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Gf/condo Scam..is Possible?


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Well said. I suspect the odds might be much worse than that when a homely man (to the woman) marries a woman 1/2 or 1/3 his age. In the US we strive to get a home paid for, for our security in later years. It's not possible in LOS. NOT possible.

It is if you live in a condo...

Am I to trust the Thai government to not change the rules, even for my retirement visa and I have to leave? Am I to trust that the percentage of condo ownership won't change and force me to sell in a down market? Do I really believe I have any rights in LOS?

If I buy a condo and get married, am I to trust the courts if I get divorced?

Am I to trust the management or developers or main owners of the condo when more than 1/2 is Thai owned and my fees can increase and be used only to pad their pockets?

Owning a condo isn't owning real estate IMHO. It is paying way too much for some perceived value, especially based on what I can rent it for. Someone pointed out that I can rent some condos for 30 years for the asking purchase price. By then I will probably be dead.

I am instead buying a duplex in the US. I will own the land and the building. I will have a property management company rent out half of it, and keep the other 1/2 for myself. That way I have good storage in my half and in its garage, and I have a permanent US address with a mail forwarding service. If I ever need to go back to the US due to medical issues and I need my Medicare, I just show up. Now I feel more secure.

Different strokes...

All I can say is...wow.

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If back in the west we'd do most things 50/50 given marriage is a partnership. Out here it's difficult for foreigners to own some types of assets, so we do 100% of those assets in wife's name, and 100% of another asset in my name. In a partnership makes sense to do what you're best suited to in the interests of both.

But in Thailand marriage is more like buying a service contract.

Haha speak for yourself smile.png

"Why try to transfer you outdated Victorian Christian morality into a country that doesn't share it?"

"Any assets you can't own yourself, you shouldn't attempt to buy."

Not sure you understand how things work here in Thailandsmile.png


I think you're confusing yourself with me smile.png


Your housing costs have not been fixed for life, but only for as long as she allows you to live there. While that may in fact turn out to be life, statistically you have less than a 50% chance of achieving that aim. You signed a document at the land office stating, on divorce, this particular asset would not be shared, and was in fact entirely hers."

Thank you for your post as well as quoting statistics. The <50% is an average. You're post reminds me of who the type of people are, that keep that average low in Thailand. That equates to a higher % success for the rest of us.

Perhaps if you worked on identifying the factors that might create a successful marriage, you could improve your odds and wouldn't have to rely on random odds or simple probabilities.

You might want to read up a bit on your statistics and how single factor analysis or multivariate analysis can help improve your probabilities of default. We're not all moving forward based on statistics 101 and simple averages like yourself, some of us have progressed to higher levels over the years


Edited by fletchsmile
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Huh??? Farangs can own condos in Thailand. Why would anyone use a Thai nominee for a condo?? Never heard that one before.

Yes they can own in their own name. Usually (not always) that requires transferring money in from overseas and a forex certificate proving the money came from overseas, plus paying in full.

If you want financing on a condo the finance and condo usually need to be in the same names. As Thai banks will rarely lend to foreigners that's one reason why people do it.


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Actually I was talking about "not buying it" in the sense that I find it hard to believe that attractive Thai girls making 50K+ per month salaries would go halvsies on buying a house with even the cutest farang.

Both you and NewlyMintedThai make ridiculous generalisations about Thai females.

As for the usual rubbish about buying property in Thailand being unsafe, I have still yet to hear of any foreigner who has lost a condominium in Thailand due to being forced out of the country. If anybody can provide evidence of a Westerner losing a legally owned property in Thailand due to government action, I will happily give them a million baht.

Edited by inthepink
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Actually I was talking about "not buying it" in the sense that I find it hard to believe that attractive Thai girls making 50K+ per month salaries would go halvsies on buying a house with even the cutest farang.

you make ridiculous generalisations about Thai females.

Not speaking for anyone else.

I simply stated that I find it hard to believe, not that it's not possible.

I'd love to be in a position to be able to get a definitive answer one way or the other.

Are you?

To my mind the biggest barrier to allowing such a thing to happen would be her family.

Edited by BigJohnnyBKK
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Out of all the reasons you cite, this is the only one that is actually valid:

Why buy?

-Nice to own your own home, rather than rent a place to live.

Now for those that can afford to purchase that nice feeling by in effect making a gift that large to the person they're sharing X number of years with, then fine, just as any man feels good giving his lady a nice present.

