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Negativity About English Teachers In Thailand On Here?


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a 'monolingual language teacher' is an oxymoron

I disagree and have no idea why you would think that.

Do you think someone teaching a foreign language needs to know a language other than the one s/he's teaching?

Edited by BigJohnnyBKK
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I find it amusing to read some of the indignation here from teachers as though they came here on some great vocation or are fulfilling some work of great altruism.

Most of you came here simply for the reasons the majority of people come - the women, the climate, the culture, whatever - and teaching offered you the only option of staying.

From some of the self-important nonsense I've read here is it any wonder you suffer from a negative image?

I especially liked the part about how it's only the old boys in a shack in Issan who treat teachers with contempt. Believe me it isn't.

I don't know why teachers in Bangkok have a tawdry reputation. Was Stickman a teacher?


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Yes, the teacher has to explain in a language the student understand

What <deleted>, even with 4-year-olds I very rarely use my Thai in the classroom. A little language company called Berlitz may also disagree with you, and AUA's Thai programme is very effective, nothing but Thai ever spoken.

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Yes, the teacher has to explain in a language the student understand

What <deleted>, even with 4-year-olds I very rarely use my Thai in the classroom. A little language company called Berlitz may also disagree with you, and AUA's Thai programme is very effective, nothing but Thai ever spoken.

I took Thai at AUA in Chiang Mai 8 or 9 years ago and we spoke English in class. When did they change? Or maybe it is just Bangkok AUA. The teacher at AUA in CM was an older lady who taught at a college in the USA and also AUA in Thailand. She spoke excellent English.

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I find it amusing to read some of the indignation here from teachers as though they came here on some great vocation or are fulfilling some work of great altruism.

Most of you came here simply for the reasons the majority of people come - the women, the climate, the culture, whatever - and teaching offered you the only option of staying.

From some of the self-important nonsense I've read here is it any wonder you suffer from a negative image?

I especially liked the part about how it's only the old boys in a shack in Issan who treat teachers with contempt. Believe me it isn't.

If I wasn't doing something I enjoyed and thought I wasn't helping in even a small way, I would not do it.

Teaching is important, I am not.

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I think it's great to see someone below 50 in the kingdom,

but a 'monolingual language teacher' is an oxymoron

Do you have first hand experience as an English teacher?

Have you ever heard of the Communicative approach?

Despite the widespread adoption of the communicative approach by textbooks and curricula around the world, research suggests that communicative language teaching principles in classrooms are rare.


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I think it's great to see someone below 50 in the kingdom,

but a 'monolingual language teacher' is an oxymoron

Do you have first hand experience as an English teacher?

Have you ever heard of the Communicative approach?

Despite the widespread adoption of the communicative approach by textbooks and curricula around the world, research suggests that communicative language teaching principles in classrooms are rare.


'Research' has never been in my Classroom smile.png

The Communicative Method is in reality an umbrella term - a broad approach rather than a specific teaching methodology, and has now become the accepted 'standard' in English language teaching.

Communicative Language Teaching is a natural follow-on from the reaction during the 70s against previous methods which over-focused on teaching grammatical structures and template sentences, and which gave little or no importance to how language is actually used practically.


Edited by chonabot
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Guess guys joke about them because their pay isn't that great. Although 40k or whatever they make is not too bad for Thailand. Just glad I don't have to do it.

I'm glad as well , but it's by no means an easy job - maybe you couldn't do it?

And maybe some of us aren't chasing the baht over here :)

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I think it's great to see someone below 50 in the kingdom,

but a 'monolingual language teacher' is an oxymoron

Do you have first hand experience as an English teacher?

Have you ever heard of the Communicative approach?

Unless the teacher can communicate and explain what 'atibai' means,

there is no reason to communicate with that teacher.

But there is a couple of reasons NOT to communicate with that teacher,

1] waste of time, 2] waste of money

ed, and i did teach language for a few hours here, luckily my students spoke english,but i know i'm no better than anyone else not possessing full command of both the students language & the language i'm teaching, alas i know i'm doing something between a piss-poor job & scam, and i dropped it

Edited by poanoi
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I think it's great to see someone below 50 in the kingdom,

but a 'monolingual language teacher' is an oxymoron

Do you have first hand experience as an English teacher?

Have you ever heard of the Communicative approach?

Unless the teacher can communicate and explain what 'atibai' means,

there is no reason to communicate with that teacher.

But there is a couple of reasons NOT to communicate with that teacher,1] waste of time, 2] waste of money

I'm sure the Thai English teacher can explain quite lucidly in Thai what 'explain' means...the problem is we are teaching English not Thai.

