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What Have I Got Going For Me That Might Be Attractive To A Thai Woman?


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im young, very fit, and good looking, tell me i love myself i dont care.

im faithful, honest, dont smoke and drink very little.

i respect woman, i respect the thai culture,

oh yes i have many tattoos and my accountant wife hates them but see's through them,

You missed off a sense of modesty.

And high level of education.

Edited by TommoPhysicist
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1. Thai women really dislike men who smoke. This can be a deal-breaker.

2. Thai women dislike men who drink too much. Social drinking is okay, though.

3. With good Thai women, tattoos are a huge turn off.

4. A slight paunch is okay (we're all human, right?). But obesity is disgusting.

5. Age is much less relevant than many farangs think.

6. Baldness is a complete non-issue.

From my experience

1] They'd prefer if i hadn't smoke, but it wasn't a deal breaker obviously

2] I was drinking enormous amount of beer at the time i met them both,

they have an issue if i'm too drunk while sexing tho, since i dont c_m

3] Yes, i was in fact interrogated by the hiso chinese chick if i had any.

4] They complain over my paunch every now and then, i'm not obese tho

5] They draw the limit at age 50

6] Apparently, well not exactly, at least one thought i looked better at age 23

Just have a load of money it negate all other things, if your willing to pay. You will have a quality woman until your money runs out.

1)Smoking, never heard anyone complain about it as i don't smoke but kissing a smoker if you are a non smoker is like licking clean an ashtray. Not fun at all, i had a smoking gf once she always had to take chewing gum before kisses.

2) drinking, non drinking might be a problem too as its not considered social. But too much drinking is of course never good.

3) I can imagine its a turnoff for some. I don't like them much but not everyone thinks the same

4) I have had a slight paunch at the start of this year, i can say girls don't like it they like flat muscular bellies a lot more. Got definite different reactions from the same girls as before. Some saying that if i had looked like this before they would have gone with me (no lie here there are definitely independent woman who go for looks). Its not only your belly that is fat its your face too, i notice it on myself face is much better now.

5) Age is relevant, just look at Thais usually they date in the same age group. There are exceptions of course but not as much normally. If you look at the farang / Thai age gaps and Thai on Thai age gaps its different. Money negates this problem usually. Not to say there are no Thai / Thai age gaps but definitely less as Farang / Thai.. kinda says it right away.

6) Baldness.. thank god no problems there or any experiences with girls about it though i like it shaved at certain places biggrin.png

But like i said money negates most of these problems. if you are ok with that you wont have a problem.

Just look at it from an other angle all these things are more or less describing undesirable traits in men. The so called looser older balding fat drinking guys with tattoos. How many do you see of those in countries where there is not a big income gap with young sexy woman.

If the answer is almost none, its not because of cultural differences because in other countries with Caucasian woman where there is a high income difference you will see the same.

So just have stack of cash ready, or just be desirable. Both will work the same.

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BigJohnnyBKK definitely gets points for his consistent originality on Thai Visa. smile.png

You could stop that sentence at consistent !

Never come across a more prolific poster on just about any and every subject ..........amazing patience and stamina, (no offence intended).

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Speaking only for myself, and ignoring my past more purely P2P patterns - I don't offer them much in the way of short-term financial compensation these days:

I offer an education that they would never ever be able to afford, isn't in fact offered at any schools I know of (other than the intensive English tutoring), and many hundreds of hours genuinely helping them achieve their goals in striving for a better future for themselves and some security for their parents' old age.

I also help them avoid getting involved in the explicit sex industry, which is usually the only path they and their families see in order to achieve those goals.

I'm very patient and gentle, keep any promises made and am always 100% respectful of their rights to make their own choices about their lives both day-to-day and long-term, and encourage them to increase their confidence to do so vis-୶is their parents' wishes.

Lots more but that's the main bits.

Oh yes, don't smoke, drink or lie, try to even avoid the little "harmless" ones like you don't look fat in that outfit.

simply disgusting

I agree, this guy reaps of disgusting. He just sounds like a dirty old man grooming girls, by offering them what he calls 'a better education' or whatever just so he can take advantage of them for his own dirty needs. Truly sick.

Edited by End
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Speaking only for myself, and ignoring my past more purely P2P patterns - I don't offer them much in the way of short-term financial compensation these days:

I offer an education that they would never ever be able to afford, isn't in fact offered at any schools I know of (other than the intensive English tutoring), and many hundreds of hours genuinely helping them achieve their goals in striving for a better future for themselves and some security for their parents' old age.

I also help them avoid getting involved in the explicit sex industry, which is usually the only path they and their families see in order to achieve those goals.

I'm very patient and gentle, keep any promises made and am always 100% respectful of their rights to make their own choices about their lives both day-to-day and long-term, and encourage them to increase their confidence to do so vis-୶is their parents' wishes.

Lots more but that's the main bits.

Oh yes, don't smoke, drink or lie, try to even avoid the little "harmless" ones like you don't look fat in that outfit.

simply disgusting

I agree, this guy reaps of disgusting. He just sounds like a dirty old man grooming girls, by offering them what he calls 'a better education' or whatever just so he can take advantage of them for his own dirty needs. Truly sick.

