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Rampant Violence In Isaan


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Civilization is a very thin and fragile veneer, just underneath the surface lurks the animal in each of us, and all it takes is the right set of circumstances for an orderly crowd to become a insane mob raging out of control.

Not any more or less true in one place or culture as opposed to another.

Wow, what an odd observation of the human condition?

First of all, in the OPs narrative there was no insane mob raging out of control.

And how often does this seething animal break loose from your thin and fragile veneer?

Finally, can you share some examples of when an orderly crowd transformed into an insane mob raging out of control? What prompted the transformation? How long did it take?

Well, a bit off topic, but, as you ask..

Last time i went to the stadium, the game was over about 2/3 minutes and the crowd was orderly leaving.

I was in the middle of hundreds of people when a lightning struck the stadium on the opposite side, later i learned one guy died.

The noise was unbelievable and the panic immediate.

Suddenly i was in the middle of hundreds of people screaming and pushing, i understood how somebody fallen down can be walked over and die.

It was the last time to a stadium for me, the crowd can be a dangerous huge animal.

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I cremated a friend today

Very sorry for your troubles if this is true.

I was under the impression it was someone you'd barely exchanged words with a few times.

Thanks. Your kind words are appreciated. He was in the same year at school as my wife, so he wasn't technically a firiend - what I mean is that if my wife hadn't of known him then I wouldn't have either. Still we did like each other and talk occasionally over a beer;. I helped out at his farm once or twice, and he did likewise. A really nice guy. I call that a friend. I'm not saying that because he died, he genuinely was.

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Since what I posted was to the letter true - what does what you called me make you? Worse than scum? I cremated a friend today - and scum like you are the least of my troubles. You might as well be a breadcrumb on my high table.

I am sorry for your loss.

Typically a body lies for at least three days prior to cremation, sometimes longer. As your friend passed such a short time ago - certainly less than 48 hours ago, if I understand your time-line correctly - was there a reason the cremation ceremony was held so quickly?

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Still the OP will not admit he made a fool of himself with what he wrote. Like I said before you opened yourself up to crticism mentioning all that was really unnecessary. From the, I am a surgeon, the ice creams the children had to the food you ate, to driving while drunk, arming yourself with scalpels, wanting to mow people down with your CV, being cheered by the whole crowd as you were the only Farang present, etc etc. There was no need for it. You should have kept to the main topic of violence at the event.

I am sure everyone is shocked and saddened, but not surprised, that 3 deaths occured at the event. I also appreciate that if you knew one of the deceased then this is hard for you and for that I sympathise.

But you Sir are lucky. It could have been even more lives lost i,e. your wife, daughter or even yourself when you so clearly were unfit to drive.

Tell me how would you have felt if you had had an accident that night and say your wife was killed. Could you have faced your daughter and told her ' I killed your Mother because I was drunk'). It didn't happen but it could have.

Let this be a big lesson to you. Now 'man up' and admit you were wrong on a number of accounts and stop showing indignation and blaming the TV viewers, who like me were disgusted by your actions, for their opinions which they would not expect from a family man of high intelligence. Then on top of that you start calling other TV members a load of names.

Hopefully you are now retired as after showing your very poor decision making I for one would not like you to operate on me or my family.

Just noticed your post and you stated you wrote your op at 3.30 am after getting back from the festival.

That explains a lot. You were still drunk at the time.

Meanwhile I would suggest that 'I know my limits' regarding fit enough to drive, is what everyone who drink drives say.

A totally stupid answer. You were intoxicated and broke the law endangering your family and other road users.

Edited by Pormax
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How old is your daughter?

Was she in the car whilst you were drinking and could she see all this violence?

Did see see you go back to the war zone with two scalpels?

I think you are perhaps the first person to finally ask a pertinent quesiton. I drank beer, but no more than one per hour, as indicated in my original narrative. I was fine to drive. Normally I'd advocate not drinking at all if you plan to drive mainly oweing to epidermological reasons, but I know my limit. You're condemnation is admirable though however misguided it is.

