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Bank With Solid Balance-Sheet

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Of all the Thai-Banks, what would be the one with the "soundest" balance-sheet? Or in other words, where would you park your money in Thailand when the global banking system should be challanged again (like in 2008)?

Not asking about service, number of branches or easy credit etc,

Just: What Thai-Bank has the "thickest layer of fat" financially, to navigate through some "difficult-times"?

Thanks & cheers.

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I am not worried about the "thickest layer of fat" I just make sure that the most I deposit in any of the banks here is 999.999 THB as this is guaranteed by the government. (Maybe I am wrong about the number, and then members will set me straight)

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I am not worried about the "thickest layer of fat" I just make sure that the most I deposit in any of the banks here is 999.999 THB as this is guaranteed by the government. (Maybe I am wrong about the number, and then members will set me straight)

According to this article it is still at 50 million baht per account...they talked about changes but never did it.


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You are looking at the wrong date concerning Thai banks that are vunerable. Look back to the Thailand bank crash of 1996, not 2008. That will tell you the banks to avoid if you don't trust banks, but trust your mattress less to stash money in. Then look now to the banks the government dumped all those non-performing loans into, and think about how vulnerable they are now.

Most regular Thais use Kasikorn bank for that reason. They were not involved in all those banking scandals.

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