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British Embassy Hopes To Raise Awareness Of The Dangers Of Driving In Thailand


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Another piece of advice for drivers should be warnings about Thai traffic police stopping you for driving in the outside lane of a dual carriageway.

I had just overtaken a bus on the inside lane (a rarity in itself) when we were stopped.Despite protestations from my GF we were asked for 200 baht to drive on.

Fortunately we had our dashboard camera switched on.

What's the website called where you can publish videos????

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During his recent visit to Thailand, the UK Foreign Secretary Mr William Hague raised road safety with his counterpart , Thai Foreign Minister Dr Surapong Tovichakchaikul. The UK stands ready to share its experience in achieving one of the best road safety records in the world, and would be happy to support Thailand in this area.

Excuse me Mr UK Foreign Secretary but Thailand does not need any help from any foreign country for any situation. I.E. the USA sending a fleet to assist during last years floods that killed 900+ Thai citizens. They were told to go away, we don't need you.

You may even hear the statement "The UK is not our father".

What the fark? You absolute..... insert profanity here

On the one hand the USA offers help for the flooding and you claim 'we dont need you' but in the same sentance declare that 900 people died?

And the UK having one of the best road safety records in the world - offers advice to one of the most dangerous countries in the world for driving.... Free, impartial advice.... And you speak on beahlf of the Thai people and state they dont need help?

You are totaly and utterly off your rocker. Have another beer, keyboard warrior.

Never heard of Sarcasm then??

Evidently not. And never heard of free speech either.

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Well done British Embassy. Sit in your comfy offices and tell us how to survive on the open road.

Closing the British Consulate in Pattaya is going to put hundreds more people on the road getting to the next nearest consular assistance. Well done. Next week Pizza Hut will be giving out warnings about quatro stagione

well shall we then also add the "first car discount"... more and more cars on the road, more lousy drivers without a proper driving education and safety training? Think the government should do more to get the drivers in "track" and install a proper car check to avoid old crap on the roads... but can better accept your quattro (double "t") stagione and let the system solve itself.
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a very old topic ....with such a high rates in deadly car accident in thailand , all different governments should have done something about it , 20 years here I never see any improvements just seen more cars and more accidents. Send the people to driving school would be a first good thing , teach Thais road safety and respect , then it might be better .. you can write what ever articles you want on road safety and dangerous roads , nobody except foreigners will pay attention. I would be curious to know how many drive without proper license.

And who should teach them at the "driving schools"? Thais who have a thai "driving licence"?

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Not being a Brit, but an American, I respect their Embassy for advertising the dangers of driving in Thailand. I have lived off and on for 11 years in Asia as well as having driven in Europe and Mexico and find Thailand to be the worst place in my world for one to be a driver or a pedestrian. Can't understand why the Thai government doesn't do something about it, is this their form of population control?

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During his recent visit to Thailand, the UK Foreign Secretary Mr William Hague raised road safety with his counterpart , Thai Foreign Minister Dr Surapong Tovichakchaikul. The UK stands ready to share its experience in achieving one of the best road safety records in the world, and would be happy to support Thailand in this area.

Excuse me Mr UK Foreign Secretary but Thailand does not need any help from any foreign country for any situation. I.E. the USA sending a fleet to assist during last years floods that killed 900+ Thai citizens. They were told to go away, we don't need you.

You may even hear the statement "The UK is not our father".

What the fark? You absolute..... insert profanity here

On the one hand the USA offers help for the flooding and you claim 'we dont need you' but in the same sentance declare that 900 people died?

And the UK having one of the best road safety records in the world - offers advice to one of the most dangerous countries in the world for driving.... Free, impartial advice.... And you speak on beahlf of the Thai people and state they dont need help?

You are totaly and utterly off your rocker. Have another beer, keyboard warrior.

You are not very good at comprehend what you read.

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"An international or Thai driving licence is required to drive in Thailand."

Here we go again?

