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Got Scammed, Taxi Out Of The Airport


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It is really a shame that the first impression that people get of Thailand is their expierience at the airport, but unforunately it is. This is the first place to clean up their act concerning their graft & corruption. I call if their G & C account. No other country would allow overseas visitors to be treated with contempt, and theft, as soon as they touch soil. Having said that, you have been through the worse if it. Just remember, never get in a cab that won't move the flag on the meter, no matter what kind of price he is offering. You will get screwed. Know the proximity of where you want to go, or you will pay and then find you are being dropped off at a whorehouse, where the taxi driver gets a kickback for brininging you there. Haggle on the price of everything, except for a metered cab. They SHOULD take you where you want to go. Always get a business card from your hotel. Show it to the taxi driver, so he knows where to go to get you home. Keep the card for re-use.Don't let this first expierience spoil your trip, or you stay. Thai people are a great people, as you will find out.

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trick is you always go to a counter or booth. never go with a tout who approaches you.

I agree......, the other thing,if you are travelling to a new country/airport.....do some research about the place and don't expect things to be the same as where you come from

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When strange people approach you at the airport, just so no thanks. When they get presistent say yet mah ham lek (go screw a dog, pencil dick). Walk away. There are alot of parasites in Thailand, just like in every other country. They prey on those who know no better. Go to the 4th level, walk out, and find a guy willing to use his meter. That is all I ever do. Reject the punks who do not want to use their meter. Discard them like trash. Just move on to the ones willing to work for a living.

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about 250 and he pays the tolls

Never Never Ever agree to let the taxi driver pay the tolls! Always say you will pay the tolls.

I got caught by that once when I was a newbie.. Wondering why it took 5 hours to get from downtown Bangkok to Pattaya when my mate that was waiting for me said it would take 2 hours.

It was simple.. we used no toll roads!

Never pay tolls, never tell driver that before you start. Just jump into meter cab and say where you want to go. Some never bother to ask for tolls, if they do, just smile and say no and point to the meter. Please note -- the smile is MOST important....

This never happened.

The only thing that probably saved you from a spanner to the back of the head is that your tip covered the toll fees.

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I really don't get this whole pennypinching over 100 baht or less amounts? Frankly I felt kinda sorry for the driver who ripped me off. If I could just give him a few thousand baht and get my camera back I'd consider it a fee for lesson well taught. Maybe it's just me, and maybe I'm crazy, but I don't think these people deserve to be nickel and dimed by prosperous foreigners, is it any wonder that they sometimes resort to subterfuge to get ahead?

No I think the Thais rip us farang honkies off because see us as A mostly rich and B total suckers.

You're making the same mistake A - to many many farang living here, B100 is more than they spend on all their food for a day, not some trivial amount.

And your attitude about being "kind to thieves" while theoretically admirable, contributes to B wrt to Asians.

IMO you choose who you are kind to, and of course when you've been ripped of should let it go if there's nothing you can do. But I'm just warning you if you carry that "oh poverty stricken Thais, let me help you by letting you scam me" attitude around, it won't be long before maybe you're not so prosperous yourself anymore.

Get to know some wealthy Chinese-Thais and learn from them how to be hard-nosed.

If/when you're sure you're set up to be financially secure long-term, then choose some truly deserving Thais to be consciously charitable to.


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As general rule, don't let them put luggage in vehicle and you don't get in vehicle until destination and price is agreed on. Also good to know in advance if they are going to pick up or attempt to pick up others. If official metered taxi, make sure meter is turned on. Meter amount is all you are obligated to pay. One does not discuss price destination prior to getting on 'baht buses' [pick-up truck taxis] in Pattaya/Jomtien. Just have to talk to old timers to get idea of appropriate fare. Always have correct change..... Give the driver the amount you deem appropriate [in line with what old timers have told you] and look like you know what you are doing and don't stand there asking if it is enough. Just hand him the money, maybe nod, and turn and go.

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As general rule, don't let them put luggage in vehicle and you don't get in vehicle until destination and price is agreed on. Also good to know in advance if they are going to pick up or attempt to pick up others. If official metered taxi, make sure meter is turned on. Meter amount is all you are obligated to pay. One does not discuss price destination prior to getting on 'baht buses' [pick-up truck taxis] in Pattaya/Jomtien. Just have to talk to old timers to get idea of appropriate fare. Always have correct change..... Give the driver the amount you deem appropriate [in line with what old timers have told you] and look like you know what you are doing and don't stand there asking if it is enough. Just hand him the money, maybe nod, and turn and go.

