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Is Doi Saket Becoming The Chiang Mai "hamptons" ?


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beautiful as the area around Doi Saket is - it is without any industry and seems cleaner than most other parts of Chiang Mai - less crowded than Mae Rim or Hang Dong - notably the absence of gated "housing estates" - mostly agricultural farmland and fruit orchards.

Little resorts and beautiful houses seem to be going up everywhere on large plots of land. Most of them being - built by -or have foreigners involved. Many seem to be in the 5 - 20 million baht range.

Land prices have more or less doubled or tripled in some areas over the last 5-6 years.

Certainly all these beautiful places add value to the area - where are all these "rich" people coming from?

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I don't think that there is anything special about Doi Saket...flat land,many moobans and traffic as well.One can find some nice houses there,but this is true with other areas too...I think the best future is in Mae Rim area where closeness to the mountains and all the military land will keep the high population down ...traffic is never to bad,except for going by Mae Rim town itself in rush hours...IMO smile.png

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That's interesting. I didn't realise there had been a change in demographics. Years ago Doi Saket was the last refuge to get the cheapest house possible, and it really had that reputation. I guess as the city expands...

Stunning properties going up in Luang Nua, Tao Garden and near the Dam area - and not just "square boxes" the ones you find in housing estates - beautiful "Thai style" buildings some in the 400 - 500 sm2 building size range.

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I don't think that there is anything special about Doi Saket...flat land,many moobans and traffic as well.One can find some nice houses there,but this is true with other areas too...I think the best future is in Mae Rim area where closeness to the mountains and all the military land will keep the high population down ...traffic is never to bad,except for going by Mae Rim town itself in rush hours...IMO smile.png

I have looked at Mae Rim - traffic is terrible - and compared to the Doi Saket Dam area and Luang Nua / Tao Garden area Mae Rim rather feels overbuilt lined with businesses, billboards , signs "townhouses" and rubbish everywhere.

The mountains in Doi Saket are very nice too - with the very interesting Royal Project and further on the Mae On area with it's rapidly expanding tourist industry - resorts - homestays.

Whatever one prefers - all the new beautiful building projects going on around the dam in Doi Saket seem to make the area desirable and attracting people with lots of money judging by the size / style of the houses being built there.

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Has the OP got property to sell in Doi Saket area? laugh.png

no sorry - no property for sell - was lucky bought there a few years ago - and live there happily ever after!

Was just wondering why the sudden influx over the last few years - just recently another 3 stunning houses with 'Farangs" involved have been finished - all in the 10 million baht range or more.

Was able to visit some incredible estates - hidden from outside view one would not even know they are there as google earth is not up to date - behind several years.

I have seen houses there built to a standard which I thought did not exsist in Thailand. And I am not talking the standard which so called "Luxurious Moo Baans" try to sell to you for 5-6 million - all the same square boxes with different fittings - talking about places where the garden costs probably a few million.

Edited by Cnxforever
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Has the OP got property to sell in Doi Saket area? laugh.png

Was just wondering why the sudden influx over the last few years - just recently another 3 stunning houses with 'Farangs" involved have been finished - all in the 10 million baht range or more.

People are building out there, because it's not overdeveloped, & want to escape the city. Don't worry, the city will come to them, just like the rest of the valley, in a few years. We're SE of the city, in the countryside, & can see the relentless spread of housing projects towards us, concreting over the rice fields.

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As Hang Dong, Mae Rim and Mae Hia are getting more crowded, the city develops in new directions.

The most intense and rapid development seems to be along the new Sankampaeng Road, from Big C/Promenada out towards Mae On, but Doi Saket may be second(?) - like San Sai is and Mae Jo, it still has a few nice spots left... for a few more years...

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I'd suggest that, while scenic, Doi Saket is a long way from any international-school, and therefore less-attractive to those of us with families ?

Also a long way from any real hospital.

Not to mention a long way from a decent Internet connection.

I stayed there for a while, my mrs. called it "Ban Mia Farang" ..... which is apparently not a nice term.

Oh yeh, and I hated it there, too far from town, too many abandoned houses in the moo baans.

Edited by TommoPhysicist
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I'd suggest that, while scenic, Doi Saket is a long way from any international-school, and therefore less-attractive to those of us with families ?

Also a long way from any real hospital.

Not to mention a long way from a decent Internet connection.

I stayed there for a while, my mrs. called it "Ban Mia Farang" ..... which is apparently not a nice term.

Oh yeh, and I hated it there, too far from town, too many abandoned houses in the moo baans.

Baan Mia Farang might be the nicest characterization but it's a step up from Baan Mia Noi.

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Have to agree that Doi Saket is something special. By now there are quite a lot of farangs living there but nearly all of then are men of keen wit, sophistication, and wealth.

No women is it a gay community?

Whether it's a gay community or not is, as they say, "up to you". As in most places in Thailand, the farangs are overwhelmingly male.

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