Yeah, you read it good! Can you imagine that they ask this requirement? hahahaha... look how domestic people drives a car or motorcycle. They even don't know how a driving license look like. Really unbelievable. Another funny one? my neighbour is a police officer, drives a police car and motorbike. I asked him last time, can I see your driving license? "No have"... should we say "amazing Thailand?"
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I for one am a little surprised by all the negativity towards Thai driving standards, surely this problem is not only limited to Thailand, but the majortiy of developing world countries.

I have been here nearly 2 years now ad have driven a car many times and my motorbike everyday, and yes ,there are serious perils out there and you have to really be aware of everything going on around you.

My missus would not let me drive here shiny new Yaris for at least 6 weeks after I arrived here, which was a good thing as it really let me become familiar with driving here, and i would suggest the same for most long term visitors here. As for short term visitors, then the embassy is right to warn, as it should be doing with all the other countries. However, te advice being given by the embassy does seem to be concentrated towards the short term visitor rather than the expat, which I do find a bit disconcerting, are we less important? Where is the advice for expat insurance schemes, in Thailand rather than the UK international cover included by the home country when travelling abroard? How does that little square annual insurance/ tax disc on my scooter work in the case of an accident ? odd that the expat seems to get a slightly rougher deal than the holiday maker in many cases with the Embassy, but that maybe the topic for another discussion .

Nice story, but we are in Thailand here and this is a Thai site were we discussing about issues here :) Secondly I live here now 14 years and in all those years I don't see any improvement in traffic at all. For me it's a problem of the Thai government so for me it's ok, although sometimes I think to myself, how on earth can they drive like this. The point is only, we will never see a solution, because the government is only struggling with themselves, so traffic is not important for them, but more important is their bank account. So a solution? forget it. Last but not less important the Thai arrogance in a way of we don't need help, we know it better... well, we see the result every day.
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So some big-wig utters some trivial words and he is to be respected for it? I don't think so. As I age, I realize politicians and VIPs get more stupid every day and with every generation. The truth is, they are in over their heads, and 99% of what they say to me (John Q. Public) is vote-getting bullshit. It's bullshit because the way I was raised makes it common knowledge before the fact of their uttering. My post here is just as important to me (probably moreso) than what this big-wig uttered. He probably did not even listen to the sound of his own voice. He probably had to have someone write it down for him so he would not offend his hosts.

Regarding the suggestion of raising awareness of the dangers of driving, it should be re-phrased as raising the awareness of attempting an exercise in futility. But of course, all of this I already know, and I do not need a big-wig to utter this and waste a lot of tax-payers money to cart him to the all expenses paid meeting to do so, and tie up traffic for many minutes in the process.

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Thailand has never been conqured ... That being said, they not want outsiders advise or outsiders ideas unless they find them theirself or can copy them in their own way.. The face game,YES. Some day i hope that they will understand its not about face but about common sense and to improve their way of life... especialy for the poor...

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Well done British Embassy. Sit in your comfy offices and tell us how to survive on the open road.

Closing the British Consulate in Pattaya is going to put hundreds more people on the road getting to the next nearest consular assistance. Well done. Next week Pizza Hut will be giving out warnings about quatro stagione

Oh my god! Have you heard yourself???? So the British Consulate closing down will directly lead to road deaths?

You people are barking mad. I have never known anything like it. Mad as a box of frogs.

What a stupid pointless response "the longshoot". Not trying to flame you as that is an infantile pursuit, but to point out that what "lounger" said was surely pure common sense, as of course the more and more you force folk onto the roads for what should be unnecessary travel reasons you will increase traffic levels and that in turn will increase the road accident rate, simple, obvious and proven statistics. Why is that so hard to understand as it is truly bloody obvious??? He did not say it would "directly lead to more road deaths" but implied correctly that it will likely be a real mitigating factor.

The main and simple often stated cause of the high Road Traffic Accident (RTA) rate here in Thailand is an almost total lack of effective policing and a total disregard for normal and sensible common sense road safety laws; like going across red lights; wrong way driving/riding down a street; no lights at night, or in the day on a motorbike; not stopping and looking before moving out onto a main road; using a telephone particularly while riding a motorbike!! need I add more ??

