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Yingluck Reaffirms Asia's Support For European Economic Recovery


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Thai PM reaffirms Asia's support for European economic recovery

By Digital Media


VIENTIANE, Nov 6 -- Thai Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra on Monday reaffirmed Asia’s support for European economic recovery by promoting mutual trade and investment to nurture Asia’s and Europe’s growth in the form of Partners for Prosperity.

Ms Yingluck, in Lao to attend the 9th summit of Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM), addressed the plenary session on economic and financial issues saying that with the ongoing challenges the entire world is facing, the Asian region very much wants to see and support the quick rebounding of the European economy since both regions share a common future and goal of economic prosperity, and their people’s welfare.

Moreover, Ms Yingluck reemphasised her government’s measures to mitigate the impact of the Eurozone financial crisis and to sustain economic growth during this time of global recession.

She said the Thai government will also promote trade and investment with European countries in order for the two regions to grow together as “Partners for Prosperity”.

ASEAN connectivity will be pushed forward as well for the genuine integration of the ASEAN Community in 2015, which will bring great benefits to the economies of both Asia and Europe.

In addition, Thailand expressed its support of policies beneficial to both regions such as cooperation in disaster management; enhancement of regional connectivity (in physical and human aspects); and cooperation in solving problems resulting from such connectivity, for example, human trafficking, and transnational crime. (MCOT online news)


-- TNA 2012-11-06

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Thai Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra on Monday reaffirmed Asia’s support for European economic recovery by promoting mutual trade and investment to nurture Asia’s and Europe’s growth in the form of Partners for Prosperity.

... ...

ASEAN connectivity will be pushed forward as well for the genuine integration of the ASEAN Community in 2015, which will bring great benefits to the economies of both Asia and Europe.

One cannot but admit that it sounds nice. Having said that, can I interest anyone in a nice, home carved wooden horse I got from Greek friends as appreciation of assistance rendered tongue.png

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She said the Thai government will also promote trade and investment with European countries in order for the two regions to grow together as “Partners for Prosperity”.

Chinese buz words along with "Ample Rich", anything to do with increasing fortunes ect. I wonder if she privately promised the European countries would become rich in six months like Thaksin did to the reds.

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On the lighter side, British Foreign Secretary seems happy to be seated next to her and her facial gesticulations.

Thailand's Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra (L) talks to British Foreign Secretary William Hague before a plenary session on the second day of the ASEM Summit in Vientiane November 6, 2012.



Before moving on to look completely stupefied by whatever Sweden's Foreign Minister is trying to convey to her.

Thailand's Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra listens to Sweden's Foreign Minister Carl Bildt after the plenary session of the ASEM Summit in Vientiane November 5, 2012.




Edited by Buchholz
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If only she knew what she is talking about.. See no evil fear no evil i guess..

Apparently there is a bit of dough laying around in banks here and there. They could invest some of that, but need to find out who owns it first.
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On the lighter side, British Foreign Secretary seems happy to be seated next to her and her facial gesticulations.

Thailand's Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra (L) talks to British Foreign Secretary William Hague before a plenary session on the second day of the ASEM Summit in Vientiane November 6, 2012.



Before moving on to look completely stupefied by whatever Sweden's Foreign Minister is trying to convey to her.

Thailand's Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra listens to Sweden's Foreign Minister Carl Bildt after the plenary session of the ASEM Summit in Vientiane November 5, 2012.




Without a clue I might add.

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On the lighter side, British Foreign Secretary seems happy to be seated next to her and her facial gesticulations.

Thailand's Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra (L) talks to British Foreign Secretary William Hague before a plenary session on the second day of the ASEM Summit in Vientiane November 6, 2012.



Before moving on to look completely stupefied by whatever Sweden's Foreign Minister is trying to convey to her.

Thailand's Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra listens to Sweden's Foreign Minister Carl Bildt after the plenary session of the ASEM Summit in Vientiane November 5, 2012.




Without a clue I might add.

The only reasons she is always travelling are:

1. Nothing to do at home anyhow.

2. Make deals for her brother and others in the Shin clan.

Yingluck seems puzzled in the pic. Yes Yingluck, William cannot be bought as easily as Hun Sen. I feel for you, he certainly is a tough cookie.

Edited by Nickymaster
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She seems from her facial expression and body language that she is a little "I'm so dazed and confused for so long it's not true whoa little women didn't bargain for you. Lot's of people talking few of them know that the soul of a women was created below" Led Zepplin

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Wow she really has a handle on the problems doesn't she?... How does this benefit trade and the economy

In addition, Thailand expressed its support of policies beneficial to both regions such as cooperation in disaster management;


enhancement of regional connectivity (in physical and human aspects); ... she can't even get 3G up and running.

and cooperation in solving problems resulting from such connectivity, for example, human trafficking, and transnational crime. ... repeat of the last sentence.

What about bringing up real issues like watching EU printing money to pay debt and Thailand no longer condones bailing out bad debts - throwing good money after bad. Bring up the issues that count. What about trying to do a deal on your rat-infested rice stores? What about offsets in import taxes to increase trade - cars out goods in etc? Oh well, I guess dear criminal brother did not enlighten you on what to say so as usual you just opened your mouth to change feet.

You're really on a roll. I have liked everything you have said for the last two weeks.

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I feel a lot more confident in Europe's future now after Yingluck's vote of confidence.

Let's hope we don't make a complete rice pudding of it.

Yes - and if Europe doesn't sort its problems out quickly she'll lend them Chalerm. Financial crisis sorted in 3 months.

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Wow she really has a handle on the problems doesn't she?... How does this benefit trade and the economy

In addition, Thailand expressed its support of policies beneficial to both regions such as cooperation in disaster management;


enhancement of regional connectivity (in physical and human aspects); ... she can't even get 3G up and running.

and cooperation in solving problems resulting from such connectivity, for example, human trafficking, and transnational crime. ... repeat of the last sentence.

What about bringing up real issues like watching EU printing money to pay debt and Thailand no longer condones bailing out bad debts - throwing good money after bad. Bring up the issues that count. What about trying to do a deal on your rat-infested rice stores? What about offsets in import taxes to increase trade - cars out goods in etc? Oh well, I guess dear criminal brother did not enlighten you on what to say so as usual you just opened your mouth to change feet.

You're really on a roll. I have liked everything you have said for the last two weeks.


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Indeed, I bet she supports a break up of the eurozone, and a massive devaluation of the currencies in the mediterranean states so that they can compete on costs with Asian countries and attract FDI away from Asia, and buy fewer Asian products because their new found currencies will be effectively worthless. There is no other way for Europe out of this mess.

Alternatively, maybe she could have said she "doesn't" support it.. LOL.

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she is a <deleted>' comedian....how she's gonna do that???????

unless someone under the desk has his fingers in there and operates this puppet......cheesy.gif

What? No volunteers for this task already? Where are all those who think she is hot - or is it cool? Having past the age of majority over half a century ago, should I apologise for not knowing the difference? tongue.png

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