I'm not going to talk about my daughter any further because especially in the light of the personal attacks I've received, I don't think it's appropriate, and if you are any sort of a decent person, neither would you. Also, it's repugnant that you should even bring it up.

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How old is your daughter?

Was she in the car whilst you were drinking and could she see all this violence?

Did see see you go back to the war zone with two scalpels?

I think you are perhaps the first person to finally ask a pertinent quesiton. I drank beer, but no more than one per hour, as indicated in my original narrative. I was fine to drive. Normally I'd advocate not drinking at all if you plan to drive mainly oweing to epidermological reasons, but I know my limit. You're condemnation is admirable though however misguided it is.

I'm not going to talk about my daughter any further because especially in the light of the personal attacks I've received, I don't think it's appropriate, and if you are any sort of a decent person, neither would you. Also, it's repugnant that you should even bring it up.

So all you drink and drive folk ''know their limit'' ? That is an incredibly daft comment. rolleyes.gif
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Since what I posted was to the letter true - what does what you called me make you? Worse than scum? I cremated a friend today - and scum like you are the least of my troubles. You might as well be a breadcrumb on my high table.

I am sorry for your loss.

Typically a body lies for at least three days prior to cremation, sometimes longer. As your friend passed such a short time ago - certainly less than 48 hours ago, if I understand your time-line correctly - was there a reason the cremation ceremony was held so quickly?

He died Saturday - he was cremated Monday. That's how they do things around here. If your experience varies, I'd be interested to know.

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How old is your daughter?

Was she in the car whilst you were drinking and could she see all this violence?

Did see see you go back to the war zone with two scalpels?

I think you are perhaps the first person to finally ask a pertinent quesiton. I drank beer, but no more than one per hour, as indicated in my original narrative. I was fine to drive. Normally I'd advocate not drinking at all if you plan to drive mainly oweing to epidermological reasons, but I know my limit. You're condemnation is admirable though however misguided it is.

I'm not going to talk about my daughter any further because especially in the light of the personal attacks I've received, I don't think it's appropriate, and if you are any sort of a decent person, neither would you. Also, it's repugnant that you should even bring it up.

So all you drink and drive folk ''know their limit'' ? That is an incredibly daft comment. rolleyes.gif

Well, this doesn't even dignify a response - did you read my post? If you did, either you didn't comprehend it or you chose to completely ignore it. Either way you chose to insult me. Nice one.

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I think you are perhaps the first person to finally ask a pertinent quesiton. I drank beer, but no more than one per hour, as indicated in my original narrative. I was fine to drive. Normally I'd advocate not drinking at all if you plan to drive mainly oweing to epidermological reasons, but I know my limit. You're condemnation is admirable though however misguided it is.

Whats's epidermological reasons? To do with the skin?blink.png Are you really a doctor?

Edited by Neeranam
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How old is your daughter?

Was she in the car whilst you were drinking and could she see all this violence?

Did see see you go back to the war zone with two scalpels?

I think you are perhaps the first person to finally ask a pertinent quesiton. I drank beer, but no more than one per hour, as indicated in my original narrative. I was fine to drive. Normally I'd advocate not drinking at all if you plan to drive mainly oweing to epidermological reasons, but I know my limit. You're condemnation is admirable though however misguided it is.

I'm not going to talk about my daughter any further because especially in the light of the personal attacks I've received, I don't think it's appropriate, and if you are any sort of a decent person, neither would you. Also, it's repugnant that you should even bring it up.

So all you drink and drive folk ''know their limit'' ? That is an incredibly daft comment. rolleyes.gif

Well, this doesn't even dignify a response - did you read my post? If you did, either you didn't comprehend it or you chose to completely ignore it. Either way you chose to insult me. Nice one.

I have read all your posts rolleyes.gif . You take the family out for the day but must source booze where ever you can. BUT, YOU know your limit laugh.png , weeeell, hate to tell you but all drinking folk who kill folk on the road KNEW THEIR LIMIT. coffee1.gif
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Since what I posted was to the letter true - what does what you called me make you? Worse than scum? I cremated a friend today - and scum like you are the least of my troubles. You might as well be a breadcrumb on my high table.