Many tourists are not killed or injured directly by their own fault either but the fault of idiots disregarding sensible road safety laws and the tourists being unsurprisingly initially unaware in their naivety that such widespread gross stupidity existed here. Sad but let us all open mindedly and honestly put the blame where in mainly lies shall we hmm

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read all the posts on this one and....

(1) Just drive between Hatyai and Bangkok at night....and for every farmer (on an unlit bike, tractor, etc etc,) that comes, either straight from a field or blind corner straight at you with no regard to the consequence, give yourself $1 USD.....you will be surprised at the amount you have at the end of the Journey.

(2) Loss of Face = SULKING.... to most english speaking countries..... Bunch of sooks!!!!!

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Well done British Embassy. Sit in your comfy offices and tell us how to survive on the open road.

Closing the British Consulate in Pattaya is going to put hundreds more people on the road getting to the next nearest consular assistance. Well done. Next week Pizza Hut will be giving out warnings about quatro stagione

Oh my god! Have you heard yourself???? So the British Consulate closing down will directly lead to road deaths?

You people are barking mad. I have never known anything like it. Mad as a box of frogs.

What a stupid pointless response "the longshoot". Not trying to flame you as that is an infantile pursuit, but to point out that what "lounger" said was surely pure common sense, as of course the more and more you force folk onto the roads for what should be unnecessary travel reasons you will increase traffic levels and that in turn will increase the road accident rate, simple, obvious and proven statistics. Why is that so hard to understand as it is truly bloody obvious??? He did not say it would "directly lead to more road deaths" but implied correctly that it will likely be a real mitigating factor.

The main and simple often stated cause of the high Road Traffic Accident (RTA) rate here in Thailand is an almost total lack of effective policing and a total disregard for normal and sensible common sense road safety laws; like going across red lights; wrong way driving/riding down a street; no lights at night, or in the day on a motorbike; not stopping and looking before moving out onto a main road; using a telephone particularly while riding a motorbike!! need I add more ??

Many tourists are not killed or injured directly by their own fault either but the fault of idiots disregarding sensible road safety laws and the tourists being unsurprisingly initially unaware in their naivety that such widespread gross stupidity existed here. Sad but let us all open mindedly and honestly put the blame where in mainly lies shall we hmm

EXACTLY !!!!!!!

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hahahaha, maybe if the thai drivers actually knew the road rules or had a license it might be better. Considering most thai drivers only care about themselves and what they want to do, trying to drive by the rules here is almost impossible. Double lines on a blind corner mean go fast when you cross over them, the cars coming the other way will go off the road for you, what a joke. I have to admit though, I am getting used to it but it would be nice if they understood they need to stop at red lights.

What rules would that be? To have a good chance of avoiding accidents driving in Thailand, you need to drive defensively all the time and use a lot of common sense. There are around 13000 Thais dying on Thai roads every year probably mostly through drink driving and a severe lack of common sense, which we all know Thais are not known for.

Just to correct a small point, if I may, actually there are about 35,000 people dying on Thai roads every year. The rest is 100% correct

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hahahaha, maybe if the thai drivers actually knew the road rules or had a license it might be better. Considering most thai drivers only care about themselves and what they want to do, trying to drive by the rules here is almost impossible. Double lines on a blind corner mean go fast when you cross over them, the cars coming the other way will go off the road for you, what a joke. I have to admit though, I am getting used to it but it would be nice if they understood they need to stop at red lights.

What rules would that be? To have a good chance of avoiding accidents driving in Thailand, you need to drive defensively all the time and use a lot of common sense. There are around 13000 Thais dying on Thai roads every year probably mostly through drink driving and a severe lack of common sense, which we all know Thais are not known for.

Because they are not taught how to drive properly.If they are taught the rules andfollow them there would be alot less accidents...

"a severe lack of common sense, which we all know Thais are not known for"."Because they are not taught how to drive properly"

and lack of traffic enforcement and fines.

