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Hot In Chiang Mai


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In the past two years I came to Chiang Mai either the end of November or the end of December. This year, for the first time, I have come to Chiang Mai the beginning of November and man is it hot. I am thinking that it will cool off as we come to the end of November and march into December. I guess my question for all you year round expats is how do you cope with the oppressive heat during the dog days of summer? My guess is you must stay indoors as much as possible in the air conditioning. What is typically an average monthly charge for electricity when the a/c is running almost non-stop? I'd be interested to hear about your experiences in dealing with the heat?

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To be honest, the heat depresses me. I'm an outdoors person, like to "work" our land, hike, bicycle, but usually find myself indoors after 10am. We don't have AC, don't need it. Large well designed house, high ceilings, rural setting. Close the windows after it starts to warm up, & stays cool inside. Just get pi$$ed off can't do more with my time during the day sad.png

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To be honest, the heat depresses me. I'm an outdoors person, like to "work" our land, hike, bicycle, but usually find myself indoors after 10am. We don't have AC, don't need it. Large well designed house, high ceilings, rural setting. Close the windows after it starts to warm up, & stays cool inside. Just get pi$$ed off can't do more with my time during the day sad.png

Agree, cos l get up at 10am. sad.png
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To be honest, the heat depresses me. I'm an outdoors person, like to "work" our land, hike, bicycle, but usually find myself indoors after 10am. We don't have AC, don't need it. Large well designed house, high ceilings, rural setting. Close the windows after it starts to warm up, & stays cool inside. Just get pi$$ed off can't do more with my time during the day sad.png

Agree, cos l get up at 10am. sad.png

Get up with the sun. You'll appreciate it, unless the "village idiot" is shouting at everybody sad.png

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Seems like the temperture is still warm in the day tinme.

For yself I worked construction in hot weather and cold weather the only thing that bothered me was the cod weather around zero. the hot weather in the 30's was no problem. I was to busy to pay any attention to it.

10:00 this morning went for a couple of miles walk no problem. How ever when ever I get into a building after being in the heat I want the air con on. always been a out doors person until advanced age has slowed me down but heat means no more to me now than when I was working in it. Indoors that is a different story.

We ran the air con one month a few years ago non stop. Cost about 4,500 baht. and I am in a unit where I pay 6 baht a unit. Some pay as high as 8 baht a unit and i looked at one that was 4 baht a unit. If you have a house and are dealing directly wit the electric company I believe the cost is less than 3 baht a unit.

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Sticky rice balls. You are hilarious. Skills32 don't misconstrue. I actually LOVE hot weather and where I come from it is now in the 30's fahrenheit and my state is getting pelted with another northeaster. I am ecstatic to not have to deal with snow, ice, sleet, freezing rain, SAD (seasonal affective disorder) whereby everybody walks around depressed and miserable. I am so lucky to be here in Chiang Mai. I was just curious because, as I mentioned earlier, the weather was a lot hotter then in the previous winters I have been here. One thing I must admit though is that I am not looking forward to when they start burning the rice fields only because I too love to be outside tapping out countless miles on my bicycle. Oh well, that's a long ways off and I am going to enjoy my time now in this great country experiencing all the marvelous things I encounter on a daily basis.

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To be honest, the heat depresses me. I'm an outdoors person, like to "work" our land, hike, bicycle, but usually find myself indoors after 10am. We don't have AC, don't need it. Large well designed house, high ceilings, rural setting. Close the windows after it starts to warm up, & stays cool inside. Just get pi$$ed off can't do more with my time during the day sad.png

Do you have insulation in the roof, and possibly roof ventilation?

I've thought of doing this while the weather is still mild as it might be cheaper. Makes a huge difference for houses in the tropics.

I'm out of the city now, and the cool country air at night is a delight and no need for air con for a few months yet.

Afraid that climate change is with us, whether anyone is a flat earther, climate change denier or not, it's happening.

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Seems like the temperture is still warm in the day tinme.

For yself I worked construction in hot weather and cold weather the only thing that bothered me was the cod weather around zero. the hot weather in the 30's was no problem. I was to busy to pay any attention to it.