"Meter amount is all you are obligated to pay."

If you are catching a taxi from the official airport taxi queue, you are also obligated to pay an extra 50 baht. And you are also obligated to pay toll charges (unless you request NOT to go on the tollway).

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Tourist police, good luck. welcome to Amazing Thailand it amazes you.

Actually I've found them very helpful on more than one occasion, and my understanding is that they are much less likely to be corrupt - which of course just translates into "more expensive" most of the time.

Certainly better than the normal plod in my experience.

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Usually, when they transfer you from one car to another, that is for a long haul drive, certainly not for a 100 baht trip! (at least that is the way it used to be a few years ago)

The thing with the airports, both of them, is that they have taxi services where you queue up for them. Seems that you didn't use this service, and as such saved yourself 50 baht (service charge to make sure you're not ripped off!)

As this is your 1st trip to Thailand, sorry to hear about your misfortune, including the loss of your camera gear.

yeh my thought on this is that is has something to do with the recent change in law where all taxis must be registered and display a yellow sticker on the side of their car. i can't be bothered putting to much brainpower into it to figure out why but it would have something to do with this i imagine. they probably don't allow non stickered taxis in the airport anymore... but im not sure. just a guess.

fair discrepancy between the 100 and 1000 baht taxi fares. i dont think the guy mentions where he was going from the airport. a fare to patong should only be no more than 750 or 800. although i have done patong to airport for 500...

i know when i first arrived in phuket i had no idea i was about to be set upon by 150 taxi drivers that wanted to be "my firend". im pretty sure they can pick the newbies from the ones that don't even give them a glance

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Usually, when they transfer you from one car to another, that is for a long haul drive, certainly not for a 100 baht trip! (at least that is the way it used to be a few years ago)

The thing with the airports, both of them, is that they have taxi services where you queue up for them. Seems that you didn't use this service, and as such saved yourself 50 baht (service charge to make sure you're not ripped off!)

As this is your 1st trip to Thailand, sorry to hear about your misfortune, including the loss of your camera gear.

yeh my thought on this is that is has something to do with the recent change in law where all taxis must be registered and display a yellow sticker on the side of their car. i can't be bothered putting to much brainpower into it to figure out why but it would have something to do with this i imagine. they probably don't allow non stickered taxis in the airport anymore... but im not sure. just a guess.

fair discrepancy between the 100 and 1000 baht taxi fares. i dont think the guy mentions where he was going from the airport. a fare to patong should only be no more than 750 or 800. although i have done patong to airport for 500...

i know when i first arrived in phuket i had no idea i was about to be set upon by 150 taxi drivers that wanted to be "my firend". im pretty sure they can pick the newbies from the ones that don't even give them a glance

The sticker thing is only in Phuket. The OP was at Suvarnibhumi

I assume he didn't take a taxi from the official taxi rank. If he did, he should have the ticket of the original taxi.

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Did you not do any research before you flew? you let an aggressive guy grab your luggage, why?

Is this the first time you have traveled?

Where you drinking on the plane?

Where are you from?

Where were you going? B100 don't even get you to Bangkok

Give the guy a break, old salt.

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Did you not do any research before you flew? you let an aggressive guy grab your luggage, why?

Is this the first time you have traveled?

Where you drinking on the plane?

Where are you from?

Where were you going? B100 don't even get you to Bangkok

Why blame someone for getting ripped, especially after the fact.

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When strange people approach you at the airport, just so no thanks. When they get presistent say yet mah ham lek (go screw a dog, pencil dick). Walk away. There are alot of parasites in Thailand, just like in every other country. They prey on those who know no better. Go to the 4th level, walk out, and find a guy willing to use his meter. That is all I ever do. Reject the punks who do not want to use their meter. Discard them like trash. Just move on to the ones willing to work for a living.

Yep that will go down well with the wrong sort of taxi driver...not

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When strange people approach you at the airport, just so no thanks. When they get presistent say yet mah ham lek (go screw a dog, pencil dick). Walk away. There are alot of parasites in Thailand, just like in every other country. They prey on those who know no better. Go to the 4th level, walk out, and find a guy willing to use his meter. That is all I ever do. Reject the punks who do not want to use their meter. Discard them like trash. Just move on to the ones willing to work for a living.

Yep that will go down well with the wrong sort of taxi driver...not

Even if I felt completely secure in verbally abusing a random Thai - which I can't imagine - there really is nothing to be gained by it, it's downside only.