I am sorry for your loss.

Typically a body lies for at least three days prior to cremation, sometimes longer. As your friend passed such a short time ago - certainly less than 48 hours ago, if I understand your time-line correctly - was there a reason the cremation ceremony was held so quickly?

He died Saturday - he was cremated Monday. That's how they do things around here. If your experience varies, I'd be interested to know.

I think family size/finances come into it. Ive been to 3 day wakes, I've been to 10 day wakes.

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""Your entire original narrative denigrated, dehumanized and presented every Thai person, save your wife and child, as sub-human. The crowd was transformed from an adoring crowd who cheered your very presence, "Hail, Caesar", into a group of primeval, savage, half-creeping zombies who were ugly, ugly, ugly like flocking birds.""

Let me see, I have a grand total of six posts (well counting this one seven), and what do you have - something northwards of 7000? You appear to assume that you are 1000 times (insert word here) than me. Who am I to quarrel with you and vice-versa? You could conclude my words are condensed and only used in moderation or I could conclude you've wasted a lot of time here.

People like you scare the shit out of me. To use a metaphor - what came first the scoopy or the fino? There are five possible answers this question, just to give you a clue.

I like what you wrote above - it shows you kind of got the gist of what I wrote in a trembling fashion off-the-cuff at about 3:30am in the morning immediately after it happened. . In fact I'm quite offended by it. So congratulations I suppose.

Since what I posted was to the letter true - what does what you called me make you? Worse than scum? I cremated a friend today - and scum like you are the least of my troubles. You might as well be a breadcrumb on my high table.

Could you please do me a favour panadolsandwich and give me the location and/or date of the fight scene? English or Thai, doesn't matter.

Not only will it help validate your story, but if true make a lot of us look like fools.

Thanks in advance.

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Whats's epidermological reasons? To do with the skin?blink.png Are you really a doctor?

I believe this is a veiled reference to DWF, driving while Farang? Strange humor at such a traumatic time?

I think family size/finances come into it. Ive been to 3 day wakes, I've been to 10 day wakes.

Agreed, 3 days is about the minimum I have ever heard of, so that is why I was wondering why the quick turn here. But I'm sure there's a good reason other than "that's the way the do things around here"?

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Not only will it help validate your story, but if true make a lot of us look like fools.

Even if the story turns out to be true doesn't make those commenting on his self-identified idiocy in handling the situation fools.

I don't think too many people are questioning that Morlam/festival concerts can get rowdy, or that the OP attended one Saturday night somewhere in Isaan, or that violence might have even have erupted, or that there may have been three related fatalities, perhaps as a result of physical violence or perhaps as a result of accidents. That seems reasonably believable given that 20 people probably died in the province over the weekend by premature, accidental death.

Now was it quite as histrionic as the OP portrays? Meh. Was it representative of "Rampant Violence in Isaan"? Meh. Was the OP "...singled out as the lone farang - where it seemed the thousand people were cheering him"? Meh. And what happened with the man who "...pulled out a silver revolver - and in that moment I knew he wouldn't hesitate to shoot." <deleted>, did he shoot the da*n gun? And is the OP so cool under pressure that "...

I was thinking clearly though – I always seem to do, especially under such circumstances. " Meh.

Edited by lomatopo
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Whats's epidermological reasons? To do with the skin?blink.png Are you really a doctor?

I believe this is a veiled reference to DWF, driving while Farang? Strange humor at such a traumatic time?

I think family size/finances come into it. Ive been to 3 day wakes, I've been to 10 day wakes.

Agreed, 3 days is about the minimum I have ever heard of, so that is why I was wondering why the quick turn here. But I'm sure there's a good reason other than "that's the way the do things around here"?

A doctor wouldn't spell ' epidemiological' wrongly.

Has anyone ever heard of a surgeon marrying a girl from Si Sa Ket?

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i went to something simillar ,bands playing, comedians, traditional thai music n dancing .

Was fantastic i loved it..

Yes there was fights breaking out but we stayed clear..

