not laying off and have a lot of capital on hand. How they invest that capital after the election is a question but make no mistake they will invest it and their investments will create jobs ... their is doubt now but not about if one president will fail or not but whose policies favor what types of investments. Example ... Romney elected and coal companies will be a good investment ... Obama elected and solar companies will be a good investment.

There are certainly exceptions but generally a president alone can do very little but be a salesperson when it comes to the economy. Iraq may have been Bush's war and instead of asking everyone to sacrifice and pay extra taxes to pay for the war, he lowered taxes but the fact is he couldn't have done either of these things without congress' approval.

What will have a great impact is if more extreme (Tea Baggers) members of congress are elected or a number of the current ones aren't run out of office.

Without a doubt the economy of America effects Thailand and the world, just as the European economy has affected the US but when all is said and done a president has limited powers and this is the way America was designed to be.

Edited by Nisa
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The US election will barely have an impact on the US, let alone Thailand. Two peas from the same status quo pod are the two "choices" we were provided with.

If and when someone bombs iran and the straight of hormuz is shut and ask hell breaks loose. if oil goes to180 usd a barrel, then i presume the think tank will be first to explain why.

So and how the election would anyhow change your scenario? do you think there is a difference between O and R?

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