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Former Thai Education Officials Tied To Corruption


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It's endemic in Thailand, the scale of which is so high that I believe it will never be solved.

From the lowest levels to the highest reaches of society corruption is prevalent. The reason for corruption at the bottom of the ladder I can understand, with poor salaries & working parents it's a means of daily survival, however at the top it's just greed, pure & utter greed !!

I'm not saying anyone is more or less guilty than anyone else, I'm not saying it's restricted to government officials either. At all levels, within all businesses small & large it is the Thai way of life. From the smallest of Pop & Mum's shops to the largest of organisations it is rife.

And as we all know within the corridors of power lurks the cancer that is killing Thailand.

From the very highest levels corruption is not only practiced it is almost encouraged, on a scale that if really known would rock the foundations,

From a young age children learn that corruption is a way of life, desensitised all their lives it is witnessed, practiced & tolerated on a daily basis and seen as being the norm.

Therefore with this level of exceptance coupled to a blind eye it will prevail & fester.

No one in Thailand has the will to even go down the road of curing this disease, it is too beneficial for so many that it will always exist in some form.

There is maybe only one way to start to solve this rot within the country & I think that it is a word from the only man, the one true leader this country has ever seen who has shown an exemplary way of life & that is the king himself.

If only he could summon the strength & will to hold an audience with those in powerful places & let it be known that enough is enough & no more will he sit still & watch his beloved country dragged into the gutter by self indulgence on a scale that is obscene.

Then maybe people will reflect on the countries current political & social path to self destruction & do something before it is all too late.

You try to make it look like it is only a Thai thing. While the bulk of the TV posters won't admit it but they willingly make a donation to the BIB of 200 baht for not wearing their helmet. Do you really think the big international countries are above sealed envelopes.

Corruption is a world wide event no matter what country you come from and the only reason you post about it like you do is because you live here in Thailand. I don't see you saying any thing about it in Burma or Argentina.

There is no doubt about it corruption is big here in Thailand and the smaller stuff is accepted. But you forget to mention Their are big foreign companies involved in it and most of the Thai population has no idea of the size of it. If they did they would alter there opinion.

It gets a little tiring to hear Thai basher's carrying on like they are above it and it is only Thai's that do it.

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Well someone needs to set an example so those with money and power can bribe school officials to give their children good grades. Just ask the PM how she received top grades in her English classes...But don't ask her in English. It would be impossible to understand her answer.cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Strange, I thought those involved in this particular scam were Democrats. Still, for those of you who believe that Abhisit and his bunch of poodles were so squeky clean, I suppose you have to try to drag the present PM into it in the hope that you can shift the blame a bit!wink.png

Doesn't count it was corruption in the states.

Admittedly a little ironic a Thai corrupting a American Institution.

But then again I am sure it was not a one time only affair for them.whistling.gif

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How disheartening it must be for the officers of the Department of Special Investigations?

On the face of it they appear to be pro-active and producing some good results, but it is in the knowledge that the culprit will at some stage have an opportunity to 'make the problem go away'

In reality it makes me think that the DSI is just a 'front' put in place just to show the Thai people/international stage that Thailand is actively fighting graft & corruption knowing full well arrest and prosecution is no real deterrent because no real punishment is very rarely administered.

At most the people in powerful positions will have to forfeit a small portion of their wealth or perhaps moved to an inactive post! No deterrent at all!

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