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Rampant Violence In Isaan


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Yes a very sorry thread indeed. I will be unfollowing now. I thought TV had put this kind of bitter, frustrated and irrational bickering behind it at least to a certain extent.

I won't be far behind you. I entirely agree with you. If you have followed so far - you would have read my repeated pleas for the personal attacks to stop. I'm sorry I did stoop to their level at one point - but it took the death of a friend to push me there. Still, I'm going to sling my hook. I don't hold a grudge.

I don't blame TV as such, my well-quoted phrases about it still stand. In fact I hope they reach a wider audience - the 'den of squalid personalities' phrase won't be renounced. Possibly enhanced and written into something far more coherent.

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This is awesome!

Very young entrepreneurial drunk surgeon going tooled up with his 'protected' waitress wife to a gig. With his kid in tow! Brilliant, absolutely brilliant!

I've got Speilberg on the phone. I'll pass him over.......

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What a pity you didn't qualify for dentistry. You'd have been a whizz at bridge work. whistling.gif

I suppose the irony *does* escape you. Repeatedly, inferring I'm not genuine seems to be your sole preoccupation. I detect not a slight whiff of jeolousy and bitterness in the air. I like the power of the pen much more than might. If what you say is true - can I ask you why you seem to spend an inordinate amount of time on this poor thread? Mr Rob please? Are you the light of truth and justice? Or simply some pathetic creep that negates the positive things other people have to say?

Jealous? And of what do you think I am jealous, pray tell? As for your assertion of "an inordinate amount of time" you are wrong for (at least) the second time. merely skimming through threads in a spare moment or two is hardly an inordinate amount of time. You are more full of it than the average byre, and have had more persona in TV than one would care to consider. So the amount of time is actually quite the reverse of what you suggest: it is you who spends "an inordinate amout of time" with your trolling posts. It is beyond me why anyone would wish to keep popping up in this manner. I will not suggest that perhaps you are a socially inadequate individual in need of help On second thoughts, the jury is out on that.

On one thing, however, we do agree. It is indeed, a very poor thread, and no longer worthy of my time.

Trip-trap, trip-trap, over the rickety bridge....... Bye! coffee1.gif

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What a pity you didn't qualify for dentistry. You'd have been a whizz at bridge work. whistling.gif

I suppose the irony *does* escape you. Repeatedly, inferring I'm not genuine seems to be your sole preoccupation. I detect not a slight whiff of jeolousy and bitterness in the air. I like the power of the pen much more than might. If what you say is true - can I ask you why you seem to spend an inordinate amount of time on this poor thread? Mr Rob please? Are you the light of truth and justice? Or simply some pathetic creep that negates the positive things other people have to say?

Jealous? And of what do you think I am jealous, pray tell? As for your assertion of "an inordinate amount of time" you are wrong for (at least) the second time. merely skimming through threads in a spare moment or two is hardly an inordinate amount of time. You are more full of it than the average byre, and have had more persona in TV than one would care to consider. So the amount of time is actually quite the reverse of what you suggest: it is you who spends "an inordinate amout of time" with your trolling posts. It is beyond me why anyone would wish to keep popping up in this manner. I will not suggest that perhaps you are a socially inadequate individual in need of help On second thoughts, the jury is out on that.

On one thing, however, we do agree. It is indeed, a very poor thread, and no longer worthy of my time.

Trip-trap, trip-trap, over the rickety bridge....... Bye! coffee1.gif

"Trip-trap, trip-trap, over the rickety bridge....... Bye!"

You haven't added anything, except to reinforce my assessment of you. Now that I've touched a nerve - perhaps it is you that knows all about rickety bridges and ugly people to tell. I don't shrink before people like you. I stand up and do what is right. Your contemptable attacks on me won't be missed, but something tells me your false goodbye won't be the last.

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Sounds like a alcoholic English teacher - unable to get a job in Bangkok so pushed out to the sticks. Lacking in self-esteem, dreaming up stories of grandeur.

Very sad.

Completely speculative and untrue. What isn't is your post count - 8000 + !!!! That is a fact. Seems like you're lacking in something worthwhile to do. I could also post some of your most trite posts if I felt like it - 'cept 5 seconds is the time limit I give myself to reply to such posts. Too long it seems . . .

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Yep, lots of wealthy landowning doctors send their daughters up to Bangkok to work as waitresses masquerading as rural poor girls in order to catch visiting farang. Crafty dads they are. . .

Can't help yourself can you? That was my first impression of her - based on ignorant opinions, which I happened to garner from well, - much like yours in fact; on websites such as this. Well - it was crafty - and so what? He wanted his attractive daughter to marry well - and that was hardly going to happen in Isaan. Everyone is happy with the deal - well everyone that matters. Her Dad was a very clever guy, he set it all up - I don't have to do much, but I am ruthless when I need to be. I still call the shots and everybody knows it. I don't spend much time here, just enough to deal with business. My wife is a something of a soft touch, and I love her for it even more.

What probably gets you is that I can wade through a drunken rioting mob here and remain inviolate. It doesn't cost me much - in fact my business is even growing. And I can manage it remotely too - through cronies. Whilst I practise.

Can I offer you a watercress and egg sandwich laced with panadol per chance?

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