10:00 this morning went for a couple of miles walk no problem. How ever when ever I get into a building after being in the heat I want the air con on. always been a out doors person until advanced age has slowed me down but heat means no more to me now than when I was working in it. Indoors that is a different story.

We ran the air con one month a few years ago non stop. Cost about 4,500 baht. and I am in a unit where I pay 6 baht a unit. Some pay as high as 8 baht a unit and i looked at one that was 4 baht a unit. If you have a house and are dealing directly wit the electric company I believe the cost is less than 3 baht a unit.

Hong Dong, rented one story house less than 2,000 baht. One a/c on all day and at night 2 ac running. Very reasonable I think.

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I dont know why some cope better with heat or cold. I prefer the heat of the tropics (even in hot season) to the bone chilling cold. Most of my life i have suffered badly with the cold. So being born and brought up in Scotland, made my young life pretty much miserable until the summers. I feel as though my body has always been better equipped with dealing with hot weather than cool. No idea why!! I am far FAR more active in warm weather than cool. So for me the weather, although a little hotter than i would expect at this time, is comfortable.

Edit: i also rarely use aircon. I use a fan. Sometimes not even that. I dont need it. Maybe not using it also helps with acclimatisation?

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We ran the air con one month a few years ago non stop. Cost about 4,500 baht. and I am in a unit where I pay 6 baht a unit. Some pay as high as 8 baht a unit and i looked at one that was 4 baht a unit. If you have a house and are dealing directly wit the electric company I believe the cost is less than 3 baht a unit.

You can also own a condo & deal direct with the electric company

We do & even have them auto deduct it from our account each month.

We pay 3.48 per unit.

I switch between fan & aircon during the day & run the air all night.

Like you I do ok outside but inside I need to cool down.

Edited by mania
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Sticky rice balls. You are hilarious. Skills32 don't misconstrue. I actually LOVE hot weather and where I come from it is now in the 30's fahrenheit and my state is getting pelted with another northeaster. I am ecstatic to not have to deal with snow, ice, sleet, freezing rain, SAD (seasonal affective disorder) whereby everybody walks around depressed and miserable. I am so lucky to be here in Chiang Mai. I was just curious because, as I mentioned earlier, the weather was a lot hotter then in the previous winters I have been here. One thing I must admit though is that I am not looking forward to when they start burning the rice fields only because I too love to be outside tapping out countless miles on my bicycle. Oh well, that's a long ways off and I am going to enjoy my time now in this great country experiencing all the marvelous things I encounter on a daily basis.

Yep March is the worst month of the year in CM. Last year saw me with bronchitis. never had it before. An d to make matters worse I caught it just before heading to Sihanookville to dodge Songkrahn.

I now have a rule; every March is spent outside Chiang Mai, next year back to Oz for 6 weeks.

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We ran the air con one month a few years ago non stop. Cost about 4,500 baht. and I am in a unit where I pay 6 baht a unit. Some pay as high as 8 baht a unit and i looked at one that was 4 baht a unit. If you have a house and are dealing directly wit the electric company I believe the cost is less than 3 baht a unit.

You can also own a condo & deal direct with the electric company

We do & even have them auto deduct it from our account each month.

We pay 3.48 per unit.

I switch between fan & aircon during the day & run the air all night.

Like you I do ok outside but inside I need to cool down.

Is that 3.48 the reguar price now I thought it was below 3 baht.

I gues time fly's when I am sound asleep.giggle.gif


forgot to mention it is 11:16 PM and the computer tells me it is 33 degrees. Usually at this time of night it has said 25.

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Is that 3.48 the reguar price now I thought it was below 3 baht.

These are the unit costs for electricity for my house over the last 5 months. From my spread sheet.






Like I said time fly's when I am asleep.

Wonder how long before they raise my rates from 6 to7.


It is now 1:47 in the morning and my computer is telling me it is 24 degrees.

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CM has not cooled down the way it normally does this time of year.

I have done 11 years living here and now it's quite warm compared with most years.

No it's not Europe/States cold but by Thailand standerds CM should be much cooler now then it is.


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CM has not cooled down the way it normally does this time of year.