Just for future reference what is the difference between a dirty need and a clean need?

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I agree, this guy reaps of disgusting. He just sounds like a dirty old man grooming girls, by offering them what he calls 'a better education' or whatever just so he can take advantage of them for his own dirty needs. Truly sick.

First, I accept the term "girls," but let's be clear. These aren't children. These are young women.

What would you prefer? Just lay down a thousand baht and have them in a bar but not contribute to their knowledge and world views? Better?

What else would you prefer? Would you rather see the Western girlfriend experience where the girl wears round heels for a guy who could buy her a fancy car, move her into a fancy house, and buy her diamonds?

Where do you draw the line? What if a classy Western woman puts the make on me in a bar, asking me to dance and buying me a drink?


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I agree, this guy reaps of disgusting. He just sounds like a dirty old man grooming girls, by offering them what he calls 'a better education' or whatever just so he can take advantage of them for his own dirty needs. Truly sick.

First, I accept the term "girls," but let's be clear. These aren't children. These are young women.

What would you prefer? Just lay down a thousand baht and have them in a bar but not contribute to their knowledge and world views? Better?

What else would you prefer? Would you rather see the Western girlfriend experience where the girl wears round heels for a guy who could buy her a fancy car, move her into a fancy house, and buy her diamonds?

Where do you draw the line? What if a classy Western woman puts the make on me in a bar, asking me to dance and buying me a drink?


You missed my point. The guy says he doesn't pay them anything. If you want to pay for sex, that is fine because both parties are aware of the situation and there can be no hidden agendas to the situation. But pretending to help them so he can have them for free...well, that is taking just like advantage and manipulation.

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You really do seem to have misguidedly convinced yourself that you're some kind of elderly lothario,haven't you?I laugh when I see guys like you that couldn't get a second look back at home but think they're Brad Pitt once they land in Thailand,it really is pathetic!

No fool like an old fool!rolleyes.gif

You don't get it. There's an old saying "It ain't bragging if you can do it." Not saying that the person you're talking to is bragging, but that is why older guys are in LOS and it does work. There are pretty gals in rural areas who simply don't know anything, and some time with a farang who takes an interest in them can change their whole perspective.

Does he get sex? I don't know but probably. Does she like him? Probably, because he's nice to her. Does she come away with a better life in front of her for knowing so much more about how things really work? I certainly believe so. Is it charity? No. Is it a transaction? Maybe. Probably in a way. Is it "win win?" I think so. Is it hurting you any? No.

no it's not hurting me but to post he's teaching them the rules in exchange for sex is hypacritical?? Considering he also states that he's trying to educate them and steer them clear of the sex industry???
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What Have I Got Going For Me That Might Be Attractive To A Thai Woman?

Be interesting and original.

All women are attracted by the mystique of originality.

Judging from the limitations of your postings here which seem to be limited to how you can get some flap, I'd say you're going to struggle badly...

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It must be my wonderful personality then cos I drink and smoke like a trooper! smile.png


I mean, yours and not hers.

Don't kid yourself. You'll get a pension; she probably won't.

When your parents die (and I really apologize if this is a sensitive issue), you'll get a share of the assets.

If you were God's gift with a "wonderful personality", you wouldn't be on this forum. You'd already be married to a good girl in your own country.

Good luck to you. But drop the self-denial. We've all heard it way too many times before.

Well....my parents haven't a huge sum of money....nor do I....my pension in UK terms might be OK...wait and see on that.

In any case my gf has a good job and excellent prospects herself.

Its not always about money I'm sorry to have to tell you.

Regards marrying a girl in the UK....I've seen too many divorces where the man ends up living in a bedsit while the wife takes the kids...house.. and moves in the new bf to boot. No thanks.

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From my experience with my good wife (teacher)

Need to shower twice a day

Dress well

Shave + no body hair

no tats

not old

not bald


Have a good job

Does not waste money gamble etc

no smoking/drinking

no talking with other girls

im not bald, but i would not really want a woman who would leave a man because his hair fell out.

that is as shallow a thing as i have ever seen, enjoy.

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From my experience with my good wife (teacher)

Need to shower twice a day

Dress well

Shave + no body hair

no tats

not old

not bald


Have a good job

Does not waste money gamble etc

no smoking/drinking

no talking with other girls

...do you come from Stepford...?

This sort of thread makes me chuckle a bit.

I have tats, am somtimes overweight and out of shape, I drink and smoke, perve at other women and am scruffy.

My missus knew this when she married me and frankly wouldn't expect anything more from a real man.

Anyone who has to bend over backwards and be something they're not (and then post about their asssumed "perfection" on an internet forum) to get/keep a woman obviously has serious personality/social defects.

Edited by HeavyDrinker
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From my experience with my good wife (teacher)


not bald


im not bald, but i would not really want a woman who would leave a man because his hair fell out.

that is as shallow a thing as i have ever seen, enjoy.

No, the 'not bald' is completely in order, I wouldn't want a bald wife/gf either.