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Yes, that is the problem, and IMNSHO only a teacher with full command of both a language the student understand, and the language the student want to learn,

have the potential of being a good teacher

In an ideal world.......we would all speak one language smile.png

In reality the Thai students would simply speak Thai to the bilingual God like teacher.

Edited by chonabot
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Guess guys joke about them because their pay isn't that great. Although 40k or whatever they make is not too bad for Thailand. Just glad I don't have to do it.

I'm glad as well , but it's by no means an easy job - maybe you couldn't do it?

And maybe some of us aren't chasing the baht over here smile.png

that is just an excuse for being skint or independently wealthy.

All things being equal show me someone that would not take the higher paying job in a heartbeat

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I thought the grammar police weren't allowed in this forum.

In general, I agree, but English teachers who can't write good English are fair game, because they devalue the honoured profession of teaching.

Unless we are multi tasking and not really paying much attention. It is our free time and we don't have to make sure that everything we write in written correctly.

So, with this theory, a 4 star chef who like to eat at mcdonalds is dishonoring his profession? Me thinks possible you just like to point out others mistakes. Perhaps makes you feel superior,

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Because many people(NOT ALL) on this forum are very unhappy with their lives. They live here for any of several reasons. They didn't plan for the future and in a small village in Thailand is the only place they can afford to live. 2) They couldn't find a woman in their own country, so they come here and use their money to get and keep a woman and she and her family are a constant drain on his finances. 3) Some people are just hateful and bitter and criticize anything and everything they can. And there are some people on this forum that can only feel good about themselves if they are belittling someone else.

The schools don't pay enough to attract qualified teachers. Who is going to spend 4 years in university and be 20k+ in debt, and then take a job teaching English in thailand for 30.000 baht a month?

As with most things in life you get what you pay for.

I guess most Thai English teachers. Only they don't get 30,000 per month.

At my school the Thai's that teach English are making 20,000 per a month. That is a very decent salary for them. Because they don't have the expense of international phone calls and monthly trips to Bangkok to buy some food that reminds them of home.

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Yes, that is the problem, and IMNSHO only a teacher with full command of both a language the student understand, and the language the student want to learn,

have the potential of being a good teacher

I beg to differ on this point, I have personally taught Thai's to speak good conversational English without being fluent in Thai or having studied at a teacher training college.

Teaching is all about the teacher and their way with the pupils.

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Sorry, you cant sell that merchandize to me.

I've had both competent & incompetent teachers in my life,

and the difference was that the competent teachers could explain whatever i asked,

while the incompetent teachers couldn't.

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So, with this theory, a 4 star chef who like to eat at mcdonalds is dishonoring his profession? Me thinks possible you just like to point out others mistakes. Perhaps makes you feel superior,

Your logic is flawed here on 2 points.

1) Were a 4* chef to churn out something that tasted like McDonalds (which I quite like BTW along with millions around the world but I understand your point) then I would say he is as bad as an English teacher who can't spell.

2) If you are likening some TEFL hacker to the be the teaching equivalent of a 4* chef in their respective trades, I think you have a hugely inflated opinion of your position in the teaching profession.

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Yes, that is the problem, and IMNSHO only a teacher with full command of both a language the student understand, and the language the student want to learn,

have the potential of being a good teacher

I beg to differ on this point, I have personally taught Thai's to speak good conversational English without being fluent in Thai or having studied at a teacher training college.

Teaching is all about the teacher and their way with the pupils.

Up four flights of stairs to a room full of 40 rowdy children from broken homes. A minutes listening outside the classroom confirms the dominant language spoken is Lao. Three bully boys beating up one gay lad in the corner (you know he is gay because he is wearing a bow in his hair). Two girls are picking lice out of a third girls hair. One little boy with a nose bleed is playing with his blood with two other children.

None of these children has any inkling of how to speak English. What do you do? A Thai teaching assistant? Ha ha sure. It's Farang sink or swim time.

You think teachers get paid to teach English? Ha ha ha.

You are an English teacher at a Thai government school.

Lesson plans? Ha ha ha. You just walked up 4 flights of stairs, it's hot enough to cook an egg on your desk and air conditioning is something you left at home. The toilet doesn't work and it's on the first floor anyway.

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Yes, that is the problem, and IMNSHO only a teacher with full command of both a language the student understand, and the language the student want to learn,

have the potential of being a good teacher

I beg to differ on this point, I have personally taught Thai's to speak good conversational English without being fluent in Thai or having studied at a teacher training college.