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Regrettably some of these people suffer life changing, incapacitating injuries. It is not uncommon for families to have the additional worry of mounting hospital bills as either the motorbike’s engine size or the failure to wear a crash helmet invalidates many travel insurance policies.

Yes and regrettably substantially more suffer life changing incapacitating circumstances from having their assets stolen from them, their corrupt lawyers working for the 'other side', being mugged, burgled, scammed and attacked by officials, police and criminals alike - but not a word from the Embassy on that situation nor on the atrociously corrupt justice system where whoever knows the biggest 'person' wins. But then that wouldn't be good for business and might upset the locals. Maybe the Embassy might take some time out from kissing up to business and helping it's citizens for once.

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During his recent visit to Thailand, the UK Foreign Secretary Mr William Hague raised road safety with his counterpart , Thai Foreign Minister Dr Surapong Tovichakchaikul. The UK stands ready to share its experience in achieving one of the best road safety records in the world, and would be happy to support Thailand in this area.

Excuse me Mr UK Foreign Secretary but Thailand does not need any help from any foreign country for any situation. I.E. the USA sending a fleet to assist during last years floods that killed 900+ Thai citizens. They were told to go away, we don't need you.

You may even hear the statement "The UK is not our father".

What the fark? You absolute..... insert profanity here

On the one hand the USA offers help for the flooding and you claim 'we dont need you' but in the same sentance declare that 900 people died?

And the UK having one of the best road safety records in the world - offers advice to one of the most dangerous countries in the world for driving.... Free, impartial advice.... And you speak on beahlf of the Thai people and state they dont need help?

You are totaly and utterly off your rocker. Have another beer, keyboard warrior.

Wow sir how in this world did you come up with this rant? Everything I said in my post was true. US sent ships to assist during the floods..........rejected, told to leave. Fact that 900+ Thai citizens died as a resut of the flood. You need to read more carefully sir and read between the lines of my last statement. Of course the Thais need a lot of help but the current government cannot admit it. They have it all under control.

By the way just a suggestion but you might consider being a little less agressive in insulting people with personal attacks in your posts. This a friendly forum and even though some of us disagree on different things we don't personally attack each other. Not nice to do this my friend.

Gotcha... My bad, In hindsight it seems you were being sarcastic and I read your post wrongly.

On another note however, I will insult whoever I like, whenever I like. This forum is full of absolute idiots wo need insulting on a regular basis.

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First of all that there are so many car and motocycle accidents in Thailand is not because there are so many foreign drivers.It is because Thais have NO discipline on the road .

Maybe to begin if all drivers would drive LEFT instead of some driving right because they find it too far to turn around

If they would take care about their lights (especially back lights) A lot of them have NO back lights especially motocycles and even big trucks with little back lights . Maybe too much work too change or not having the money or just lazy ? What is it. It is important to be seen in traffic.

Drinking and taking drugs while driving ?How many?

And then be surprised there are so many accidents ??

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Another piece of advice for drivers should be warnings about Thai traffic police stopping you for driving in the outside lane of a dual carriageway.

I had just overtaken a bus on the inside lane (a rarity in itself) when we were stopped.Despite protestations from my GF we were asked for 200 baht to drive on.

Fortunately we had our dashboard camera switched on.

What's the website called where you can publish videos????

Agreed - a large part of the problem on the roads can be directly attributable to the Thai police. The Pattaya police chief must have sat for a week thinking of a spot for a road block which would cause the most inconvenience to road users. Usually it is Soi Bukao. Last Friday evening it was Pattaya Tai.

Seeing the police out after dark was enough to induce heart attacks; stopping everything going into town during rush hour was enough to cause apoplexy. It took one HOUR to get from Sukhumvit to 2nd Road.

Amazing Thailand - welcome to High Season. Please come back.