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You really do seem to have misguidedly convinced yourself that you're some kind of elderly lothario,haven't you?I laugh when I see guys like you that couldn't get a second look back at home but think they're Brad Pitt once they land in Thailand,it really is pathetic!

No fool like an old fool!rolleyes.gif

You don't get it. There's an old saying "It ain't bragging if you can do it." Not saying that the person you're talking to is bragging, but that is why older guys are in LOS and it does work. There are pretty gals in rural areas who simply don't know anything, and some time with a farang who takes an interest in them can change their whole perspective.

Does he get sex? I don't know but probably. Does she like him? Probably, because he's nice to her. Does she come away with a better life in front of her for knowing so much more about how things really work? I certainly believe so. Is it charity? No. Is it a transaction? Maybe. Probably in a way. Is it "win win?" I think so. Is it hurting you any? No.

Ehh... This guy has kind of an "school" in which he offers education for sex. Not your average sexpat.

Giving courses to improve other people´s life and have sex with them in return. What kind of an ill concept is that?

If this guy ever ends up in a Thai prison he has well deserved it.

Precisely,what sort of an idiot asks if it's hurting me?It hurts the reputation of each and every farang living in Thailand,probably the main reason why this forum hasn't been shut down years ago!

Want to know how farang in Thailand think and see their characters?Just show them Thaivisa.com!

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You really do seem to have misguidedly convinced yourself that you're some kind of elderly lothario,haven't you?I laugh when I see guys like you that couldn't get a second look back at home but think they're Brad Pitt once they land in Thailand,it really is pathetic!

No fool like an old fool!rolleyes.gif

You don't get it. There's an old saying "It ain't bragging if you can do it." Not saying that the person you're talking to is bragging, but that is why older guys are in LOS and it does work. There are pretty gals in rural areas who simply don't know anything, and some time with a farang who takes an interest in them can change their whole perspective.

Does he get sex? I don't know but probably. Does she like him? Probably, because he's nice to her. Does she come away with a better life in front of her for knowing so much more about how things really work? I certainly believe so. Is it charity? No. Is it a transaction? Maybe. Probably in a way. Is it "win win?" I think so. Is it hurting you any? No.

You really do seem to have misguidedly convinced yourself that you're some kind of elderly lothario,haven't you?I laugh when I see guys like you that couldn't get a second look back at home but think they're Brad Pitt once they land in Thailand,it really is pathetic!

No fool like an old fool!rolleyes.gif

You don't get it. There's an old saying "It ain't bragging if you can do it." Not saying that the person you're talking to is bragging, but that is why older guys are in LOS and it does work. There are pretty gals in rural areas who simply don't know anything, and some time with a farang who takes an interest in them can change their whole perspective.

Does he get sex? I don't know but probably. Does she like him? Probably, because he's nice to her. Does she come away with a better life in front of her for knowing so much more about how things really work? I certainly believe so. Is it charity? No. Is it a transaction? Maybe. Probably in a way. Is it "win win?" I think so. Is it hurting you any? No.

Yes , it would be harder for ME to take advantage of them.

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It must be my wonderful personality then cos I drink and smoke like a trooper! smile.png


I mean, yours and not hers.

Don't kid yourself. You'll get a pension; she probably won't.

When your parents die (and I really apologize if this is a sensitive issue), you'll get a share of the assets.

If you were God's gift with a "wonderful personality", you wouldn't be on this forum. You'd already be married to a good girl in your own country.

Good luck to you. But drop the self-denial. We've all heard it way too many times before.

Well....my parents haven't a huge sum of money....nor do I....my pension in UK terms might be OK...wait and see on that.

In any case my gf has a good job and excellent prospects herself.

Its not always about money I'm sorry to have to tell you.

Regards marrying a girl in the UK....I've seen too many divorces where the man ends up living in a bedsit while the wife takes the kids...house.. and moves in the new bf to boot. No thanks.

For all we know your concept of the above could well be the nightshift at Soi Cowboy and an application form for Mamasan when the current one leaves!whistling.gif

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Let me put it plain and simple for you as you seem utterly deluded over this,do you think these girls get any pleasure in being forced to sleep with a slobbering,dirty old man just to try and get an extra step on the ladder of life,by learning rudimentary English?

If you're so concerned about their well-being why don't you subsidise them and pay for them to go to school,without making them have sex with you?

Answer = You are just a dirty old man,who blackmails those less fortunate into sleeping with you!Which part of this are you NOT understanding?rolleyes.gif

I guess he justifies his actions by reasoning that a young nubile enduring the sheer disgust of a decrepit and corpulent old misfit's sexual administrations can endure the same from the 99.9% men she'll encounter above him in the desirability stakes.

Edited by HardenedSoul
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From my experience with my good wife (teacher)

Need to shower twice a day

Dress well

Shave + no body hair

no tats

not old

not bald


Have a good job

Does not waste money gamble etc

no smoking/drinking

no talking with other girls

Gosh, seems l must end it all now sad.png . My final wish is can l have a Bigmac. thumbsup.gif
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