I asked lady why fighting.. she said its boys from nearby villages and local gangs who come every year and fight at some point.

I accepted this answer.. boys will be boys lol

I was in Nam Som , Udon Thani ..

I would deffinatley go to another...

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A doctor wouldn't spell ' epidemiological' wrongly.

Has anyone ever heard of a surgeon marrying a girl from Si Sa Ket?

Benefit of the doubt credit given on spelling errors, especially on 15 letter words. But the overall grammar issues, misuse of dozens words, misunderstanding of relatively simple words and phrases raises questions re: actual levels attained via formal education; this would test to maybe 10th grade in the U.S. Not sure what that is in U.K. years?

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A doctor wouldn't spell ' epidemiological' wrongly.

Has anyone ever heard of a surgeon marrying a girl from Si Sa Ket?

Benefit of the doubt credit given on spelling errors, especially on 15 letter words. But the overall grammar issues, misuse of dozens words, misunderstanding of relatively simple words and phrases raises questions re: actual levels attained via formal education; this would test to maybe 10th grade in the U.S. Not sure what that is in U.K. years?

Yeah, I thought the same when he mentioned a metaphor - didn't look like a metaphor to me

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... Everybody here - including me - that is in my village is incredibly sad about what happened. I'll be attending one of the funerals tomorrow - to pour water on his face. ...

... he came to my wedding and gave 500 baht a genourous sum in these parts. ... He was a nice guy, I don't know what happened in the events that lead to his death. ... He has left behind a small baby and a wife - with no means of support. I gave the wife some money - nowhere near enough. ...

... A really nice guy. I call that a friend. I'm not saying that because he died, he genuinely was.

Dr. Jeckyll, Meet Mr. Hyde.

A lot of people were speculating he was already dead and crowded around like vultures to witness it – not unlike ghouls,


People were drawn as if against their will back to the stage - and the dancing seemed primeval - no skill, zero skill, almost anti-skill - just happiness to feel the beat. Rural people and their hour of savage fun.


I was prepared to vivisect or disembowel anybody that threatened to harm me or my small family. But I longed for a semi-automatic.


They came to the front of the stage creeping in half crouched positions, like vermin drawn unwillingly by a piper's pipe. They skipped, and kind of danced as if drawn like idiot zombies to a vampire feast.


I wanted to time their vicious flock with our CRV leaving so I could run as many down as I could.

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Not only will it help validate your story, but if true make a lot of us look like fools.

Even if the story turns out to be true doesn't make those commenting on his self-identified idiocy in handling the situation fools.

True, I don't mind troll posts (normally brightens the place up, eh) but when the post gets out of hand by the OP and he claims to be cremating "friends" just to continue said post, then thats a step too far. In my book antway.

Its why I asked him to validate. If it is a true post, I will be the first to apologize even though he has acted like an idiot!!

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here there is an unspoken rule among the thai workers: no bottles. only cans. once the bottles come out, so do the knives and the tempers, and that is when hubby usually sends me off to close myself in friend's room/caravan , or , we go home. that usually happens at aournd 22:00 since the parties start fairly early. every big 'going back home' party or 'tam boon back in thailand' party or any holiday longer then one day vacation party seems to end with broken open heads, stabbings, (no guns here, plenty knives and hatchets/axes, bottles, chairs, gas tanks(the kind we use for cooking with)... and border police being called, employers shwoing up since its often in their backyards, and workers being sent home or re emplyed far away from original fracas

even in thailand, hubby went with me to loy kratong mor lum party... the brawls started, we left. which is why at our wedding we only did a morning thing, w/o the evening drinking party.



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A doctor wouldn't spell ' epidemiological' wrongly.

Has anyone ever heard of a surgeon marrying a girl from Si Sa Ket?

Benefit of the doubt credit given on spelling errors, especially on 15 letter words. But the overall grammar issues, misuse of dozens words, misunderstanding of relatively simple words and phrases raises questions re: actual levels attained via formal education; this would test to maybe 10th grade in the U.S. Not sure what that is in U.K. years?

Really think your heading nowhere with the spelling / grammar issues, so much so your making me laugh.