In any circumstances when being targeted in public by unwanted attention from touts or drunks whatever, all that is necessary is to see "through" them and calmly keep walking with your mouth shut as if they don't exist. At most a slight shake of the head or Jedi-like twitch of the fingers "these aren't the droids you're looking for" mind trick, and they fade back into the background.

Once you've practiced this technique long enough, nothing but the 1000-yard stare is necessary.

In the very rare event, usually with the unheeding drunks, a few polite words in Thai to the effect that you're not interested, again not breaking stride nor making eye contact may be needed, but usually it's easier to just pretend you don't speak whatever languages they might.

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When strange people approach you at the airport, just so no thanks. When they get presistent say yet mah ham lek (go screw a dog, pencil dick). Walk away. There are alot of parasites in Thailand, just like in every other country. They prey on those who know no better. Go to the 4th level, walk out, and find a guy willing to use his meter. That is all I ever do. Reject the punks who do not want to use their meter. Discard them like trash. Just move on to the ones willing to work for a living.

Yep that will go down well with the wrong sort of taxi driver...not

Even if I felt completely secure in verbally abusing a random Thai - which I can't imagine - there really is nothing to be gained by it, it's downside only.

In any circumstances when being targeted in public by unwanted attention from touts or drunks whatever, all that is necessary is to see "through" them and calmly keep walking with your mouth shut as if they don't exist. At most a slight shake of the head or Jedi-like twitch of the fingers "these aren't the droids you're looking for" mind trick, and they fade back into the background.

Once you've practiced this technique long enough, nothing but the 1000-yard stare is necessary.

In the very rare event, usually with the unheeding drunks, a few polite words in Thai to the effect that you're not interested, again not breaking stride nor making eye contact may be needed, but usually it's easier to just pretend you don't speak whatever languages they might.

Very difficult to argue with such words of wisdom. I tend to agree, that unkind words to not often go over too well, as I find many Thai men have extraordinarily fragile egos, and are easily offended, especially by foreigners. So, you are right. Keeping one's mouth shut is usually the superior approach.

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I now get the idea that a fare to where I'm staying is about 100 baht, not the 1k baht the guy charged me.

Where are you staying, in the airport parking garage? It is 50 baht fee to take a taxi from the airport and 35 Baht when the driver turns on the meter. This leaves a 15-baht ride.

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The OP should suck it up and count his blessings. It isn't unheard of for unwitting passengers of 'unlicensed taxis' to be taken on a pleasant drive round country lanes, to be joined by a "friend" of the driver, then to be robbed and/or worse.

Edited by Chicog
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trick is you always go to a counter or booth. never go with a tout who approaches you.

yup, I'd say that is a well-known trick for overcharging tourists.

Personally, I go up to departures level and grab one of the cabs that just dropped someone off. Cheapest deal in town...

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trick is you always go to a counter or booth. never go with a tout who approaches you.

yup, I'd say that is a well-known trick for overcharging tourists.

Personally, I go up to departures level and grab one of the cabs that just dropped someone off. Cheapest deal in town...

But not a good idea for the "inexperienced".

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trick is you always go to a counter or booth. never go with a tout who approaches you.

yup, I'd say that is a well-known trick for overcharging tourists.

Personally, I go up to departures level and grab one of the cabs that just dropped someone off. Cheapest deal in town...

But not a good idea for the "inexperienced".


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about 250 and he pays the tolls

Never Never Ever agree to let the taxi driver pay the tolls! Always say you will pay the tolls.

I got caught by that once when I was a newbie.. Wondering why it took 5 hours to get from downtown Bangkok to Pattaya when my mate that was waiting for me said it would take 2 hours.

It was simple.. we used no toll roads!

Never pay tolls, never tell driver that before you start. Just jump into meter cab and say where you want to go. Some never bother to ask for tolls, if they do, just smile and say no and point to the meter. Please note -- the smile is MOST important....

In post #44 you tell some guy "he's part of the problem.." For accepting the car swap to get to Jomtien for 1200b. For me this is ok; it would cost more on the meter. I've used unmarked cars between bkk and pattaya many times without a problem. Could be some insurance issues should you have an accident, but then I wouldn't expect the cover is up to much (if any) in a real taxi.

I'd say you are part of the problem making Thais want to scam us.....you never pay the tolls? yeah right, I guess you don't get on the toll roads much then....It even states on the fare rules, that any toll charges are on the passenger.

I don't believe you have EVER pointed at the meter, and your winning smile made the driver spend his own cash for your journey.

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