I have done 11 years living here and now it's quite warm compared with most years.

Guys, it's early November. Temperatures are completely normal.

You may notice that the minimums already go a bit lower, and that it takes longer to warm up, and cools down a bit quicker in the afternoon//evening. Right now it's almost noon, and temperature is 28 C.

Try teleporting to Phuket or Bangkok right now and see what it feels like. :)

This will continue for a while, minimums going lower, until the first cold snap hits. It's anyone's guess when that might be.


Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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CM has not cooled down the way it normally does this time of year.

I have done 11 years living here and now it's quite warm compared with most years.

Guys, it's early November. Temperatures are completely normal.

You may notice that the minimums already go a bit lower, and that it takes longer to warm up, and cools down a bit quicker in the afternoon//evening. Right now it's almost noon, and temperature is 28 C.

Try teleporting to Phuket or Bangkok right now and see what it feels like. smile.png

This will continue for a while, minimums going lower, until the first cold snap hits. It's anyone's guess when that might be.


That chart shows average of high for November of 30 so far it has got to about 33 every day and it is showing a average low of 19 so far it has been closer to 22.

Of course it makes a difference what area the chart is made in. But from the number of posts claiming warmer weather I would think it is made at a higher altitude than the city of Chiang Mai. Or perhaps out in the middle of a field where it is constantly getting wind.

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These are the unit costs for electricity for my house over the last 5 months. From my spread sheet.






Does your price reflect with VAT or without?

Also would you know what is the other charge above subtotal & before Vat?

It is called บาท / หน่วย which translates to baht/unit but it is not the price per unit.

Seems to be some kind of fuel adjustment charge? Because it varies from 80-190 baht per month.


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These are the unit costs for electricity for my house over the last 5 months. From my spread sheet.






Does your price reflect with VAT or without?

Also would you know what is the other charge above subtotal & before Vat?

It is called บาท / หน่วย which translates to baht/unit but it is not the price per unit.

Seems to be some kind of fuel adjustment charge? Because it varies from 80-190 baht per month.


That is the raw meter costs not including VAT & FT (Fuel Tax). So it is the Total Raw Cost/Units. Full breakdown here:


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Guys, it's early November. Temperatures are completely normal.

You may notice that the minimums already go a bit lower, and that it takes longer to warm up, and cools down a bit quicker in the afternoon//evening. Right now it's almost noon, and temperature is 28 C.

Try teleporting to Phuket or Bangkok right now and see what it feels like. smile.png

This will continue for a while, minimums going lower, until the first cold snap hits. It's anyone's guess when that might be.


That chart shows average of high for November of 30 so far it has got to about 33 every day and it is showing a average low of 19 so far it has been closer to 22.

Right, and today is November 10. 30 is the average high for the whole month.

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That is the raw meter costs not including VAT & FT (Fuel Tax). So it is the Raw Cost/Total Units. Full breakdown here:

Thank you Tywais

Very informative & as I suspected that other charge is a Fuel tax

PS: glad to see I am not the only one who likes to track

things in Excel smile.png

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  • 3 weeks later...

This post is a bit late...

As someone else mentioned, after freezing my bones in Falangland for way too many years,

I never let myself complain very much about the heat here. I still vividly recall 20 yrs ago how

much I hated scaping ice off my car windows in the morning... smile.png


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Go high, young man, go high. It's much cooler about 3000 feet up Doi Sutthep. I'm planning on a ride up Doi Inthanon. You have to bring warm clothing for that trip. it's also much cooler in the forest. The concrete of the city just absorbs the heat and holds it. My room in a typical concrete hotel never cools down. I never close the balcony door and it still doesn't make a difference. If I'm in my room alone I just wear my undies, or nothing at all. I learned a long time ago to not use the air con. It costs too much and I don't like that kind of cool. You can also spend your time in a shopping mall like everyone else seems to do in Chiang Mai.

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As Chiang Mai grows and more surface is paved then the heat will not dissipate as easily. I think its called "Heat Island" effect.


So everything else being equal then Chiang Mai is going to get hotter as time goes on.

Better get used to A/C or other creative cooling methods or move to the suburbs

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