One of the worlds best cardiac surgeons Toby Cosgrove headed the Cleveland Clinic cardiac unit, a place deemed good enough to treat the rulers of Kuwait & Saudi Arabia, maybe they didn't care his dyslexia was so bad he used to have to rely on his residents to write up his reports.

"Has anyone ever heard of a surgeon marrying a girl from Si Sa Ket?"

Ye Gods, Downton Abbey style snobbery is alive and well in LOS !

Actually, 2 years ago I went to a wedding in Ubon, the groom was not a surgeon but an endocrinology specialist, but I think if you had to shout " Is there a doctor in the house ? " you would have had some of the Uk's best there at your side.

Pathetic argument.

Btw. Op is Scottish....if it helps your argument ?.

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"Has anyone ever heard of a surgeon marrying a girl from Si Sa Ket?"

Ye Gods, Downton Abbey style snobbery is alive and well in LOS !

Yes I thought that was pretty off myself, as is the claim that a doctor is unlikely to be irresponsible about drugs & alcohol, know too many myself.

But going back to the car to fetch his scalpels and wanting to mow people down with his SUV, that to me is what casts doubt on the claim.

Btw. Op is Scottish....if it helps your argument ?.

Not sure how that's relevant, are they supposed to be less literate than other flavours of Brit?

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Having spent time in Sisaket it wouldn't surprise me if the incident did happen. I asked some friends if they heard of any deaths over the weekend. They said they hadn't although they wouldn't be surprised if it happened at a village morlum.

Sisaket can get rough late at night. Teenage gangs on motorbikes roam the streets looking for trouble with other gangs. The street up from the bus station is one trouble spot. I've also seen shootings at the railway food market and outside 7-11. At times you see groups of teens parked up. on closer inspection you can see them hiding knives, lumps of wood and other weapons.

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Really think your heading nowhere with the spelling / grammar issues, so much so your making me laugh.

One of the worlds best cardiac surgeons Toby Cosgrove headed the Cleveland Clinic cardiac unit, a place deemed good enough to treat the rulers of Kuwait & Saudi Arabia, maybe they didn't care his dyslexia was so bad he used to have to rely on his residents to write up his reports.

You can actually tell a lot more about a person by their writing style and skill than you would think. Additionally many people, when prevaricating, tend to subconsciously over-embellish and exaggerate narratives as they think this will make it more believable.

Doctors often have Residents write up reports

Dyslexia is a learning disability which doesn't necessarily manifest itself with below average writing skills. But are you suggesting the OP is dyslexic? Or that he had someone else write his post(s) for him?

Dr. Delos Cosgrove is a graduate of WiIlliams College ('62, History major) and UVa Medical School - believe me he didn't graduate from Williams with a History degree with below average writing skills.. Yes, he is dyslexic and as he acknowledges he overcame this disability with perseverance. According to his bio he has published nearly 450 journal articles. Perhaps he is an even better CEO than he was a surgeon as the Cleveland Clinic is indeed one of the leading medical centers in the United States.

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here there is an unspoken rule among the thai workers: no bottles. only cans. once the bottles come out, so do the knives and the tempers, and that is when hubby usually sends me off to close myself in friend's room/caravan , or , we go home. that usually happens at aournd 22:00 since the parties start fairly early. every big 'going back home' party or 'tam boon back in thailand' party or any holiday longer then one day vacation party seems to end with broken open heads, stabbings, (no guns here, plenty knives and hatchets/axes, bottles, chairs, gas tanks(the kind we use for cooking with)... and border police being called, employers shwoing up since its often in their backyards, and workers being sent home or re emplyed far away from original fracas

even in thailand, hubby went with me to loy kratong mor lum party... the brawls started, we left. which is why at our wedding we only did a morning thing, w/o the evening drinking party.



Agree with you Bina on having your parties early in the day and we try our best to do that. It bothers me when friends will have a child's birthday party starting at 6 or 7 pm and during the party, they just let the kids run wild while the adults get stupid drunk in full view of the kids.......great example they are setting for the kids.

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