And it's true that many men do end up living out the end of their lives with the recipient and do indeed also get some financial benefit, and when kids are involved that's also an important factor.

But these latter benefits are just icing on the cake and by no means secure other than at the whim of your partner.

Too many men who in reality can't afford such an extravagant gift, deceive themselves about that fact and end up endangering their future security - and/or happiness, when they realize they've transferred power over that security to their SO.

Again and again - don't invest more here than you're happy to walk away from when things start to go south.

Within that guideline you're OK, someone truly rich can bestow Ferraris on a Lolita's girl if he likes and no one's got anything to say about it. Just don't think any future returns are any more secure than your ongoing relationship.

Interesting way of looking at it as a gift. I looked at it somewhat differently:

After marriage we became a partnership. We then had 2 lovely children. I worked while my wife looked after the children. Each of us contributing to the partnership. We want to bring our children up ourselves. That means one person not working at least until they are older. Without my wife looking after our children I wouldn't be able to work or vice versa. Pretty much what my parents did as well.

The mortgage was paid out of a joint account, out of money earned while married. Without her we would have had to pay rent, and someone else benefit. Yes the condo was in her name. At the same time though we were investing in things like LTFs which are in my name, so overall they balance, and what we have been able to earn and save together is shared. If I make mistakes and lose the life I have, financially I'd get the investments to the value of her owning the house. Seems fair to me.

I guess if I looked at it from a gift perspective as you suggest: Perhaps I have gifted her my half of the condo. As someone else above suggested she's gifted me free rent for several years. She's also supported me in my work so I can save and invest for our/my future. I also now have investments to the value of that condo in my name, acquired since getting married.

There's also the little matter that she's gifted me a wonderful life and 2 lovely children. So on reflection I'm quite happy with this exchanging of "gifts" .


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Actually I was talking about "not buying it" in the sense that I find it hard to believe that attractive Thai girls making 50K+ per month salaries would go halvsies on buying a house with even the cutest farang.

you make ridiculous generalisations about Thai females.

Not speaking for anyone else.

I simply stated that I find it hard to believe, not that it's not possible.

I'd love to be in a position to be able to get a definitive answer one way or the other.

Are you?

To my mind the biggest barrier to allowing such a thing to happen would be her family.

Yes. No problems with family whatsoever.

Edit: No problems with family in that particular area or that are related to race / nationality I should say.

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As for the usual rubbish about buying property in Thailand being unsafe,

I would actually suggest that for a heterosexual male, buying property almost anywhere in the world is unsafe. What a female partner doesn't take, a court can give (either wholly or a proportion).

But particularly unsafe in a country where you have no right of abode, and/or no right to own.

Edited by TommoPhysicist
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Yes. No problems with family whatsoever.

Edit: No problems with family in that particular area or that are related to race / nationality I should say.

Sorry I'm totally confused, I wasn't aware we were talking about any particular individual situation at all, just speculating from a "macro" POV.

Are you saying you have personal direct knowledge of such a scenario? If so I'm sure we'd all like to hear a "happy ending" story here since they're so unusual. Maybe start a new thread?

And in case you're wondering, I'm not British therefore not taking the piss, sincerely interested. . .

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Yes. No problems with family whatsoever.

Edit: No problems with family in that particular area or that are related to race / nationality I should say.

Sorry I'm totally confused, I wasn't aware we were talking about any particular individual situation at all, just speculating from a "macro" POV.

Are you saying you have personal direct knowledge of such a scenario? If so I'm sure we'd all like to hear a "happy ending" story here since they're so unusual. Maybe start a new thread?

And in case you're wondering, I'm not British therefore not taking the piss, sincerely interested. . .

You said you'd like to be in a position to get a definitive answer as to whether an attractive Thai female earning more than 50k a month would go "halvsies" on a house with a foreigner and said you thought it unlikely because of her family as much as for any other reason.

I am giving you a definite answer that yes it can and does happen. Of course this is from direct personal knowledge - how could I give a definitive answer from a macro POV? As far as I am aware, no government body or any other organisation has conducted a study to determine the answer you are looking for.

I am British, but I am a little confused as to what our nationalities have to do with taking the piss or otherwise? Is this another indication of the way that you like to generalise?

Edited by inthepink
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I am giving you a definite answer that yes it can and does happen.

That's excellent, thanks! And if you're in a position to entertain and inform us with all the gory details that would be even better (but IMO deserves its own thread).

