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Obama's Visit To Wat Pho Bangkok: Temple Tour Marked By Humour, Respect, Interest In Buddhism


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Temple tour marked by humour, respect, interest in Buddhism

Pakamard Jaichalard ,

Panranee Kamonrat

The Nation


Photo : Thanis Sudto

BANGKOK: -- US President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton were taken by the beauty of Wat Pho, the first place both visited shortly after their arrival to Thailand yesterday, according to Wat Pho assistant abbot Phra Sutheethammanuwat.

The monk led Obama and Clinton to tour the temple and see Viharn, Chedi, the huge Reclining Buddha but not the renowned Hermit Exercise, the art of body contorting for good health, as it was not in their itinerary.

The monk praised Obama for his great human relations as the President had opted for the Thai traditional greeting of a wai and not a handshake.

He said Obama complimented that the temple was very clean and the monk responded that he was the first US President to visit the temple.

Clinton asked the monk why there was a Reclining Buddha statue and she was told that it was a symbol of peace and success. The monk then told Obama that if the US allowed him to be re-elected for a third term, he would win the election because he has paid homage to the reclining Buddha. Obama said he did not want to be re-elected for a third term as he wanted to raise his children and pointed to Mrs Clinton and said she would be the next president. All burst out in laughter.

Obama instructed US officials to find souvenirs from the temple as he wanted to give some to his daughters. The temple also gave him books about the temple as souvenirs.

The monk said he told Obama that he was born in the same year as the president, who responded "then you are a friend". The monk also asked if it was true that Obama had visited the temple once when he was young.

Obama said it was just a rumour but noted that he was interested in Buddhism and asked the assistant abbot why he had ordained to be a monk. The monk told Obama it was not compulsory but in those days rural children did not have a lot of opportunity to get an education and the only chance was to study while being a monk.

After that both were introduced to the 96-year-old abbot of the temple, Phra Thammapanya-bodi. Obama smiled when he was told that he would live longer than 100 years because he had a chance to wai a senior man with extra longevity like the abbot. The US president smiled even broader when the assistant abbot told him that he was like Bodhisattva as he was not just President of the US but the whole world.

Mrs Clinton said she would return with her husband Bill to show him the temple.


-- The Nation 2012-11-19


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if the US allowed him to be re-elected for a third term

I think that may need a little bit more than intervention from Buddha. Aren't presidents allowed 2 terms maximum?biggrin.png Nice Buddhist take on it though.

Yes of course but Obama is too cool to get all pedantic about it to a man of the robe.
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if the US allowed him to be re-elected for a third term

I think that may need a little bit more than intervention from Buddha. Aren't presidents allowed 2 terms maximum?biggrin.png Nice Buddhist take on it though.

Yes of course but Obama is too cool to get all pedantic about it to a man of the robe.

I think it was a nice Buddhist jocular statement. I.e. Sometimes, Buddha can deliver the impossible.

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Just a word of caution for those on TVF who are suffering from MSOMOS. Please be careful as this could be a big issue the next time your gf/wife wants to jump into the sack. Oh almost forgot. MSOMOS stands for Multiple Spontanenous Obama Messianic Orgasams Syndrome. Just trying to help guys.

Edited by Pimay1
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Now the right wing will accuse him of being a Buddhist.

No they won't. Everyone likes Chinese food.

You're saying we don't need a fundraiser for a lying Buddha temple in Washington? sad.png

Edited by Payboy
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if the US allowed him to be re-elected for a third term

I think that may need a little bit more than intervention from Buddha. Aren't presidents allowed 2 terms maximum?biggrin.png Nice Buddhist take on it though.

I think the limit is 10 years or less....and/or... can only be elected for 2 terms.

Someone can serve less than 10 years (more than 2 terms) if he/she is a vice president (for example) and takes over as president if the current president dies or retires....and then can serve 2 terms following (if elected obviously).

I may be wrong but I think this is the case...any Americans feel free to correct me.

In any case....you are correct with Obama as he cannot run for a third term.

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While one president, Franklin Roosevelt did preside for ten years (elected three times), the constitution was amended after Franklin's death (in 1945) limiting all future president to two elections. He is able to serve a maximum of two years to which someone else was elected (i.e., succeeding an elected president because of death, impeachment or impairment). This is amendment 22 of the constitution passed in 1947. If Obomber was to declare national martial law and suspended elections, he could continue as president beyond the two 4 year terms as he would still have been elected twice. In this way, he could reign indefinitely.

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if the US allowed him to be re-elected for a third term

I think that may need a little bit more than intervention from Buddha. Aren't presidents allowed 2 terms maximum?biggrin.png Nice Buddhist take on it though.

Yes, two terms, changed after FDR's time, who had four terms.

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Mrs Clinton said she would return with her husband Bill to show him the temple.

I'm guessing Bill would rather come to Bangkok unaccompanied. rolleyes.gif

Bill has been here before...now it was Hillary's turn. But I reckon they

didn't visit the same "sights".

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Mrs Clinton said she would return with her husband Bill to show him the temple.

I'm guessing Bill would rather come to Bangkok unaccompanied. rolleyes.gif

Bill has been here before...now it was Hillary's turn. But I reckon they

didn't visit the same "sights".

Somewhere during his term in office, Bill was honoured with his very own namesake Bangkok landmark - Clinton Plaza. :rolleyes:

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