Teaching is all about the teacher and their way with the pupils.

Up four flights of stairs to a room full of 40 rowdy children from broken homes. A minutes listening outside the classroom confirms the dominant language spoken is Lao. Three bully boys beating up one gay lad in the corner (you know he is gay because he is wearing a bow in his hair). Two girls are picking lice out of a third girls hair. One little boy with a nose bleed is playing with his blood with two other children.

None of these children has any inkling of how to speak English. What do you do? A Thai teaching assistant? Ha ha sure. It's Farang sink or swim time.

You think teachers get paid to teach English? Ha ha ha.

You are an English teacher at a Thai government school.

Lesson plans? Ha ha ha. You just walked up 4 flights of stairs, it's hot enough to cook an egg on your desk and air conditioning is something you left at home. The toilet doesn't work and it's on the first floor anyway.

40 kids....add 20 and welcome to my world ;)

In each of my 18 classes there are at least 2 ladyboys/gays...you can tell by the make up and the falsetto voices.

These are usually the ones doing the bullying, but you're right about the toilets and the stairs.

I sat in an air conditioned office for over 20 years - overrated :)

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Yes, that is the problem, and IMNSHO only a teacher with full command of both a language the student understand, and the language the student want to learn,

have the potential of being a good teacher

I beg to differ on this point, I have personally taught Thai's to speak good conversational English without being fluent in Thai or having studied at a teacher training college.

Teaching is all about the teacher and their way with the pupils.

Up four flights of stairs to a room full of 40 rowdy children from broken homes. A minutes listening outside the classroom confirms the dominant language spoken is Lao. Three bully boys beating up one gay lad in the corner (you know he is gay because he is wearing a bow in his hair). Two girls are picking lice out of a third girls hair. One little boy with a nose bleed is playing with his blood with two other children.

None of these children has any inkling of how to speak English. What do you do? A Thai teaching assistant? Ha ha sure. It's Farang sink or swim time.

You think teachers get paid to teach English? Ha ha ha.

You are an English teacher at a Thai government school.

Lesson plans? Ha ha ha. You just walked up 4 flights of stairs, it's hot enough to cook an egg on your desk and air conditioning is something you left at home. The toilet doesn't work and it's on the first floor anyway.

40 kids....add 20 and welcome to my world wink.png

In each of my 18 classes there are at least 2 ladyboys/gays...you can tell by the make up and the falsetto voices.

These are usually the ones doing the bullying, but you're right about the toilets and the stairs.

I sat in an air conditioned office for over 20 years - overrated smile.png

20 you can teach. 30 is doable. 40, maybe they can understand where is the bathroom in English after a month. 60 is just trying to get through the day without killing yourself or someone else.smile.png No, 60 children I would need anti psychotic drugs. And not speaking Thai? 555 yea right.

Edited by chiangmaikelly
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Yes, that is the problem, and IMNSHO only a teacher with full command of both a language the student understand, and the language the student want to learn,

have the potential of being a good teacher

Nonsense. When teaching a language you only use the language being taught. I'm amazed how many English teachers ask me if I know a Thai who speaks English to teach them Thai, when they know very well that they should never speak Thai when teaching English.

I know from experience - I taught English here for 14 years.

Also, I learned to speak Thai by immersing myself in an environment with only Thai. I got girlfriends who couldn't speak English. Eventually I got a wife who couldn't speak a word of English - the best way, by far, to learn.

So if you are looking for a Thai teacher remember English speaking is a disadvantage

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Yes, that is the problem, and IMNSHO only a teacher with full command of both a language the student understand, and the language the student want to learn,

have the potential of being a good teacher

Nonsense. When teaching a language you only use the language being taught. I'm amazed how many English teachers ask me if I know a Thai who speaks English to teach them Thai, when they know very well that they should never speak Thai when teaching English.

I know from experience - I taught English here for 14 years.

Also, I learned to speak Thai by immersing myself in an environment with only Thai. I got girlfriends who couldn't speak English. Eventually I got a wife who couldn't speak a word of English - the best way, by far, to learn.

So if you are looking for a Thai teacher remember English speaking is a disadvantage

Nonsense. An English teacher is not hired nor tasked to teach English. He or she is a babysitter just like the Thai teachers and for than you need to speak Thai. And anyway you try to teach 40 to 60 Thai kids without speaking Thai, Nonsense.

If you have a Thai assistant in the back of the class wacking them (figuratively speaking) well then it is different.

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