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"familiarise yourselves with local driving laws" the UK embassy is advising <deleted> ! , If thais don't follow the laws and we did , there would be even more chaos , as an OP has already said "when in rome",...if we dont drive the same way as thais by cutting inside an exiting vehicle or just giving way to other road users it will cause comlete confusion, .........why do thais drive like they are in a race all the time, especially motorbike taxis that will "cut you up" and 1 min later you pass them, , sitting with their taxi mates drinking m150 , they are rushing to sit down and wait !......mai kowjai ! why , as soon as one has overtaken you the will slow down to make a left turn, forcing you to slow down too ?, thais think weaving in and out of traffic at high speed is an indication of GOOD driving , They drive like they are on a playstation not a real road where REAL accidents can so easily happen , having a driving license makes no difference what so ever as they all pass with wee brown envelopes if they are initially told they have failed; ANSWER= Train all police to drive to a high standard and double traffic police to enforce the law of the road NIGHT and day

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I live and work in china, and also drive a car here.

Believe me Thai drivers are the best in the world if you were to compare them to the Chinese !!!

Indeed. And India, Philippines, Moscow, Romania, etc.

British tourists have the habit of throwing caution to the wind when holidaying. Like renting motor bikes and scooters when they've not ridden one in years (or even ever), riding without crash hats or any protective clothing, and rdiing them whilst intoxicated. Especially when holidaying in hot countries. Same habit displayed in Spain and Greece. Seen many accidents and holidays ruined. The international licence is a joke. Go the post office with your DL, proof of address, pay fee and there you are. Really makes a difference!

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During his recent visit to Thailand, the UK Foreign Secretary Mr William Hague raised road safety with his counterpart , Thai Foreign Minister Dr Surapong Tovichakchaikul. The UK stands ready to share its experience in achieving one of the best road safety records in the world, and would be happy to support Thailand in this area.

Excuse me Mr UK Foreign Secretary but Thailand does not need any help from any foreign country for any situation. I.E. the USA sending a fleet to assist during last years floods that killed 900+ Thai citizens. They were told to go away, we don't need you.

You may even hear the statement "The UK is not our father".

LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!! Worst post I've read on TV in a long time. FWIW, offering help in a flood makes a lot more sense since it takes a lot of technical expertise and equipment.. As opposed to say... common sense of road safety.. Super aggravating that you think your post was clever. I normally don't take the time, but god was this post terrible.

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50mg of alcohol per 100ml blood........

This one would make a hell of a cocktail!

No wonder there are so many accidents

Don't understand your reasoning as this is just over half that allowable in England or 1 pint of beer or less!!!


Sorry SICHONSTEVE, laughing hopefully not at you but with you, when you realize that 50 mg alcohol per 100 ml blood would actually mean that your alcohol level would be 50%!!!

"A bit" more than the 0,5 it should be and the 0,8 of the UK biggrin.png

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Theres no drivers liense in Thailand... As all of us know we back at home learn for a book about signs and speeded limits and a good general way to drive. We then take that knowledge and write a test and if we pass we get a beginners permit.. Then we practice for howevre long and then take another testr with a driving instructor who decides if we would be a good driver or not...lol.. {thais making money off this one i feel}. As for police their a joke i agree... But untill the goverment start to change the laws on driving and safety this will not change....

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hahahaha, maybe if the thai drivers actually knew the road rules or had a license it might be better. Considering most thai drivers only care about themselves and what they want to do, trying to drive by the rules here is almost impossible. Double lines on a blind corner mean go fast when you cross over them, the cars coming the other way will go off the road for you, what a joke. I have to admit though, I am getting used to it but it would be nice if they understood they need to stop at red lights.

What rules would that be? To have a good chance of avoiding accidents driving in Thailand, you need to drive defensively all the time and use a lot of common sense. There are around 13000 Thais dying on Thai roads every year probably mostly through drink driving and a severe lack of common sense, which we all know Thais are not known for.

I wonder where the number comes from: 13.000 the death toll in one year??? The last official statistics I saw from the Thai police was from either 2005 or 2006 mentioning 18.000 deaths, those who die in the hospitals are not included, plus a figure of about 10%, or another 2000 deaths, where the case was settled privately (cash).

With the rise in traffic, and no progress in the driving or safety education, I do not see a reason why the death toll should be down 7000 already. Please send me the source of those numbers.

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