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My Tongue Is Ill.


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I went to our family doctor last Sunday week as I had been coughing up either whitish or slightly yellow something for a few days. He said the back of my throat was very red and something was dripping down from that area causing the problem. So he gave me amoxilin plus some anti cough tablets. Said dont drink anything cold.

So now the coughing up has nearly stopped however for the last three days I have found spicy foods much to spicy and my mouth feels like I have drunk something much too hot. In addition to the tablets from the doctor my wife gave me some little black 'sweets' some herb she says also stops coughing.

Anyway last night she looked at my tongue and noticed that it was cracked and also the white spots at the back of my tongue. She put Oral-T on both and both are a little better ... I'm going back to the doctor tonight anyway but wondered if there are any informed opinions on the problem.

WARNING ... frightning picture!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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I'm guessing it's Thush, Candida which oral Thrush is technically not an STI. You might want to have a battery of STI tests done, esp HIV if you have (or suspect wife has) been unfaithful.

Id go see a dentist in a hospital for dx but if you want to self medicate, Id recommend Gentian Violet and an antifungal medicine, something that ends in ...zole at the chemist shop.

If you live in Pattaya, go into any dodgy chemist shop and stick your tongue out, theyll take it from there.

Its fungal and can be serious - see a doctor.

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Its fungal and can be serious - see a doctor.

-one that can identify what illness you have and not simply fob Amoxicillin off on you. IF this is Thrush, I seriously doubt Amox is the answer. Hopefully Sheryl will weigh in here.

I have come back to reinforce the HIV test thing. Thrush is a sure sign of weakened immune system. Thrush is often found in people with HIV. So do get checked. Correlation, not causation, not even direct association. Don't freak out, just don't deny - get checked especially if you have been fooling around. Test for all general STIs a great idea if that is the case.

Edited by bangkokburning
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Indeed looks like thrush. This can be a complication of antibiotic therapy. Relatively easy cure with any oral anti-thrush medication that contains Nystatin or Clotrimazole.

Gentian violet is not really recommended as it will leave your mouth severely discoloured..

Also eat some yoghurt with acidophilus bacteria will help.

Alternatively you can also prepare a mouthwash with a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution and use three times a day.

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Thanks FBN ... so I gave the doctor a miss this evening ... traffice was terrible. managed to get some 3% H2O2 so trying that this evening --- diluted 50-50. Will try that now and get something else tomorrow. I think that the initial problem came from a swimming pool I used when we stopped the night at a hotel on the way back from Phang Na and then we had a night in Khao Yai last Friday and I ate something that didn't agree with me ... not too serious but made me feel unwell along with feeling weak and having a headache ... a sh-t couple of weeks really.

Hi Cassie, long time no hear from you ... yes pretty certain it's the Amoxilin ... by the way are you still on the B12 and how is the teaching going?

Mr Bangkok Burning ... I guess that you are well meaning but please don't tar everyone with the same brush ... We have been married a long time ... she isn't 10-15-20-30-40 or even more years younger than me! and even at my years I still don't need that little tablet that you lot seem to live on. Do you know that the vast majority of Thai ladies would never think about being unfaithful. I am certainly very happy with my aging asian babe and wouldn't even consider what you have suggested... well only in my dreamssmile.png

Thanks ........... Guys

Edited by JAS21
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Despite me being the first to assist you - sorry for that. No one is tarring anyone, I did specifically state IF... (!!).

Thailand is surely a place where infidelity is commonplace and was only stating a case in YOUR BEST INTEREST.

You should clearly change your doctor. She missed dx'd you and gave you meds that might excerbate your condition. Three farangs pointed quickly to the condition.


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Despite me being the first to assist you - sorry for that. No one is tarring anyone, I did specifically state IF... (!!).

Thailand is surely a place where infidelity is commonplace and was only stating a case in YOUR BEST INTEREST.

You should clearly change your doctor. She missed dx'd you and gave you meds that might excerbate your condition. Three farangs pointed quickly to the condition.


I've just checked ... I said in the initial post ...

I went to our family doctor last Sunday week as I had been coughing up either whitish or slightly yellow something for a few days. He said the back of my throat was very red and something was dripping down from that area causing the problem. So he gave me amoxilin plus some anti cough tablets. Said dont drink anything cold. .................. Now there was no thrush at that time.

So actually the antibiotics and the anti cough pills (prescribed LAST SUNDAY WEEK) cured the initial problem, unfortunately the antibiotic apparently caused the Thrush ... I wasn't aware until yesterday that it could ... actually the condition is hugely better this morning.

My wifes family doctor, who I have known for a long time is actually pretty good and doesn't prescribe antibiotics unless he thinks it's really necessary. And to be really fair to him when he said that I need an antibiotic I said that I can take amoxilin as it's not something that is contraindicated to what other medication I take.

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" managed to get some 3% H2O2 so trying that this evening --- diluted 50-50."

DO NOT use it. H2O2 will only make it worse. Hydrogen Peroxide will cause more irritation. It is a urban legend peroxide kills germs. It is good for removing blood from clothing and wound sites but it is not effective in killing germs. O2 as an oxidant is aggressive in breaking down blood cells or other organic compounds. It is only one part of a first aid treatment if used correctly.

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Thanks FBN ... so I gave the doctor a miss this evening ... traffice was terrible. managed to get some 3% H2O2 so trying that this evening --- diluted 50-50. Will try that now and get something else tomorrow. I think that the initial problem came from a swimming pool I used when we stopped the night at a hotel on the way back from Phang Na and then we had a night in Khao Yai last Friday and I ate something that didn't agree with me ... not too serious but made me feel unwell along with feeling weak and having a headache ... a sh-t couple of weeks really.

Hi Cassie, long time no hear from you ... yes pretty certain it's the Amoxilin ... by the way are you still on the B12 and how is the teaching going?

Mr Bangkok Burning ... I guess that you are well meaning but please don't tar everyone with the same brush ... We have been married a long time ... she isn't 10-15-20-30-40 or even more years younger than me! and even at my years I still don't need that little tablet that you lot seem to live on. Do you know that the vast majority of Thai ladies would never think about being unfaithful. I am certainly very happy with my aging asian babe and wouldn't even consider what you have suggested... well only in my dreamssmile.png

Thanks ........... Guys

I'm off the B12 injections for now and my kidney is quite stable, thanks for asking. :) Everything is all well on this end! Hope you're doing ok apart from this!

I wish you a speedy recovery!

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