I am British, but I am a little confused as to what our nationalities have to do with taking the piss or otherwise? Is this another indication of the way that you like to generalise?

I have found that the Brits (and ANZ colonials) enjoy using sarcasm even in written media where a naive reader may mistake their meaning for sincerity, and in fact seem to enjoy doing that on purpose.

I have also found this happens less often in online forums dominated more by north americans. In fact, I would suggest the relative dearth of yanks here on TV.com may be due to the fact that they perceive such a style to be actively hostile, while I work on the assumption that it's all in good fun. Plus my skin got thickened up a bit from living down under for a decade or so.

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I've only dated chinese thai's and altho they are VERY demanding, i've never felt like i was entering some kind of contract. Love can be sincere but you have to work at it

You get out what u put in IMO

That sounds a bit odd. Are you deliberately choosing a certain race?
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I am giving you a definite answer that yes it can and does happen.

That's excellent, thanks! And if you're in a position to entertain and inform us with all the gory details that would be even better (but IMO deserves its own thread).

I am British, but I am a little confused as to what our nationalities have to do with taking the piss or otherwise? Is this another indication of the way that you like to generalise?

I have found that the Brits (and ANZ colonials) enjoy using sarcasm even in written media where a naive reader may mistake their meaning for sincerity, and in fact seem to enjoy doing that on purpose.

I have also found this happens less often in online forums dominated more by north americans. In fact, I would suggest the relative dearth of yanks here on TV.com may be due to the fact that they perceive such a style to be actively hostile, while I work on the assumption that it's all in good fun. Plus my skin got thickened up a bit from living down under for a decade or so.

I always thought there were quite a lot of North Americans on TV but I am only a fleeting visitor every now and then so I may have got the wrong impression. I guess with most of my friends back home we enjoyed taking the piss out of each other but I don't try to be deliberately annoying when posting on forums (I probably manage to be anyway but it's not deliberate) Edited by inthepink
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Downloaded Two and a Half Men TV series recently, very funny. However a couple of episodes deal with one guy and a younger girlfriend and all the extra costs he cops, as his bother said, why would a young attractive girl (in the US) sleep with you if you weren't taking care of her financially? Or maybe that doesn't apply here because we are all so handsome and irrisistable?

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Downloaded Two and a Half Men TV series recently, very funny. However a couple of episodes deal with one guy and a younger girlfriend and all the extra costs he cops, as his bother said, why would a young attractive girl (in the US) sleep with you if you weren't taking care of her financially? Or maybe that doesn't apply here because we are all so handsome and irrisistable?

To be clear, in my posts I was not referring to a relationship with a big age difference (although I have to admit that I am bloody good looking). Edited by inthepink
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I've only dated chinese thai's and altho they are VERY demanding, i've never felt like i was entering some kind of contract. Love can be sincere but you have to work at it

You get out what u put in IMO

That sounds a bit odd. Are you deliberately choosing a certain race?

yes sorry, what i meant is in thailand - by chance more than choice the couple of girls I've dated were chinese thai.

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I've only dated chinese thai's and altho they are VERY demanding, i've never felt like i was entering some kind of contract. Love can be sincere but you have to work at it

You get out what u put in IMO

That sounds a bit odd. Are you deliberately choosing a certain race?

yes sorry, what i meant is in thailand - by chance more than choice the couple of girls I've dated were chinese thai.

OK, sorry, I read it as if you had made a conscious decision to restrict yourself to Thai nationals with pure Chinese bloodlines laugh.png Edited by inthepink
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Downloaded Two and a Half Men TV series recently, very funny. However a couple of episodes deal with one guy and a younger girlfriend and all the extra costs he cops, as his bother said, why would a young attractive girl (in the US) sleep with you if you weren't taking care of her financially? Or maybe that doesn't apply here because we are all so handsome and irrisistable?

It applies here. The other ? is why ugly young girls are in such demand......................lol. Personally i think they are cheaper and the ugly ones have no choice but to accept any offer....

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It applies here. The other ? is why ugly young girls are in such demand......................lol. Personally i think they are cheaper and the ugly ones have no choice but to accept any offer....

Eye of the beholder innit

Some guys think the less attractive ones are more likely to stick around, be loyal, honest

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It applies here. The other ? is why ugly young girls are in such demand......................lol. Personally i think they are cheaper and the ugly ones have no choice but to accept any offer....

Eye of the beholder innit

Some guys think the less attractive ones are more likely to stick around, be loyal, honest

compare to some Thai/chin who live in BK, the one you describe is less costly,for sure.

they not need to go to *****(bar or restaurant) that cost 3000 baht for 2 meal and a few drinks..riding on your wallet of course, JUST so can be seen by others and paste photo to Facebook of herself only and food!..

AWWwwww! .how they look SOOO good!

(make me to have nausea)bah.gif

i learn and now avoid any lady who call herself thai/chinese, because even if true, why they feel the need to class themself like this?..do they think they superior race? better than normal thai or something? does this mean her family have more money and she better than everyone else?

you can tell this woman, she always will be correction and complaining to the "service" staff below her

if you have, good for you, you can keep this thai/chin girl..they like to eat money..while the issan girl happy to eat 40baht somtum!

Of course, just problem..not long before Isaan girl expect the farang to buy them house. then he will be trapped and then must trust girl and family..BIG mistake

many people know but cant say, certain region of Thailand have poor education and mental deficiancy to believe it is their right that the falang should buy them a free house he will never own or have any control

not many place in the world a girl can skite about this!

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Yes. No problems with family whatsoever.

Edit: No problems with family in that particular area or that are related to race / nationality I should say.

Sorry I'm totally confused, I wasn't aware we were talking about any particular individual situation at all, just speculating from a "macro" POV.

Are you saying you have personal direct knowledge of such a scenario? If so I'm sure we'd all like to hear a "happy ending" story here since they're so unusual. Maybe start a new thread?

And in case you're wondering, I'm not British therefore not taking the piss, sincerely interested. . .

You said you'd like to be in a position to get a definitive answer as to whether an attractive Thai female earning more than 50k a month would go "halvsies" on a house with a foreigner and said you thought it unlikely because of her family as much as for any other reason.

I am giving you a definite answer that yes it can and does happen. Of course this is from direct personal knowledge - how could I give a definitive answer from a macro POV? As far as I am aware, no government body or any other organisation has conducted a study to determine the answer you are looking for.

I am British, but I am a little confused as to what our nationalities have to do with taking the piss or otherwise? Is this another indication of the way that you like to generalise?

well actually i am one who believe this can happen, for simple reason that every thai/chin have numero uno rule when marry..you marry up! you DO not marry below yourself.

(some farang should consider this also) whistling.gif

Yes these thai/chin have money but of course why should they to spend any family money when they can spend YOURS???!!! they not silly!!!

this is how all people in the world stay rich actually,by not spending, and spending money of the mug, NOT by well paying work, and business be the same..economy and lessons all around the world already teach us

the most successful people make a legal method to steal and then can spend the money of everyone else who silly enough to let them do it thumbsup.gif

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Yes. No problems with family whatsoever.

Edit: No problems with family in that particular area or that are related to race / nationality I should say.

Sorry I'm totally confused, I wasn't aware we were talking about any particular individual situation at all, just speculating from a "macro" POV.

Are you saying you have personal direct knowledge of such a scenario? If so I'm sure we'd all like to hear a "happy ending" story here since they're so unusual. Maybe start a new thread?

And in case you're wondering, I'm not British therefore not taking the piss, sincerely interested. . .

You said you'd like to be in a position to get a definitive answer as to whether an attractive Thai female earning more than 50k a month would go "halvsies" on a house with a foreigner and said you thought it unlikely because of her family as much as for any other reason.

I am giving you a definite answer that yes it can and does happen. Of course this is from direct personal knowledge - how could I give a definitive answer from a macro POV? As far as I am aware, no government body or any other organisation has conducted a study to determine the answer you are looking for.

I am British, but I am a little confused as to what our nationalities have to do with taking the piss or otherwise? Is this another indication of the way that you like to generalise?

well actually i am one who believe this can happen, for simple reason that every thai/chin have numero uno rule when marry..you marry up! you DO not marry below yourself.

(some farang should consider this also) whistling.gif

Yes these thai/chin have money but of course why should they to spend any family money when they can spend YOURS???!!! they not silly!!!

this is how all people in the world stay rich actually,by not spending, and spending money of the mug, NOT by well paying work, and business be the same..economy and lessons all around the world already teach us

the most successful people make a legal method to steal and then can spend the money of everyone else who silly enough to let them do it thumbsup.gif

Try reading posts before replying to them, rather than just pretending they said what you want to hear so you can spout nonsense. For a start, where in my post did I mention anything about Chinese people??
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